View Full Version : Bought Gamecube today... Couple questions...

Sep 17, 2007, 11:47 PM
After doing some reading in multiple forums I have noticed that the Gamecube version of PSO has issues with corrupting memory cards. Now, I just bought a Gamecube today but have yet to buy PSO or any memory cards. Before I do I had a few questions...

1. I will focus my playtime in offline mode. Do the corruptions exist offline or was this a problem only associated with online play?

2. If corruptions do exist in offline mode then would you suggest buying multiple memory cards to back up saved games as I am not sure how often it happens?

3. How often do the corruptions happen and is it such a problem as to make the decision not to buy PSO on the Gamecube?

Sep 17, 2007, 11:55 PM
1.) It still happens offline, but not too often.
2.) If you want to. Personally, I don't.
3.) Get it for the GCN. Like I said, corruptions happen, but if you do things right and don't do anything... unsavory, you should be fine. Try not to pipe too much either. If you have an Xbox, get it for that if you want.

Sep 18, 2007, 01:11 AM
1) The only way to actually "corrupt" offline, is if something unexpectedly happens during a save which only occurs twice in the midst of your gaming, one before loading into the game, one after leaving the game. The opening save doesn't really matter too much, what is actually more you should be concerned about would be leaving the game, as that save takes the longest to do. When I say unexpectedly, I mean either something like a power outage, a disk read error, or something along the lines that forces your Gamecube to be forced to shut off.

2) Here is the bad part about this. You CANNOT back up PSO files onto different memory cards I'll repeat that. You CANNOT back up PSO files onto different memory cards. It has been tried in previous times, and it won't work. I can't describe the technicalities for you but the reason is that each memory card has a different "number" associated with it. The PSO file tries to associate with the same number you placed the file on before the corruption. If it doesn't match, the file won't work.

3) Corruption is not a big deal because the chances are not too much offline. As long you play it like any other game and go back to the title screen after you are done and "don't turn off the power during a save", you are good to go.

Sep 18, 2007, 03:01 AM
Thanks guys for the advice. In response to splash on your #2 response... I could of sworn I read through an entire thread on another forum with people saying that they used separate memory cards to back up there games. Now, they did not mention how they where doing this but I was unaware that you could not and that thread is why I had asked if that might be the best solution. Does saving work the same as the it does with the Dreamcast v2 of PSO? For example can you not save during gameplay and keep playing? Does it only save when you exit the game?

Sep 18, 2007, 03:11 AM
My memery cards have never been corrupted , the only thing I can think about is that the memory card can corrupt if you use a non nintendo memorycard like one with more than 251 blocks, my friend had one of those and he had to return it to the store because it keept corupting his games, so by a memmory card with the offical nintendo logo on

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Haze87 on 2007-09-18 03:07 ]</font>

Sep 18, 2007, 04:39 AM
Hmmm, thanks haze87... That is good to know! So a 251 block official Nintendo card should be ok I assume then? This is what I was shooting for.

Sep 18, 2007, 09:51 AM
More than okay. They're reccomended, because they have a tendency to corrupt like, never.

I could of sworn I read...

Don't you mean ' I could have sworn I read... ? It's the only grammatical mistake I won't stand for x]

Sep 18, 2007, 02:57 PM
Not true, I've had "official" Nintendo 251 memory cards and I've corrupted like 3-4 times. Sometimes when nothing happened when the game was saving too. Like I would just turn on the GC after a normal save and find I was corrupted. Another time I was playing a completely different game and had my PSO data corrupt. The only thing I can really tell you is to get PSO+. Since I started using it I haven't had any random corruption on it. I think you can still corrupt if you turn the GC off during a save but that can be avoided most of the time. Welcome to PSO for GC =) my highest character is 146 and sadly I never got the chance to go online before the official servers went down. (I'm a bit suspicious of corruption on private servers).

Sep 18, 2007, 03:39 PM
yeah, get a original nintendo memorycard (either 59 block or 251 block, i haven't had any problems with both of them) and take good care of it! (i always put my memory cards into the PSO dvd-case when it's not used)

and never switch off your gamecube while saving or play during a thunderstorm or hurricane or something like that ;D

if you do like what i've just said, the chance of data corruption is like 1:100000 (or like finding a good rare item ;P)

Sep 18, 2007, 03:45 PM
So I guess that explains why I've corrupted so many times and found so many uber-rares as well http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif LOL.

Sep 18, 2007, 08:12 PM
i have a 1019 block memery card and i havent corrupted one game yet. i lost 3 sest of 4 characters (who all atleast reached level 80 due to the help of my friends mag which coincidently always made it back to him before my people got deleted). The only way i lost my characters was because my 3 yeard old brother and 8 year old sister somehow always found a way to find my memery card and delete everything >_>

Sep 18, 2007, 09:37 PM
Well, I guess I will just shoot for the 251 block card, be careful, and hope it wont happen... It's a shame you can't back up saves on separate cards and thanks toly369 for the welcome!

Sep 19, 2007, 01:25 AM
On 2007-09-18 01:01, xikr0n wrote:
Thanks guys for the advice. In response to splash on your #2 response... I could of sworn I read through an entire thread on another forum with people saying that they used separate memory cards to back up there games. Now, they did not mention how they where doing this but I was unaware that you could not and that thread is why I had asked if that might be the best solution. Does saving work the same as the it does with the Dreamcast v2 of PSO? For example can you not save during gameplay and keep playing? Does it only save when you exit the game?

It has been tried by various people who have been corrupted in the past, and it does not work. Back in the Sonic Team online server days, there were many corruptions. Very few of them were able to recover back what they lost. And that is why various people quit PSO because of this, it would truly suck if you just lost over 2000 hours of playtime, a Lv200 character, and some rares you pour your time into finding them.

The saving is when you exit the game, correct. It also saves when you load it after selecting the character and arriving into the Hunter's Guild.