View Full Version : Saber Ver 2.0 has a bad reputation?

Nov 1, 2007, 03:14 AM
This actually probably belongs in the rant section, but it does have to deal with PSU, so I'm not sure honestly. Anyway, I have something to discuss with all of you and I'd like your thoughts, and opinions on the matter, please http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

There's something that has been bothering me recently. What is that, you ask? People randomly calling me a, "noob" or a "bitch". I could understand if I KNEW the people that were saying it and maybe I upset them in some way, but there are these people I have never even SEEN before saying stuff like this about me.

First instance this occurred in was when I was trying to get rid of my Hard / Power Charge. I was talking with a friend and she said she was going to try and get the money for it from her friend, but when her friend found out I was the one that had the HPC, she sent a mail back to my friend saying, "Hell no, fuck that bitch" and I asked my friend what her name was, but I didn't recognize it or any of her alts -_-

I began to think, "Why does someone have such a hatred towards me? What did I ever do to deserve this? I give millions of meseta out to my friends, give them equipment, provide money for people I don't even know, even if it means I won't have enough money for mates..and this is the kind of attitude people give me?

I don't expect to be treated like a Saint or anything like that, but come on..where is all this hatred coming from? I don't act like an elitist. I don't mistreat people, because I follow a simple principle of, "Treat others how you'd want to be treated", so I choose to treat people nicely, because I don't want to be treated like garbage, but I get treated like it ANYWAY? What is that?!

Anyway..second instance was a few minutes ago. There was a girl (whose name I will not disclose) which was in my party and she was running around the club scamming people by saying, "Trading Har / Quick for one rappy feather! First person to mail me gets it!" and I sent a party message saying, "Man..you'd have to be a real idiot to fall for something like that >.>", then she said, "Yeah, lol." and I replied back with, "You're one to talk", so she asked, "I'm one to talk?" and I said, "Yeah, you're pretty stupid for doing that too. It's just as bad when someone falls for it, but you're pretty dumb for scamming people like that", so she called me a, "*expletive deleted*".

After the party was disbanded, I started looking for another A group, so I saw a girl requesting, "Need 1 for A! No fuckin noobs!", so I ran up to her and I said her name, then she replied back with, "Pfft. I'm not getting this bitch" and I thought to myself, "WTF?", then said, "Why am I bitch, exactly? What did I do?", but without answering (OF COURSE...) she just ran off.

I never had seen her name before or partied with her either, but yet I was getting badmouthed by this person as well? Why is it all this bad stuff is being sad about me behind my back and I don't know the reason for it? All I want to know is what I did to make these people think how they do about me, so I can resolve it or apologize if I offended the person, but I don't even know what I did wrong o_O

So..are there any thoughts or suggestions you guys would like to share with me? I mean..what if someone is spreading lies about me and all of these people start thinking I AM this terrible person and never want to party with me because of something I didn't even do?

Naturally, if ten people tell you the same thing of, "Don't party with her", you're more likely to just stay away from the character, instead of giving her a chance. So, what should I do?

*sighs* Well..any input on this matter is much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skuda on 2007-11-01 01:16 ]</font>

Nov 1, 2007, 03:49 AM
Well, it would indeed seem that someone is actually spreading lies and false rumours about your character. Which is pretty pathetic, by the way.

It's also pretty hard to convince people of something through the screen of a PC, as opposed to being physically present where certain.. methods may be used. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I've no real solution to your problem though, but you should try some more to get an answer to what these people think that you've done wrong.

Sorry to hear that you're experiencing this. I'd still party with anyone anyway, regardless of what reputation they hold. I'm an objective person.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mwabwetumba on 2007-11-01 01:50 ]</font>

Nov 1, 2007, 09:47 AM
... honest opinion, you come across as being pretty harsh whenever we've teamed up. If you're the same or worse to people who are really being idiots, I imagine they're going to start some stupid drama about it.

I think the question's "is having a hard time getting stupid kids on your team really a problem"?

Nov 1, 2007, 09:57 AM
Basically echoing what panzer said... I haven't ever played with you or anything, but maybe you're overestimating how likable you are. It wouldn't be the first time someone's been difficult to get along with an never realized it until there was some sort of backlash. I'm not saying this is absolutely the case or anything, but maybe it's something to consider?

Nov 1, 2007, 11:51 AM
Bite back, it's the internet.

Nov 1, 2007, 12:48 PM
I don't recall a moment when I was harsh for no particular reason. If I was being harsh, there was a good reason for it (since I don't get mad easily). Also..if I AM being harsh and whatnot, why do people just stay quiet about it instead of addressing me about it?

Instead of confronting me and saying, "Look..I think you're being a little aggressive right now" or something to that extent, people would rather wait till we are out of the party to start saying stuff about me? If someone has a problem with another, shouldn't they confront that person about it, instead of running away from them?

Well, regardless..I do appreciate the thoughts on this matter. It will help me get a better understanding of the situation, instead of just seeing things through my own viewpoint.

Nov 1, 2007, 01:40 PM
well people are cowards for one thing. In my experience if anybody (on any game for that matter) starts on me i remind them they are arguing/insulting someone on the internet - and that it doesn't make you cool.

Nov 1, 2007, 08:24 PM
It's possible that people are mistaking you for someone else. Saber is a very common name in PSU anyway.

If not, then if multiple people are doing this to you, they're either all in it together, or you have come across as harsh to them. I've never partied with you, so I don't have an opinion on you. Also, how you behave on here- if you decide to be an ass on here, people will eventually notice, and take it out on you in-game.

Of course, some people will just have a dig at you for no reason, which is something I'm familiar with http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif I get randomly called an elitist in Uni 2 sometimes, which is pretty amusing when it's by people I don't even know.

It's hard to think of, but maybe you are not coming across to people as you would like. Maybe people are misinterpreting the way you are or something. It could be a whole slew of reasons really.

Well, that post was no help whatsoever. It's difficult to determine what to do when you don't know why people seem to be out to get you.

Nov 2, 2007, 12:14 AM
Well, you did choose a very popular name. You could easily be mistaken for another, noobier player.
You seemed a decent enough person whenever I spoke with you. I can't imagine, based on that, why you'd get a bad reputation.

Nov 2, 2007, 12:47 AM
Hmmm..well, I could understand if I was being mistaken for another Saber, but honestly..come on...I'm Saber Ver 2.0. That's kind of hard to mistake for just, "Saber", lol.

I don't want to sound mean when saying that, but it's true. Well..the only other thing I could possibly think of is if someone said something in the party and I didn't agree with them about the matter (which, last time I checked..we do have the freedom to express our own opinion, even if it doesn't agree with the other person) and they got upset, then decided to call me names and such.

Now I'm not trying to make excuses when I say this, but..I do have autism, and even some of the stuff I say verbally can come across as kind of harsh or aggressive, even though I don't mean it as such.

So if someone gets upset at me, I'm wondering, "What did I do?". The same can be said textually. I'm sure there are some things I have typed to people that got them upset, despite me not doing it in an ill manner. I mean, I'm just not the kind of person to go out of my way to be an asshole. That's just not me.

I only push if they push first.

So, do you guys think I should just let it go and just stay away from the people that think badly of me, or should I keep trying to figure out what exactly it is that I did to upset these people?

Nov 2, 2007, 06:29 PM
Hm, are you getting this in Universe 2? I just tried going there for the first time in a long while, only for my first party to fail the mission because we forgot to revive someone who promptly returned to the lobby.

Nov 2, 2007, 09:04 PM
On 2007-11-01 22:47, Kikumaru wrote:
So, do you guys think I should just let it go and just stay away from the people that think badly of me, or should I keep trying to figure out what exactly it is that I did to upset these people?

Let it go. You'll become old news to them soon enough as they've move on to hate somebody else.

Nov 3, 2007, 01:21 AM
Yeah, I get it from Universe 2. There seem to be a lot of pricks there though. I know a few people that aren't, but it seems like Universe 2 is the gathering place for all of the idiots, noobs, elitists, immature, prepubescent, and assholes.

The intelligent people are few and far between and are considered a minority. Anyway, I guess I'll just let it go and hope they direct their attention elsewhere, instead of worrying about it any further.

Well..thanks for the help guys. I guess I just needed to rant about something I thought was an issue, but it seems is pretty much something that is dealt with every day when stepping into that Universe.

Also, it seems someone got a new signature http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

*points to Levia*


Nov 3, 2007, 01:48 AM
I will say I've never thought illy of you, from the few times I've spotted you in game. My guess for people mistreating you is probably due to you being level 100, therefor "intimidating" other players or, even better, they're doing it for sport.

I've done it in the past on alt characters (though it wasn't me going out of my way to be an asshole, it was "roleplaying.") If I need to, I can be rude and battle wits (the latter being nearly unheard of by the Plebians.) It may just be some inside joke to them or some funny comment. Hell, they may just do it because they saw someone else do it. All in all, don't get upset over it. People aren't always bright.

Nov 3, 2007, 09:13 AM
On 2007-11-02 23:21, Kikumaru wrote:
Yeah, I get it from Universe 2. There seem to be a lot of pricks there though. I know a few people that aren't, but it seems like Universe 2 is the gathering place for all of the idiots, noobs, elitists, immature, prepubescent, and assholes.

Er, well, yeah. Uni 2 has (well, since Uni 1 crashed, and everyone migrated) always been the main gathering spot for people, so it's no surprise you're going to run into people like that there. Use Uni 2 for games, and nothing more http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

You'll generally find that aside from a few people, most of Uni 2 is actually alright, as are a lot of the players who reside in the quieter Universes. Of course, it's harder to find games in a quieter Universe, so you might be forced to suck it up and go to Uni 2.

Nov 3, 2007, 09:55 AM
When all else fails, use your PM and NPC... but then again depending on which PM model you have you may still get grief "SCEJNTJYNAHL GET BACK OVER HERE!" ... damn, my 450 is calling me... gotta run @_@

Nov 3, 2007, 09:59 PM
Well I can say this too, Saber can come off as harsh sometimes, but it's all in good fun, I've never seen him be generally mean, even if someone did deserve it... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif *looks at self*

Powder Keg
Nov 3, 2007, 11:08 PM
I may have teamed up with you on Parum runs for the EX missions IIRC. I didn't have a problem...if the problem people have with you is not actual gameplay related, then they just need to stfu.

Nov 4, 2007, 08:07 AM
I've played with you a few times myself and I can't find anything bad to say about you. =o.o=;;

Take it from me - I'm probably the most hated person on this community - people can and will find any bullshit reason to hate you which has absolutely no merit or basis in reality. It blows, but you either have to deal with it, or quit.

Or hire an assassin. I would, but that's costly. *shrug*