View Full Version : Using capped PA's.

Nov 3, 2007, 04:19 PM
So here is a rant about something I still find really stupid that's done on PSU by a majority of the community.

Someone caps a PA to 30 or w/e, then refuses to use it due to wanting to lvl another PA.

Isn't the whole point in capping a PA for it to reach its maximum strength? Apparently not.

Rather, people think its the focus of the game to just cap PA's and forget about them. Just to see a nice list of 30's.

Why is this? If you're doing an EX mission and you have a capped lvl 30 PA that would help it go a ton faster, why not use it?

There is much more of an advantage to clearing it faster than to waste everyone's time. This doesn't contribute to teamwork at all.

If a situation calls for that PA, people will still refuse it just to lvl a weaker PA.

Elaborate your disgust or agreement with this issue.

Nov 3, 2007, 04:39 PM
I didnt play much of this game but after I was using the same attack OVER AND OVER again for fucking days I wanted to see something else

Nov 3, 2007, 04:45 PM
If people didn't go so out of their way to rush-level their PAs, I doubt we'd have this problem.

Nov 3, 2007, 05:10 PM
On 2007-11-03 14:45, Sekani wrote:
If people didn't go so out of their way to rush-level their PAs, I doubt we'd have this problem.

That's part of the problem with so many of these type games. People try and rush through them as quickly as possible then complain and get bored of how there's 'not enough to do'.

Nov 3, 2007, 05:17 PM
My brother doesn't have this problem. He's had Majarra capped long enough for him to cap both Dus Daggas and Dus Robado (considering his usage of spears)

I use Diga and Dambarta from time to time, but less the latter. I have severly underleveled skills that desperately need to be brought up to match the strength of some of the other skills I have. You don't want to be a one-trick pony, especially as a Force.

Nov 3, 2007, 06:40 PM
In normal missions, I don't care. Play for fun and all that. But in the EX mission, speed is everything, so use your strongest attacks please D:

Nov 3, 2007, 06:59 PM
On 2007-11-03 16:40, drizzle wrote:
In normal missions, I don't care. Play for fun and all that. But in the EX mission, speed is everything, so use your strongest attacks please D:

This is my point along side with the people who feel they need to lvl EVERYTHING IN A RUSH.

Of course, you don't want to have only like 4 pa's lvl'd, but you don't need to have EVERYTHING lvl'd. If you need to lvl something, do it at an appropriate time, not during a teamwork heavy run such as an EX.

Nov 3, 2007, 07:07 PM
Ya, ppl should stop trying to lvl their PAs and just use Majarra, because the leader was dumb and didnt include a fT to come play. We should all just use Majarra and spam it so all the fFs and FGs under 70 can die from PA rushing into packs of SEED. This isn't some ORPG where you can do and pick what you want, this is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Nov 3, 2007, 07:25 PM
Well, all classes should try to rush lvl PAs. If I understand what you all mean by that..

Anyway yea because you don't wont to go into a party with gimp PA lvls. So it makes sense to lvl them all before partying. What I do is lvl the one with the highest damage modifier of its category to 21 - that'll be the one to rely on in parties. While the weak ones I work on solo.

This kind of problem isn't common I reckon, most people I party with have thier PA's up to date and use them.

Nov 3, 2007, 09:46 PM
On 2007-11-03 14:19, Dragwind wrote:
Someone caps a PA to 30 or w/e, then refuses to use it due to wanting to lvl another PA.

Isn't the whole point in capping a PA for it to reach its maximum strength? Apparently not.

Rather, people think its the focus of the game to just cap PA's and forget about them. Just to see a nice list of 30's.

So true!!! And I am one of them...

Why is this? If you're doing an EX mission and you have a capped lvl 30 PA that would help it go a ton faster, why not use it?

Pretty simple.. The PA's level cannot be increased any further and doing EX missions would increase PA levels and thus, people tend to bring along PAs that can be leveled up rather than stuff that can't.

Instead of using LV30 skills, if teammates start to use LV1 skills, they will be slowing off the entire team and the end result would be shitty rewards, etc... The long-term end result may include getting kicked out of a team for lagging behind.

Nov 4, 2007, 02:46 PM
I want to cap as many PAs as I can to be as versatile in my job as possible. Of course, there's no point in being versatile if there's nothing to use my skills on, so when necessary, I use my best skills for the situation. This means, yes, Majarra on EX missions.

Of course, I completely refuse to use a lv10- PA unless the only reason I'm using it is to skill it up.

Nov 4, 2007, 02:55 PM
Well, I stop using a PA once it's capped too, for the same reason I'll stop using a pokemon once it reaches level 100, it's not getting any stronger, and this one over here can, so I'd rather use that.

Nov 4, 2007, 03:24 PM
I'll use whichever PA I find to be more effective and amusing to use. Which is why I use Dus Daggas religiously, even though it's been capped since several months back. (Yes, I should've had Majarra, but it's a long story... let's just say that my main will have it when AoI gets here.)

Whenever I find my favourite PA of a weapon class, I'll use that and pretty much nothing else, capped or not.

Nov 4, 2007, 03:25 PM
Depends on the situation. If I really need to use that level 30 PA (hi EX missions), I'll use it. Otherwise it's a waste of decent PA EXP, especially given the difficulty of levelling some PAs without AFKing.

Then again I solo a lot, or play with friends who don't give a shit, so in those instances I'll use whatever I want.

Nov 4, 2007, 03:35 PM
I'm somewhat guilty of something similar. I have Shiro Ryuu at level 100, but instead of using him for A runs, I'm using Therion who's only lv 71 so that I can make the most out of the 250% exp of this event. And yeah, my female newman is a Wartecher, can't even USE lv 30 PAs. ._.

Nov 5, 2007, 12:45 AM
On 2007-11-04 12:25, Mewn wrote:
Depends ... I'll use whatever I want.

And this bit right here is the truth of the matter of any game. It is your character, you decide what you want to do with it. Want to level another PA, well go right ahead. Don't want too? Well that is fine as well.

The only thing I've noticed about PSU since its release is the continual complaint that people don't play like everyone else... ugh... if you don't want to deal with the dynamics of individual thought then use your npcs and avoid playing with other people.

Seriously unless you specifically made a request for everyone in your team to use their best (which is also relative) PA to speed through that X mission ... then I really don't see why anyone should be complaining.

Nov 5, 2007, 04:11 AM
I'll admit I do this, though I've been trying to steer away from that habit due to the 1up Cup event. Keep in mind though that I'm a Fortegunner who uses rifles more than anything, and they take FOREVER to level, as do most gun weapons. Besides, I don't believe in afk-leveling like some people like to do... but at the same time, soloing to level your PA's is rather boring. My friends usually don't complain about it though... I just try to use w/e bullets are the opposite elements of the enemies we're fighting. Either that, or I'll use one that has a status effect that would work well (i.e., Shock/Confusion on Go Vahras, Silence on Gaozorans, etc.).

Nov 5, 2007, 07:36 AM
If I'm in a timed mission or doing speed runs for money, I always use my capped PA. It makes the mission go faster, which is the whole point of capping PAs... However, if I'm just running for the hell it, I'll work on other things. Besides, I only have one PA that isn't capped and theres not much need for a Lightning Laser Cannon bullet in GC.

Nov 5, 2007, 12:16 PM
Depends on the situation and what I feel like doing. If we're going to speed, then hell yeah, I'll be using Majarra and PC's all throughout the run. Otherwise I'll be attempting to get even useage out of all my weapons.

Nov 5, 2007, 12:48 PM
I'm guilty of spamming the same PA to max them, but thats only because I'm trying to max all my PA's, which I've done for probably 80% of the ones I use.

And I still use PA's I've already maxed when prudent.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: omegapirate2k on 2007-11-05 09:49 ]</font>

Nov 9, 2007, 12:45 PM
I have no problem using capped PAs during events. but I concitrate on my non-30 (soon to be non 40) PAs when there is nothing special going on

Nov 9, 2007, 04:32 PM
I rarely use the capped PAs, partly because I am just trying to keep a nice list of LV30 skills. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif