View Full Version : Anyone else playing the Hellgate Beta?

Oct 23, 2007, 03:52 PM
So far I've played for a bit and reached level 12 as a Blade Master. Honestly, I'm not sure what to think. The game is getting pretty boring and it just doesn't hook me the way D2 did. Maybe I'll like it better after I get a little higher but for now it seems kinda like a disappointment http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Oct 23, 2007, 04:05 PM
I got the beta downloaded, but decided I'd play the demo before going through all the beta stuff. I gotta say the demo really left me going just "...this isn't really all that interesting". It has it's moments, like seeing a rare monster and going "oh ho he's mine!", but then you end up with a feeling of "..wait..what was I playing for again?"

Add in that the game doesn't look all that impressive on my gaming rig thats afew years old, and I'm sort of steering away from PC gaming as a whole because I'm not going to plop afew thousand down each year to stay in-line with the curve. The game is very playable, no framerate issues, but the gameplay just leaves abit to be desired.

I do give credit for what they've done, and I'm sure it's going to be a blast to those who get into it; but for the time being it seems to be just another game to grind in.

Oct 23, 2007, 04:11 PM
Yeah, I'm sure it will definitely have a following, but it just doesn't do much for me. There are tons of "rare" monsters once you get going so that loses it's coolness pretty quick. I agree that it just seems like another grind and I'm not in the mood for that these days lol. Can't wait for Crysis!!

Oct 23, 2007, 07:41 PM
Too much MMO and not enough action.

The only controls you have, basically, are WASD and Fire. Sure, there's character skills and all but it's a really, really far cry from the classic FPS gameplay I was expecting.

That, and it seems like they didn't bother much with variety. The demo offers three dungeons and they all look and feel strictly the same...?

Ah well. I went as far as I could through the demo, played something like an hour or so, then deleted that shit off my comp. To think I busted my monthly transfer limit just for that...

Oct 23, 2007, 08:08 PM
I thought about it until I heard this and heard some of the wonderful things EA has done with the EULA. Now, I don't have it myself, but I have read that the following paragraph is actually from the EULA for this game. Can someone confirm? This is reason enough, for me, to avoid it.

"Consent to Use of Data. You agree that EA, its affiliates, and each Related Party may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer, including without limitation your Internet Protocol address, operating system, application software and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online play."

I feel that's too invasive for a game. But, like I say, can someone confirm that's what it actually says?

Oct 23, 2007, 08:27 PM
On 2007-10-23 18:08, Norvekh wrote:
I thought about it until I heard this and heard some of the wonderful things EA has done with the EULA. Now, I don't have it myself, but I have read that the following paragraph is actually from the EULA for this game. Can someone confirm? This is reason enough, for me, to avoid it.

"Consent to Use of Data. You agree that EA, its affiliates, and each Related Party may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer, including without limitation your Internet Protocol address, operating system, application software and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online play."

I feel that's too invasive for a game. But, like I say, can someone confirm that's what it actually says?

i can look for it later. I wouldn't be surprised though if it was what you posted. I've heard it is pretty invasive. I will probably uninstall the Beta tomorrow and I'm quite sure I won't be purchasing it lol. I played a little bit more tonight before I finally realized I wasn't even having fun http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Found it. It's actually the third listing down.

3. Consent to Use of Data. You agree that EA, its affiliates, and each Related Party may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer, including without limitation your Internet Protocol address, operating system, application software and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online play. EA and/or the Related Parties may also use this information in the aggregate and, in a form which does not personally identify you, to improve our products and services and we may share that aggregate data with our third party service providers.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2007-10-23 18:35 ]</font>

Oct 23, 2007, 08:41 PM
I was reading posts on some other forum, and apparently the dungeons looked so similar that people thought they had only beaten the first one after they had beaten 3, or something like that.

Anyway, there's so many games with shooting out/coming out nowadays, I cant really see this standing out at all.

Oct 23, 2007, 09:12 PM
Also of note; I HATE it when games put the damn experience bar right infront of your face. Nothing is more of a fun-killer than going through an area killing shit, and constantly being reminded of how paltry the experience gain is. Honestly, thats just a game breaker for me, because my eyes can't stop looking at the exp bar every few minutes.

*glances at exp bar*
"...son of a bitch! Is that it?!"

Oct 23, 2007, 10:49 PM
I was looking forward to the game and I am sure to pick it up due being a big Diablo fan back in the day, but I would use it more those moments I need of of WoW.

I would LOVE to try the beta, but yeah, Mac OS X right now with no versions of XP lying around. But someone will be aiding with that really soon (has an extra copy lying around).

But I wasn't expecting a full action experience. For that, I got UT3 too look forward too.

Oct 24, 2007, 12:21 AM
My friend gave me his beta account and I gave the game a shot. I played Marksman to level 6 and to be honest, I was very bored. I didn't see anything in the game to keep me excited. The only thing that impressed me was being able to go into FPS mode as a Marksman.

Online games have evolved since the days of Diablo.

Oct 24, 2007, 08:05 AM
The bee gun is fun, but yea...

Oct 24, 2007, 11:42 AM
On 2007-10-23 20:49, RuneLateralus wrote:
I was looking forward to the game and I am sure to pick it up due being a big Diablo fan back in the day, but I would use it more those moments I need of of WoW.

I would LOVE to try the beta, but yeah, Mac OS X right now with no versions of XP lying around. But someone will be aiding with that really soon (has an extra copy lying around).

But I wasn't expecting a full action experience. For that, I got UT3 too look forward too.

I'm a huge Diablo fan aswell, and you can see alot that reminds you of Diablo in the game; but it just feels like a steam-punk action game with a grind. =

Honestly, maybe it's just because I could'nt get into the classes too much in the demo(I did'nt bother installing the beta after getting to lvl 5 in the demo). I was kinda hoping for some werewolf and lycanthropy, sort of "Hybrid vs Demon" action, but as it is it's the same old thing. Humanity in peril vs demons.

I dunno, the game might have promise later on in the game; but if getting there isn't much fun then there's no real use sticking it out just to see yeah?

Oct 24, 2007, 05:32 PM
ABDUR, I think they're going to add a shapeshifting class under the Cabalist faction after release. It'll probably be subscription only, though. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Oct 24, 2007, 06:50 PM
Ah, well I did'nt intend to subscribe to it if I had gotten it. This isn't the sort of game I'd pay monthly for as it is, let alone just to get a class that may or may not suit my style of play anyway. Time will tell regardless.