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View Full Version : Laser Cannons FTW

Sep 24, 2007, 09:11 AM
Well, I'm down to one bullet that isn't 30 so I'm going to need something to do pretty soon. I figure now is the perfect time to level some Laser Cannon bullets on account that they will fire pure whoopass in AOI. Any tips? I know that Plains Overlord/VoC are probably the best options, but has anyone found a place where you can easily keep enemies in a line? They tend to fan out so I would only be hitting 2 or 3 per shot at most. Also, any good place for leveling Mayalee Prism? Basically the same problem here, only its made worse by the blowback.

Sep 24, 2007, 09:34 AM
Leveling regular prisms? Grab a Laser Cannoc and head for Valley Of Carnage S/S2 (depending on how high the Vanda feel like tossing their techniques) since the dumb things back off to spell range and just sit there. Given some aiming in first person you should be able to aim and rapid-fire for 3 hits/shot.

Mayalee prism? Hello any mission with worms. Line a couple of those losers up and let 'em have it.

Sep 24, 2007, 10:00 AM
Well, I haven't tried this first hand yet, but elemental lasers are similar to barta/zonde. And I guess an ok spot to level those is the long room map in Sleeping warriors. Use the walls for cover and go for badiras mainly (golmoro may work). But I have no idea just how many targets you can hit at once since I believe the techs are a bit wider than lasers.
As for Mayalee, lol. The time I actually had this PA I just could not motivate myself to level it. It seemed to level slower than regular lasers (don't quote me on that though), and constantly chasing enemies around was a pain in the ass. I'd say try Pannon genocide -story mission 9- perhaps? I forget the enemy levels on C rank, but you might be able to kill them with one shot, which I preferred over chasing everything around.
Hell, might be worth it to level regular lasers here too. Unless you're looking for a method which requires minimal attention that is.

Sep 24, 2007, 02:17 PM
Seabeds S2 with Mizura on a PS2.

One particular map spawns six of them at once! Stand in one spot as they all appear, let them all face you and let them start firing at you. Now, circle all the way around them and push them all in a line so they all fire in a relatively straight line. Now your Laser Cannon will hit all six of them easy and since you're shooting their back, all hits will register!

I say PS2 because I've heard the Mizura have some odd charging move or something on a PC or 360 but they don't on PS2. Or at least, not on mine and not solo. This isn't a good method for leveling up Rising Prism though since confusing those things and then them all burning each other and knocking each other out of alignment isn't good for watching a movie just as it gets good...

As for Mayalee Prism, if you get the right spawn in Seabeds S2, you can get loads of Volfu (eight or more?) and if you have Barada Maga/Freeze G traps to lock them initially in place, you can get all of them in one shot when you pin them against the wall/betwen the wall. Be careful you don't knock some THROUGH the wall though!

But basically, I got both Rising Prism and Mayalee Prism (I know... not the best choices but I like the colour white and green....) to lv. 19 and 16 respectively in three days from using this technique! I think that was eight full runs and I was lucky enough to do this when Mizura were RIFE and had LOADS more HP and spawned in virtually EVERY map you tried it at. Instead of now... Booo...

Sep 24, 2007, 03:00 PM
psobsesser's idea for Pannon Genocide is pretty good... it should work for both bullets actually, since part 1-2 is wall-to-wall sendillians. They don't go flying when you hit them with mayalee.

Sep 24, 2007, 03:14 PM
I think Pannon Genocide is your best bet. If your really bored of running those same stages though I recommend Sleeping Warriors. Large # of enemy spawns + tight corriders = GG . Lots of running back to recharge though, unless you bring PP chargers.

My personal favorite though, Sleeping Warriors over any other mission though really easy lining enemies up.

Sep 24, 2007, 09:11 PM
if you don't feel like pannon genocide, my place to level up anything is linear line, on A they can take a few hits and always spawn in groups of at least 4 or 5, if you fell like doing it on s or s2 like me you also get the chance for decent drops. In the span of 3 days I found a gigush line (board) a few del jagnus, a python. Still haven't found a crea double yet, but Its decent exp too.

Sep 25, 2007, 05:50 AM
<.< Laser Cannons are slow leveling up, but awsome once they are leveled.

As for places to level Mayalee Prism... I'd say any place with corners within walls, like on Parum's outdoor areas. Koltova, Distova, Volfu and Ollaka are good Mayalee wall bait. But, If you want an easy level up, Fight Sendillan in HIVE. Easy easy Mayalee bait sence they don't roll.

Also good candidates for Lasers are Badiras, Navals and Ageetas, they fly far but stunn for a freaking ling time, and sence they hover a bit once knocked back, no worries on those bent off course.

Lasers stink on bosses sadly...

As for any other laser, go to any place with Badira, Naval, or Ageeta. They don't go out of the line soooo... their easy laser bait. just make sure your not too tall.

Sep 25, 2007, 08:07 PM
On PS2, if you wanted real time leveling I would just use either:
Labs with heavy bee map like suggested above: You can push the Bees together in nice clumps since they don't do jack ****. Equip a Stella/Hit to reduce your ATP or Giga/Bullet Save and go nuts. The close PP cube in the lobby is one of the main reasons I like this area compared to others for real time leveling.

Parum Relics: Get the short map and after killing the first mob of Bardia/Golomo just hid behide the walls and just kill the enemies that clumps up together for you.

Or in the end you could just AFK Level them in POS2 like all other range PAs lols...