View Full Version : Sonic Team Moderators!

Jan 1, 2003, 05:09 PM
Lastnight I was in a team called "FreeRares" and a hunter joined with the name ^. He was on level 1 and spoke very educated. He knew I just got a hacked item. He recorded my guild number! He told me that Sonic Team has started a full force of hired moderators. Also, when I was talking to him my keyboard was real glitchy.

I've heard people say they've seen strange characters, like transparent rangers or a 5th player without a name in the game with them. I beleave this guy was a real agent. He never gave me direct answers about his job or details. He said he was "leaglly part of Sonic Team" He also asked me if i knew anything about Sonic Team Moderators.

I hope moderators really exist! i think it's a good idea!

I'm unsure though, he said that because i had a hacked item - I'll have to be added to a "watch list"
And he logged my guild number.

Many people joined in the team while he was there but most got scared and went back to the lobby... If anyone else saw ^ lastnight please tell me your story!

Hope this helps!
x SysOp.

Jan 1, 2003, 05:20 PM
i personally dont like the idea of some strange people interupting games - may it be as a 5th person or joining pw-games (they probably can do that too when the 5th player-thing is doable...). even if they're moderators. even if they're monitoring the whole dupeing... i dont like the idea of being spied at.
maybe sometimes i want to speak about private things online, or get political, or or or... gah, i get a chill over my spine just thinking about it and its not a pleasant one...

no honestly...
this is a good reason for me for not buying the game.

edit: but then again... maybe this is just someone trying to be very funny -_-;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-01-01 14:21 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2003, 05:27 PM
More likely, it's all BS. Anyway, he said he only 'heard' of fifth players or transparent rangers. Likely, they don't exist. And the guy he was talking to was BSing him.

Jan 1, 2003, 05:30 PM
yeah, i hope so.

Jan 1, 2003, 05:37 PM
Maybe they use their computers and view random games. They wouldn't have a character though, they would just spectate, similar to the ability in Quake III Arena.

Jan 1, 2003, 05:42 PM
about a month ago...I saw 2 RAcasts both were named: [_________]...they were talking about when the last offense was and gave a specific time and date...saying the exact same thing...they were in a busy vega lobby...I also saw a HUmar named Ryu20 who would just stand at the ledge in Vega 01-01...he would stand there not responding for 3 days straight...I dunno wut he was doing...he'd be gone for a day @ lvl 36 and come back the next day @ lvl 50...and he mysteriously disappeared...not sure if he wuz a player or a mod...most likely a player though...

Jan 1, 2003, 05:42 PM
On 2003-01-01 14:20, rena-ko wrote:
maybe sometimes i want to speak about private things online, or get political, or or or... gah, i get a chill over my spine just thinking about it and its not a pleasant one...

Considering how the PSO servers work with commands and such, every full conversation people have in game rooms could be recorded. It would not require someone to be there to "witness" what you are saying.

This can really hold true in almost every online videogame you can play. Depending upon how it is programmed, if those who run the server decide to do so, they can log it all. I don't believe PSO has any kind of privacy agreement, and since they have a clause about copying and what not, they probably do log everything.

Personally, I'm not unsettled like that; I have always seen it as a realistic possibility. It doesn't stop me from having private conversations.

Jan 1, 2003, 06:01 PM
Hmm.....it'd be cool if they actually did have Game MODS. It's a change very much needed.....

Jan 1, 2003, 06:03 PM
I dont know if any of you had PSO back in the version 1 for DC... but when PSO first came out there was a clan called $PI$... They were just mean bad people who'd sit in lobbies and make fun of people and cheat, etc. I was there when Sonic team came in and told them all to knock it off or they get baned. I swear, they were in suits with ties and they had the male human hunters head. There was about 3 "agents" and if any of you remember, that clan was baned. I was there and saw it all happen. It was great!

And about the chat logs and not needing to be there... Well, why does this forum need so many moderators when everything anyone says is logged and posted here? and did Napster need Moderators, Administrators, and Elites? and why did they always have to sit in the chat? I was a Napster moderator and in Napster, you had a cloaking command "/cloak" It would hide you real registered name and you'd only appear on the napster user chat list as "Moderator" and you were "cloaked".

I honestly think Sonic Team has live field agents. Do you think they'd let it all up to a computer to read through chat logs and decide who needs to get banned? If they were smart, they'd make characters that had the funtions to ban, block, disconnect, erase, etc. It makes too much sense to me... I dont think they'd spend time logging and reading through all the chats... i beleave they have a "spectate/cloak" funtion that i'm sure they use everyday in lobbies. Sonic Team hates bad clans and everyone knows they are at full power trying to stop any duping or cheating.

It wouldnt be hard at all for sonic team to set up a special computer version or even console version of PSO that gives them ablilities and moderate PSO.

Now, think of the advantages of live field agents moderating PSO or some guy sitting at a computer reading through the logs of chats and people's mails. They have the power, and i wouldnt under-estimate it, look what they did to Bar, they banned him fromt he US servers and now he can only play in the JAP servers. "he might be able to play in US now..." If they and pin-point one person like that and keep them banned in a certain regional server-cluster, they can do anything else they want.

If you were Sonic Team, wouldnt you have field Agents too? I would.

Jan 1, 2003, 06:10 PM
Ha, Ha, Ha. This is the stupidest shit I've ever read
> Everyone

"Oh no! Sonic Team's elite Nazi force is after me with invisible characters!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif I r teh shit pants!!!!!!11111111"


Jan 1, 2003, 06:17 PM
Spy, if you cheat - continue you cheat... lets see where you stand in a couple of months - maybe sooner. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

If a non-Sonic team employee (i.e. Bar) can crack into the game and basically do what he wants, he can change his characters into Sonic, tails, Reco, etc... he knew the CK codes before anyone else.... Lets just say if a normal person who didnt even develop the game and do all that, Sonic Team can do a million times better.

Here, take a gander at this pic of Bar a while back:


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sysop on 2003-01-01 15:22 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2003, 06:25 PM
Let's think for a second here. Are we, Sonic Team, a company out to turn profit, going to limit ourselves to characters in our game to "spy" on cheaters?


ST already proved that they have the power of God on their servers by reading people's inventories, and upon detecting an unreleased or modified weapon or item, temp. banning said player.

Let's pretend that I'm Sonic Team. To turn profit, I'm going to pay three codegeeks to give me this power, instead of hiring a round-the-clock security task force to take people at their word that they are in fact duping and spy on them.
Using people for this job, when a computer can log anything, is stupid because A: People cost money to employ, B: People make errors, and C: A greater, more productive effect can be obtained through simple data queries and logs.

The next time that you want to try and scare people, I suggest you do something a little better than ghost stories and unsubstantiated claims.

Jan 1, 2003, 06:26 PM
Even so, my BS alarm is going off. If I remember right it was figured out that the transparent 'moderaters' in DC PSO were just some fluke server error. And how do you know he logged your guild card number? Did he just say he did, or did you give him your card or something? How do you know he really recorded your guild card number? Do you have proof?

Jan 1, 2003, 06:30 PM
Lets just say if a normal person who didnt even develop the game and do all that, Sonic Team can do a million times better.


Jan 1, 2003, 06:32 PM
Gah, there must have been a bunch of posts while I wrote my reply. I meant to respond to Sysop's post at 15:03 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jan 1, 2003, 06:34 PM
Dear god.

I was playing offline, without my phone cord even being plugged into my GC modem, and the Sonic Team Secret Police, or STSP for short, have revealed themselves to me, and then proceeded to hit on my RAmarl!

A hundred pardons oh wise and all-knowing SysOp! How could I have ever doubted you?

Jan 1, 2003, 06:35 PM
Alright guys, dont trust me... And I wasnt trying to spook anyone, I'm convinced it was a real Sonic Team agent, I've had PSO since the day it was resleased for Dreamcast, and trust me, I've seen some crazy things and alot of fakes... this guy... hey, whatever... you guys are all the same, ignorent forum geeks, you'll beleave only what you think. I'm done with this topic and I prey you consider my post before you run around PSO talking about duping or using cheated items.

Like I said, he knew my guild number and knew I had a hacked item on me... it was someone with some sort of abnormal power.

Good bye.

Jan 1, 2003, 06:40 PM
To me it makes perfect sensce for Sonic Team to employ so called "Field Agents". I hope to god its true!

Jan 1, 2003, 06:40 PM

Hey, I don't know if it's true or not, so I'm not going to judge anyone. If there is some sort of Sonic Team Secret Police, good for them, maybe it'll help to clean things up a bit.

Jan 1, 2003, 06:46 PM
i will have to see it first.

Jan 1, 2003, 06:50 PM
Same here, but i really do hope its true!

Jan 1, 2003, 06:53 PM
You guys, I don't think you're reading me here. They. Contacted. Me. Offline. I even took screeenshots, they're uh, just uh... in my other pants.

They also told me that I'm pregnant with the savior of the Phantasy Star World, and that I will name him Jeeblus. Whatever the hell that means.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:03 PM
I second that these theories are really getting out of hand. Logging text is one thing, and that's easily done. To think that the server maintainers do not have that capability is kind of obsurd. However, I really doubt that SonicTeam has their own fleet of "Men In Black".

Jan 1, 2003, 07:07 PM
"See what ya do is give em all of your credit card numbers and if one of em is lucky you win a prize"

"I was just happy to talk to someone...."

Jan 1, 2003, 07:07 PM
It's all a conspiracy man!
I saw something just like this on X-Files awhile ago!
*screams and jumps out a window*

insert probe here--> http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cowsleep.gif

Jan 1, 2003, 07:12 PM
I think a regular character acting regularly with the power to ban or extend HLs is on the servers...*maybe*

Jan 1, 2003, 07:14 PM
On 2003-01-01 15:35, Sysop wrote:
hey, whatever... you guys are all the same, ignorent forum geeks, you'll beleave only what you think.

You came with no proof and brought up a topic that has been done many times before with no solid proof.

I think it's safe to say that when you made your post you should have realised that there would be alot of skepticism.

And to call everyone here ignorant forum geeks doesn't exactly up your beleivability. It just makes you sound mad because no one really beleives you.

I'm not sure why ST would bother hiring individual people to do this dirty work, considering someone's bank and inventory gets checked everytime an item is equipped or taken from the bank(it has to be saved and then gets updated for the other players).

Anyone ever remember back on the DC versions, if you logged onto the server with a hacked item on your character(that was banned from online play) you were given a warning message and logged back offline?

They could just as easily log everything better, automatically and perfectly via comp rather than individual people that need to be payed, have to go on breaks, etc.

To pay an entire "army" of people(which would be required to check the servers non-stop for 24 hour periods) is absurd.

Beleive what you want though, but it just doesn't make any sense. =/

Jan 1, 2003, 07:15 PM
Drayma - ban, yes... extend, no... people would be givin them rares left right and center just to get a free months play! lol

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: JOHNO_01 on 2003-01-01 16:15 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2003, 07:20 PM
I habe pix! SysOp wasn't lying!


Jan 1, 2003, 07:25 PM
lol, u have too much time! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 1, 2003, 07:30 PM
On 2003-01-01 16:25, JOHNO_01 wrote:
lol, u have too much time! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nope. Just me baby, just me.

Er, wait...

It's a trick! Get an axe.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:30 PM
What kind of proof does ANYONE have for anything in a damn forum? Do you want me to supply this forum with screen shots of this guy? do you want me to go to his house and kidnap him, bring him to your house and say "this is the moderator guy!"?! seriously...

I call you ignorent because its the truth, every single solitary forum is full of people who always know more about something then anyone... They always have people who just think they are the coolest thing who walked the earth, and unfortunatly, this topic was doing fine until S.... well, I wont say any names... but until a certain user decided that it was alright to basically make a joke out of me and tell me that I'm wrong and know nothing... I dont know Mr. Moderator... but to me that was kinda offensive and thats why I called him ignorent - he barged in "knowing all" and made me look like a dumb sh!t for seeing a strange character on PSO lastnight

Its not my place to tell moderators how to run their forums, but for Gods shakes, he barges in here and flames me and you come to me and basically get down on me for calling him ignorent...

This is exactly why I said I was leaving - I knew this would escalate into a big flame war and I knew a mod sooner or later would come in some Bull Sh!t would happen where I was the bad guy.

Just lock the freakin' forum or something, it was pointless to even try to tell PSO World.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:34 PM
Haha, Spy is my new hero XD Anyways, though, yeah, this is probably all fake.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:37 PM
On 2003-01-01 16:34, Karsh wrote:
Haha, Spy is my new hero XD

May Jeeblus save us all if I can be called a hero ._.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:50 PM
On 2003-01-01 16:30, Sysop wrote:
do you want me to go to his house and kidnap him, bring him to your house and say "this is the moderator guy!"?! seriously...


Jan 1, 2003, 07:53 PM
It could be true.. remember when PSOv2 came out in JP. Some people laffed when others said some characters names where in orange. "Impossable" they said.... turned out to be true!

Jan 1, 2003, 07:56 PM
Actually I retract my "Yes." statement. It's quite easy to go to his cousin Dale's and just drag him into it. So..


Jan 1, 2003, 07:57 PM
On 2003-01-01 16:53, JOHNO_01 wrote:
It could be true.. remember when PSOv2 came out in JP. Some people laffed when others said some characters names where in orange. "Impossable" they said.... turned out to be true!

LMAO. That's the best rep yet.

Jan 1, 2003, 07:58 PM

Jan 1, 2003, 08:01 PM
Slang for Reply

Jan 1, 2003, 08:07 PM
Any1 else got any thoughts? True? False?

Jan 1, 2003, 08:15 PM
synops or...synop or whatever the hell your name is...COOL IT.

Yeah you said something, and someone get a little offensive towards you. Big deal. Except it and quit acting like you haven't seen it before.

Don't whine and run away like a panzee or you'll get this sort of reply, and one's like spy's. By the way spy, funny!

but yeah, don't start insulting forum 'geeks' as a whole when you should be talking about certain people. Then you'll get the mob after you. And then you'll be running.

Jan 1, 2003, 08:31 PM
Hmm... Sonic Team does not appear to monitor conversations at all, since I've talked about some nice stuff and haven't gotten banned for it. And they don't seem to go after dupers, as there's probably no way to detect them other than to look at their conversations.

Sonic Team members do appear as in-game characters, but rarely. I've seen a grand total of 3 Sega employees online GC PSO. They have completely normal characters. The only way to know that they are Sega employees is to look at their guild card number. They look completely normal. My computer is programmed to beep whenever a Sega employee is in the same lobby/team as me - it's only gone off 3 times.

Sonic Team does all of its manual banning based on server logs.

-- Barubary

Jan 1, 2003, 08:43 PM
There we go, thank you Bar.

BTW: do you remember any of their names they used?

And why was this guy asking me about hacked Mags so much?

Anyways, i wasnt running from the "attack" i was leaving because i couldnt beleave how dumb this was, i get made fun of because i saw a ST mod, you guys will attack anything you dont beleave... just back off, is that so hard, as proven here, none of you guys knew what the hell you were talking about, and although i wasnt 100% accurate, I seemed to be the one who was right the whole stinkin' time.

OH! OH OH!!! BTW Spy, you are so gosh darn funny, holy sh!t... i was laughing my ass off about your lame jokes, oooh look, i can edit a screen shot, look at me, i'm such a loser, i have no life besides this forum, all i can do is write over 1000 posts... My God, get a life.

Jan 1, 2003, 08:48 PM
On 2003-01-01 17:43, Sysop wrote:

OH! OH OH!!! BTW Spy, you are so gosh darn funny, holy sh!t... i was laughing my ass off about your lame jokes, oooh look, i can edit a screen shot, look at me, i'm such a loser, i have no life besides this forum, all i can do is write over 1000 posts... My God, get a life.

My 1000+ posts have been gotten over a near 2 year period. Now, if you really want to flame me, my inbox is empty, and Im itching for some whiney newb.

Jan 1, 2003, 08:51 PM
You can't deny that if no one were to back you up, it would be very hard to beleive.

And some of us gave a counter arguement to your own, thats how discussions work, expecially since no one had any information to back up the claims.

Thanks for posting Baru.

As stated, it's not exactly cost effective to have an entire mass army of people looking for hacked/duped/whatever weapons, it's alot easier to do it via the server checking than anything else, which is why Baru has only ever seen about three ST members.

I know ST members log on, they did that before, no surprise, but the arguement I was making was that ST would'nt have dedicated people running around the servers to find hacked items.

No need to lock the thread, but don't make it a flame war or it will have to be.

Jan 1, 2003, 08:53 PM
I love forum arguments. XD They accomplish nothing, it's amusing.

Anyway, I don't see why anyone decided to argue over this topic. Either you believe him or you don't. What's the big deal? Does everyone actually have to insult each other just to fortify their view? For shame. =P

Jan 1, 2003, 08:57 PM
On 2003-01-01 17:53, LamerPanda wrote:

Does everyone actually have to insult each other just to fortify their view?

Nah. I just love making people come out as they really are. Now if you'll excuse me, baby Jeeblus is kicking me and tugging at the imbelicle cord ._.

Jan 1, 2003, 09:03 PM
Last time I checked, immaculate conceptions were supposed to happen to FEMALE virgins. ^^;

*thwapped* alright, alright, I'm going... u.u;

Jan 1, 2003, 09:06 PM
Well, miracles do happen http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

And who said anything about it being immaculate!?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Spy on 2003-01-01 18:08 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2003, 09:07 PM
Sonic Team members do appear as in-game characters, but rarely. They have completely normal characters. The only way to know that they are Sega employees is to look at their guild card number. They look completely normal.
-- Barubary

Whats different about their guild card number?

My computer is programmed to beep whenever a Sega employee is in the same lobby/team as me - it's only gone off 3 times.
-- Barubary

Why's that? Do u go offline? Or do u just stop talking aba duping and hacking?

Sonic Team does all of its manual banning based on server logs.
-- Barubary

How do you know this?

Thanks in advance.

Jan 1, 2003, 09:29 PM
I love forum arguments. XD They accomplish nothing, it's amusing.

You just told us what forum arguements accomplish. Entertainment!

Jan 1, 2003, 09:36 PM
Your Vixsin?
I grouped w/ you! My name is in the pic!
j00 r0x0rs!


Jan 1, 2003, 09:40 PM
Oh,I don't know, I think watching Spy try to give birth to baby Jeeblus would be more entertaining than watching me. =D

Jan 1, 2003, 09:55 PM
I wouldn't doubt the fact that Sonic Team has a few people that join games and spy on people. Sure computers log everything, but it's so much funner to go intrude games and spy on people. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 1, 2003, 11:09 PM
This happened to me on DC Version 1. I was in a room full of dupes and all sorts of stuff and there was a transparant character for a moment. It scared the shit out of everyone in the game and we left

Jan 1, 2003, 11:25 PM
Whats different about their guild card number?

They have a very low guild card number - specifically, a guild card number lower than 100000 (ignoring the 34/14 at the beginning). Administrators - as opposed to Sega's free accounts - have a card number below 1000. I do not believe administrators or employees have any special powers besides having a free account, as I have logged on as one of those before.

The lowest card number I ever saw was 340000034, a HUmar named QA@NOA (Quality Assurance at Nintendo of America??).

Why's that? Do u go offline? Or do u just stop talking aba duping and hacking?

No, I mostly do it to get their guild card numbers so I can track them. That's how I found - and snuck onto - a special wedding server in Version 2.

How do you know this?

Because when I get banned I was doing something that would be completely invisible to normal users.

-- Barubary

Jan 2, 2003, 12:29 AM
On 2003-01-01 18:40, LamerPanda wrote:
Oh,I don't know, I think watching Spy try to give birth to baby Jeeblus would be more entertaining than watching me. =D

Three words: Out both ends O_O

Jan 2, 2003, 01:07 AM
On 2003-01-01 15:03, Sysop wrote:
I swear, they were in suits with ties and they had the male human hunters head.

IMHO, that ruined the charade right then and there. C'mon, why would ST put in the character models of "agents"? Wouldn't a GS or Codebreaker coder found those by now? Am I not right, Barubary?

Oh, and this just goes by my knowledge of everything I know about PSO so far. I'm just making my assumption.

(Yet, I'm surprised nobody caught this yet. Silly people. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif; )

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shapiro on 2003-01-01 22:15 ]</font>

Jan 2, 2003, 02:47 AM
well, chat-logs have to be filtered through and like someone posted: even the rumor of lots of living administrators can scare dupers more than the knowledge of some server-program that records and searchs the chat/items/bank etc for illegal items.

since no program can find dupes, since dupes are exactly like legit items codewise...
so tracking them down via reading logs while invisible and then scare the heck out of them in being halftransparent or start to talk to them m.i.b.-like, would work better...

it will break out of your chest obviously.

Jan 2, 2003, 03:05 AM
Lmao....I'm over here crying laughing @ Spy....thanks for the laughs.

Jan 2, 2003, 03:39 AM
Ask anyone who was in $PI$, dont take my word for it... Hunt down a former member and they'll tell you all about it, I swear. It wasnt "suits" it was a more black and white hunter uniform texture, They didnt really have ties, but I swear, they were all matching and they had black and white-ish hunter clothes. Hey, i cant type right now... i cant focus on the screen all that wll... good night.gdf

Jan 2, 2003, 04:22 AM
Spy, you rock. Have a good time with the baby Jeeblus.

Jan 2, 2003, 05:07 AM
Any1 got more info on clan $PI$? Sounds link an interesting encounter.

Jan 2, 2003, 05:41 AM
Well, if any of you were around waaaayyy back in the first couple of months of a Dreamcast V1 days you should have seen at least a couple of PI members they were all over the place... it was a huge mean group that would run around causing problems and cheating. I talked to a couple way back... but they were the first people i knew to ever get banned.

Guys, all I have to offer is my word, and so far its been accurated enough to beleave me. I dont know how much more proof i need to give you. I'm sorry I dont take screen shots of every odd thing that happens in PSO, i'm not that obsessed. But i'll be sure to answer any of our questions i raise for you.

If you guys dont beleave me, ask me more about it instead of attacking me and telling me how dumb i am for not having enough proof, just ask more questions, i dotn know what you guys want to know... but i know enough to make most of you pleased.

Jan 2, 2003, 06:09 AM
dont make such a big problem out of it - you proved pretty much that you believe it yourself (or at least, i think you do). you shouldnt let yourself get down because some others dont believe you or simply try to be sarcastic and funny or try to get you out of pace (they're obviously just checking if you made this up or if you just spread some friend's friends hoax). dont be so serious about a forum - people act different online.

well ok, i'll put my teacher-glasses away now and want to add:
as long as these admins do their job seriously and not for their personal amusement, i think i'd be fine with their presence...

Jan 2, 2003, 06:27 AM
if this fifth player crap ur talkin about is true then what color is the hexagon?

Jan 2, 2003, 06:33 AM
as far as i understood this, in this cases there is one npc more walking around on pioneer, correct me if i'm wrong.

Jan 2, 2003, 06:44 AM
It is the color of EVIL.

Jan 2, 2003, 07:08 AM
neongreen - it hurts the eyes!

Jan 2, 2003, 07:08 AM
what color is evil?

Jan 2, 2003, 07:13 AM
omfg it truly is evil

Jan 2, 2003, 07:17 AM
btw spy when is Vixsin gonna have Jeeblus? who is jeeblus's daddy and what is jeeblus (Ramar Humar Ramarl?????)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cross689 on 2003-01-02 04:21 ]</font>

Jan 2, 2003, 01:01 PM
Blah, I wasnt like actually mad or I didnt get myself down... I was just sick of it right off the bat... maybe it was because im used to being in forums about fixing cars and it isnt about arguments in those forums. Its been a while since I've wrote in a video game forum, I joind around the same time as Spy and I have what? 30 somthing posts now and he's hitting damn near 2500 or possible 3000. I'm sorry for being such a baby somtimes... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

But honestly, ask me anything you guys want to know, i'll be happy to answer the question(s) asap!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sysop on 2003-01-02 10:05 ]</font>

Jan 2, 2003, 02:33 PM
On 2003-01-02 04:17, Cross689 wrote:
btw spy when is Vixsin gonna have Jeeblus? who is jeeblus's daddy and what is jeeblus (Ramar Humar Ramarl?????)

Dunno. No clue in fact. But I'm starting to think that if ST is really involved, my Jeeblus is probably the anti-Jeeblus, and it probably won't see the light of day.

On 2003-01-02 10:01, Sysop wrote:
Its been a while since I've wrote in a video game forum, I joind around the same time as Spy and I have what? 30 somthing posts now and he's hitting damn near 2500 or possible 3000.

6 or 5 months difference. And seriously, what does post count have to do with anything?

Jan 2, 2003, 02:38 PM
yeah, most of those are obviously spam and i seem to develope in this direction too. ^_^

word of the day: "obviously" - congratulations!!

Jan 2, 2003, 02:45 PM
I can justify the spam to myself by saying that it's the lemmon-pepper to PSOW's chicken. And as long as you can sell it to yourself, that's all that really matters.

Jan 2, 2003, 02:50 PM
i never said anything against you spaming since this one here is obviously also spam ^-^;

Jan 2, 2003, 02:59 PM
On 2003-01-02 11:50, rena-ko wrote:
i never said anything against you spaming since this one here is obviously also spam ^-^;

Yes, I know. I'm just trying to up my post count so that the stuff I post becomes more believable.

"10,000 posts. He is Jeeblus!"

Jan 2, 2003, 03:27 PM
LOL Spy, so far the stuff you've posted in this thread wasnt accurate anyways

Jan 2, 2003, 03:32 PM
On 2003-01-01 14:42, hucasts_rock wrote:
about a month ago...I saw 2 RAcasts both were named: [_________]...they were talking about when the last offense was and gave a specific time and date...saying the exact same thing...they were in a busy vega lobby...I also saw a HUmar named Ryu20 who would just stand at the ledge in Vega 01-01...he would stand there not responding for 3 days straight...I dunno wut he was doing...he'd be gone for a day @ lvl 36 and come back the next day @ lvl 50...and he mysteriously disappeared...not sure if he wuz a player or a mod...most likely a player though...

lmao. There aren't any "mods." At least not ones you can see or tell from any other character. Those 2 RAcasts were 2 normal PSO players, with shortcuts that they used together, badly out of sync. =| And Ryu20 is just some guy who sits in Vega a lot. (most like idling)


Jan 2, 2003, 03:46 PM
i dont think sonic team would use such obvious (^_^;) characters like the mentioned RAcasts... also just like Millenium G200 (they were obviously (tell, when it gets annoying, but this word fits great the last 5 times i used it) immitating her) at the dreamcast-servers wasnt official...
btw. havent seen her since some weeks, either she got kicked out/banned or barubarys japanese friend (whose nick i always forget, but was a girl's name with 5 letters) got tired/bored of his project...

Jan 2, 2003, 04:14 PM
On 2003-01-02 12:27, Sysop wrote:
LOL Spy, so far the stuff you've posted in this thread wasnt accurate anyways

Alright dude. From one Washingtonian to another, you have been "owned hardcore" since before I even replied, and I think that my replies, and the ones that people have given in my favor, are sufficient proof of this. We can keep going here, and I can keep winning, and you can keep losing. Or, we can take it to PMs. Or, you can just quit reffering to me/flamebaiting AKA shut up. I'll let you decide; either way I win.

Jan 2, 2003, 04:57 PM
Just asking here...in the rules of agreement did it mention that you cannot imitate someone that is an associate of Sonic Team, Sega, or whatever?

Jan 2, 2003, 05:01 PM
Interesting. Very interesting.

If this is true, then at least we know the 10 bucks a month is actually going to something (perhaps paying a mod or 3?)

Jan 2, 2003, 05:28 PM
Bar said that he has set his guild number to an admin's guild and he had no special abilities... This makes me wonder then, why would they have admins if they dont do anything different? oh well, gotta go!

Jan 2, 2003, 05:47 PM
I kind of avoided this possibility until now--because I'm starting to remember things that may support this theory.

I have to admit--I dont know who Ryu20 really is, but it is very odd, he sits in the middle for over a day (Im not shitting you-one time I logged on at 8am and logged off around 4..he was still in the lobby in the same EXACT place)

...And if he never moved, he would have D/c because of the D/c on the GC (can only idle for an hour)

Anyone also notice that Ryu NEVER speaks? I havent heard him talk--ever.

Of course--he could just be a mute who likes to sit all day, but his levels are different whenever I see him--and I doubt if he isnt a mod he leveled online. HAS ANYONE EVER PLAYED WITH HIM?

I have 2 strange stories now--I hope Barubary can clear them up. As they are well out of the ordinary.

I went to Vega block 1? (was one of the crowded ones) and was running around in my photon chair. I'm a battler in PSO--and I challenged everyone with atleast ONE win to a BA. There was a HUcast named PHANTASYSTAR who had no wins--was mute, and was just sitting on the balcony area.

I noticed something very strange about him--he had a viridia ID, but his photon chair was white!!! (Im unaware of any codes that change the color of your chair) I asked him repeatadly why his chair was white--he didnt say a word to me-or anyone else.

I tried to get other peoples attention--but I have no keyboard and nobody was listening over the, "STAG RARE+9000 FOR TRADE!" He was doing exactly like Ryu does--and he didnt talk or move the entire 20 mins I was in the room. If there is a code to change your photon chair I will let this slide--if not I would like to hear someone try to explain this.

This is my final story--one that truly convinces me of active mods with chars. I was battling a guy today one on one--rule 1 (which I never do). I beat him even though I was 10 levels lower and he was using dupes (lavis,dbl cannon). After I beat him, he said I was good and we chatted for a little while.

About halfway through the chat he was telling me how he has duped a ton of these for his friends and asked If i wanted one...(I said no)
RIGHT THEN--I got an email

I answered my email from a invisible user name--I was really worried this guy had tricked me and he was trying to hack me.

I read the reply...all that it said was..."Leave"...

NOW HEAR IS THE REALLY INTERESTING PART. I met him in a ghost ship (Deneb 4) and when I clicked the lobby button...I was the only person in block one-lobby one.

I searched an old email the BA'er sent me...he wasnt online.

I honest to god think ST banned this guy.

Jan 2, 2003, 06:49 PM
On the Dreamcast versions of PSO, you could idle for days by simply pressing keys on your keyboard and not sending them. I've idled for two days straight (while I went out of town) like this.

On the GCN version, I don't know if you can do it, but it didn't work with the soft keyboard.

Jan 2, 2003, 06:52 PM
On 2003-01-02 00:39, Sysop wrote:
It wasnt "suits" it was a more black and white hunter uniform texture, They didnt really have ties...

Now, you see, when you come clean, you become believeable. I can see regular Hunters being moderators' characters. When you say there were a bunch of mysterious mods in tuxedos on PSO, you're easily doubted. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Also, although you later stated that you were calling Spy ignorant, in your original post, you were calling every forum go'er ignorant. You did not single Spy out. Thus, anyone who became angry with you had a reason to, because you had grouped us altogether as know-nothings.

Anyway, yeah, on the matter of text logging -- it's an old topic by now, that's for certain, but nonetheless -- if you are playing an online game, you take the risk of someone seeing your conversations. Simple as that. Logging text is really easy. I'm sure easier still, considering how PSO works. It's true that this does not mean anyone is doing it, but you should not really trust that no one will ever take a peek. Plenty of ISPs log your activity, but due to privacy clauses and the like, that does not get you in trouble. It's just kept around.

I talk about private things online all the time. There's actually some embarassing stuff about me floating around on the 'net, from E-Mails that got out. I don't mind though. Although some people say internet users need to "get a life", I consider the 'net as authentic of a communication medium as telephones, handwritten letters and the like. If someone "hacked" my computer, I wouldn't really care, but I doubt that a true hacker accomplished enough to get into my machine would really care about its contents. I respect true hackers, and know they have much better things to do than hack into my poor little comp. Then, there are people who absolutely fear the internet, think every script kiddie is a hacker who's out to get them, and who would never do the things I and others do. It just depends upon how worried you are about your private life, and this applies to your online gaming activity as much as it does to your online PC activity, pretty much.

Jan 2, 2003, 09:23 PM
Guys guys guys, sheesh, I was a little heated, it was just, i come in here and swear up and down that this strange guy is a mod and you guys laugh at me and turn me into a joke... i mean, it just quickly got to me. I'm no longer mad or anything... and i dont care about the "ignorent" thing anymore, its getting old talking about how i got mad in a thread about Mods LOL.

Spy, glad to see a fellow Washington citizen!

Baru, thanks for your informitive posts most-of-all!

And sorry for any hard feelings or wrong outlooks i've casted upon myself now. Nothing i can do to fix that at the time being besides say i'm sorry...

I'd like for this thread to continue, i dont know about you but i love hearing stories about strange characters or Sonic Team incounters!!

Again, sorry,

Jan 2, 2003, 09:52 PM
On 2003-01-02 18:23, Sysop wrote:
I'd like for this thread to continue, i dont know about you but i love hearing stories about strange characters or Sonic Team incounters!!

Me too! I think its so interesting listening to peoples "mod tales"... but some are so obviously fake. Others, im not so sure about - but i rarely criticise people for posting, even if i think its total b0!!0cks!

Jan 2, 2003, 11:25 PM
Read mine--I assure you it isn't fake.

Jan 2, 2003, 11:28 PM
I to really doubt that ST would Pay people to go on PSO and check the servers and stuff they most likely play the game some times...then and after lvling up a few just see whats happening in the game they made.

Jan 2, 2003, 11:39 PM
That would be pretty cool seeing a couple Mods. in suits banning a whole clan...

Jan 2, 2003, 11:49 PM
@ iHATEpsoCHEATERS - The chair thing isn't anything too out of the ordinary. It is just some sort of fluke that sometimes seems to happen. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I am pinkal, and one time I was popping in and out of the 2 different poses, and then started to chair race. My friend (Jae) at that point asked why my chair was white. I was quite confused (and I assure you I didn't use any codes), and got out of the sitting position. When I sat down again, I was pinkal again. So I think it is just some sort of bug / server thing.

In terms of this whole ST mods, I find it unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely. And I figure if there are mods, they won't be characters running around... more likely faceless guys just looking at lots of data (probably similar kind of rig that barubary has?). You could sort thru a lot more users that way, in a much shorter time span.


Jan 3, 2003, 12:02 AM
Damn, has this thread been interesting. It's the PSO equivalent of telling ghost stories around a campfire. Even if they AREN'T true (and I don't rule out anything), they sure are fun to read.

I believe I met a Sega rep on PSO (v1 I think) once, but he was only a normal character without any special powers... that I know of, at least.

Jan 3, 2003, 12:14 AM

I ran into Ryu20 tonight and tried talking to him as he sat atop the balcony as usual. I did a choice search and he was in it. I mailed him...

"Are you a moderator?"

"No comment."

"Because if you are I can help you"

"Help me how?"

"I know alot of people you could monitor"

I later go on to tell him some names--but this is where things get fishy. I told him a lie--just to see if he was BS'n me.

"A guy named SOURCE has made/distributed over 500 dupes" SOURCE told me to say this. This is where I wanted to see if he was a mod. He said...

"I know--we've been monitering him for quite some time." I had caught him--he was full of crap.

"Haha no he hasnt. He's my friend, you're just a wannabe"

"I knew he was/is your friend--I was just playing along, we've also been monitering you." BBBSSSSSSS

I then told him that if he is a MOD he should get off his photon chair @#$ and start to enforce some things, he said...

"Just because you dont SEE changes--doesnt mean we arent working on things."

Either he is a complete wannabe who is taking this to far (seriously have you seen how long he will stay on vega 1 at HOURS UPON HOURS at a time?) or he really is a MOD with a sense of humor.


As for PHANTASYSTAR with the wrong colored PC, I found him in a JP server today (Alycone challenge block) and now I think he is truly a mod...either that or the PC glitch munki is talking about just got worse.

His chair was still white--no change there, but...His ID was REDRIA. And his level was the same as yesterday. *shudders* This is just creepy.

Wanna know what he was doing??? SITTING MUTE ON THE BALCONY.

My japanese friend who speaks good english (yasha*HIME) on PSO told me of an occurance where an extra "copy" of an NPC was onboard Pioneer 2. She said when duping was just starting out--some infamous duper and his cronies reported the copy in there game--you could walk up to it and it wouldnt move--unlike the other NPC's though--this one didnt have a chat option.

Call it a glitch if you want.

Jan 3, 2003, 12:36 AM
WOW, thats awesome! i went looking for Ryo20, what ship/block is he normally in?

I have a story also.

My brothers friend in real life told me about how he joined this game called "Hacked MAGS". This was before any known moderators were even talked about and before GS codes were out wide-spread. back in the DC v1 days. Anyways, My friend went into the team looking for a good mag. This guy told my friend, "You do know this mag is hacked?" and he took it anyways and after that he got disconnected and when he went to play his character again it was erased.

This all ties in with that creepy crap about namless mailer telling you to leave because you were in a room with a duper. I beleave Sonic Team does little operations like this... it'd be so easy for them to do this.

and you know what i was thinking that kinda makes sense? The reason why Moderators arent known or more common might be because they actually dont hirer seperate people just to moderate, it must be other Sonic Team workers on their own time or "free time" at work just doing little check ups on the communitee here and there.

I'd be more scared of a live person banning me than a sutomated computer banning me...

Jan 3, 2003, 12:44 AM
Ryu20 is in Vega blocks--the crowded ones. He sits in the middle balcony 24/7. So if you dont see him go to a diff. crowded Vega lobby.

He's either an INCREDABLY dedicated fanboy doing this for his own enjoyment, or of course...He is a mod. >_<

Jan 3, 2003, 03:10 AM
they wouldent have to pay the mods...No forum pays people to mod the boards. Its a privalidge, that anyone would wanna do just because. Hell id be a pso mod for free http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif wouldent you?

Jan 3, 2003, 03:21 AM
LOL being a mod for a forum is a little different from being a mod for a official online game like PSO. DO you think they just take people off the street thet want to mod? LOL they'd have to have at least a little bit of training, they'd have to be trusted really well, and i bet you tons of money they wouldnt be able to do it from their houses, so that means they are doing it from within Sonic Team's HQ.

But yeah, I'd do anything to be a official Sonic Team moderator... ANYTHING... but people cant be trusted like that you know?

BTW: i searched all through like all the blocks looking for Ryu20... no luck at all, what level was he on last time you saw him? i was in like block 1-6... nothing... and what is the challenge block? i want to see PHANTASYSTAR and Ryu20 in person... so can anyone really help me out here?


Jan 3, 2003, 05:35 AM
On 2003-01-02 20:39, Cloud_01 wrote:
That would be pretty cool seeing a couple Mods. in suits banning a whole clan...

If their was a "suit" skin available in PSO, hackers would have already started running around in them by now.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: JOHNO_01 on 2003-01-03 02:47 ]</font>

Jan 3, 2003, 06:09 AM
When ST Agent Smith uncloaked himself and told me the mysteries of the universe, he was nude. Man, those ST guys pack some real firepower, if ya know what I mean *wink wink nudge nudge*

Jan 3, 2003, 06:56 AM
I feel sorry for you, when they told me the secrets of the universe they were naked women, man they were hot, each damn one... as a matter of fact, now that I think of it, even my HUcast was naked, all his access panels were open and he was reduced down to only his structural skeleton and wires. kinda like C3-PO in EP1!

But man, the agents were hot, they were hanging off my HUcast like non-other also!

Jan 3, 2003, 07:10 AM
On 2003-01-03 03:56, Sysop wrote:
I feel sorry for you,[...]

Why would you feel sorry? Maybe I like seeing naked men http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jan 3, 2003, 07:13 AM
i cant belive this thread has gone on this long...

if there are ST admins around then cool, as long as they do their job then thats cool, but if there isnt then no problem... we'll just carry on as we always have done in the past http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

oh... about that Ryu20 (or whatever he/she is called) there was recently a similar person on the DC servers... a FOnewm which simply stood in the lobby motionless for over a week i think, never speaking... never moving... i think he/she was on the JP ship 08-01-01... but i cant remember now... cant even remember the name! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jan 3, 2003, 07:26 AM
Hmm, they have to be SEGA/ST members really... who in their right mind would just login to PSO and sit their, never moving or speaking!??

Jan 3, 2003, 07:43 AM
This is a load of BS.

Maybe in FF11 but not here.

Jan 3, 2003, 07:45 AM
Erm... thanks for the constructive reply! lol.

Jan 3, 2003, 07:47 AM
Microwave burritos with tabasco sauce make great breakfast
> Everybody

Jan 3, 2003, 07:52 AM
Lets not let this topic degenerate into spam. Its a cool topic, lets not ruin it.

Jan 3, 2003, 07:56 AM
PSO MiB, Nude ST Agent Smith, Baby Jeeblus, and Barubary: Burritos for breakfast goes not against the rest of the content.

Jan 3, 2003, 08:05 AM
Ok forget it, post crap!

Jan 3, 2003, 08:10 AM
On 2003-01-03 04:43, BonusKun wrote:
This is a load of BS.

Maybe in FF11 but not here.

Yeah, they actually do have human moderators in FFXI. They posted about that on the official site some time ago. Oh and to clear up any confusion. Ryu20 is my friend (in real life) and I'm 100% that he is not a moderator. hell he's not even 18 yet.

Jan 3, 2003, 08:23 AM
On 2003-01-03 05:10, ChronoTrigga wrote:

On 2003-01-03 04:43, BonusKun wrote:
This is a load of BS.

Maybe in FF11 but not here.

Yeah, they actually do have human moderators in FFXI. They posted about that on the official site some time ago. Oh and to clear up any confusion. Ryu20 is my friend (in real life) and I'm 100% that he is not a moderator. hell he's not even 18 yet.

i wonder who could believe a thing like that?

Before i had PSO i had the tial edition and Ryu20 was there also with some other person clled KKML, i have no idea it was freaky.

Jan 3, 2003, 08:25 AM
Yer point is?

Jan 3, 2003, 08:31 AM
Its not easy to claim that he is ACTULLY your friend.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skies on 2003-01-03 05:32 ]</font>

Jan 3, 2003, 08:35 AM
It's not easy to claim he's a moderator either. And I have no proof that he is my friend in real life. So I'm gonna leave it at that.

Jan 3, 2003, 09:03 AM
...... frickin spy scares me and can we change the topic name to BABY JEEBLUS IS COMING!!!!!!!! would be alot more interesting and just as much spam

Jan 3, 2003, 09:05 AM
btw yes i am posting half of the crap i do to up my post count cause i look like a noob but this is about my 5th account at psow i have a bad memory problem and this is a good place to get post counts concidering half of it is crap why not go for 3 fourths

Jan 3, 2003, 09:26 AM
Post counts aren't important, it's the content of your posts.

I've been to PSOW before, but I posted about 2 times and then vanished... don't even remember what name I used... o_0

Anyway, I don't see what's so scary about people standing in lobbies and not talking. Sometimes I'll leave games alone for hours at a time, including online games. I've left one on for a few days before; maybe other people are doing the same thing.

Jan 3, 2003, 12:54 PM
On 2003-01-03 04:47, Spy wrote:
Microwave burritos with tabasco sauce make great breakfast
> Everybody

Yes. Yes, they do.

Jan 3, 2003, 01:51 PM
Heh Ryu20 I finally figured out just has nothing to say.

He does have a keyboard and all I can say is that he idles for no other reason than to boost his playing time.

Kinda smart if you ask me but also kinda boring. I saw him go into a game once and that was it. Personally I think he just messes around elsewhere and parks his ass in that spot if anything to make people wonder what the fuck he's doing.

I just started treating him like a light fixture because that's the most I ever see him doing.

Jan 3, 2003, 02:21 PM
Recycled racasts make good disco balls.

Jan 3, 2003, 02:41 PM
Everyone can stop spamming this thread unless they intend to add to what is being discussed. o_O

Jan 3, 2003, 03:14 PM
I dont believe sonic team really does have field agents or characters that play on the network with other players...

sure the creator of PSO has gone on a few times
(HUnewearl with spiky blue hair)

but besides that i believe they moderate not with characters bbut with computers that actully act like camers there in every lobby and game. At least thats most like ST (they dont like to blend in). Just take my advice and try to play normal and youll be a quite fine legit player!


Jan 3, 2003, 03:19 PM
I'm getting a gameshark next week. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif YAY

Jan 3, 2003, 03:23 PM
On 2003-01-03 12:19, ChronoTrigga wrote:
I'm getting a gameshark next week. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif YAY

it pains me to hear that!:P

oh well not my problem

Jan 3, 2003, 03:24 PM
Like I said in my last post, I talked to Ryu20 through a choice search and he basically TOLD me that he's a mod. Sure--he could be kidding, but why the f#*( would you joke about something like that?

You would think that if he was an imposter mod, he would tell everyone this in the lobbies. Such as.."I'm a mod" (LMAO) But does he do this? Nope-he sits atop that damn balcony mute as a rock.

Like I also said in my last post--my japanese friend (yasha*HIME) told me that back in the starting days of JP pso a notorios duper was giving out items in a game when they noticed an extra NPC onboard P2 (someone in this thread mentioned this, dont recall who it was) They took a pic. of it and tried to talk to it. My friend says it didnt have a chat option..just stood-motionless. You would think that if this was a glitch it would have the same pre-set messages as the duplicate NPC.

As for arguing over if mods really exist IN-game I dont see what the argumnet is. Barubary would know more then anyone--and he confirmed this. Why deny?

Jan 3, 2003, 03:36 PM
I've read most of the stuff in this thread and all I have to say is:

DING! DING! Here comes the shit mobile and it looks like some attention whore named Sysop is driving it.

I doubt ST would have moderators because for one thing, it's expensice and why would you pay humans to do a job a computer could do at 2 the effcientcy?

Another thing is that is you were truly here from day one DC then you would know that ST doesn't give a flying fuck about us Americans. When Version 2 went to hell, the Japanese servers were being patch to be immuned to all that noling and and all other kinds of cheating, but the American servers were patch "when they get around to it" which was obviously never. YOu can also say that now because they charge all this cash to get online, yet they didn't provide us with a keyboard and still haven't done anything about duping.

Besides Sysop, you fucked yourself over when you said the whole black suit thing. Your story was *almost* believable until then. And what the hell do you have against Spy anyway? Spy is teh bomb!

Spy you did some pretty funny shit in this thread.

I would like to thank you and Sysop for making the General froum worth coming to once again.

Jan 3, 2003, 03:36 PM
On 2003-01-03 12:24, iHATEpsoCHEATERS wrote:
Like I said in my last post, I talked to Ryu20 through a choice search and he basically TOLD me that he's a mod. Sure--he could be kidding, but why the f#*( would you joke about something like that?

You would think that if he was an imposter mod, he would tell everyone this in the lobbies. Such as.."I'm a mod" (LMAO) But does he do this? Nope-he sits atop that damn balcony mute as a rock.

Like I also said in my last post--my japanese friend (yasha*HIME) told me that back in the starting days of JP pso a notorios duper was giving out items in a game when they noticed an extra NPC onboard P2 (someone in this thread mentioned this, dont recall who it was) They took a pic. of it and tried to talk to it. My friend says it didnt have a chat option..just stood-motionless. You would think that if this was a glitch it would have the same pre-set messages as the duplicate NPC.

As for arguing over if mods really exist IN-game I dont see what the argumnet is. Barubary would know more then anyone--and he confirmed this. Why deny?

Thats very odd and scary but how could this many glitches break through PSO. Everyone assumes there glitches but what are they really?

Oh crap im starting to talk like Rico Tyrell. Why why why? WHY DID IT HAPPEN? HOW?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skies on 2003-01-03 12:38 ]</font>

Jan 3, 2003, 03:44 PM
Skies, don't worry. I just said I was getting a gameshark. No way in hell I am using it in PSO. I'm mostly getting it for Metroid Prime to get the fusion suit since I don't have metroid fusion or a gameboy advance.

Jan 3, 2003, 03:47 PM
On 2003-01-03 12:44, ChronoTrigga wrote:
Skies, don't worry. I just said I was getting a gameshark. No way in hell I am using it in PSO. I'm mostly getting it for Metroid Prime to get the fusion suit since I don't have metroid fusion or a gameboy advance.

PHEW! ok http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 3, 2003, 03:55 PM
Big Brother is watching.

Jan 3, 2003, 03:55 PM
On 2003-01-03 12:47, Skies wrote:

On 2003-01-03 12:44, ChronoTrigga wrote:
Skies, don't worry. I just said I was getting a gameshark. No way in hell I am using it in PSO. I'm mostly getting it for Metroid Prime to get the fusion suit since I don't have metroid fusion or a gameboy advance.

PHEW! ok http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I don't see why you were worried in the first place.

Jan 3, 2003, 03:58 PM
Yeah, no one's gonna be able to do anything with the gameshark yet anyways. They have to go through hour after hour of process. <-------nerds to do the job.

Jan 3, 2003, 04:17 PM
On 2003-01-03 12:58, ChronoTrigga wrote:
Yeah, no one's gonna be able to do anything with the gameshark yet anyways. They have to go through hour after hour of process. <-------nerds to do the job.

No one's going to be able to do anything with the Gamshark period. I mean what new thing can they do that already aren't being done?

Jan 3, 2003, 04:20 PM
How bout creating items from scratch? Or leveling up to level 200 in one kill. Or maybe even making those 999 lvl mags? Hey, its a new version. That's what the hell they can do.

Jan 3, 2003, 04:27 PM
I think Sega need to prevent cheating in PSO altogeher. They could put up patches to detect cheating devices just like in V2.

Jan 3, 2003, 05:45 PM
Yeah, well those patches didn't detect NOL, now did they?

Jan 3, 2003, 05:53 PM
If Ryu20 is a mod then my name is Jesus.

Some of you people are waaay to gullible...

Jan 3, 2003, 06:04 PM

Jan 3, 2003, 06:10 PM

Jan 3, 2003, 06:20 PM
On 2003-01-03 12:36, Ness wrote:
I doubt ST would have moderators because for one thing, it's expensice and why would you pay humans to do a job a computer could do at 2 the effcientcy?

Every good MMORPG has moderators. (Yes, I know, PSO is not quite an MMORPG.) Yes, a computer can do plenty, but computers are not perfect. Furthermore, they do not dynamically learn to adapt to what people do -- they need to be programmed for that. Moderators can inspect and/or witness an occurance and take immediate action, whereas a program has limitations and cannot. Also, moderators are not necessarily expensive -- they're just normal people working in a job that requires few to zero credentials or experience -- and most companies who have them assign them to various games. If the mods are hired by Sega and not Nintendo, they undoubtedly supervise XBox games as well.

Another thing is that is you were truly here from day one DC then you would know that ST doesn't give a flying fuck about us Americans.

Quite the contrary, but nonetheless, SonicTeam is based in Japan, not in America. Naturally, quests and the like will be programmed in their language first. Also, do people really think everything is up to SonicTeam? There's a corporation involved. There are funds and discussions to be held. SonicTeam is only a group of developers that do a lot more than work on one game; they're not a massive army dedicated exclusively to PSO.

YOu can also say that now because they charge all this cash to get online, yet they didn't provide us with a keyboard

Because they cannot. Sega does not manufacture anything anymore. SonicTeam certainly does not, considering that they are programmers. Besides, monies you pay for a game would not go toward something like that -- they would go toward the servers' maintenance and the paychecks of those who run them. If you must complain about anyone, complain about Nintendo, or domestic third party peripheral manufacturers.

and still haven't done anything about duping.

Sega of America does not want to replace the domestic GameCube versions of PSO. According to them, it is the equivalent to Japan's second version. It is a shame that duping exists, but the players who chose to cheat are responsible. SonicTeam did not create the game with cheating in mind. However, it happens -- no matter how "perfect" a game is.

And thus, we return to the need for moderators.

Jan 3, 2003, 07:20 PM
I think its like what I said, if Sonic Team has moderators, they are mostlikly just like the programmers, server admins, and actual creators of the game who come in every once in a while to check up on things. I dont think they go out of their way to hire a whole groupd of moderators, I beleave they are people who already work at Sonic Team. Cheap, trust-worthy, and easy way of moderatoing PSO.

Jan 3, 2003, 08:23 PM
Sy, I think I saw you on PSO in one of the japanese servers once as a HUcast named FILE. I told you those things were happy pink scallops http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

*edit by abdur*
JP is the appreviation for Japanese. What you had is considered a slanderous remark. =

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2003-01-03 17:30 ]</font>

Jan 3, 2003, 08:35 PM
Well,I don't really think that there is a Moderator-Army (WAKE UP!Think realistic!).

I'd say that guys like Ryu20,PHANTASY STAR and all others are demonstrations,you know..something like:
"We're watching you,don't even try to cheat".
Laugh @ me if u wanna,but I think that this is just a demonstration.

And ST doesn't even NEED bots,programs on the servers could do there work...
Why should an anti-cheating program be visible?
It makes no sense.

Don't you have anything better to do?
That's odd and childish.

Well,Sysop..nice that you said sorry,but next time tell facts,not things like "something like suits",it sounds stupid,you know.

Long live this topic ^_^;

Jan 3, 2003, 08:41 PM
On 2003-01-03 17:35, Quicksilver wrote:

Long live this topic ^_^;


Jan 3, 2003, 09:30 PM
If its not one thing its another, i say i'm sorry and look, you guys get down on me still for talking about suits.

Just drop it for crying out loud. I want to hear Mod stories, not people correcting and getting down on me for my every move. Its starting to get old...

the only true way to find out if Ryu20 is a mod is if we can get Baru in that server with him, Baru's computer will beep if its a mod or not, then we'd know for sure!

Jan 3, 2003, 09:37 PM
On 2003-01-03 18:30, Sysop wrote:

Just drop it for crying out loud. I want to hear Mod stories, not people correcting and getting down on me for my every move. Its starting to get old...



Jan 3, 2003, 09:41 PM
On 2003-01-03 18:30, Sysop wrote:
the only true way to find out if Ryu20 is a mod is if we can get Baru in that server with him, Baru's computer will beep if its a mod or not, then we'd know for sure!

Then we can solve the mystery of "The Secret Mods!"

But will you do it for a Scoobie Snack?


Jan 3, 2003, 09:47 PM
Just drop it? Bringing it up was stupid in the first place. You deserve the ridicule ^_^

Jan 3, 2003, 09:51 PM
And then this one time, I was buying PSO from the store and these guys in suits showed up and beat the shit out of me then ran away saying, "Don't Hack or we'll get you again. HAIL THE SONIC TEAM MAFIA"

I still hobble from that day. But I'll get Naka back one day. ONE DAY!!!1111

Jan 3, 2003, 09:52 PM
When a mod is on my team, I poop orange M&Ms.

Jan 3, 2003, 09:54 PM
How dare you speak such blasphemies!? Baby Jeeblus can hear you!

Jan 3, 2003, 09:58 PM
At least Baby Jebluss looks like his father and not the mod. n_u

He looked like he got hit with a shovel.

One time this mod joined my group, then he totally PK'd me. Then brought me back, said "WISE FROM YOU GWAVE" then my PSO game changed to Altered Beast with my HUnewearl. It was nucking futz.

Jan 3, 2003, 10:01 PM
Icarus, at least you didnt end up like me: pregnant. I'd go take one of those EPT's anyways, just to be safe http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Jan 3, 2003, 10:03 PM
Hey, last warning guys. Stick to the topic at hand or don't take part >=

If you don't like whats being discussed, stay out of the thread, vely simple.

Jan 3, 2003, 10:03 PM
Dude, I'm color blind. How's that going to help?

*takes EPT*

o_o; I'm pregnant. Or sterile. Gau forget which.


Jan 3, 2003, 10:06 PM
Jeeblus and my encounter with the PSO MiB is just as real and valid as anything else in this post, and even moreso. I have photographic evidence of ST Agent Smith Talking to me.

Jan 3, 2003, 11:17 PM
I've been holding this back for some while now... but what you experienced Spy was a hallucination. And SySoP is really the father of your baby!

Jan 3, 2003, 11:23 PM
On 2003-01-03 20:17, ChronoTrigga wrote:
I've been holding this back for some while now... but what you experienced Spy was a hallucination. And SySoP is really the father of your baby!

Nah, ST Agent Smith is real. I get checks in the mail now from his ass; yay child support!

Jan 4, 2003, 12:32 AM
If you're trying to be funny--you might as well stop now, I already laughed, you're just posting shit.

Jan 4, 2003, 02:06 AM
On 2003-01-03 21:32, iHATEpsoCHEATERS wrote:
If you're trying to be funny--you might as well stop now, I already laughed, you're just posting shit.

Lesson lesson: I post for nobody's enjoyment but my own. If other people do enjoy my posts, then that's a nice benefit. If they dont, well, Im not slashing my wrists over it.

Jan 4, 2003, 02:17 AM
like i said can we start a jeeblus topic so abdur wont keep coming in here????

Jan 4, 2003, 02:19 AM
On 2003-01-03 23:17, Cross689 wrote:
like i said can we start a jeeblus topic so abdur wont keep coming in here????

Yes, please. Go make a Jeeblus topic in the Fresh Kills Landfills forum.

Jan 4, 2003, 02:30 AM
I was online tonight. ST Agent Smith says "Hello to everyone at PSO-World"

Jan 4, 2003, 03:41 AM
On 2003-01-03 15:04, ChronoTrigga wrote:

Ok smartass then answer me this.

If he's such a big bad mod then how come he isn't dealing with the obvious duping problem.

Better yet why doesn't he deal with that troll named Bruce Lee who idles in the lobby making racist jokes 24/7 eh?

Sorry dude but you're smoking a huge load of BS and it stinks all the way to Vega.

Jan 4, 2003, 09:35 AM
maybe hes a racist himself...
about the idleing - its not very wise to shout "i'ma mod, fear me!" - use your flatrate, router etc wisely and just stand there... maybe he's even reading this thread meanwhile.

the chairs...
like barubary or anyone posted some months ago they turn white with some ids, because they are several chairs laid over each other (each time someone new joins the lobby the "i'm sitting" info gets sent to everyone in the lobby) - this is making them seem white and causing fsods, afaik.

about this hacked-mag-/erased-char-incident - i think this was no mod, most likely the hacker was just giving out 'charkilling' items...

gha, this additional npc-story reminds me of 'the matrix' ! watch for deja-vu's everyone!

hm... visible mods seem to be only to scare some people... if they have no special 'powers', but then again, they could manualy contact some pso-sysop and kick/ban players or they have some hardware to read out hl-numbers that you dont have, barubary? ^_^

@ redfox
it was MILLENIUM G200, short black ponytailed RAcaseal standing in 01-01-01 and ... european ship no.1-01-01, answering scripted questions etc... she's not around since a whole month i think...
08-01-01 was something else... ^_^;

@ abdur
thanks for the editing a while back... why cant anyone just stick to 'jp'?

edit: ascii ascii... -_-;;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-01-04 06:36 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2003, 10:16 AM
hm... visible mods seem to be only to scare some people... if they have no special 'powers', but then again, they could manualy contact some pso-sysop and kick/ban players or they have some hardware to read out hl-numbers that you dont have, barubary? ^_^

That's exactly what I said,lol

Jan 4, 2003, 10:30 AM
that was said several times in this tread by now... ^_^;

Jan 4, 2003, 10:53 AM
On 2003-01-04 07:30, rena-ko wrote:
that was said several times in this tread by now... ^_^;

But always in hundreds of sentences,I used 1 or 2,lol

Jan 4, 2003, 10:55 AM
hundreds of sentences, yeah...
and thats why noboby really seemed to had read it -_-;

Jan 4, 2003, 12:39 PM
here's why I say it's a load of BS.

A moderator by definition is givin the abilites and the powr to make judgement calls based on any givin situtation presented to that mod.

It's never really an easy choice and it's a thankless job however outright lying to people saying that Ryu20 is a mod is such a load of BS.

All you're doing is lulling people into some false sense of security and thus when you least expect it, you get bitten in the ass.

I've been modding forums and IRC servers for over 6 years now and to be frank sometimes it's a lot drama but it's easy to deal with because I don't let the drama get to me.

Seriously if Ryu20 is a mod like you say he is, have him prove it or put a cork in your mouth because anyone with a head of sense isn't buying into your story.

Jan 4, 2003, 12:46 PM
true, but...
who exactly do you adress with 'you' here?

Jan 4, 2003, 01:09 PM
Oh boy,such a wannabe!
I heard 2 guys in this >>1<< topic sayin:
"I was a mod @ Napster,I'm sooo experienced..",
"I was a mod @ IRC 4 6 years,I know so much".
Hell,it's not intereesting me!

Nice that u r/were a mod sumwhere,but that doesn't make u able 2 know what ST does on its servers!

Jan 4, 2003, 02:54 PM
On 2003-01-03 15:20, Tavia wrote:
Every good MMORPG has moderators. (Yes, I know, PSO is not quite an MMORPG.) Yes, a computer can do plenty, but computers are not perfect. Furthermore, they do not dynamically learn to adapt to what people do -- they need to be programmed for that. Moderators can inspect and/or witness an occurance and take immediate action, whereas a program has limitations and cannot. Also, moderators are not necessarily expensive -- they're just normal people working in a job that requires few to zero credentials or experience -- and most companies who have them assign them to various games. If the mods are hired by Sega and not Nintendo, they undoubtedly supervise XBox games as well.

It is true that computers still make mistakes, but they are far more efficient then humans. Also they can't adapt, but that's what programmers are for. I'm sure they have some people laying around that could program the servers to fight cheating.

Quite the contrary, but nonetheless, SonicTeam is based in Japan, not in America. Naturally, quests and the like will be programmed in their language first. Also, do people really think everything is up to SonicTeam? There's a corporation involved. There are funds and discussions to be held. SonicTeam is only a group of developers that do a lot more than work on one game; they're not a massive army dedicated exclusively to PSO.

LOLZ! You didn't even prove me wrong. All you said is that ST has a division in America and that ST works on more games then one. Here are some examples of why I think the way I do:

1. JP players got several downloadable quest and we only 3.

2. When a new form of chaeting came out, the JP servers were patched immediately, but the US servers were patched when they got around to it and in some cases that was never.

3. The JP players get charge 15 dollars every 3 months, while we get charged 9 dollars a month and look at how much less we get.

Because they cannot. Sega does not manufacture anything anymore. SonicTeam certainly does not, considering that they are programmers. Besides, monies you pay for a game would not go toward something like that -- they would go toward the servers' maintenance and the paychecks of those who run them. If you must complain about anyone, complain about Nintendo, or domestic third party peripheral manufacturers.

You were right about this one. It's Nintendo's fault not theirs, but they knew we wouldn't have a keyboard so why did they continue to decide to charge us more? So they could use our money to protect the JP servers!

Sega of America does not want to replace the domestic GameCube versions of PSO. According to them, it is the equivalent to Japan's second version. It is a shame that duping exists, but the players who chose to cheat are responsible. SonicTeam did not create the game with cheating in mind. However, it happens -- no matter how "perfect" a game is.

And thus, we return to the need for moderators.

It may be the cheater's fault that duping exist, but it's ST fault for not protecting us from it. And having a bunch of mods will not do the trick. To kill a tree you have to go for it's root. In this case, cheating is the tree and the server's code is its roots. ST is going to need programers to make the server code uncrakable and computers to monitor cheating on PSO. It wil take lots of time and energy to monitor the servers and the cheating on PSO and that's something humans just can't do.

Jan 4, 2003, 03:06 PM
Hello everyone I am Sonic the Hedgehog! I like to dress up in a black suit and mod the PSO servers. So all you cheaters better watch out.

Jan 4, 2003, 03:17 PM
On 2003-01-04 11:54, Ness wrote:
LOLZ! You didn't even prove me wrong.

Mostly because I have argued about this same topic several times on these forums, and I really do not want to repeat it anymore, even if it means my opinion does not get voiced. I spent an entire post explaining why ST does not have a thing against American gamers. I do not want to go through that every time; it's not my job to try changing the opinions of everyone in the world.

All you said is that ST has a division in America and that ST works on more games then one. Here are some examples of why I think the way I do:

1. JP players got several downloadable quest and we only 3.

The majority of SonicTeam's members, including Yuji Naka I believe, do not speak/write English well, if at all. They do not do the bulk of their translating. A quest, naturally, will come out in their native language first. I don't blame them for this. If I were to complain to anyone about the other quests not being released domestically, it would be whomever their translators are.

2. When a new form of chaeting came out, the JP servers were patched immediately, but the US servers were patched when they got around to it and in some cases that was never.

This is in relation to the Dreamcast versions. For the GameCube, Japan had to replace discs with a second disc; however, the American gamers had the updated disc from day one, thus eliminating the need for a US recall. SonicTeam is extremely wary about fixing anything if it means damaging the gameplay experiences of people who have no idea about duping, bugs, or anything of the like. That caused them to hesitate in even replacing the Japanese versions, and it's also why the old servers have not gone down even so.

3. The JP players get charge 15 dollars every 3 months, while we get charged 9 dollars a month and look at how much less we get.

Over the course of three months, we almost pay twice as much. Almost, but not quite. By domestic online RPGs' track records, this is a sub-standard monthly fee. Yes, there are some -- like the oft-mentioned "Diablo II" -- where the online play is free, but Sega does not have that kind of stuff to throw around, nor is PSO nearly as popular as Diablo. That's why I find that a poor excuse when people give it. Those monies, regardless, go toward bandwidth, server maintenance -- both the paychecks of those administrators/moderators and any necessary part replacements -- and so on, so forth. I, personally, think we are getting what we pay for, considering the small amount of monies involved.

You were right about this one. It's Nintendo's fault not theirs, but they knew we wouldn't have a keyboard so why did they continue to decide to charge us more? So they could use our money to protect the JP servers!

That is the silliest, most non-sensical thing I have heard. They knew we didn't have a keyboard, so they charged us more?

ST is going to need programers to make the server code uncrakable

That has nothing to do with PSO cheating in its current form.

and computers to monitor cheating on PSO..

Computers -- or, more precisely, programs -- will work in conjunction with moderators, but having one without the other would be unwise. A program has its faults, as does a human, so to run a system well, you need both.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tavia on 2003-01-04 12:18 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2003, 03:29 PM
On 2003-01-04 10:09, Quicksilver wrote:
Oh boy,such a wannabe!
I heard 2 guys in this >>1<< topic sayin:
"I was a mod @ Napster,I'm sooo experienced..",
"I was a mod @ IRC 4 6 years,I know so much".
Hell,it's not intereesting me!

Nice that u r/were a mod sumwhere,but that doesn't make u able 2 know what ST does on its servers!

Actually you'd be amazed at what I know goes on with ST's servers but that's neither here nor there.

If anything I used that to make a point that I am not talking out of my ass when I say being a mod is a thankless job. One of the responsibilties of being a mod is not to idle 24/7 but to actually moderate and trying to keep the peace so speak.

Ryu20 isn't doing anything other than sitting on his ass and idling in the lobby or playing the game which the rest of us are doing.

Yeah what a great mod there.

Oh and guess what?

I don't give a damn if you find me interesting or not.

Moving on tho, My original post was addressed to ChronoTrigga and not you.

See what happens when you don't use quotes folks?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BonusKun on 2003-01-04 12:32 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2003, 03:38 PM
On 2003-01-04 12:17, Tavia wrote:
Computers -- or, more precisely, programs -- will work in conjunction with moderators, but having one without the other would be unwise. A program has its faults, as does a human, so to run a system well, you need both.

The only way to prevent any real cheating or stifle it to a small amount is to have actual users going in and give them admin access to be able to control aspects of the game not known to normal users.

This will never happen tho because ST doesn't have the cash to put someone on the payroll like that. Sega's money status this last year was pretty bleak so to even get something of this quality in terms of games is truly a marvel indeed.

Sonic Team invested so much money into this game that the duping glitch cost them more *PSO Japanese Version 1.0* than they had originally expected.

To be forced to release a 1.1 disc just to slow down the duping even tho it didn't help at all in the long run was such a waste of money.

Jan 4, 2003, 03:48 PM
On 2003-01-04 12:17, Tavia wrote:

Mostly because I have argued about this same topic several times on these forums, and I really do not want to repeat it anymore, even if it means my opinion does not get voiced. I spent an entire post explaining why ST does not have a thing against American gamers. I do not want to go through that every time; it's not my job to try changing the opinions of everyone in the world.

That doesn't help your side of the story much.

The majority of SonicTeam's members, including Yuji Naka I believe, do not speak/write English well, if at all. They do not do the bulk of their translating. A quest, naturally, will come out in their native language first. I don't blame them for this. If I were to complain to anyone about the other quests not being released domestically, it would be whomever their translators are.

I'm sure they don't hire translatoors. ST has their own translators. Even if they do't it's still the ST descion on whjether or not they give us downlaodable quest.

This is in relation to the Dreamcast versions. For the GameCube, Japan had to replace discs with a second disc; however, the American gamers had the updated disc from day one, thus eliminating the need for a US recall. SonicTeam is extremely wary about fixing anything if it means damaging the gameplay experiences of people who have no idea about duping, bugs, or anything of the like. That caused them to hesitate in even replacing the Japanese versions, and it's also why the old servers have not gone down even so.

I'm not saying that they have to recall the game. They could do (and probably already have on the JP servers)is make patches for their servers. If they were so wary about fixing the game then why were the JP servers on PSO DC always fixed? They can't possilby be wary about our experiences and not the experiences of the JP players. The "experiences of the gamer" is just an excuse ST uses not to fix our server while still charge us.

Over the course of three months, we almost pay twice as much. Almost, but not quite. By domestic online RPGs' track records, this is a sub-standard monthly fee. Yes, there are some -- like the oft-mentioned "Diablo II" -- where the online play is free, but Sega does not have that kind of stuff to throw around, nor is PSO nearly as popular as Diablo. That's why I find that a poor excuse when people give it. Those monies, regardless, go toward bandwidth, server maintenance -- both the paychecks of those administrators/moderators and any necessary part replacements -- and so on, so forth. I, personally, think we are getting what we pay for, considering the small amount of monies involved.

Well why not charge the JP player more? Why did it have to be us? Or why don't they charge both of us more? That seems like the logical thing to do to me since "they need all this money". What's with the comparison to Diablo? It's free. So what? Just because Diablo is free doesn't give ST the right to charge us more. What do you mean we're "getting what we paid for"? We more tha twice a much and get twice as less. That doesn't sound like a fari trade to me. I think thaqt ST should be working hard to keep us happy rather then the Japanese. After all we provide them with more money. Like I said they like them more than they do us so they use our money to keep them happy.

That is the silliest, most non-sensical thing I have heard. They knew we didn't have a keyboard, so they charged us more?

The point I was trying to make here is that they had the nerve to give us less and charge us more. Why? Because they hate us.

That has nothing to do with PSO cheating in its current form.

Oh really? All the cheating that is going on right now is due to server hacking. If we can stop server hacking then that would prevent cheating or altest kepp more people from starting.

Computers -- or, more precisely, programs -- will work in conjunction with moderators, but having one without the other would be unwise. A program has its faults, as does a human, so to run a system well, you need both.

There will be no need for moderators. Computer can do it all. Like in DC if you took out a illegit item you would be disconnected and if you had one in your possesion you could not join games. Not only that but you could not get one with an active cheating device. ST could do all of that for the GC and cheating would be pretty much wiped out. But given ST history, they won't do what it takes because of some lame excuse or another. And even if they do it will be for JP players only.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2003-01-04 13:42 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2003, 04:32 PM
@ u mods,
the things u know r very interesting 2 me,but it doesn't interest me what u r!
I just want facts about this topic,understand?

Don't star thinking,i'm jealous of u http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif lol

Jan 4, 2003, 04:46 PM
On 2003-01-04 13:32, Quicksilver wrote:
@ u mods,
the things u know r very interesting 2 me,but it doesn't interest me what u r!
I just want facts about this topic,understand?

Don't star thinking,i'm jealous of u http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif lol

What are you trying to say here. I'm not a mod.

Jan 4, 2003, 05:10 PM
2 interesting tidbits of information to add here.

First off, PSO GC isn't doing very well in the US. I think they got about 30-40,000 units out there. There is a demand for it still, but it isn't going to be putting up very big numbers. Remember, PSO has been out for, what 2-3 months now? And it came out before the xmas shopping rush? And this is all it put up? That is definately underwhelming, to say the least. This, of course, is going to act as a deterrent whenever they think about setting things up for us. That is also why it is unlikely that anybody puts out a keyboard for us. I hate that it works that way, but buisness is buisness.

Why we pay more than japan? Well, probably a number of reasons. First one, we are 'used' to paying 15$ a month for games like everquest. So maybe they thought we could stomach 9$ a month? Second, maybe they viewed the japanese market as the prime moneymaker for this title (most likely true), and they wanted to make sure there was no blocks that would keep people from deciding to get the game. The US wasn't as important a region I wager. More just icing on the cake, I am sure.

Why we don't get as much cool stuff as japan? probably for the same reasons above.

I just think it is stupid to say "We don't get stuff, and we get ripped off cuz ST hates us"... frankly, their personal likes and dislikes have absolutely noting to do with it. This is a buisness, decisions are made based on greenbacks, not personal opinions. If that was true, and ST 'hated us' we wouldn't have even got the game in the first place.
Does anyone have the subscriptions numbers for Japan? For the US? I would be interested in seeing that.

Jan 4, 2003, 05:16 PM
On 2003-01-04 12:48, Ness wrote:
Oh really? All the cheating that is going on right now is due to server hacking. If we can stop server hacking then that would prevent cheating or altest kepp more people from starting.

I admit I don't know how to dupe (don't really care to learn either), but I thought it had something to do with d/cing or something like that? I thought that people can't server hack (with the exception of Barubary) as there is no current cheating devices on the market yet. Anyway, if you guys are talking about DC version, then never mind. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 4, 2003, 07:13 PM
On 2003-01-04 14:16, Munki wrote:

I admit I don't know how to dupe (don't really care to learn either), but I thought it had something to do with d/cing or something like that? I thought that people can't server hack (with the exception of Barubary) as there is no current cheating devices on the market yet. Anyway, if you guys are talking about DC version, then never mind. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I'm talking about both. The GC version has been hacked by people other then Brarubary unless he/she is giving other people intrusctions on how to hack. It doesn't take a cheating device to cheat. People were cheating on DC PSO long before the GS had codes for PSO. The same is already true for GC.

Jan 4, 2003, 07:33 PM
On 2003-01-04 14:10, Munki wrote:
2 interesting tidbits of information to add here.

I guess that's another way of looking at, but there are a few problems with your theory.

First off, PSO GC isn't doing very well in the US. I think they got about 30-40,000 units out there. There is a demand for it still, but it isn't going to be putting up very big numbers. Remember, PSO has been out for, what 2-3 months now? And it came out before the xmas shopping rush? And this is all it put up? That is definately underwhelming, to say the least. This, of course, is going to act as a deterrent whenever they think about setting things up for us. That is also why it is unlikely that anybody puts out a keyboard for us. I hate that it works that way, but buisness is buisness.

Well I don't know how well this compares with Japan, but from what I've heard JP PSO has been seliing about the same.

Why we pay more than japan? Well, probably a number of reasons. First one, we are 'used' to paying 15$ a month for games like everquest. So maybe they thought we could stomach 9$ a month? Second, maybe they viewed the japanese market as the prime moneymaker for this title (most likely true), and they wanted to make sure there was no blocks that would keep people from deciding to get the game. The US wasn't as important a region I wager. More just icing on the cake, I am sure.

I doubt it was because we were "used" it. I think it's because they needed the money. Now why did they charge us more instead of JP? Because of descrimination. If you notice the Japanese "favor" their people over others so they tend to choose them over others. ST could have been fair and made more money if they charged us both $9 a month, but no they had to "favor" their fellow Japanese. Also even if they did hate us they would still give us the game because our money is as good as any, but they can neglect us by not patching our servers which is what they did with DC and what they are doing now. Now don't get me wrong, I like Japan and they are getting better as far as racism or "favoritism", but that loyalty to their people over others is still there. No one is perfect I guess.

I just think it is stupid to say "We don't get stuff, and we get ripped off cuz ST hates us"... frankly, their personal likes and dislikes have absolutely noting to do with it. This is a buisness, decisions are made based on greenbacks, not personal opinions. If that was true, and ST 'hated us' we wouldn't have even got the game in the first place.
Does anyone have the subscriptions numbers for Japan? For the US? I would be interested in seeing that.

Like I said earlier hate was too strong of a word. They basically just disciminate against us. I'm not the only one that has noticed this here is another PSO finatic's story:

American Discrimination:
Perhaps the most alarming trend seen since PSO's release is the apparent shocking lack of concern Sonic Team (who maintains the PSO servers) seems to have for American players. The Japanese PSO servers were patched from all cheat codes for months by the time PSOv2 was released in America, but it still took Sonic Team several weeks after the game's North American release to apply the same fixes to the American servers. Anytime new cheat codes are released online, the Japanese servers are patched almost immediately... while the American servers are patched when they get around to it.

Further, at least two Download Quests have been available for months for download and play in complete English as long as you are playing the Japanese copy of PSOv2. These quests have never been made available to players of the American release of PSOv2, despite the fact that, again, they are playable in full English if you are playing the Japanese version of PSOv2 and your language setting is set to English. American players are expected to make due with "Letter From Lionel," a quest that has been available since PSOv1.

(Note: Recently, a second Download quest, "Soul of a Blacksmith," was finally made available to America players. In the Japanese version of this quest, it is possible to obtain three rare weapons: God Hand, Suppressed Gun, and Technical Crozier. However, in a move that is shocking in its blatant disregard for American players, performing the exact same steps that yield you these rares in the Japanese version of the quest yields you only Level 4 (red) weapons in the English version of the quest. The fact that Sonic Team would deliberately remove the rare items before making the quest available to American players is simply mind-boggling.)

I do not know Sonic Team personally, nor have I ever been given a chance to speak with them, so for all I know, there very well could be a good reason for all of this. But on the surface, it does not look good, not at all, and Sonic Team should recognize the bad PR it gives them and either act to correct the discrimination or at the very least offer an explanation for it.

Courtesy of http://www.camineet.net

While his story pertains to DC PSO is is also true for the GC version as well. Before I go I would like to point out this line.

This is a buisness, decisions are made based on greenbacks, not personal opinions. If that was true, and ST 'hated us' we wouldn't have even got the game in the first place.

Even if it was based on opinions and ST really did hate us, they would still take our money. If not because they are hurting right now, but themn because my "my money is just as good as yours" I doesn't matter to them where the money come from ads long as they get it. I know that I would accept money from my arch enemy and ST would too.

Jan 4, 2003, 07:53 PM
While we're on the subject of hacking, the best it seems anyone could really do was jump between US and JP ships before they were officially linked.

When Barubary, or anyone else for that matter, claims to be able to do something without backing it up they are most likey lying.


You must always take the source into consideration.

Jan 4, 2003, 08:06 PM
On 2003-01-04 13:32, Quicksilver wrote:
@ u mods,
the things u know r very interesting 2 me,but it doesn't interest me what u r!
I just want facts about this topic,understand?

Don't star thinking,i'm jealous of u http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif lol

You want facts? Then go elsewhere for it because nobody is here to serve your every whim.

And I still don't think you get it.

I don't care what you feel, think or decide about me at all. That's means as far as anything you post in reply to me i could give a shit less about.

Getcho Clue on ok?

Jan 4, 2003, 08:08 PM
On 2003-01-04 13:46, Ness wrote:

On 2003-01-04 13:32, Quicksilver wrote:
@ u mods,
the things u know r very interesting 2 me,but it doesn't interest me what u r!
I just want facts about this topic,understand?

Don't star thinking,i'm jealous of u http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif lol

What are you trying to say here. I'm not a mod.

She was taking a stab at me sir.

See what happens when you don't use quotes folks? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 4, 2003, 08:21 PM
Doesn't ST work at SEGA's location in San Francisco? I saw pics of them working on SA2 and they were in SF walking streets and stuff. so if they did work in SF wouldint it be easier for them to patch are servers and put up more things faster.and wouldint it cost less money? and I live in SF I drive by SEGA's HQ 6 days a week.

Jan 4, 2003, 08:45 PM
On 2003-01-04 16:33, Ness wrote:

Well I don't know how well this compares with Japan, but from what I've heard JP PSO has been seliing about the same.

I agree I don't know the exact figures, but I am willing to wager that they have a better sales figure for the game over there... I say this out of just logic, so don't flame me http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I believe they have more installed GCN's there, and it just seems more the type of 'typical' japanese games that does better over there. But like I said, this is purely deductive, and is not based on facts.

I doubt it was because we were "used" it. I think it's because they needed the money. Now why did they charge us more instead of JP? Because of descrimination. If you notice the Japanese "favor" their people over others so they tend to choose them over others. ST could have been fair and made more money if they charged us both $9 a month, but no they had to "favor" their fellow Japanese.

I will agree that the 'used to it' factor was a bit of a stretch. I will say that (as far as I know, and have read) American servers and games were more notorious for cheating... but I was not there for this, so I can't really be authoritve on this (I only was on v1, and got out before the cheating got to the real bad stuff... at the time mostly duping).

I really just can't buy into the fact that we pay more since the japanese are 'discriminating' against us. I admit some amount of favoritism might come into play... but really this is a game that I would really consider a more 'japanese' game. I have to imagine that Japan was their primary market. The decision to charge them less (or what I would call fair and we pay too much) most likely is an effort to try and get people to buy the game. Japan is not as online as the US (I am pretty sure this holds true still...), and are not as willing to pay to play. Does anybody know the Xbox Live cost (or what it would be in japan)? That would be interesting to know as well for comparison.

But the quest and patching thing? I got no defense there http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif There is no good or logical explanation in my mind for that one. That is just good ol fashioned droppin the ball. Kind of like what the Colts just did. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif (sorry sorry, I'll keep football out of it)

Even if it was based on opinions and ST really did hate us, they would still take our money. If not because they are hurting right now, but themn because my "my money is just as good as yours" I doesn't matter to them where the money come from ads long as they get it. I know that I would accept money from my arch enemy and ST would too.

Which is exactly what I said. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Bidness id Bidness. They could think we are the biggest *#*#(@&$@# in the world, but if they thought they could get some of our money for their product, damn right they would bring it here. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 4, 2003, 09:03 PM
I know for a fact that alot of the people at sonic team play the game. but that's it usually. they just play. not sure how they ban or anything. i can even tell you what yuji naka's favorite class is. hunewearl. doesn't mean i ever met him though.

Jan 4, 2003, 09:08 PM
ok, i didn't mean to post 2 there. my explorer kinda screwed up for a moment

Jan 4, 2003, 09:56 PM
On 2003-01-04 18:03, Kalier wrote:
I know for a fact that alot of the people at sonic team play the game.

I can actually confirm you are correct.

Good Observation indeed.

Jan 5, 2003, 03:24 AM
Well...its finally come to MY post. You know what ? I been sitting here in front of my computer READING this whole thread (yes, I have a life, but I also have a lot of spare time, lol http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) for about I dunno, maybe 30mins or less/more. Im not really a fast reader, but hell, I read everything didn't I ? Now..I didn't read EVERYTHING, but I kinda skimmed, and some posts...I read and read the replies to them
Now to comment on this in another paragraph. Haha, to be honest, this thread was pretty damn "good." . I laughed too, oh man did I laugh. This thread has heated debates and some hilarious comebacks/sayings/whatever. ONE of my favs were the shit mobile...I forgot who posted that..LMAO !
Anyway, I too, enjoy reading these PSO MOD stories. They are very interesting. And I personally believe in them. I'm not too good in debates/arguements so all I'm doing is stating my opinion. A lot of the people here talk good english(grammer, sayings, talking, whatever). It's cool. It looks like I might be sticking here for the next few years. Spy is pretty funny too. Especially when he made the pic of the Sega MOD smith, lol.
Hmm, maybe I can create a character named Ryo20, do a bit of research first to see what he looks like and probably if he isn't wearing/bearing something special, I can fake as him, LOL. But anyway maybe I don't contain the knowlede enough to do so.
Well, I added my post. It pays to read this thread. Love it.


Jan 5, 2003, 03:55 AM
I'm surprised to see how long this thread has become. I'm glad to see people still like it. I found Ryu20 in Vega, I personally dont think he's a moderator. Hes just some guy who idles for hours on end. I mean, why would a moderator sit in front of his screen without moving once just sitting there reading people in a lobby... that does nothing, wouldnt you think a moderator would go through a couple teams, check up on dupers etc? I mean, in a lobby people can talk about duping, but sonic team has no proof unless they actually are in the team catching them in the act or with a duped item.

I wouldnt even talk to Ryu20, I think its just an attention getter whos trying to become "known".

Again, if we really want to find out, we need to get Baru to find him and he can tell us for sure if its a mod or not!

Baru, if you are still keeping up on this thread, try to find Ryu20 and tell us if he's a mod or not, i'm interested now and i'm sure alot of other people are, i notice his name in a number of the posts in this tread.

Jan 5, 2003, 12:51 PM
How can Barb tell if he's a mod or not? Does he have some magical power that we don't? Besides, Ryu does stay in front of his game the WHOLE time he stands up there. I tested it. I mailed him just to see if he responded each time I mailed him. And I was standing there for 3 hours with him one time cause I had nothing better to do, and he replied each time. He could be a mod, or could not be a mod. I'm taking this discussion, and placing it in the.....Y-Files. The truth has yet to be answered.

Jan 5, 2003, 03:12 PM
Why was the last reply deleted? What did it say?...

Jan 5, 2003, 03:55 PM
On 2003-01-05 09:51, ChronoTrigga wrote:
How can Barb tell if he's a mod or not? Does he have some magical power that we don't?

Yes, he does, if you were reading the posts in this thread you would have read his post about how his computer "beeps" whenever a moderator or administrator is around. Mods and admins have very low guild numbers, lower then any normal users. Its easy to tell whos a mod as long as you can find their guild number.

BTW, is Baru, not Barb - LOL

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sysop on 2003-01-05 13:05 ]</font>

Jan 5, 2003, 04:08 PM
Sysop, how come he is the only one who can make his Gamecube detect it?

Jan 5, 2003, 04:13 PM
Twas prolly a super-flame/spam.

:unknown smiley:

Jan 5, 2003, 04:15 PM
Because he 'fiddles' with it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 5, 2003, 04:26 PM
He says he uses a computer...but I dont know what he means by that.

Yep, I remember the DC days where Baru was very famous...I think I only met him ONCE in a lobby. He was surrounded by a bunch of spectators

Jan 5, 2003, 04:29 PM
He isnt the only one... right now he is mostlikly the only person in the US who has as much power as he does... although, i think theres a couple japanese players who are just as good, i may be mistaking.

Baru has alot of cutom cables and some crazy software he uses to interface with this consoles, he can access any file off the disc or memory card... he knows PSO very very very well http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Jan 5, 2003, 05:05 PM
I'd assume seeing whether or not a mod is on is fairly easy considering how simple it is to find out people's guild numbers.

Jan 5, 2003, 06:28 PM
On 2003-01-04 12:48, Ness wrote:
That doesn't help your side of the story much.

No, it doesn't. However, it also does not matter to me. If you are interested in my opinion, you can look it up elsewhere. If you would rather not be inconvenienced, neither would I.

I'm not saying that they have to recall the game. They could do (and probably already have on the JP servers)is make patches for their servers.

That would not fix the duping.

If they were so wary about fixing the game then why were the JP servers on PSO DC always fixed?

My comments had to do with the GameCube version exclusively. They had nothing to do with the Dreamcast version, which is why I specifically differentiated between the two in my post.

They can't possilby be wary about our experiences and not the experiences of the JP players. The "experiences of the gamer" is just an excuse ST uses not to fix our server while still charge us.

Actually, no, it is not. If they were to ban every user of a previous version of the game and/or every user who had not installed patches (were this possible), there are a lot of gamers who are oblivious to cheating who would be banned from playing online. This would lead to a multitude of complaints and general problems. If you think that is unlikely, you know nothing of the product/service marketplace.

Well why not charge the JP player more? Why did it have to be us?

As aforementioned, PSO's monthly rate is cheap compared to the vast majority of online RPGs made available in the United States. Sega does try to make a profit, you know, and any corporation would. To think that they would charge rock-bottom with no benefit for themselves is naive. Besides, an additional three or four dollars a month is not an immensive increase.

What's with the comparison to Diablo? It's free. So what? Just because Diablo is free doesn't give ST the right to charge us more.

I'm sorry, but judging by your response, you apparently did not understand a single thing I said. This is just another example. I explained why I mentioned Diablo. I'm sorry you couldn't comprehend the explanation.

What do you mean we're "getting what we paid for"? We more tha twice a much and get twice as less. That doesn't sound like a fari trade to me.

Then please read the post again and see why I believe we are indeed getting what we pay for.

After all we provide them with more money.

This game does not even have to exist anywhere other than in Japan. The fact that it has been domestically released at all, and that there are even servers to play it on, is something of itself. Of course, people do not see it this way; they take advantage of what they have.

Like I said they like them more than they do us so they use our money to keep them happy.

You do tempt me to go off on a tangent in SonicTeam's defense, but you would not understand it anyway. Your entire response to my original post is out of whack.

The point I was trying to make here is that they had the nerve to give us less and charge us more.

Sorry, but you do not have a point. Your argument makes no sense. SonicTeam did not give the Japanese gamers a keyboard, nor did Sega.

That has nothing to do with PSO cheating in its current form.

Oh really? All the cheating that is going on right now is due to server hacking.[/quote]

No, it is not. I do not know who is telling you this, but you are incorrect.

There will be no need for moderators. Computer can do it all.

I'm sorry, but please, if you are going to attempt to put me down or belittle my argument, try to be a bit more educated about the respective subject when you do it. You obviously do not know anything about online gaming, maintenance, profitability, or anything of the sort.

Jan 5, 2003, 07:13 PM
On 2003-01-05 13:29, Sysop wrote:
He isnt the only one... right now he is mostlikly the only person in the US who has as much power as he does... although, i think theres a couple japanese players who are just as good, i may be mistaking.

*Laughing* Look if it makes you feel any better the only reason barb is popular like that is because he doesn't hide what the hell he's doing.

There are severel others I know who are doing the same things barb does only they arn't very vocal about it and tend to keep to themselves.

To be as blunt as possible.

They don't want to be attention whores.

Oh and Ness,
No offense due but Tavia has made some very valid points which you literally brushed off without considering the idea that's she's right.

I'm not saying she's right about everything because I don't fully agree with her but, that's her opinoin and she's entitled to it as much as you are entitled to yours.

Personally i think both of ya need to drink some decaf and go back to enjoying the game and just plain ignore all the bullshit in between.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BonusKun on 2003-01-05 16:23 ]</font>

Jan 5, 2003, 10:35 PM
On 2003-01-05 16:13, BonusKun wrote:
Personally i think both of ya need to drink some decaf and go back to enjoying the game and just plain ignore all the bullshit in between.

Normally, I do that, and I understand that it is the best thing to do. However, when someone "LOLZ" in my general direction, I tend to get a stick up my ass.

Jan 5, 2003, 11:03 PM
On 2003-01-05 19:35, Tavia wrote:

Normally, I do that, and I understand that it is the best thing to do. However, when someone "LOLZ" in my general direction, I tend to get a stick up my ass.

thats the same way i was, and look what it turned into about 9-12 posts ago.

I dont care, i'm just sick of everyone saying Ryu20 is a moderator, i beleave he isnt and i wish Baru would finalize that by telling us yes or no.

Once i actually buy a GC, i'm going to be doing heavy reseach on the thing, heh, lets just say if i got into the DC i can get into the GC - LOL

Jan 6, 2003, 07:59 AM
On 2003-01-05 19:35, Tavia wrote:

On 2003-01-05 16:13, BonusKun wrote:
Personally i think both of ya need to drink some decaf and go back to enjoying the game and just plain ignore all the bullshit in between.

Normally, I do that, and I understand that it is the best thing to do. However, when someone "LOLZ" in my general direction, I tend to get a stick up my ass.

*Looks @ you* LOLOLOLLOL!!!!11

There feel better now? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Seriously I tend give a crap less about most people opinoins because for the most part I see a lot of people either talking out of ignorance, bordom or just plain grabby at straws on something they know nothing about.

Hell if I don't know something, I'll ask. If I don't get an answer, I'll go and find out on my own. You shouldn't fault some people for not being able to put two & two together. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oh and for the last time.

Ryu20 = Dork HUmar with a stick up his ass in the lobby with nothing better to do than sit on Vega one and idle while he is watching TV, Surfing the net or jerking off on his PC.

He's just that simple-minded enough to just not give a damn.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BonusKun on 2003-01-06 05:01 ]</font>

Jan 6, 2003, 08:50 AM
On 2003-01-05 00:24, Tenshin wrote:
comebacks/sayings/whatever. ONE of my favs were the shit mobile...I forgot who posted that..LMAO !

That was me!!! Wooohooo!!! I have a fan!

The whole mod story was believeable until Sysop said that guys dressed in tuxedos can on to the servers. I don't know if you read that part, but the whole moderator thing was just an attepmt to get attention.

Jan 6, 2003, 08:50 AM
about the - US- paying more than JP-players -
maybe it is because of the weak dollar/strong yen since some months and since analysts say, it wont be getting better in the near future, ST decided to go for sure. *shrugs*

about barubary.
why dont you simply PM him? instead of waiting for him to read this thead up again. then again, i doubt he will waste time for an obviously wannabe-mod like ryu is ^_^
mods seem to have the option to be invisible and burst in even full games (as npc) - why would they act a way they become famous?

and i think mods would know about this 'photon-chair can cause lobby-fsod' problem. or is it fixed already?

Jan 6, 2003, 08:59 AM
oh God, here comes another annoying dumb guy bringing up the whole "Mods in suits" ordeal again. READ the posts, DROP IT! theres something called sarcastic! God, some people, who'd really take that seriously? Sheesh.

Jan 6, 2003, 09:06 AM
On 2003-01-06 05:59, Sysop wrote:
oh God, here comes another annoying dumb guy bringing up the whole "Mods in suits" ordeal again. READ the posts, DROP IT! theres something called sarcastic! God, some people, who'd really take that seriously? Sheesh.

That's because you were serious. Attention whores always sound serious until they are caught in the act. It was the fact that that line fucked you over is what makes it so rememberable.

Jan 6, 2003, 09:12 AM
so he was exaggerating in his description ok and only because he did that once you dont believe him in a whole? thats the way it must be done, yes, crush him with your sarcasm and little jokes he hasnt deserved any other treatment.

edit: btw, this was meant to be sarcastic...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-01-06 08:38 ]</font>

Jan 6, 2003, 09:30 AM
Crush me all you want, I dont care, I know i'm better then you. Its just a forum, I have nothing to lose.

now, read the words I type and stop being a closed-minded, self-centered, dumb sh!t: I was sarcastic, if you ever took phychology, you'd know the human brain doesnt reconize sarcasim. I also posted back explaining the truth about the Mods in suits.

there, are you happy? there should be no reason to get down on me or turn in into a got, besides, you suck at it anyways.

Jan 6, 2003, 09:43 AM
On 2003-01-05 15:28, Tavia wrote:

No, it doesn't. However, it also does not matter to me. If you are interested in my opinion, you can look it up elsewhere. If you would rather not be inconvenienced, neither would I.

I'm not about to scan the entire General forum to find out something that may or may not pertain to this arguement.

That would not fix the duping.

Oh yes it would. If you could make patches to prevent people from altering the code then duping will no longer be possible.

My comments had to do with the GameCube version exclusively. They had nothing to do with the Dreamcast version, which is why I specifically differentiated between the two in my post.

As true as that is, the example from the DC are still relevant, because history is repeating itself. GC PSO is going through the same stages as GC PSO is.

Actually, no, it is not. If they were to ban every user of a previous version of the game and/or every user who had not installed patches (were this possible), there are a lot of gamers who are oblivious to cheating who would be banned from playing online. This would lead to a multitude of complaints and general problems. If you think that is unlikely, you know nothing of the product/service marketplace.

Who said anything about banning anyone? The server patches would be updated on your GC as soon as you got online. So you wouldn't even have to go someplace to download it. Just like DC. I don't think people would complain about that. You may know more about marketing, but I know more about how PSO works. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

As aforementioned, PSO's monthly rate is cheap compared to the vast majority of online RPGs made available in the United States. Sega does try to make a profit, you know, and any corporation would.

And this justifies them charging only the US more how? If they were so worried about making a profit then why didn't they charge didn't they charge both the US and JP more? Sounds like favoratism to me and given ST history I am sure this is the reason.

To think that they would charge rock-bottom with no benefit for themselves is naive.
Who says they have to charge rock bottom? All I want them to do is make it fair. Either charge us less or charge them more.

Besides, an additional three or four dollars a month is not an immensive increase.

Oh hell yes it is. Especailly for a videogame. They only reason I played PSO online was because it was free. When they started charging us for it I was mad, but wwilling to pay the price. Now what makes me so mad is that not only are they charging us a MMORPG price, but its for America only.

I'm sorry, but judging by your response, you apparently did not understand a single thing I said. This is just another example. I explained why I mentioned Diablo. I'm sorry you couldn't comprehend the explanation.

I understood what you meant. It just wasn't as relevant to the subject as you thought. I know Sega has bills to pay and so does Blizzard. I'm not asking Sega to give the game to us free (though that would be nice) I just want them to even out the payments.

Then please read the post again and see why I believe we are indeed getting what we pay for.

For the small amount of money that's involved? $9 dollars month is not small. While it's cheap compared to other MMORPGs, PSO is not one so they cannot charge us like it is one. Especially when our Japanese counterparts pay over half as much and get more quest.

This game does not even have to exist anywhere other than in Japan. The fact that it has been domestically released at all, and that there are even servers to play it on, is something of itself. Of course, people do not see it this way; they take advantage of what they have.
Oh boohoo! We have to pity the Sonic Team because the worked so hard and sacraficed so much so that we could have PSO. Who gives a fuck? Still doesn't give them a right to charge us more.

You do tempt me to go off on a tangent in SonicTeam's defense, but you would not understand it anyway. Your entire response to my original post is out of whack.

Or maybe you didn't understand the point of my inital post in the first place. You didn't even try to prove me wrong here. Why? Because you know I'm right. America is the worlds biggest ecomomical market. We are so big that countries sell their stuff to us before they sell it to their own countries. I'm sure we bought more copies of PSO here then they did in JP so not only did they make more money intially, but they continue to leech more money by charging us more. And they give us less stuff. They did it in DC and they are doing it in GC too.

Sorry, but you do not have a point. Your argument makes no sense. SonicTeam did not give the Japanese gamers a keyboard, nor did Sega.

What makes you think I'm still talking about the keyboards? I got done with that on the last arguement. What I'm saying is that they didn't give us as many quest and they didn't pacth or servers for chaeting, and the same thing is happening on GC right now. So we're paying more for less.

No, it is not. I do not know who is telling you this, but you are incorrect.

Alright then give me another way people cheated and I'll agree with you on this and don't say gameshark because those codes gotten through unauthorized Gameshark hacking. And most of those codes fucked your game us in some way anyway.

I'm sorry, but please, if you are going to attempt to put me down or belittle my argument, try to be a bit more educated about the respective subject when you do it. You obviously do not know anything about online gaming, maintenance, profitability, or anything of the sort.

It looks like someone got their feelings hurt dring this post. You didn't have to take this personally, but somehow it seem that I've struck a nerve with you. I know far more then you think I do and I've proved it by giving you a legitiamte arguement at every turn. I like people like you that can argue without getting all rude nd start flaming people. I loook forward to argueing and agreeing with you in the future.
My iniial point of my post here is that "Sonic Team discriminates against Americans and here's why"

Here is a quote form another person that feels the same way I do.

American Discrimination:
Perhaps the most alarming trend seen since PSO's release is the apparent shocking lack of concern Sonic Team (who maintains the PSO servers) seems to have for American players. The Japanese PSO servers were patched from all cheat codes for months by the time PSOv2 was released in America, but it still took Sonic Team several weeks after the game's North American release to apply the same fixes to the American servers. Anytime new cheat codes are released online, the Japanese servers are patched almost immediately... while the American servers are patched when they get around to it.

Further, at least two Download Quests have been available for months for download and play in complete English as long as you are playing the Japanese copy of PSOv2. These quests have never been made available to players of the American release of PSOv2, despite the fact that, again, they are playable in full English if you are playing the Japanese version of PSOv2 and your language setting is set to English. American players are expected to make due with "Letter From Lionel," a quest that has been available since PSOv1.

(Note: Recently, a second Download quest, "Soul of a Blacksmith," was finally made available to America players. In the Japanese version of this quest, it is possible to obtain three rare weapons: God Hand, Suppressed Gun, and Technical Crozier. However, in a move that is shocking in its blatant disregard for American players, performing the exact same steps that yield you these rares in the Japanese version of the quest yields you only Level 4 (red) weapons in the English version of the quest. The fact that Sonic Team would deliberately remove the rare items before making the quest available to American players is simply mind-boggling.)

I do not know Sonic Team personally, nor have I ever been given a chance to speak with them, so for all I know, there very well could be a good reason for all of this. But on the surface, it does not look good, not at all, and Sonic Team should recognize the bad PR it gives them and either act to correct the discrimination or at the very least offer an explanation for it.

Courtesy of Mike from http://www.camineet.net

Jan 6, 2003, 11:26 AM
On 2003-01-06 06:30, Sysop wrote:
Crush me all you want, I dont care, I know i'm better then you. Its just a forum, I have nothing to lose.

now, read the words I type and stop being a closed-minded, self-centered, dumb sh!t: I was sarcastic, if you ever took phychology, you'd know the human brain doesnt reconize sarcasim. I also posted back explaining the truth about the Mods in suits.

there, are you happy? there should be no reason to get down on me or turn in into a got, besides, you suck at it anyways.

The Human brain does infact recognize sarcasm. I'm not close minded, slf-centered, of dumbshit, but it seems like you are because you continue to get so defensive when all we're doing is playing a harmless little game. That ego of yours is just going to have to larn how to take a punch if you want to continue to post here.

And if I really wanted to insult you I would.

Jan 6, 2003, 11:42 AM
just in case: my last post was meant in a sarcastic way... if you already knew that, then dont mind.

Jan 6, 2003, 11:56 AM
On 2003-01-06 08:42, rena-ko wrote:
just in case: my last post was meant in a sarcastic way... if you already knew that, then dont mind.

YOu're last post confused me. Are you on my side or not?

Jan 6, 2003, 12:49 PM
On 2003-01-06 06:43, Ness wrote:

That would not fix the duping.

Oh yes it would.

No, it would not. Evidently, for someone who "knows more about PSO", you are rather misinformed. The server is not "being hacked", as you have stated. You may look up various posts on the subject, including some made by Barubary. It is not my responsibility to sift through the forums to find things for you which you should already know, since you claim to be a PSO know-it-all. If you wish to remain uneducated on the matter, that is your own decision.

My comments had to do with the GameCube version exclusively. They had nothing to do with the Dreamcast version, which is why I specifically differentiated between the two in my post.

As true as that is, the example from the DC are still relevant, because history is repeating itself.

I personally debated every "reason" you posted. If you would like to read my post again, please go here (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=37317&forum=1&start=150). There is also another post which I made after that, which discusses the same issue.

At no point during the PSO DC times were the servers being "hacked", nor are the GC servers being "hacked". As to the DC version, frequently duplicated items were banned, period, regardless of the user. Repeat offenders were banned. SonicTeam is wary about doing the same thing on the GameCube version due to the oblivious gamers who it will shut out. If you do not understand this logic, that is too bad.

Actually, no, it is not. If they were to ban every user of a previous version of the game and/or every user who had not installed patches (were this possible), there are a lot of gamers who are oblivious to cheating who would be banned from playing online. This would lead to a multitude of complaints and general problems. If you think that is unlikely, you know nothing of the product/service marketplace.

Who said anything about banning anyone? The server patches would be updated on your GC as soon as you got online. So you wouldn't even have to go someplace to download it. Just like DC. I don't think people would complain about that. You may know more about marketing, but I know more about how PSO works. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Apparently, you do not. The Dreamcast solution was to ban items which were notoriously duplicated and distributed. On the GameCube, if this same action is taken, unknowing gamers who received free handouts will be banned and will not know why. That will result in frequent complaints.

And this justifies them charging only the US more how? If they were so worried about making a profit then why didn't they charge didn't they charge both the US and JP more? Sounds like favoratism to me and given ST history I am sure this is the reason.

SonicTeam does not have a history of "favoritism", and again, considering the marketplace, it is a perfectly logical charge.

Besides, an additional three or four dollars a month is not an immensive increase.

Oh hell yes it is. Especailly for a videogame.

No, it is not. Once again, please read my previous posts so you may come to understand the matter. PSO, compared to online games of its kind, is quite the inexpensive game. Do not consider it in relation to the Japanese version of PSO, because American corporate heads are not going to look at it that way. They do not care what the Japanese are paying. They will compare their service to the services that domestically competitive companies provide.

I also find it amusing how you think SonicTeam is responsible for all of the charges, marketing decisions, translations and what not. It really is entertaining. Sorry, but there is a company to be considered, and it does not all lay on the shoulders of a team of programmers. You have a corporation, who in turn has a marketing division, an accounting division...

I'm not asking Sega to give the game to us free (though that would be nice) I just want them to even out the payments.

Ah, and I shall quote myself again in response to this:

Then please read the post again and see why I believe we are indeed getting what we pay for.

This also applies to most of the rest of your post, since you repeated yourself in various ways, so if you would like, please read that quote a few times to compensate for my lack of customized responses to every sentence.

You do tempt me to go off on a tangent in SonicTeam's defense, but you would not understand it anyway. Your entire response to my original post is out of whack.

Or maybe you didn't understand the point of my inital post in the first place. You didn't even try to prove me wrong here. Why? Because you know I'm right. America is the worlds biggest ecomomical market. We are so big that countries sell their stuff to us before they sell it to their own countries. I'm sure we bought more copies of PSO here then they did in JP so not only did they make more money intially, but they continue to leech more money by charging us more. And they give us less stuff. They did it in DC and they are doing it in GC too.

Once again, please read my previous posts on the matter. I am well aware of the fact that America is the largest market when it comes to electronic entertainment in all of its forms. Although a lot of people incorrectly believe that Japan is more important, it is not, when it comes to actual monies spent. Nonetheless, an American worker is not going to say: "Darn! Let's compete with the entirely irrelevant market of Japan! We don't want our Americans buying the Japanese service instead of ours! We sure know they'll do it too!" Of course, that is not the case.

Sorry, but you do not have a point. Your argument makes no sense. SonicTeam did not give the Japanese gamers a keyboard, nor did Sega.

What makes you think I'm still talking about the keyboards? I got done with that on the last arguement.

The fact that this particular part of the posts being quoted was originally stated in relation to the keyboards. If you have taken it out of that context since then, you failed to specify such.

No, it is not. I do not know who is telling you this, but you are incorrect.

Alright then give me another way people cheated and I'll agree with you on this and don't say gameshark because those codes gotten through unauthorized Gameshark hacking.

Item duping and bug/programming exploitation, the same as it was on the Dreamcast, with only a few negligible differences.

It looks like someone got their feelings hurt dring this post. You didn't have to take this personally, but somehow it seem that I've struck a nerve with you. I know far more then you think I do and I've proved it by giving you a legitiamte arguement at every turn.

Actually, no, you have not, but you are entitled to think so.

My iniial point of my post here is that "Sonic Team discriminates against Americans and here's why"

It is a shame you could not defend it in any believeable way.

Here is a quote form another person that feels the same way I do.

Yes, you did post it elsewhere in this thread, if you do not remember. However, I have already read it, because I am familiar with that website. It essentially echoes your words, which I have already debated against, and it does not add any additional credit to your argument. Furthermore, I do not blame SonicTeam for changing what items Americans earned. Why shouldn't they have? The American gaming society is rife with cheaters. To introduce a new weapon to them would be to see it duplicated and distributed carelessly. The misbehavior of the majority of domestic gamers inspired SonicTeam to act with logical restraint.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tavia on 2003-01-06 10:24 ]</font>

Jan 6, 2003, 01:00 PM
On 2003-01-06 08:56, Ness wrote:

On 2003-01-06 08:42, rena-ko wrote:
just in case: my last post was meant in a sarcastic way... if you already knew that, then dont mind.

YOu're last post confused me. Are you on my side or not?

i'm usually as neutral as switzerland claims to be but then again...
i took sysops side just for a moment when i wanted to say, that bashing him and dont believing him in whole just for this one comment he made (the suits-exaggerating-thingy) is kinda silly.
then again, sysop is taking things way to serious for me to be really on his side.

about your question: ... um... not really http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif
i stated my own opinion a few times here - if it matches yours, fine then - if not, cant be helped.
peace everyone ^o^y

Jan 6, 2003, 01:38 PM
On 2003-01-06 09:49, Tavia wrote:

No, it would not. Evidently, for someone who "knows more about PSO", you are rather misinformed. The server is not "being hacked", as you have stated. You may look up various posts on the subject, including some made by Barubary. It is not my responsibility to sift through the forums to find things for you which you should already know, since you claim to be a PSO know-it-all. If you wish to remain uneducated on the matter, that is your own decision.

Okay then. If the server is not being hacked, then how did cheating such as PK, Ck, Noling,, Kireeking and other forms of cheating come along. Don't for get the inventions of PK and CK items. I don't these were all "bugs". It seems that you are refusing to face the fact that most of the cheating was done by hackers and GS users with hacked codes.

I personally debated every "reason" you posted. If you would like to read my post again, please go here (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=37317&forum=1&start=150). There is also another post which I made after that, which discusses the same issue.
There's nothing there. I guess your saying that you're arugments were null from the beginning.

At no point during the PSO DC times were the servers being "hacked", nor are the GC servers being "hacked". As to the DC version, frequently duplicated items were banned, period, regardless of the user. Repeat offenders were banned. SonicTeam is wary about doing the same thing on the GameCube version due to the oblivious gamers who it will shut out. If you do not understand this logic, that is too bad.

You're right often duped items were banned, but also items like the SONIC KNUCKLE that the ST just didn't want us American using were banned. The same with alot of those mags. None of those items were being duped or hacked. As far as sever hacking goes, read what I said above. No one will be shut out if they just apply patches like the did on the DC. It wouldn't even have to be on your software. They could just patch the servers like they did on DC. That way no one is shut out.

Apparently, you do not. The Dreamcast solution was to ban items which were notoriously duplicated and distributed. On the GameCube, if this same action is taken, unknowing gamers who received free handouts will be banned and will not know why. That will result in frequent complaints.

There. Was that explained in plain enough English for you?

The Dreamcast solution was to prevent people with invalid item from interacting with other people. This was done by mostly preventing them from joining or creating game, but there was an occasional ban.

Actually, I never got banned for using invalid items and all the ones I did have were deleted as soon a I got version 2. Whenever I had one they would tell me that I was not allowed to create of join games until I got rid of it. It doesn't take the average human being long to figure out which item it is. Those that did get banned were only banned for a day and if they tired to get back on they were told why they got banned. All I know is that sever patches prevented cheating on the JP servers so no one hardly anyone got banned over there.

SonicTeam does not have a history of "favoritism", and again, considering the marketplace, it is a perfectly logical charge.

Alright then explain the way they treated us in the DC version and how they are treating us in the GC version.

No, it is not. Once again, please read my previous posts so you may come to understand the matter. PSO, compared to online games of its kind, is quite the inexpensive game. Do not consider it in relation to the Japanese version of PSO, because American corporate heads are not going to look at it that way. They do not care what the Japanese are paying. They will compare their service to the services that domestically competitive companies provide.

PSO and Diablo are the only two online games "of its kind". They are not exactly MMORPGs, but you can make a team and have other people join it online. So in that case it is highly expensive since Diablo is free. Besides, it wasn't Sega of America that made the price the way it is. Its Yuji Naka himself that controls who pays what. They may compare their services to the domestic companies, but the average gamer won't they compare the JP version of the gmae with the US. And many like me see us being overcharged.

I also find it amusing how you think SonicTeam is responsible for all of the charges, marketing decisions, translations and what not. It really is entertaining. Sorry, but there is a company to be considered, and it does not all lay on the shoulders of a team of programmers. You have a corporation, who in turn has a marketing division, an accounting division...

In case tou didn't know, but ST is it's own company now so they have all of that stuff. It is ultimately Naka-san's descision on who get cxharged what and who get what quest. I think he discrimnates aginst the US because he holds a grudge against us for what we did to DC PSO. What he doesn't know (or chooses to ignore) is that the first cheaters weren't American they were Japanese.

This also applies to most of the rest of your post, since you repeated yourself in various ways, so if you would like, please read that quote a few times to compensate for my lack of customized responses to every sentence.
Your lack of customized responses only show that you are running out of ways to argue.

Once again, please read my previous posts on the matter. I am well aware of the fact that America is the largest market when it comes to electronic entertainment in all of its forms. Although a lot of people incorrectly believe that Japan is more important, it is not, when it comes to actual monies spent. Nonetheless, an American worker is not going to say: "Darn! Let's compete with the entirely irrelevant market of Japan! We don't want our Americans buying the Japanese service instead of ours! We sure know they'll do it too!" Of course, that is not the case.
And no one said it was. No Americans were involved in the pricing of PSO GC for the US. It was all Naka-san. The CEO of the STcorporation.

The fact that this particular part of the posts being quoted was originally stated in relation to the keyboards.

And your point is?

Item duping and bug/programming exploitation, the same as it was on the Dreamcast.

In the DC item duping was a bug, but all other forms of cheating were done by server hacking and the use of unauthorized Gameshark cheats. That was until Code Breaker came along. The GC duping was a bug and it was corrected in the domestic US version. The duping that is done now is done by cheaters that have either hacked the servers or gotten the codes from those that have.

Actually, no, you have not, but you are entitled to think so.

Given this responce her I say that I'm correct.

It is a shame you could not defend it in any believeable way.

It's a shame that you refuse to believe the facts that are so graciously handed to you.

Yes, you did post it elsewhere in this thread, if you do not remember. However, I have already read it, because I am familiar with that website. It essentially echoes your words, which I have already debated against, and it does not add any additional credit to your argument. Furthermore, I do not blame SonicTeam for changing what items Americans earned. Why shouldn't they have? The American gaming society is rife with cheaters. To introduce a new weapon to them would be to see it duplicated and distributed carelessly. The misbehavior of the majority of domestic gamers inspired SonicTeam to act with logical restraint.

I didn't know that you read the quote when I gave to someone else. Beisdes, it wasn't jsut the Americans that were cheating. We got most of the attention, because any time a JP person cheated they were banned and the JP servers were patched to prevent it. They took out the rares becasue they felt like it. They knew that they would get duped, but if they cared so much about us they would have done stuff to prevent it.

Jan 6, 2003, 02:08 PM
I don't wanna use quotes, as these posts are getting too long.

There is only one point I care to argue anymore, as the other ones (i.e. discrimination and so forth) are pretty much purely opinion (on both sides of the board) and cannot truly be backed up with fact.

Ness, you are missinformed how ST, and game development in general works. ST is its own company, true. They develop games. They are a developer. ST is in no way a publisher, and most likely will never be one. Developers do not put forth the marketing, set prices, decide on hardware, etc. That is almost completely in the hands of the publisher. True, the developer has SOME say in it, but the final decision is and will always be the publisher. They put forth the money to develop the title, therefore their word is final. So, Naka does NOT have final say over our payment, or anything like that. That is a decision made by SOA and SOJ. Trust me on this. I am not talking out of my @$$. I have been in the game industry for 7 years now, and worked for developers and publishers. And I have seen first hand how this process works (and been frustrated by it many a time http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif)

Anyway, the rest of this argument is opinion based, your arguments are valid, just as mine are. We both interpret the data a different way, and that's fine. I just wanted to correct you on this one point, as an FYI.


Jan 6, 2003, 03:24 PM
On 2003-01-06 10:38, Ness wrote:
Okay then. If the server is not being hacked, then how did cheating such as PK, Ck, Noling,, Kireeking and other forms of cheating come along. Don't for get the inventions of PK and CK items. I don't these were all "bugs". It seems that you are refusing to face the fact that most of the cheating was done by hackers and GS users with hacked codes.

Now, you are changing your story, likely because I have disproved your original argument. If you look at the posts which you made earlier, you will see that your original argument was that the servers were being hacked. You specifically said "server hacking". This never was the case. I did not once debate the fact that GameSharks were used on the Dreamcast version, nor would I.

None of those items were being duped or hacked.

Yes, they were. A lot of them were to be released in online quests, but they were hacked into existence prematurely. In fact, the very SONIC KNUCKLE you mention was to be received in an online quest. Why do you think you were able to obtain Sonic's Glove in the quest where you collected rings? It was supposed to be converted on down the line, into SONIC KNUCKLE.

The fact that you tried to use that weapon for an example, coupled with the fact that you are entirely incorrect in doing so, should tell you something.

As far as sever hacking goes, read what I said above. No one will be shut out if they just apply patches like the did on the DC.

The GameCube hardware is not designed the same as the Dreamcast hardware was, else Japan would not need to release an additional disc.

SonicTeam does not have a history of "favoritism", and again, considering the marketplace, it is a perfectly logical charge.

Alright then explain the way they treated us in the DC version and how they are treating us in the GC version.

I already have. Please read my other posts.

Its Yuji Naka himself that controls who pays what.

That is laughably incorrect. Also, SonicTeam is not a corporation. They are legally classified as SonicTeam LTD (Limited). A few Sega development teams have broken off the primary corporation -- remaining closely-tied associates -- or have become independents, but SonicTeam is not one of them.

Your lack of customized responses only show that you are running out of ways to argue.

I would simply be repeating myself. You may read all of my previous posts to see my answers, as you are presenting the same flawed argument again and again. There is no need to create customized answers, as it would simply be repeating the same words by dressing them up in different ways, and that is called "redundancy".

And no one said it was. No Americans were involved in the pricing of PSO GC for the US. It was all Naka-san. The CEO of the STcorporation.


Item duping and bug/programming exploitation, the same as it was on the Dreamcast.

In the DC item duping was a bug, but all other forms of cheating were done by server hacking and the use of unauthorized Gameshark cheats. That was until Code Breaker came along. The GC duping was a bug and it was corrected in the domestic US version. The duping that is done now is done by cheaters that have either hacked the servers or gotten the codes from those that have.

Incorrect again. The GC duping still exists in the domestic version of PSO. Also, I do like how you are beginning to throw the GameShark into the mix, considering that your original argument was exclusively about server hacking. That is what I aimed to disprove. The GS has had nothing to do with this argument, so if you are trying to make it seem as if I have argued against the GS' use, nice try, but your own posts show that it was not the original centerpiece of debate.

Actually, no, you have not, but you are entitled to think so.

Given this responce her I say that I'm correct.

I do not see how you can say so, but if you believe it.

It is a shame you could not defend it in any believeable way.

It's a shame that you refuse to believe the facts that are so graciously handed to you.

Considering that I have disproved them every time, I doubt that is the case.

Now, if you still think the domestic monthly charge for PSO is not justified, re-read the area discussing the comparison between its charges and those of other online RPG games in the United States. Diablo is not a valid contender in this situation since it is free, and would therefore not be used as grounds for comparison. When I brought it up earlier, it was to dismiss it as a valid competitor. I do find it funny that, back then, you questioned why Diablo was even brought up and tried to push it away, but now, you are trying to use it as an argument piece.

If you still think that the current GameCube cheating involves "server hacking", please read my posts again.

If you still think SonicTeam is prejudiced against Americans, have fun with your belief.

If you want to respond again, enjoy yourself. Plenty of people have chimed in to state that you are misinformed. You are. If you are so determined to be correct, as previously suggested, please educate yourself properly on the respective matters, and then come back to the soap box.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tavia on 2003-01-06 12:51 ]</font>

Jan 6, 2003, 04:19 PM
Since I'm getting tired of this same arguement, I'm going to say a few things and stop with this converstaion.

On 2003-01-06 12:24, Tavia wrote:

Now, you are changing your story, likely because I have disproved your original argument. If you look at the posts which you made earlier, you will see that your original argument was that the servers were being hacked. You specifically said "server hacking". This never was the case. I did not once debate the fact that GameSharks were used on the Dreamcast version, nor would I.

I put Gameshark in to help tie up the loose ends we were arguing over. it was to benefit both of us.

Yes, they were. A lot of them were to be released in online quests, but they were hacked into existence prematurely. In fact, the very SONIC KNUCKLE you mention was to be received in an online quest. Why do you think you were able to obtain Sonic's Glove in the quest where you collected rings? It was supposed to be converted on down the line, into SONIC KNUCKLE.

I never heard about this quest because I didn't import and the US people don't get good quest. So I'm not going to argue this because I have no information proving you either way.

The GameCube hardware is not designed the same as the Dreamcast hardware was, else Japan would not need to release an additional disc.

Can't they just save them to youir memory card in the PSO system file?

I already have. Please read my other posts.

No you haven't because if you did I would have said something about it.

That is laughably incorrect. Also, SonicTeam is not a corporation. They are legally classified as SonicTeam LTD (Limited). A few Sega development teams have broken off the primary corporation -- remaining closely-tied associates -- or have become independents, but SonicTeam is not one of them.

I may be inmcorrect here, but so are you. ST is their own company. Even Munki agrees to that.


Which part?

Incorrect again. The GC duping still exists in the domestic version of PSO. Also, I do like how you are beginning to throw the GameShark into the mix, considering that your original argument was exclusively about server hacking. That is what I aimed to disprove. The GS has had nothing to do with this argument, so if you are trying to make it seem as if I have argued against the GS' use, nice try, but your own posts show that it was not the original centerpiece of debate.

Like I said I added Gameshark in to tie some loose ends. It's to benefit both of us. Your right duping is still in the domestic version, but I don't think it's because of bugs. And since GS isn't out yet hacking is to blame (both server and game).

Now, if you still think the domestic monthly charge for PSO is not justified, re-read the area discussing the comparison between its charges and those of other online RPG games in the United States. Diablo is not a valid contender in this situation since it is free, and would therefore not be used as grounds for comparison. When I brought it up earlier, it was to dismiss it as a valid competitor. I do find it funny that, back then, you questioned why Diablo was even brought up and tried to push it away, but now, you are trying to use it as an argument piece.

Hey, I was just doing what you said. "Reread my previous post" So I did, realized my misinterpretation. While you now contradicting yourself. You were using Diablo in your arguements like it pertained to something and now you're saying it's invalid.

If you still think that the current GameCube cheating involves "server hacking", please read my posts again.

I have read your post and I have learned other ways cheating can be performed, but server hacking is still one way to cheat and is the way is all started. How else did people make CK and PK items?

If you still think SonicTeam is prejudiced against Americans, have fun with your belief.

I plan too. You still didn't prove me wrong and I still have serveral reasons to believe what I do.

If you want to respond again, enjoy yourself. Plenty of people have chimed in to state that you are misinformed. You are. If you are so determined to be correct, as previously suggested, please educate yourself properly on the respective matters, and then come back to the soap box.

I don't think 1 person is "plenty".It's true that I was misinformed in some cases, but aleast I can admit it. You were misiformed as well.

Jan 6, 2003, 04:25 PM
Would you all just shut up? And go chat in a chatroom about this or something so you can just stop talking about it? I'd much rather hear about Spy's baby than all this constant bickering. Apparently no one in here thinks they are wrong, and it will continue that way.

Jan 6, 2003, 04:40 PM
On 2003-01-06 13:19, Ness wrote:

On 2003-01-06 12:24, Tavia wrote:

Now, you are changing your story, likely because I have disproved your original argument. If you look at the posts which you made earlier, you will see that your original argument was that the servers were being hacked. You specifically said "server hacking". This never was the case. I did not once debate the fact that GameSharks were used on the Dreamcast version, nor would I.

I put Gameshark in to help tie up the loose ends we were arguing over. it was to benefit both of us.

It was adding a new argument to an old one pointlessly. It had nothing to do with "loose ends".

Yes, they were. A lot of them were to be released in online quests, but they were hacked into existence prematurely. In fact, the very SONIC KNUCKLE you mention was to be received in an online quest. Why do you think you were able to obtain Sonic's Glove in the quest where you collected rings? It was supposed to be converted on down the line, into SONIC KNUCKLE.

I never heard about this quest because I didn't import and the US people don't get good quest. So I'm not going to argue this because I have no information proving you either way.[/quote]

You do realize that you did say the SONIC KNUCKLE was not a duped item, correct? It was. Judging by this, you do not see how blatantly wrong it was for you to provide that as an example? Also, for someone who "knows so much about PSO", you have just proven yourself incorrect yet again with your own words: The quest you "know nothing about", in which you get Sonic's Glove for conquering a "Paper, Rock, Scissors" game, was released to US gamers. It was not an import-only quest. Sorry, but you're wrong again.

The GameCube hardware is not designed the same as the Dreamcast hardware was, else Japan would not need to release an additional disc.Can't they just save them to youir memory card in the PSO system file?

If the game were programmed to accept such, yes, but as the second Japanese release should show, it is not an option. If it were, they undoubtedly would have done that, as it would have been significantly cheaper and simpler.

That is laughably incorrect. Also, SonicTeam is not a corporation. They are legally classified as SonicTeam LTD (Limited). A few Sega development teams have broken off the primary corporation -- remaining closely-tied associates -- or have become independents, but SonicTeam is not one of them.

I may be inmcorrect here, but so are you. ST is their own company. Even Munki agrees to that.

A company is not the same as a corporation. SonicTeam is not a corporation. Sega is.


Which part?

Read the quoted area.

Incorrect again. The GC duping still exists in the domestic version of PSO. Also, I do like how you are beginning to throw the GameShark into the mix, considering that your original argument was exclusively about server hacking. That is what I aimed to disprove. The GS has had nothing to do with this argument, so if you are trying to make it seem as if I have argued against the GS' use, nice try, but your own posts show that it was not the original centerpiece of debate.

Like I said I added Gameshark in to tie some loose ends. It's to benefit both of us. Your right duping is still in the domestic version, but I don't think it's because of bugs. And since GS isn't out yet hacking is to blame (both server and game).

At this point, you can believe what you please, but there is no "server hacking" going on.

Hey, I was just doing what you said. "Reread my previous post" So I did, realized my misinterpretation. While you now contradicting yourself. You were using Diablo in your arguements like it pertained to something and now you're saying it's invalid.

No. My original post stated that I find it amusing when people use Diablo as an argument piece, because it does not apply. Also, I do not know what kind of "misinterpretation" you realized, since you still do not see why the monthly fee is perfectly acceptable, from a corporation's point of view, as it is.

If you still think that the current GameCube cheating involves "server hacking", please read my posts again.

I have read your post and I have learned other ways cheating can be performed, but server hacking is still one way to cheat and is the way is all started. How else did people make CK and PK items?

Do you even know what "server hacking" is? Obviously, you do not. You are talking about game hacks which used the GameShark, which I am not here to argue about. My initial intent, as aforementioned countless times already, was that "server hacking" was not the problem, and is not the problem.

I plan too. You still didn't prove me wrong and I still have serveral reasons to believe what I do.

All of them silly, non-sensical in the business world, and in short, your opinion. I will not accept it as a valid one personally, but everyone is entitled to theirs, so you most certainly can keep it to yourself.

I don't think 1 person is "plenty".It's true that I was misinformed in some cases, but aleast I can admit it. You were misiformed as well.

I would like for you to show me where. Also, I was not specifically referring to Munki, nor was he the only one.

Also, Chrono, if you do not like these posts, you do not have to read them. This is a public board, and this debate is on-topic. Please respect that.

Jan 6, 2003, 04:41 PM
This debate should be moved to the cheaters forum like it should have been in the first place.

Jan 6, 2003, 04:42 PM
On 2003-01-06 13:25, ChronoTrigga wrote:
Would you all just shut up? And go chat in a chatroom about this or something so you can just stop talking about it? I'd much rather hear about Spy's baby than all this constant bickering. Apparently no one in here thinks they are wrong, and it will continue that way.

Hey! I will have you know that that was my closing statement. Besides Spy and his baby are long dead. I was hungry to I ate them and shit them out in the Off Topic forum.

Jan 6, 2003, 04:43 PM
omg! you killed spy! NOoOOooooooOOoOOOOo, I wanted to see the lil baby....

Jan 6, 2003, 04:47 PM
He's not dead I ate him alvie and shit him out in the Off Topic forum. If you want to saee him he will be there. Check out the topic about Ladies.