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View Full Version : Is there a benefit to joining a guild or clan?

Oct 29, 2007, 11:38 AM
Long time lurker, first time poster... I have played this game for a long time on 360 and I never really considered joining a guild or group until recently. The population fluctuation and random retardation of pick up parties has made me consider my options. Considering there are many of what I consider dedicated players who frequent this site, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I am on 360 by the way, with a 91 gunner, 91 techer, 62 Fighter, and 58 Figh...

Oct 29, 2007, 11:50 AM
It's more fun to be in a group. Of course, you need to find a good group that is willing to help you and is active in group activities.

Oct 29, 2007, 11:54 AM
Depending on where you live and what is going on i am pretty sure you can do without. But with so few players i wouln'd recommend it.

I never joined a clan on psu, but i didn stick with the friends group i am in since probally like 2003. It's nice as a backup if there's noone around.

My say on this is that when you do want to join some clan, you should look for a clan without their own forum or .tk website. Why? Wannabe clans. Look around on universe 15, i don't know what the community is like on xbox uni 15..but it should be psow mainly.

Oct 29, 2007, 12:09 PM
More familiar faces you might be able to do runs with...

Oct 29, 2007, 12:09 PM
Funny question.. You didn't paid to play solo, did you? Well... It is easier to gain experience points when you do missions with comrades rather than solo-ing. More over, the item droprates are better too. Aside from that, the whole idea of playing MMORP games is to do missions with comrades, but there is a good to solo-ing too. Surely, nobody like low level players and so, solo-ing serves the purpose of leveling up and gaining the necessary equipment to be of use in a clan or guild.

Oct 29, 2007, 12:17 PM
I am not into the whole "clan" thing myself. For my own personal reasons. Some clans charge you a stipend to be in the clan. Some are pyrimid schemes which only really benefit those at the top. Just be warned: No matter how good the clan may seem, only those who initially started it know everything that's going on. I'm not saying to NOT join one, because I'm sure that there are some good ones out there, but just that it's not for me.

I have 3-4 people that play on a regular basis. I tend to stick in groups with them and we share whatever we get. I find that to be very enjoyable and the most fun for me.

Oct 29, 2007, 12:26 PM
Well i've had a bit of experience with guilds themselves.

Question - whats the difference between it and a group of friends who play during the same hours and whatnot?

As long as your group of friends can tolerate you and you tolerate them XD then you can run missions together, help each other find stuff, level up together in difficult missions, and afterwards hang out at the hotsprings and shoot the SH*T about college, life, school, work, personal lives, whatever.

The best part about MMO is that its a living breathing Chat room.

As for guilds - isn't that the same as a group of friends BUT - let it be known that some guilds aren't that great. What if you want a friend to join - well the guild must approve it. Or if you're on a guild mission then non-guild members are left without a party and your friend feels left out.

Take the reverse - i have an unnamed friend who was "forcibly removed" from a Guild for ridiculous stuff like dying without scapes when the death penalty was in effect.

Well they harrassed the heck out of this... ex-guildmate whenever they can. Its messed up. You F*CK up and then the group retaliates back. Strength in numbers - i thought this was a game about fun.

But that is Rare. Guilds are great cause you have a sense of pride and a common goal. Your friends can yell out your team name in public and get attention. And you know your teammates won't just disappear and quit all of a sudden cause you all love PSU.

Ultimately - join your friends and have fun - bottom line.

Oct 29, 2007, 12:30 PM
I've been with my guild for probably 6-7 years now, we're just a bunch of friends who play different online games together. Establishing that brother/sisterhood is a real great thing, you know you're gonna have people you can trust and enjoy being around to level with, you know what items eachother is looking for, it's nice to have.

The best part of MMOs is friends, I say.

Oct 29, 2007, 12:31 PM
The best part about guilds/teams is the DRAMA http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 29, 2007, 12:35 PM
Well I'm in a clan and it is a great way to play i always have a group to run with. Also we have a clan bank where everyone once a week puts 150K each into my pm and then after a month we look and see what new stuff everyone has and decide who we spend the money on and get them something very nice. Now during this 1up cup we all have weapons that we want and when anyone finds a weapon board that someone wants we pm them and tell them hey we got a gift for you.... etc... also with the synth bots it makes it really easy to have all four pure types one of my clan members has a strike pm, one has a range pm, and i have the tech and armor pm this help everyone in the clan so i guess if your looking to get stuff faster than goin solo you should join a good clan/guild it has great benefits and alot of times it saves you alot of money

Oct 29, 2007, 01:29 PM
On 2007-10-29 10:26, MSAksion wrote:
Question - whats the difference between it and a group of friends who play during the same hours and whatnot?

With a guild you gain the ability to spam stupid looking messages of nothing but your guild name over and over again in the club while everyone else is looking for a group and making everyone hate you while you and your friends snicker to eachother and think about how cool you are by acting like children.

Quite a plus, really.

Oct 29, 2007, 01:31 PM
On 2007-10-29 11:29, bahk wrote:

On 2007-10-29 10:26, MSAksion wrote:
Question - whats the difference between it and a group of friends who play during the same hours and whatnot?

With a guild you gain the ability to spam stupid looking messages of nothing but your guild name over and over again in the club while everyone else is looking for a group and making everyone hate you while you and your friends snicker to eachother and think about how cool you are by acting like children.

Quite a plus, really.

Not all of us are Da Familia XD

Oct 29, 2007, 02:28 PM
IMO clans are great if you find the right one. For example, I'm in KSI *dons Asbestos fire suit* and I absolutely love it. Granted we don't have a division in PSU, (not enough players) but there's usually one or two of us online in PSU (we currently have 5 or 6 people that I know of who play PSU including myself, and another one playing the demo) Anyway, we are a multigaming comunity so in addition to having a friend or 2 playing PSU at any one time, if you decide to play any other game, there is usually a member playing it. The only real catch is you need Halo 3, you need to be in uniform in Halo 3, and you need to attend weekly clan meetings in Halo 3 (they're only 30 minutes max though, and we usually play a few games after the meeting, so it's no big deal) But you don't have to chage your gamertag, you don't have to create a new charecter unless you want to, and you don't even have to be good at any game, we'll help you if you suck at any game. If you have any questions, simply PM me or send me a friend request and I'll answer any questions you might have. [/blatant promotion of clan]

Either way, try out clans and guilds, and join the one which suits you the best, because no two guild/clans are the same, and besides, the best guild/clan is one where everyone is a friend.

Oct 29, 2007, 03:19 PM
I appreciate all the detailed responses and to clarify, I try to balance my time between solo and party stuff. I play regularly, but I do have a job and other things going on that limit me on free time. Unlike other MMO games, I like the fact that I can squeeze in a few runs in an hour during the week especially solo stuff. The weekends are when I like to try to find a good party that sticks out more than two runs and doesn't boot at a rappy or boot because three rares go to someone on a random setting or even set in order, which for some reason gets out of order or omg someone wasted my rare by picking up grinder base A. My interest in guilds or clans now has to do with finding some people worth hanging with and enjoying the things that happen with the game more than pooling resources and stuff. I'm all for hunting the elusive rare or trying to make some cash, but its not as fun as it could be with maybe some people worth spending time around. The S rank item whoring just isn't the end all be all for me. I have to say that I have lots of cards and try to be a good team player in groups, but you know how it is if someone is gone for awhile and you have gotten up 15 levels while they were with teh haloz ( just an example) or the opposite case where I work during the week and am totally out of the loop and down a few levels to my peers come the weekend time. I just think it would be nice to be a part of some larger group that I could fit in with as my schedule permits. I just wanted to see if there were others that could relate to my situation and see how they handle it. I have always been a big fan of this game and its iterations. I can honestly say that I have grown out of a lot of other games, but this one is still pretty addicting. Once again, thanks for allowing me to post and taking the time to answer.

Oct 29, 2007, 03:22 PM
Any clan/guild that makes you do some serious initiation or swear an oath you should steer clear from. A GOOD guild is out for the sake of playing the game and having fun. I'd say if you have the opportunity, take a chance.

Back last December, I heard of a guild on PSU, and my real life friends and I joined up. We started with only PSU and we had a ventrillo server, so that made it easy to join up and see who was ready to play. Long story short, to this day we stay tight buddies and play all sorts of games, PSU, Counter-Strike, Dawn of War, even PSO. we have only 10 or so members, but it's definitely a great way to get a whole lot more out of your gaming experience.

I won't lie though, I've experienced my fair share of assholery, and if the guild just becomes too assertive and commanding, you may as well jump ship before it gets worse.

Oct 29, 2007, 03:44 PM
A couple of friends and I play fairly regularly - nothing that could probably be described as a clan or guild, but we also like the chances to solo from time to time.
We don't have any rules or policies or any of that gubbins, either, we just share loot and if someone wants something specific, that's fine! (unless that last statement counts as a rule or policy in itself? Bah!)
We are from the UK but we generally play evenings, and thrash the dickens out of it over the weekends, hangovers permitting - if you ever feel like a few stress free runs at all, give me a shout anytime!

Apart from right now as PSU isn't letting me play for some unknown reason. Curse you, technology!

Oct 29, 2007, 04:41 PM
I've run with several Guild players, and honestly, I cannot fathom why anyone would need a Guild in a game like PSU/PSO. It's not like you NEED a static party to get anything done, unlike other Online RPG titles. There's really no bonuses to be had. It is similar to playing with a group of friends regularly, except with restrictions, drama, and general ass-hattery all around. Not all clans are like that, but most of them are. Not to mention that once you brand yourself with a clan-name, the actions of that clan reflect directly on you.

I prefer to remain unaffiliated whenever possible.

Oct 29, 2007, 05:17 PM
^I agree...I thought about joining one as well, as I am a Free Agent(XD)! But I my case, I have something of a life outside of PSU, so many times I go days (and sometime weeks, if I'm traveling) without logging on...

But, I won't delete/change my character name just to join one, and I won't pay any crazy fee/hazing type to be apart of one.

Oct 30, 2007, 06:08 PM
I run a guild, it workin out perfect, i have the dopest friends. We even talk to eachother outside of psu, and just chill in lobbys, we mess around in the lobbies more than anything, and when one of us needs help, its sic havin a krew back you up, Bigupz to Dafamilia

Oct 30, 2007, 06:11 PM
My experience with guilds and clans is not very good; though that's probably because I'm demanding and hard to work with. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif At any rate, just finding a group of reliable friends is a much more tolerable solution.

Oct 30, 2007, 10:34 PM
I'm sorry...


They're for people who seem to have trouble making friends.

Personally, I stick with 4-5 very close friends i've known for years.

Edit: Because I can. [reddd]DA[yello]FAMILIA[bloo]YO[grun]!!!!!!!![poiple]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TranceZiggy on 2007-10-30 20:40 ]</font>

Oct 30, 2007, 10:40 PM
Clans = Drama
this can be completely retarded or completely hilarious, the clan i was in on SWG (back when it was fun) was both.
I'm not realy open to anyone IRL or online, but thats just me

Oct 30, 2007, 10:48 PM
The only reason I would be in a clan is for competition. Other than that, PSU US doesn't really have anything competitive about it besides community-based events such as TAs. Even then you can pull friends and work things out.

When there's world wide events that has some sort of $$ dealing with it, then I best start forming one with people who wants to win and discuss tactics and etc.

Oct 30, 2007, 11:10 PM
^ what kind of competition other than TA?? just curious http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

I used to form a item sharing clan, it starting very well, but the one who should responsible for updating-website and item listing-item reserving was quit for RL issue. then the clan end.
however, I still lending stuff to my close friend even there is no clan anymore. Our relationship still same. So, I think clan or not it is just the same, it is simply "a group of friends".

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arika on 2007-10-30 21:18 ]</font>

Oct 30, 2007, 11:10 PM
Guilds I know in PSU are Guild of Light (or GOL) and Fates Hand and Military of justice(MOJ), visit uni 23

Oct 30, 2007, 11:57 PM
Yeah, Psu needs something that isn't grindable and only for high levels. Something to look forward to as a low character. Getting cooler items as you get higher in level is alright, but what PSU needs is a way to truly utilize USING this equipment. This, IMO, is where PSU comes short.
Items are cool, but there's no actual reason or use for becoming more powerful other than to do "the run of the month" faster than you used to 45 levels ago.

Oct 30, 2007, 11:58 PM
Yeah, Psu needs something that isn't grindable and only for high levels. Something to look forward to as a low character. Getting cooler items as you get higher in level is alright, but what PSU needs is a way to truly utilize USING this equipment. This, IMO, is where PSU comes short.
Items are cool, but there's no actual reason or use for becoming more powerful other than to do "the run of the month" faster than you used to 45 levels ago.

Oct 31, 2007, 12:14 AM
The great thing about this game is meeting lots of new people and the ease of grouping with others. Clans aren't necessary at all. Notice the lack of ANY guild options in the game...

Oct 31, 2007, 12:32 AM
Clans or guilds are not for people who have trouble making friends. Clans and guilds are, for the most part, formed by friends. Why not make a name for yourselves if you constantly run with people you have fun with? What is so wrong with that? Of course there's drama, but drama also can come among friends, not just just clans/guilds. I love how people assume clans/guilds are a bunch of assholes that have a grudge against other clans/guilds. Wrong. I've been part of my group for a good time, started in it a little before Bruce came out. I have friends who are in Militia of Justice and Angry Ninjas.

I can say the same about those who are not part of guilds/clans, but I don't because I know that most players be it in a group or solo'ers are usually good people and fun players. There is nothing wrong with joining a group or just with some randoms.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CyarVictor on 2007-10-30 22:37 ]</font>

Oct 31, 2007, 12:36 AM
whoops, accidentally hit quote.

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Oct 31, 2007, 12:41 AM
Actually I want to join a guild/clan here see how it is...its hard to find people on PS2