View Full Version : Random Parties

Oct 25, 2007, 01:19 PM
or is every random prty you join half retarded i mean two of my friends and me 1 lv 100 and 1 lv 96 and me lv94 can do a moatoob a and get a 10 but if i get in a prty with all lv 100's why can we not evenn get a dumb 8 its redonk am i stuck to just lv up my low lv and avoid all sp people during the day until my friends get online


Oct 25, 2007, 01:25 PM
Your sentence makes a very good argument. I will add my own:
The problem is that some people just have no idea what they are doing and they assume that being a high level means you have some degree of skill when in reality all it means is that you probably just found a way to exploit little loopholes and get the most expireince you could by running the same mission over and over and not seeing what else the game has to offer

Oct 25, 2007, 01:30 PM
maybe its because you arent talking to the party are you talking to the party because if youre not talking to your random party then they wont really know what to do but when youre with youre friends you all know what the other is capable of and where they go everytime so they are used to you and the others I would suggest you communicate more in a random party someone has to direct things why not you most people will follow if you just give them some direction without making it sound like youre giving them orders

Oct 25, 2007, 01:33 PM
I don't think I've really done random parties since Firebreak. Nowadays I tend to either solo or group with friends. Guess I just got sick of some people turning a random mission run into a military training drill. Few people do that, sure, but it seemed to get worse the higher levelled I became.

Oct 25, 2007, 01:33 PM
I understand how you feel. It's frustrating having some high level idiot kill the wrong enemy on the Parum mission after I had asked them if they knew what to do....

Oct 25, 2007, 02:32 PM
Teaming up with random players is better than solo-ing for 2 purposes:
1) To level up Resta, Giresta, and Reverser.
2) Easier way to gain experience points.

Oct 25, 2007, 04:49 PM
Ahhh random parties.
You do realize thats the easiest way to meet new people, so they arent just random parties anymore right?