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Oct 11, 2007, 10:21 AM
This post will be irrelevant and possibly indecipherable in (less than) one day.

Oct 11, 2007, 10:23 AM
Have you been mingling with Shin Maruku?

Oct 11, 2007, 12:29 PM
Mingling? Sounds messy.
In any case, the market has already defeated my topic. Damn that fast-movin' economy.

Oct 11, 2007, 09:00 PM
I think I did okay on my Econ test, we'll know by next week.

Oct 11, 2007, 09:01 PM
I ate MY Econ test. :E

*munch munch*

Oct 11, 2007, 09:03 PM
You ate mine! >:[

Oct 11, 2007, 09:04 PM
[insert corporate thread about FKL not reaching it's spam quota]

Oct 11, 2007, 09:10 PM
On 2007-10-11 19:01, Skuda wrote:
I ate MY Econ test. :E

*munch munch*

So I guess we'll know if we're okay by next week?

Market strategists, apply now!

Probably not going to tell anyone about my score anyway, this ain't no homework club.

(Halo 3 is a HW club, some guy asked some other guy in matchup about sin of 60.)

Oct 11, 2007, 09:18 PM


Oct 11, 2007, 09:21 PM
Zoidey want buy on margin!

Oct 11, 2007, 09:24 PM
On 2007-10-11 19:18, DizzyDi wrote:


Ticker is mine >:D

Oct 11, 2007, 09:25 PM
Now buy some and make the price rise.

Oct 11, 2007, 09:25 PM
Enjoy your sucky stock.
Unless moar FKL'ers create an account and BUY BUY BUY!

Oct 11, 2007, 09:26 PM
Meh I don't want to anymore. I shall find a ticker though!

Oct 11, 2007, 09:28 PM
*saturates the market*

*with sugar*

Oct 11, 2007, 09:31 PM
On 2007-10-11 19:25, DizzyDi wrote:
Enjoy your sucky stock.
Unless moar FKL'ers create an account and BUY BUY BUY!

123mosdefandtalibkweli just purchased half his initial bankroll on FKL stock and the price did not move.

Tracking data not available.
This guy's stock is $330, gangsta.

Raminator is an australian level designer, made almost entirely out of bees. He has a boomerang for an elbow and likes to bitch at people for not using the correct lightmaps.

Sounds like that MGS3 boss guy.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-11 19:33 ]</font>

Oct 11, 2007, 09:39 PM
On 2007-10-11 19:31, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:
Raminator is an australian level designer, made almost entirely out of bees. He has a boomerang for an elbow and likes to bitch at people for not using the correct lightmaps.

Sounds like that MGS3 boss guy.

I was gonna use that to >.>

YardGnomes shall do http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 11, 2007, 09:45 PM
wth i gotta buy into that stock!

Oct 11, 2007, 09:47 PM
That yardgnome is down 376. Looks worse than the worthless, but still the same worth as when it started FKL stock!

Oct 11, 2007, 10:26 PM
Well, That was fun while it lasted.


Can't win them all http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Oct 11, 2007, 10:27 PM

Oct 11, 2007, 10:28 PM

Oct 11, 2007, 10:30 PM
Damn Negative Networth <.<;

Oct 11, 2007, 10:35 PM
I was wondering how brand new stocks could have that much money/stock available and total on the lists where people created them.

Most people have to go and make their poor offered stocks @ $0.01 to get even 25,000.

Oct 11, 2007, 10:56 PM
eh, wtf, might as well try thotmarket out, only looks at it previously >_>

Oct 11, 2007, 11:26 PM
Made $18 since I last logged in so I bought 30 dollars of LIGHTNING just now. Almost all out of monies, could afford not much more anyway, since I bought $500 worth of FKL.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-11 21:32 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 12:23 AM
I bought $900 of YardGnome >.>

Now I have limitless money. I think I might have forgotten my password. Damn.

Oct 12, 2007, 07:41 AM
Someone named Havok bought up all the shares of FKL. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
Trading on it is frozen and now he's probably not going to bring any more shares to the market.

Oct 12, 2007, 07:28 PM
Cot damns. Yeah, when there aren't any shares left, it can't move.

And it says total shares are 10001, I had 5000. I should have bought that one more to be controlling shareholder. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-12 17:37 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 08:17 PM
I could sell my shares and you can buy them.
Or you can sell yours and I can buy them, I have like 700+k.

Oct 12, 2007, 08:30 PM
What does shareholder control entail again?
and can you sell yours if I can't even sell mine either? Says something about introducing more shares to market like you said to break the frozen stock.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-12 18:37 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 08:31 PM
capital and I can release new stocks on the market

Oct 12, 2007, 08:36 PM
That is of your own brought to the market stock?

This stock was introduced by Diz, majority control coming my way does what?

Oct 12, 2007, 08:43 PM
I brought LIGHTNING to the market, though if one person has been the only one buying my stock, I could be in some trouble. I fucked up my math and just released to many shares. I only own 47% of the stocks now. If only one person has been buying my stocks, then I could potentially lose my control. Though if it's not one person, and I can still retain control, I can actually bring in more money.

not sure what share you're talking about.

Oct 12, 2007, 08:46 PM
If I remember my password Im going to buy all of your stock, Sord.

Oct 12, 2007, 09:02 PM
If I buy the majority of Dizzy's FKL stock (he introduced it/created it) what does that allow me to do with the title such as yours:

Controlling Shareholder: Siyamak

Oct 12, 2007, 09:47 PM
If I buy all of the FKL stock, Do I own FKL?


Oct 12, 2007, 09:53 PM
Can't buy it if nobody sells it (ones already fully bought). This havok guy already has majority control; I'm still wondering what he can do with that.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-12 19:55 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 09:57 PM
Fuck my money dropped down to 4k. lol, I own 0 Shares of "BadSkunk" but earn money from it. So far it got me $257.

Oct 12, 2007, 10:00 PM
you gain more profit from the stock Haya, as well as the ability to add more of it to the market to make money.

also, blackhat, there's not a chance in hell you can buy out my stock. I own 47% and about another 40% has already been taken by other people. There isn't enough for you to buy.

Oct 12, 2007, 10:01 PM
On 2007-10-12 20:00, Sord wrote:
you gain more profit from the stock Haya, as well as the ability to add more of it to the market to make money.

also, blackhat, there's not a chance in hell you can buy out my stock. I own 47% and about another 40% has already been taken by other people. There isn't enough for you to buy.

Hmm. Hold on a minute.

Oct 12, 2007, 10:07 PM
the only way you can control it, is if you've been the one buying it this whole time, and by what is currently available >_>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sord on 2007-10-12 20:08 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 10:14 PM
So even if they didn't start the stock, majority control allows creating more shares?

Dang Havok guy.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-12 20:15 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 10:21 PM
On 2007-10-12 20:07, Sord wrote:
the only way you can control it, is if you've been the one buying it this whole time, and by what is currently available >_>

I accept your challenge. Tomorrow, if I remember, I shall become the owner of it.

Oct 12, 2007, 10:33 PM
On 2007-10-12 20:21, BlackHat wrote:

On 2007-10-12 20:07, Sord wrote:
the only way you can control it, is if you've been the one buying it this whole time, and by what is currently available >_>

I accept your challenge. Tomorrow, if I remember, I shall become the owner of it.

to late, already own 51% of the stocks again

Oct 12, 2007, 10:35 PM
I bought 2400 more just in case. 3k now. Boing.

I also bought a comment.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HAYABUSA-FMW- on 2007-10-12 20:37 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2007, 10:35 PM
You can own 100% if you'd like. I'll still get sole ownership of it.

Oct 12, 2007, 10:39 PM
eh, no, no you won't

Oct 12, 2007, 10:41 PM
DIVIDENDS are payments of credit that are awarded to shareholders of a given thot. These awards are made in response to visitor click-throughs on thot links.

Free money by clicking through the page to the FKL forum index or that Lightning topic?!


Oct 12, 2007, 10:42 PM
On 2007-10-12 20:39, Sord wrote:
eh, no, no you won't

Always disrespect with you guys. Too bad it can't be anything more serious then an online game.

Oct 12, 2007, 10:45 PM
Snide remarks taken from the haxorz handbook or something?

Oct 12, 2007, 10:46 PM
well, I guess you could come to own it. We'll see. Profit talks. Depending on how high it gets, I might sell. That will put the shares on the market.