View Full Version : Mags are evil.

Dec 30, 2002, 10:08 PM
Please help me. I've calculated which items I'm going to give my mag and when, down to the last monofluid. It took me several hours. Then when I went to feed my Kalki a Moon Atomizer, its mind went up. All the sites I've checked say that mind doesn't go up if you feed a Kalki a M.A. ALL OF MY CALCULATIONS ARE WRONG. Plz help me...I just wanted a good Nidora mag with high mind.

Dec 30, 2002, 10:20 PM
Yup, your calculations were definitely wrong. It's Sol At, not Moon, that doesn't raise MIND.

It's only a Kalki, which means it's still low level mag. And at low level, generally anything raises stats alot. Mercifully, since it's only low level, you still got time to re-adjust. Keep feeding it things until you get desirable stats. Unless you have a accurate list or guide, (and it seems you don't) you'll gonna have to do some trial-and-error.

Dec 30, 2002, 10:20 PM
So you want a Nidora mag with High Mind...
yet you fed your Kalki mag with a Moon Atomizer and mind went up...

So what's the problem? Kalki is like a first evo mag form and you got till lvl 100 for it to change into a rare mag.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brundidge on 2002-12-30 19:21 ]</font>

Dec 31, 2002, 11:46 AM
I need it to evolve into an Ashvinau at level 35 so I can get pilla. This is a problem, since Ashvinau requires high Dex, which I don't want. I don't know any other way to get the pb's I want, so I have to raise its Dex higher than its Mind.

Dec 31, 2002, 11:49 AM
BTW, the guide on this website even says that feeding a Kalki a Moon At won't raise its mind.

Dec 31, 2002, 11:57 AM
That guide was from v2 on the dc I think. A few things have changed. Why wouldn't you want hih dex? I understand that you want a mind mag but look at it this way, for every 2 dex levels you gain an ata! While it may not seem like anything, but for a force it means being able to use guns sooner. Which helps if you are a FOmar, who has very little health or Defense. But once you do don't rely on your guns too much, you want to switch too canes and wands often. So... listen or don't I haven't really had a "successful" Force, I mean one that hasn't died at least a hundred times, so.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:06 PM
So, what should I feed my mag and what stats should it have. Also, what pb's are good and where can I get an updated guide. Plz help me, I spent several days trying to find out what to feed it. At this point I don't really care, I just want something to up my stats. I'm a lvl 14 FOmar. I really need a mag to up my stats so that I can finally get ryuker...

Jan 18, 2004, 10:00 AM
Erm, your level 14 and worrying about your stats, this early on. No offence but im lvl 65 and I only started to care about my mst since last week ,literally, you can always find a spare mag on the mines when you get there, so dont worry about messing up your current mag. I raised an ATP mag to begin with, then I recently levelled a Ila mag with:
This isnt anything much but, its taken my mst to 710 and significantly raised my dex to use a Varista. After your mags third evolution, just use moon atomizers or difluids(dont waste trifluids)and your sailing mate. You should never judge anything by appearance on PSO, its not necessarily the bigger the better, especially mags cause concern on appearance and its just a waste of time, unless thats what you do for a hobby. Wasting time I mean.
I hope this helped, just ignore the typos which always find there way into my clumsy rushed posts. Maybe you should just ask a good force for help on those lobby things or check the salvation army for unwanted mind mags.

Jan 18, 2004, 10:12 AM
Or, you could always find Sophia Seed or princess tb and ask them nicely, they will probably take a request for a custom mag.