View Full Version : How do u feel about trading and accepting dupes?

Dec 29, 2002, 06:24 AM
I notice a lot of people talkin about how everyone has duped items and how everyone is trading dupes, and accepting dupes. Id really like to know what everyone really thinks about the whole situation. Now everyone knows that all those spread needles are what ruined the DC game. Those 180% hacked to hell I/AA/AAA spread+99, we all had em, i had 4, one for each area. back then it was about the only way u can get any exp since everything died in about 2 hits, if you were lucky. At least with GC PSO, u cant hack weapons, yet, lets hope it stays that way because we all know how much nintendo hates people screwing with there games, am i the only one who rembers the original Game Genie fiasco.

It does seem as if everyone running around with double cannons, PoL's, BKB's, and a host of other popular items. I completely understand the desire for such weapons. They look cool and do a lotta damage. they make ripping through levels a sinch. Now many of us dont dupe and dont even know how to (I still dont get how if u dont have like a game shark or what ever, how the hell you do it) but will you accept such a great item if its offered for a very cheap price? Or what if its for free? I my self will addmit that im only human and id accept such a deal. consider the people whos best weapon is a dragon slayer or those who cant even find a D slayer how can u expect them to pass that up? My best found weapon was a red saber with 50% mech, i didnt make the game and it wasnt even my kill, i saw a red box ran to it and snatched it, i got lucky, other then that my best was a Stag and a soul eater. traded weapons i had a little better luck and got a Demo Commet, buts thats like my best weapon.

The other day early in the morning i was bored and wanted to play since no one was on Ant8 i had no choice but to play on Vega http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif during a game all had left but me and one other player he said he need a mind mate and one more pdrop for gallions shop. i said i can help him out i offered to give it to him and he said hed trade me something nice. for a mind mate and a PDrop i was traded a partisen of lighting+60. now theres no way in hell that a PoL is worth a mind mate and a PDrop unless its duped and hes got about 8 of em in his bank. Later on i traded a star amp for a Lavis Cannon(20%native) now i'm 99.99% sure that thats a dupe since its so damn rare and the %'s but can anyone pass up that offer? At least now Ult is a lot more balanced then in V2. anyone who tried using any V1 weapon on Ult knows exactly what im talkin about.

So id just really like to know what others think about trading items that may be duped or accepting them. Maybe im just a weak willed, easily corrupted person but i think if anyone else was offered the trades that i were they would have taken them. After playing for over 220+ hours and gettin enough Bloody Arts to arm every single army in the world with them i really just wanted a cool weapon or 2. not trying to justify anything just wondering what others think about trading and accepting items that may be duped.

Dec 29, 2002, 09:16 AM
Im semi against duping personally, but Im not one to try and lie about the fact that i have accepted duped items on at least 3 occasions, thus far, after thinking it over everytime ive aquired a duped items, black king bar, heaven pun, monkey king bar, ive always ended up trading them off, normally for something equivalent to what i originally traded for it, not many people would trade a BKB +80 for a red saber with no grinds or %s lol, a few of my other dupes were lost last night in a fsod, bye bye heaven punisher, but in a way im glad it happened, im perfectly comtempt using my red saber. =D

Dec 29, 2002, 11:02 AM
This thread is a beacon for bringing in TeamPhalanx, she should be here any time now trying to burn everyone to a crisp.

My take on this entire topic is that there is no way for us to stop duping. Sega has the ability to, yet they choose not to. No matter how badly you don't want people to do, or what names or threats you call or give them, or how badly you try to annoy them or delete any items you get that you think are duped, you will not stop them. The entire thing is that you're (people like Phalanx) bugging the crap out the dupers and I've heard that they are having a great time now waging war on you. Yes thats right, they have declared war, so to speak. Dupers are making 400-500 dupes a day and giving them out through the servers. Most recently one of the dupers I know of gave out heaven punishers, Partisans of Lightning, Twin Blaze, christmas presents and jack-o-laterns. Yes, duping screws up the economy, but hey, there is no avoiding it. People will dupe, because they like to piss off people online and they want to be "uber" (note: uber actually means other, they shouldn't really use that as a title). They can then have at least one of everything by trading copies of the things they keep, or they can just say "I hve 30 Dbl cnnz, ain't i l33t?!!!11" I agree duping is somewhat stupid, because it does ruin the game, but on the other hand, the people who do it, enjoy the game more. SO are you saying that your happiness of the game (if you are an anti-duper) is more important than theirs? You can't say that, no one can put themself before someone else, so there really is no answer. I don't know how to dupe, and I don't want to, but I know I do have dupes, all I've traded for. I have not gotten anything free, though thats probably because I dont really play online. There's another thing, does it really matter if someone gets duped items and just uses them offline or online in games with only real life friends only? There is no harm in having them then, is there? I guess the bottom line, is that if you really hate dupes and dupers, find a small group of pure legit people and find a dark corner where no one else plays and stick to yourselves and stay legit. Many people have already started to do that. If you don't mind people duping, then just keep doing whatever. Eventually duping will die out because there will be just so many of everything that everyone will have what they need. Maybe, maybe not, I don't know...I just got up and I'm still tired, but this was one long post. I am prepared to see TeamPhalanx come and use her same old responces, so I'll wait for it.

If I forgot anything I'll make another post when I remember it, because I'm sure I did.

Dec 29, 2002, 11:54 AM
Yay! I beat her here: Duping is pointless it ruins the game by taking the enjoyment out of it why bother even going past level 100 when you already have a Double Cannon and those little Red Boxes why even bother picking them up when you have something like that? In short duping ruined DC PSO and GC PSO is heading that way too, do the people who dupe not read ST rules for online play when you log on? Obviously they just don't care.

Dec 29, 2002, 01:12 PM
I usually don't play with anyone I dont know, and when I am online by myself I even password protect my one-player teams.

I wont accept anything that I think is duped. I was given something in PSOv2(or was it v1) DC that I accepted as being a true rare and when ST started to crack down on dupes I was told I couldn't join a game because of it... so it got deleted. (and a few games/days later my character mysteriously got corrupt)

One of the few people I play online with actually joined an open game in progress (Ultimate Seabed Lower Level) and killed one of those moth looking creatures (Mothus maybe?) and found a SW which turned out to be a TWIN BLAZE.

Get this... I have never seen a SPREAD NEEDLE, or even one in action.

Duping ruins the game for the person who is taking the item... Duping never ruins it for the legit players that know how to get around it.

If you can get any RARE that you want at any time what would be the purpose of playing the game... and if everyone who wanted a dupe got a dupe because "IT LOOKS COOL" the rarity wouldn't be there anymore for the people who had the stuff.

It only looks cool if you are one of the few who has it, IMO.

No use of playing the game if you are only out to swing that fancy rare around... because there are many other idiots doing the same thing you are doing.

Hurry... someone go look up "Rare" in the dictionary!

Dec 29, 2002, 01:49 PM
Just for the record, I am not defending dupers, but I am not going to let you guys just run around and rant all this stuff. These weapons aren't rare by PSO standards, YOU call them rare. So if you don't consider them rare, stop saying they are! As anyone would notice, when you find a red box that is a weapon it says "special" so they aren't necessarily rare, but special or different. Maybe not better, because I've found pleanty of nice % vulcans that I'd much rather use than an L&K14 Combat. I think you guys are getting a little too crazy about the duping situation. ST won't corrupt your file if you have dupes, if you stick to offline play there is no way for them to find out, it's just a coinidence. Files get corrupted, items get duped. It's just a game, grow up and get over it. If you can't, then stop playing.

Dec 29, 2002, 02:04 PM
Take this to the cheaters section, this forum is for trading.

Dec 29, 2002, 03:16 PM
On 2002-12-29 10:49, Special_K wrote:

These weapons aren't rare by PSO standards, YOU call them rare.

PSOW calls them rare too.

BTW... I only said what I wouldn't do...
Doesn't mean anything can be done about it in a larger sense.

There will always be people who do things differently. You just have to do what you think is right, and let others have their fun.

Dec 29, 2002, 03:20 PM
On 2002-12-29 11:04, Davion wrote:
Take this to the cheaters section, this forum is for trading.

I mean that. This isn't the place for this.

Dec 29, 2002, 03:23 PM
. . .

What in hell's lavatory is this piece of shit thread doing in here? God fuck I didn't even bother to read all these mile long posts.

Get over it people, sheesh.

Dec 29, 2002, 03:49 PM
This section is for people to trade, not discuss the ethics of trading dupes. Cheaters is more for the ethics portion of this.

Dec 29, 2002, 04:55 PM
My fault i forgot there was even a section for cheaters. i figured since it was trade related id stick it there sorry bout dat.

Dec 30, 2002, 07:08 AM
Just for the benefit of those that actively dupe or knowingly collect dupes:


Pursuant to the terms of the Phantasy Star Online Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Service (the "Subscriber Agreement"), by accessing the online features of Phantasy Star Online ("PSO"), You have agreed to strictly abide by all of the rules of conduct that follow below. (Note that capitalized terms not defined in this document shall have the meanings set forth in the Subscriber Agreement.)

You are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:
Alteration of a PSO character's statistics.
Unauthorized creation of a PSO character.
Alteration of PSO character equipment/item data.
Unauthorized creation of PSO equipment/item data.
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Impersonation of, or misrepresenting your affiliation with, any other person, including without limitation, PSO Customer Support, SEGA, or any employee of SEGA.
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You are also prohibited from:
Creating or distributing (includes rendering distributable) programs and/or data intended to be used for cheating activities to another PSO user or third party.
Taking advantage of any bug discovered in the PSO or PSO Server to gain any advantage, as well as communicating the existence of any such bug, in any form, to another PSO user or third party.
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