View Full Version : Clive Barker's Jericho, the ultimate survival horror FPS? p

Oct 11, 2007, 06:24 PM

normally really scary horror stuff makes me feel sick, but Jericho has a side that made movies like Predator and Aliens and Dog Soldiers more inviting, which supplies the protagonists as military specialists, armed to the teeth and united to fight monsterous threats together! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

on top of that, playing the demo, this isn't a mere Brute Force squad that can generally use the same weapons and trek through enviornments that require virtually no teamwork to advance.

Jericho is feeling to be closer to masterpieces like Project Eden that make teamwork essential and each member more unique and special in their own way.

Jericho takes that even further by surpassing the typical 4-person squad scenario and start off with a full squad of 7 members.

at first glance, the members appear like a generic bunch. the berzerker, the assassin, the bald guy, the goth, the old guy, etc. etc. But as you learn more about them, they become kinda like family. ^_^

I'm sooo glad they made this FPS instead of 3rd person. it makes the scares and experience even more immersive!

Captain Devin Ross is the squad leader, and he's a telepath with healing abilities. I think he uses a assault rifle but the first gameplay moments of the full version is unknown, so that "plot-twist" regarding this member is still unknown if it takes place before the gameplay actually begins or later on.

Captain Xavier Jones is second in command, seems to wield a assault rifle and is a master of reconnasance, able to see and possess enemies from large distances and have them open gates/destroy obstacles and stuff.

Lieutenant Abigail Black is the sniper. Her sniper rifle 9which can zoom 2 times) has an attached grenade launcher as secondary fire. And she can use her telekinetic powers to steer and guide her bullets through multiple enemies in a row, as well as unleash a wave to push/destroy some obstacles (and I think deflect some incoming projectiles with it too).

Sergeant Frank Delgado is the berzerker/heavy arms expert and pyromancer (one who can speak with fire).
He has a minigun on one arm and a handgun used with his other hand. plus he can send his fire spirit to attack enemies (like a flying fire snake summon) and I heard he can put up a fire shield to protect himself.

Sergeant "Billie" Church is the blade expert, using a katana with one hand, and a submachinegun with the other. She can cut herself and sacrifice blood to create magic wards, one that immobilizes enemies in range (good chance to sword them), and the other burns anything around and near its core.
Also she seems to have the agile ability of being able to climb/drop down specific walls (indicated by A).

Corporal Simone Cole is a "Reality Hacker". She uses complex mathematical methods to conjure ammo that will provide herself and the rest of the team with generous amounts, as well as scan and target vital spots on her enemies.
And I heard she can also teleport herself and teammates but not sure how that works.
And she appears to be carrying a assault rifle or SMG of some kind.

Father Paul Rawlings dual wields pistols and can drain health from his enemies and add those amounts to himself and his teammates. He can also revive teammates over greater distances. other than that, not much else is known.

The controls are really well done and everything looks and flows smoothly (unlike Blacksite). Y is your flashlight (its balanced so that it eventually runs out of power, but pressing Y turns it on again).
X reload, B melee attacks (you can keep pressing B for combinations),

A is used for switches and also controlling a different character (its really well done, you can aim at a character and press A to switch to them, or hold A to manually choose who you wanna switch to.)

LT is secondary weapon/fire
RT is primary weapon/fire
LB is secondary ability
RB is primary ability

d-pad are squad commands (follow, alpha team move, omega team move, wait)

LS is crouch
um forgot what RS does. (oh yeah I think that zooms for the sniper rifle)

Oh yes what's also really cool is that there are some survival situations similiar to RE4 (but in real-time and first person), that require inputting the right buttons at the right time to survive a situation.

What's interesting is that each button is logical in how they relate to parts of your body. (like X = left arm, B = right arm, and in the demo's case, Y was used to use your leg to help descend down a well, and A seemed to corrospond to using all 4 limbs at once to move down faster).

The time to input these commands are more forgiving than say RE4's knife battle, plus if you screw up, it lets you try again from the top. it gets easy to get used to really quickly. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

what's also a nice touch is that at times you can see your character's legs, waist, etc. when climbing and like in the demo, descending down a well, using your limbs to control your descent otherwise you'll fall and become a wet pancake.

the whole survival event in the demo is really intense, interactive, and unique, plus I'm sure you'll want more.

other than that, it's a pretty straightforward squad-based survival horror experience loaded with action and some potentially exciting and frightening experiences (that 'face' in the demo surprised me), but ya the story sure sounds interesting and it will be worth buying this game to experience the Jericho Team's struggle against the horrors that await them.

even without multiplayer, games like BioShock and Resident Evil have taught us that you can have a fun and replayable game without MP. plus Jericho already does a fantastic job providing a rich selection of squad members to keep your company and by your will control any and all of them as you like, so there is plenty of variety to keep things interesting and entertaining! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

also, the demo takes place later in the story when you have 3 of the 7 members (well, technically 4) available because to me it looks like they wanted to save the rest of the members for the full version, so that is really a good idea on their part and it will make playing the full game from the start with everyone available even more interesting.


Oct 11, 2007, 06:51 PM
I don't know. I played this demo, and it seemed like some shitty combination of God of War, Resident Evil 4, and Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy all rolled into one. I thought the characters were all pretty lame, and the gameplay wasnt very interesting. The only cool part was telepathically controlling a bullet to go through like 4 guy's heads, and the rest of it was just boring.

My opinion, anyway.

Oct 11, 2007, 07:09 PM
I'm sure it has it's own potential, the story had me interested; but the gameplay had me going "..meh". But then I'm not all that into games that have you running around in the dark 90% of the time. Despite the atmosphere they're going for, it's just not all that fun to play a team of people that seem to be running around in enclosed spaces most of the time. Not my particular cup of tea, but I'm sure there are people who will really dig it and enjoy the story.

Oct 11, 2007, 07:14 PM
Its not all that great, just the story seems way to meh... since you play the spirit of the commander who was killed, and the person you control is possessed by the commander. Some of the controls were a little clunky, and I got tired of "That was Easy" pretty quick.

And what the hell was Delgado's second power, I was able to use the first one where he summons a flaming snake to "Devour" the enemy in flames, but the second one didn't seem to do much at all...

Oct 11, 2007, 07:37 PM
are you talking about the fire shield? I think that's LB, you hold it and you see flames at the bottom of the screen. I'll have to test that ability further. cause I think while activating it, I had him ram into an enemy and it burned the enemy upon contact. if the flame surrounds his body, it could be good protection when surrounded. hmm might as well check if it can block/absorb flame projectiles.

but I mean it's a shooter with some cool survival elements and great squad control and a nice sample of action, what more could you expect? it isnt Battlefield or Halo or another CoD.

well it feels kinda like Doom 3 mixed with Rainbow Six, but with better level design and features and characters.