View Full Version : PSU-PC/PS2: 1Up-Cup Group

Oct 10, 2007, 08:33 PM
It seems like most of the people I've talked to in game already have teams, so I decided to come here. I'm looking for some people to party with for the event. I'm currently a level 59 Fighgunner (I know, not too appealing), but at the rate I've been leveling, I suspect I'll be at least level 65 by the beginning.

I'm unemployed at the moment, so I usually have a lot of free time, but I don't know what my situation will be in a couple weeks. I'll certainly still be playing pretty much as soon as I get home until I go to bed. I don't expect anyone else to, but basically I'm looking for an active group.

Thanks for reading.

Oct 11, 2007, 02:25 AM
Well, I just got back to PSU last week... I'm lvl 67, Fortecher, would be glad to have a steady group to play the cup with too.

Maybe we can meet up some time. I'm from Germany, so I don't know how our playing time overlaps, but we can give it a try. I'll be online again on Friday or Saturday (I'll post again when I know for sure when I'll be online).

Oct 13, 2007, 10:43 AM
I've come back to PSU this summer too, and I'm trying to get my CAST to LV55 for S ranks. She's at LV5O now, but if you need a member later on, I'm hoping to have her ready for S ranks. I'd love to help since I doubt I'll have a group myself...