View Full Version : HUcast help

Sep 18, 2007, 02:55 AM
Im traing my HUcast now and whould like to know what the best mag for him is?, and how to make it ?

Sep 18, 2007, 09:55 AM
Diwari is always useful. Mylla and Youlla is very good for Casts, because they can't cast Shifta or Deband on themselves. It also looks good on my HUcast... As to how to make it, look through the guides. There's a basic explanation, but making the MAG is very time consuming, i.e. you won't get it for a long while x]

Sep 18, 2007, 10:28 AM
Mylla and Youlla is a MUST when you get into Very Hard and Ultimate. You could probably get a Rati as an a mag as well if you wanted to...

Try something like a 5/145/50/0 or 5/135/60/0. I've never really played a HUcast regularly but 60 dex and an arm unit or two should be more than enough to ensure hits on enemies.

It's time consuming but if you want to make the stats a certain way you'll have to invest lots of items meseta and time.

Start off with antidotes until it's first evolution and work from there to keep the stats good.

Sep 18, 2007, 10:43 AM
For me, I maxed out my ATP for MAG to 140, it is wonderful now. If you focus on ATP I think you might get Kama, but I'm not 100% sure.

The Mylla & Youlla Photon Blast is useful, but if you can find the weapon S-RED'S BLADE (on Ultimate), it is more prefered. Instead of having to use a Photon Blast for Shifta/Deband, you can have Lv 3 Shifta/Deband with the Special Attack of S-RED'S BLADE, for free. The Mylla & Youlla Photon Blast might be a bit more higher level of Shifta & Deband, than the S-RED BLADE though.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Fujita on 2007-09-18 08:45 ]</font>

Sep 18, 2007, 10:46 AM
M&Y is around level 20+ if Synchro and IQ are maxed. S-reds give something like a level 3-5 I think.

Sep 18, 2007, 02:40 PM
If you want a lot of S&D from your mag then you can't go wrong with Rati. If you want a lot of invincibility, then Nidra is good since it will make you invincible when you fall below 10% and sometimes when you get a PB. Don't get 60 DEX on your mag; it's a bit overkill once you get higher level. God/Arm or weapons with hit% can make up for ATA. I say go 50 DEX max. I think my power Nidra has something like 145 or 150 POW.

Sep 19, 2007, 03:23 AM
Thanx everyone I will try your suggestions even though its time consumming

Sep 19, 2007, 03:55 AM
Power mag for great justice. Rati is always nice for the S/D. Don't go over board on your ATA. Building cast mags is a pain, worth it though. I wish you all the best with your HUcast!

Sep 29, 2007, 09:35 AM
Diwari is awesome. My HUcast has 5/137/58/0, which is the DEX amount that maxes at Lv200 w/ appropriate equipment. Estlla, Pilla, and Mylla Youlla. It is fabulous, and looks amazing too. MAKE IT

Edit: How to make it. Raise a mag to level 10 with monomates, and lv10 must be with a RA character for Estlla. Raise to is 35 with Antidotes... = Mitra.

Raise to 50 with antiparalysis and an occasional Mate... = Ila (Viridia, Skyly, Pruplenum, Redria, or Yellowboze HU)

Raise Ila to 5/45/50/0 with Dimates/Aniparalysis, and make sure lv100 is with female RA of correct section ID for Diwari (Skly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Scales_of_Air on 2007-09-29 07:46 ]</font>

Sep 29, 2007, 11:25 AM
You want atleast 50 dex. You want a mag that will cast s/d, not invul. You want Mylla&Youlla, and perhaps Estlla (pilla or golla, doesn't matter for last one).

-Sychro on a mag determines how fast your PB will generate (120% max)
-IQ on a mag determines how effective the Photon Blasts will be (whether it be for damage, healing, or support, IQ raises it's effectiveness, 200 IQ max)

http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1016 - Master Mag Gallery