View Full Version : Learn how to freakin drive!

Oct 10, 2007, 03:58 PM
Allright, this really fucking pissed me off today.
SO driving to school with my dad (i only ahve my learners), getting on an off ramp i see my friend behind me. I talk to him about it at school and he was pissed that i drive so damn slow. I was going 30 on a 25 mph ramp. I tellhim that, and he tells me i go to slow. Then people start calling me a "nerd" because i drive the speed LIMIT. Fucking assholes! It is the speed LIMIT, not reccomended speed! Granted, i tend to go past the speed limit, but not like this kid. He was bragging that he hit 93 mph the other day. THen one super-bitch has the nerve to tell me that "You ahve to go 5 milespast the speed limit, everyone knows that", as well as "Going faster is safer than going the speed limit"
First off, Speed limit means once you go past that, you are breaking the law. Then again in Maryland, EVERYONE is breaking the speed limit.
Second, going faster does not equal safer. Sure the guy behind you wont tailgate you, but when the car aheadof you slamson the brakes, guess who is fucking dead?
Than again, if people are this retarded on the road, they deserve to die.

It pisses me off that when i obey the law, im an LOLNERD. I would have been fine if they just called me slow. But bragging about hitting 95 mph........i really hope they get a ticket and/or accident.

Then i can cruise on by going the legal limit of 60 and smile http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Oct 10, 2007, 04:15 PM
A dozen people from my wife's graduating class in highschool died in road accidents the following summer.

Get a mix of bumper stickers, a couple for some cool bands and some offensive ones like "my other ride is your mom". Then you've got showing that stuff off as an excuse for going slow.

Oct 10, 2007, 08:47 PM
No Dikky. It's not just Maryland.

EVERYWHERE. Once you get your actual license, you're free to break every stupid fucking rule in the book. It pisses me off. I failed getting my G2 license (Basically, in Ontario, you get your full license in 3 steps) back in December because I wasn't, "Moving as fast as the traffic." I was going 59 (km/h) in a 60 zone. Everyone else was much faster. It's fucking ridiculous.

Well, I did also hit a curb cause I was freaking out: in all my 3 years driving (Yes, 3 and still on my first level license, I haven't been working hard, and in 2 years I'll have to start all over), I've only hit the curb twice. My friend, who DOES have his G2, hit the curb 3 times in one day. He actually is a bad driver, but he has his license XD

Oct 10, 2007, 09:42 PM
This dumb bitch in my class had the nerve to blame the cop that pulled her over because she got a ticket for going 30 mph over the limit outside the school.

Oct 11, 2007, 10:46 AM
Hard brake will fix him good lolo

Oct 11, 2007, 12:13 PM
On 2007-10-10 18:47, PJ wrote:
No Dikky. It's not just Maryland.

EVERYWHERE. Once you get your actual license, you're free to break every stupid fucking rule in the book. It pisses me off. I failed getting my G2 license (Basically, in Ontario, you get your full license in 3 steps) back in December because I wasn't, "Moving as fast as the traffic." I was going 59 (km/h) in a 60 zone. Everyone else was much faster. It's fucking ridiculous.

In Ontario it's basically not worth a cop's time to pull you over for less than 20 over, everyone knows it, so that's the "real" speed limit.

In Waterloo specifically, the roads are choked with these retard drivers who will go through an intersection as long as the car in front of them is going through. Seriously you'll catch the very start of a yellow and drive through, kinda wondering if you should have seen it coming and stopped... check your rear view. There are FOUR cars following you. There should be a fucking spike strip in front of the crosswalk that pops up the instant the light turns red.

Oct 14, 2007, 02:07 PM
On 2007-10-10 14:15, panzer_unit wrote:
A dozen people from my wife's graduating class in highschool died in road accidents the following summer.

Get a mix of bumper stickers, a couple for some cool bands and some offensive ones like "my other ride is your mom". Then you've got showing that stuff off as an excuse for going slow.


I like that. Do it, DO EET NAO.

Oct 14, 2007, 02:40 PM
My brother has a prowler and does 100+ in it...I really don't see how he can be driving well in the car because going at that speed fucks up the air current and makes it hard to breath. Most people can't drive correctly and there are a few unwritten things that you can challenge cops on. For example going 5 over the speed limit is actually legal due to precedent and mechanical imperfections cops must give you that 5 mile range because it is possible that you may be going 35 technically but your speedometer says 30...which technically means that you have 10 mile range because you could argue that you were only going 5 over according to your speedometer regardless of what their radar says and that would be completely legal.

Also...I forget where but there was one state that refused to put up speed limit signs or define them arguing that if you are stupid enough to drive faster than you can handle then you should get into a car accident or not have your license. There is also another road in germany i believe that has no speed limit and that's the reason why most high performance cars come from there as they need cars that can handle high speeds over a long time.

Oct 14, 2007, 03:44 PM
Yeah, don't quote me on this but I THINK its called the Autobon.

All I know about it from my racer friends is that there is no speed limit. Oddly, not many people actually die there because they usually know what they're doing.

Oct 14, 2007, 04:10 PM
THe Autoban is in Germany. And much to peoples surprise, it might soon ahve a speed limit.
And only reeeeeeeeaaaaaaally good drivers go on it. You can go the seed you feel is safe.

Oct 14, 2007, 04:24 PM
I live in California, but I had the privilege of visiting Pennsylvania recently.

And I don't understand why Californians get a bad rap. At least we SLOW DOWN at stop signs. The stupid fuckers on the east coast neither look nor stop.

Oct 14, 2007, 04:44 PM
The frst time I took my road test, I failed for hesitating too long on a left turn. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Oct 14, 2007, 04:55 PM
On most highways in Canada, the rules are a bit strange, it's "Go the speed limit", which is 100 but also "Go with the flow of traffic", which is usually 120-130, so I generally stick to the passing lane on the far left side when I have to go quick, I can usually go 140 consistently when in that lane.

I generally go 10-15 over the speed limit, but for my license tests (I nabbed my full license in december, took the test during an ice storm, GO ME), believe you me, I stuck to the speed limit like CRAZY GLUE!

What's ironic is that, in my experience, many drivers who stick to the speed limit or slightly under are some of the worst drivers out there, they don't signal, they slow down randomly for absolutely no reason, and they turn at the most inopportune times.

Oct 14, 2007, 04:58 PM
Oh, yeah, Dikky, if they're gonna' be like that, you probly shouldn't give a damn what they think anyway, sound like dumbasses. Heaven forbid you follow the speed limit during your road test, right?

Oct 14, 2007, 05:30 PM
On 2007-10-10 13:58, DikkyRay wrote:
Than again, if people are this retarded on the road, they deserve to die.


Our society needs more natural selection. There's far too many fuckwits running around. We don't have to kill them all, but let's at least let nature do its job and allow these morons to kill themselves.

Oct 15, 2007, 02:56 AM
driving safe is just a phase. you'll get over it dicky. when i started learning to drive, i went piss slow. my sisters drove pretty crazy, so i decided that i would drive as safe as possible. that lasted about six months. after a while you get used to driving and the basics come second nature.

after that you learn there's a difference between safe and slow driving. safe driving is being aware of your surroundings and always having control of the car. it can be perfectly safe to drift the off ramp at seventy miles an hour with your car inches away from the gaurd rail if you practice and have complete control of the car. what's unsafe is when idiots in SUV's and their dad's mustang decide to have a drag race the second day they get their license with all their friends in the car. in terms of driving slow, it can cause problems with other people (usually with high stress) and can cause accidents in and of themselfs. so you don't have to obey the speed limit, but more fit in with the flow of traffic and be aware of what you and the people around you are doing.

like panzer pointed out, everyone drives fast so speed limits are really enforced. also with atomatic braking systems, four wheel drive, GPS, lexuses parking themselves, and automatic transmission, it takes less than half a brain and any idiot can hop into a car push down a pedal and go fast.

i have a 1988 honda civic manual. the car is actually hard to drive. the gear ratios are unforgiving, and absolutely everything is manual. it's a car that teaches you how to drive. because i normally drive in that i can hop in my mom's station wagon and beat people with much faster cars (as long it's not a straight course). in street racing; the poor kids always win, because they start wih slow cars, learn how to manipulate them and then consentrate on affording and researching parts that will aide their driving style. rich kids just get some car their dad buys them and thye don't even know what a "cylinder" is.

street racing alogys may not be so appropriate, basically, be comfortable with how you drive. find a rythme and stick to it, be aware of other, but don't let them throw you off.

Oct 15, 2007, 11:54 AM
On 2007-10-15 00:56, Kion wrote:
the poor kids always win, because they start wih slow cars, learn how to manipulate them and then consentrate on affording and researching parts that will aide their driving style. rich kids just get some car their dad buys them and thye don't even know what a "cylinder" is.

But I'm a rich kid and my dad bought me a slow car D:

Oct 15, 2007, 02:36 PM
lol. i lived in a smaller city in south carolina for a few months and there it was "cool to drive fast"... lol rednecks. GIT 'R DONE! NASCAR!

it really doesnt make any difference how you drive to people when you reach a certain age, especially in the north i think. just drive smart, dont get pissed because people are making fun of you because you drive less aggresively. most of the time as it seems you are in highschool, people will make fun of the people trying to make fun of you because its over a car issue. kids whos favorite movie is "too fast too furious" normally arent the "most popular" or "coolest" kids in school to begin with.

keep your chin up, my boy!

Oct 15, 2007, 04:23 PM
Its not that i drive slow, like i said i myself go 5-10 miles over. Off ramp with a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ally sharp turn. My dad and mom even go to fast on it, and they have to jerk the wheel. Ramp's limit is 20 mph, i go.......30 lol. Always gotta jerk the wheel. A-hole that hit 94 was going 40.
The turn i went slow on, i always hit the curb. (Dunno why, fucking curb), so i cant go fast. DO the math, 40 mph+hitting curb=bad shit.
And im not pissed that im getting made fun of. Im pissed that these people are LOL FASTFASTFASTFASTFAST.
I know a few people who have been seriously hurt by fuckheads like the kids at my school. Just pisses me off that hes bragging that he hit 94. 94 fucking miles per hour. Oh, should i mention that at 17, he also brags that in one hand, he texts people,in the other, plays his i-pod, and drives with his knee?
But no, i just dont know the definition of "bad driver" Limits are limits, and even i break them.
Those assholes arent driving safe, or smart, and i have to share the road with them.

Oct 15, 2007, 04:52 PM
Your friend is a fool. I hope someone seriously slams the brakes when he's doing that. His knee that he's driving with will be jabbing straight into his stomach, his left leg will be underneath the steering wheel, and in between his legs will be his crushed nuts. FOR GREAT JUSTICE!

Oct 15, 2007, 07:05 PM
What's ironic is that, in my experience, many drivers who stick to the speed limit or slightly under are some of the worst drivers out there, they don't signal, they slow down randomly for absolutely no reason, and they turn at the most inopportune times.

We can't help it! We're paranoid!!! I hate driving.

Oct 15, 2007, 09:40 PM
Those who stick to the rules are always afraid of those who don't after all if you can't follow simple rules who know what other rules you might not follow

Oct 16, 2007, 12:22 PM
I've read some articles concerning this, most people, the issue in today's driving in the United States is simply that speeding starts being ignorned as a problem for one simple reason. People in to much of a damn hurry all the friggin time. I swear to god that there are even a number of people I know feel that if they even lose five minutes that they're day has been completely ruined.

I follow the speed limit within the five mph limit that most cities set. I think it's a fairly simple concept, of course when I was in high school I knew alot of people I knew people who would plain avoid all signs, this one guy once drove clear over the grass and the sidewalk to drive into the street >>

What's the general excuse: I'm in a hurry....

Oct 16, 2007, 04:46 PM
i used to change all my clothes(including pants) driving from work to school. it really made for an interesting situation, especially at a light when i have nothing but boxers and socks on. i would just smile and wave, you gotta do what you gotta do to make it to school on time. sigh the good old days.

Oct 16, 2007, 07:06 PM
If someone's pulling up real close and I'm not paying attention to my speed, then I'll be nice and play catch-up.

If I'm going 5 over and they want to tailgate, then they can piss off. Funny thing is, I can out-accelerate a lot of the vroom vroom speeders off the light (the people going 15 over a few seconds ago). Take my V4 civic rage!

Oct 16, 2007, 08:51 PM
People piss me off so much when I'm driving....
Just yesterday these occurrences happened:
I was in the center lane of a 4 lane street, some ass without his turn signal pulls in front of me, then stops from 40 miles an hour to turn into a drive way. I slammed the brakes and came to a stop less than a foot from his bumper.
Then later the same day, when my sister is driving my car, (we carpool since she works in the same area as my campus), some old lady guns the red light turning, and scrapes and disjoints the panels of the passenger side from the door to the hood. Then she has the audacity to say that my sister was the one who gunned the light despite the fact that 2 other people saw what happened. $1500 worth of damage, luckily only cosmetic, and my sister is fine except for a sprained wrist from trying to swerve out of the way.

Datsun 510
Jan 23, 2010, 06:39 AM
Also...I forget where but there was one state that refused to put up speed limit signs or define them arguing that if you are stupid enough to drive faster than you can handle then you should get into a car accident or not have your license. There is also another road in germany i believe that has no speed limit and that's the reason why most high performance cars come from there as they need cars that can handle high speeds over a long time.

I believe that road in Germany is called the Autobahn. Hell, Isuzu delivery trucks break 110 on that road!

Jan 23, 2010, 08:02 AM

um... REALLY? bumping a two year old topic?

Did you not read the fucking RULES?

Jan 23, 2010, 09:14 AM
Theres been a bunch of necro bumps and 2 week bumps recently. Also theres a post EXACTLY like this one like 3 or 4 topics down. Use your eyes people...