View Full Version : Partner Machinery...

Oct 9, 2007, 03:59 AM
Is it worth it in the long run? I'm currently pouring alot of my funds into making myself a little Lolibot. So I'm wondering if it will be worth it to make one so early in the game (I'm only about level 20)

Oct 9, 2007, 04:24 AM
Well, maybe not so early into the game, but DEFINITELY later on, once you start getting a reliable income going. They make good meatshields if you solo a lot, and it's good to be able to synth your own weapons, especially if you have a "pure" one. I'm not sure what exactly you're going for, but there should be tons of guides around here on how to efficiently make the one that you want.

Personally, I made a pure PM for each of my characters, so I'd have the maximum % synth rates for any item board I would come across. Unfortunately, I remade the character who had my armor PM, so it got deleted... but they have horrible synth rates anyway... at least, once AoI comes out. For now, I'd suggest you save up your money, make the one you want, but hold off on doing any intensive A or S-rank synthing until the rates are improved. You'll want to hoard up your synthing materials first anyway, lol. I was stupid enough to blow about 2 mil recently at the NPC shop on vulcalines and ebons since I was running low on them... >_<;

Oct 9, 2007, 09:24 AM
Definetly worth it the long run with the partner machines. Once you evolve it to it chibi form. Its the best npc you can bring along. Good fighter, decent resta which they do spam, and if you buy the one with the suv upgrade. They use it a decent amount.

Plus synthing wise you do make out better as well. With range and tech you can attempt to make 3 9 star A rank weapons while playershop price for one item would be around the cost to make all three of them. Also armor and melee you get the bonus of getting high weapon precents. Doesn't happen often thou butit is a nice bonus.

Lastly you don't have to worry about putting you friends in awkard situation with s ranks. Where they don't feel guilty if they fail the synth and eliminate the change someone may try to steal the s rank if it succeeds.

Oct 9, 2007, 01:41 PM
I agree with everyone, in that you probably don't need one right now at such a lower level, but once you have plenty of meseta to spare and start finding some truly rare boards you want to synth, a pure PM is the way to go. I don't think I made my first PM until I was way into my 60s, and even though she can't make a weapon to save her life, she does occassionally prove me wrong my spitting out a 44% weapon when I was sure she would fail it (like always).

Just a tip tho, the Armor synth rates are SO low that you might sometimes be better off saving up for better armor instead of pouring your money into buying synthing materials. Ive learned this the had way.

Oct 9, 2007, 01:58 PM
PMs are much, much better in battle than standard NPCs. I love it when my 421 goes berserk on stuff.

To let you know how much Armor PMs suck: they cap out at 70% for all armor, and only....3* or 4* armor can even reach that, I think. Pretty pitiful.

Oct 9, 2007, 02:57 PM
I don't use my armor PM for synthing but she's a great battle buddy. She heals fairly often (free dimate/trimates!) for more than most NPCs, except Maya, and she uses a shotgun/twin handguns, both which Shock. I personally like Shock a lot as a backup SE, and it lands fairly often for her.

Did someone say that armor success rates WORSEN in AoI?

Oct 9, 2007, 06:02 PM
PMs are better than NPCs, they are much more helpful. The least to say, they won't stand idly in some corner during battles, but at the same time. The chances of PMs getting beaten is also high, because they usually charge at the monsters alone, but that depends on which PM you got. Mine is a GH-420, but then again.. This is offline.

Oct 9, 2007, 06:21 PM
I loved having a Range PM to solo with when I leveled my last character. With her light shot, she was the main damage dealer on Hive runs. I just got to sit back, make sure I got my hits in and ran to her when she used resta. Even starting out, the PM are very helpful.

Oct 10, 2007, 12:12 AM
Ooh. Thanks alot, guys. This is all really helpful. It's been slow going, but I will eventually be able to have a lolibot of my very own. I can't wait.