View Full Version : Discussion on duping, victimization, and utopian dreams.

Dec 31, 2002, 01:19 AM
Personally, I think people blow this subject way out of proportion. Duping is not the end of PSO, nor does it have to be. What I don't understand is why people allow themselves to be victimized. They see people using dupes and suddenly everything is so screwed up that they force themselves to stop enjoying the game for what it really is. Folks, there's a lot more to this game than just the items. Are you willing to throw eveything away just because of a few bad apples? Is the game really totally destroyed because people make and accept dupes? C'mon, you don't have to play with these people. There are plenty of people out there (like myself) who refuse to cheat even with that option hovering in front of their faces. Personally I've had no problem whatsoever concerning dupers. Why? I look for people who think the same way I do in that matter. I have yet to have ANY version of PSO ruined for me simply because I refuse to be victimized by those who don't actually have the ability to play the game. If you'd rather buckle under the pressure of a so-called ruined game, fine. Go cry in your corner and let the bad guys win. As for me and the others like me, we're going to continue to enjoy this game until there's nobody left to enjoy it.

I've been playing this game for nearly two years over three versions. I'll be damned if I'm going to let something as moronic as duping ruin it now. Particularly since duping has pretty much been a common occurrance in PSO since about a month after it originally came out. Utopian dreams of PSO are nice, but get back into reality and understand that no matter how hard Sega and/or Sonic Team tries, PSO is never going to be perfect. You, as a player, have the ability to make choices in how you play the game. So make those choices for yourself and stop letting what other people do ruin things for you.

There's two kinds of PSO players in this world. There's the victims who can't accept that things aren't a utopia, and there's the resillient ones who can accept that things will never be a utopia. Which one are you?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2002-12-30 22:25 ]</font>

Dec 31, 2002, 01:36 AM
How are you supposed to figure out if something is duped or not?

I personally won't let duping bother me so much that I get driven crazy about everyone I suspect to be a duper. What irritates me is all of the people who complain nonstop, it makes more of a riot and irritation than the dupers themselves

Dec 31, 2002, 09:43 AM
Indeed, I agree with you both. Complaining about dupers is just pointless whining. That could be time spent playing and enjoying PSO. Actually, I'll even be the devil's advocate for a moment here: Some of the dupers are very sociable people, who just like to cheat, for some reason or another. I do not accept handouts, and I play legitimately, but I am not on "God's Mission" to berate dupers. I simply play, and enjoy myself, whether I play in PW locked games with friends and group members (http://www.lpso.cjb.net), or in public games with others.

Plus, I do not see these "countless" dupers, as everyone else seems to. I have only met one during my entire GC PSO experience. One! Meanwhile, I have made several pages full of good gamers whom I search for every time I connect, including a few who are Japanese (and we can only communicate successfully via the PSO word system).

Apparently, some PSO gamers would only be happy if the world were perfect. That's too bad; you're missing out on a great game.

(Oh, and people need to stop insulting SonicTeam. Look, if you are tempted to, they are a team of developers who must continue to make new games and innovations in order to keep their jobs. They are not a team dedicated solely to PSO, they never will be, and if they abandoned all else and tried to be, they would be out of work. You want PSO to be updated non-stop? Go get a degree in programming and fly out to Japan and tell SonicTeam you're their superior replacement. I'm sure they'll find you amusing.)

Dec 31, 2002, 12:52 PM
I couldn't of said better my self. . . My exact thoughts on the subject are in the posts above me.

So yeah.

Jan 2, 2003, 08:48 PM
First, I would like to give a big thank you to the admins who did not delete my file even though I was gone for months and months. You are crecent fresh.

I would also lke to say that I agree that people blow duping way out of proportion. IMHO, I think it used to be much worse out here on the boards.

I also think that people fail to take the idea on a case by case basis. I mean, what if someone loses a rare they actually found? Or what if all they are duping is a Frost saber +3?

Jan 2, 2003, 08:53 PM
On 2003-01-02 17:48, Sune_Walsh wrote:
I also think that people fail to take the idea on a case by case basis. I mean, what if someone loses a rare they actually found? Or what if all they are duping is a Frost saber +3?

IMHO, duping a rare you found for backup is fine. In fact, I wish I knew how to dupe for that very reason. I honestly want to carry more than one rare at a time without worrying a FSOD will hit and I will be left with that many less weapons. You are, however, being quite silly asking if someone would dupe a Frost saber +3, that would be stupid. Finally, the main problem is people aren't duping for backup, they are spreading out their wares and destroying the economy in the process.

Jan 2, 2003, 11:40 PM
The only dupe I have is a mag because I fucking lost my other one in a damn fsod...

Jan 3, 2003, 02:16 AM
That's another thing. Back on the Dreamcast I lost so many items through no fault of my own that I eventually got to the point where I had a friend replace them for me. I don't see a problem with that. I earned those items and I didn't deserve to lose them through bad networking and stupid programming errors. Thankfully I haven't had to do that on this version, and hopefully I won't (considering how much I've found, there's few items I'd be really pissed about if I lost them anyway).

I don't see a huge problem with people who make and accept dupes as long as they're honest about doing it (I know, it sounds like a total oxymoron: honest cheating). I want to trade with people who don't deal in dupes/mods. This doesn't make me better than anyone else, this is just my playing style. As long as others can respect me and the way I play, then cool. It's when people are dishonest about cheating that it annoys me.

It all boils down to one thing: respect me and my wishes and I'll respect you and your wishes. In a perfect PSO everyone could get along like that. It's just a shame that there are those who have no respect for others.

Jan 4, 2003, 03:07 PM
But thats not the problem, duping wouldn't hurt anyone if you kept replacements for rares to yourself, but trading and distributing is the problem. You can ruin the whole economy if duping happens to often. ITs like diablo 2 nowadays on west, the SOJ is worth as much a f'n leather armor.

Jan 4, 2003, 05:37 PM
Hot Damm, what in the hell is everyone bitching about duping so much for? Doesn't everyone see that it could be SOO MUCH worse? I was there since the beginning of PSO on DC, and i watched that get ruined. Any vet from the DC can tell u that the cheating going on on GC pso, IS NOT JACK SHIT compared to all the crap that went on the DC version. I don't cheat. I've managed to stay legit since the beginning, and I plan to keep at it. It makes me laugh seeing as how many people whine about duping, when I've seen how much worse it could, and prolly will get w/ action replay comin out. well theres my two cents, enjoy.

Jan 4, 2003, 05:46 PM
Might i also add, that keeping duped items is easy to prevent. There are two MAIN reasons that people dupe: To back up their items, which is ok in my opinion; and to become more powerful thru cheating. All it takes is for u to look at the item ur receiving. Would some1 consider themself godlike wielding a frost sword+3? i sure as hell hope not. then again, what about a fully grinded double cannon w/ really high percentages? obviously a dupe. the item lists on PSOW are useful for this as well, cuz u can see what the rarer items are. if someone offers to trade you a lavis cannon, or nething as rare as that, for an item that u can find yourself w/ relative ease, ur obviously gettin a dupe. a preschooler can usually prevent themself from getting screwed over in this way, and its no big deal.

Jan 4, 2003, 07:08 PM
Agree with you there, being a pso vet since the first month it is not near as bad as DC became, but still, it started small on DC with dupes, I knew a few people who were duping mats and they taught me how so I duped myself a few mats here and there, and then the GS codes starting coming...