View Full Version : Bring the pain.

Oct 21, 2007, 10:59 AM
I don't know how many of you doods listen to Talk radio, but theres this little show called Coast to Coast that comes on very late at night. I usually listen to this program while mopping the floor, washing dishing or doing other shit I gotta do at work when closing up shop at night. Anyway, last night the host Ian Punnett was reading a few headlines and he mentioned something of a Pain vest. Apparently it was originally a medical vest used for diagnosing patients from home or who couldn't come to a hospital. It has been modified to let the user feel pain.

Now I really don't know what to think about this but, the first thought that came to my head was, are we really that much of a fucking masochist generation that we need to feel the pain of our characters when playing a game?

*imagines playing Wolfenstein enemy territory using this against panzerpussies*

On the flipside, I could see how this could add to the immersion of certain games. Take the call of Duty games. They tend to play out on a script and I can really see this adding immersion to the game. The vest is suppose to launch with a Call of Duty game, this November. I'm assuming Call of Duty 4 since its a pretty highly anticipated game and is due this November. Also I would assume those jip-jap pr0n games would probably start to become popular here in the states if they started using this new peripheral device.

Anyway, here's a link.


[Force Feedback gaming vest] (http://www.engadget.com/2007/10/20/medical-force-feedback-vest-tweaked-for-gaming/)