View Full Version : A homemade router: what to put on it?

Oct 6, 2007, 04:11 PM
I've already assembled the box. The strategy is this:

Internets > DSL Modem > Router B0x > Switch > All those computahs.

I have a CD-ROM drive, several USB plugs and a hard drive at my disposal. I'm looking for a softare/OS that will allow me to do everything I can do with a router and more.

So far, I've only seen two programs coming up again and again: FreeBSD, and a modification of it called m0n0wall.

There is one problem: I know jack shit about routing software, and I'd rather do a single install rather than try every damn thing that's available for hours on end.

Has anybody got any experience with that stuff and has a clear, definite opinion on what to install on it?

EDIT: I forgot a very important criteria I was looking for: I must be able to access the router computer remotely, from elsewhere inside my home network, ideally in a remote desktop environment (a la PCanywhere or UltraVNC)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KodiaX987 on 2007-10-06 14:18 ]</font>

Oct 7, 2007, 04:24 AM
http://distrowatch.com/search.php you can put your criteria ("security" would be one)...

Openwall and Trustix both sound good. If you're set on a BSD clone, how about NetBSD.