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Nov 5, 2007, 07:48 PM
I haven't heard about any new techs and was wondering if there is any info on new ones

Nov 5, 2007, 07:54 PM
not only has there been no news of new techs, but they still havent even released the barrier techs from ep 1.

Nov 5, 2007, 08:20 PM
eh i am kinda bleh about those techs. I want the likes of that thing that seed leaders throw, the dilnazen wind gust thing, or maybe new styles of existing spells. Like nosbarta or something. I have a hard time believing that out of an entire expansion there are no new spells >.>

Nov 5, 2007, 08:25 PM
yeah I too would Like some new tech...and the 2 that have yet to still be released...

Hey Hackers go Break the code on the JP PC version to see if their are any new techs ....

Nov 5, 2007, 08:32 PM
On 2007-11-05 17:25, buzyb77 wrote:

Hey Hackers go Break the code on the JP PC version to see if their are any new techs ....

They've already "broken the code"...as far as I know, there are no mentions of new TECHNICs anywhere in the game.

Nov 5, 2007, 08:33 PM
aw cmon, sigh oh well, at least the techs are gonna get new looks when they level to 31

Nov 5, 2007, 08:42 PM
There's supposed to be a shielding tech coming (encircles a barrier around you). But I have no idea when/if that's coming.

Nov 5, 2007, 08:46 PM
I'm waiting for damzonde

Nov 5, 2007, 08:53 PM
On 2007-11-05 17:42, Kismet wrote:
There's supposed to be a shielding tech coming (encircles a barrier around you). But I have no idea when/if that's coming.

There are 2, dizas which is for physical and rentis which is for tech/magic damage. I personally am not that excited for these, as they are not here in this PSU and we are doing fine. I also dont wanna be a dispenser of the tech like most FT are with buffs/resta.

Nov 5, 2007, 09:42 PM
Techers really need new offensive techs. They've been using the same ones they've been using since launch, pretty much. At least they have new animations, though.

Nov 5, 2007, 09:58 PM
On 2007-11-05 18:42, Zorafim wrote:
Techers really need new offensive techs. They've been using the same ones they've been using since launch, pretty much. At least they have new animations, though.

gib na- techz wif ubar %s plz

Nov 8, 2007, 11:22 AM
On 2007-11-05 17:53, Akio wrote:

On 2007-11-05 17:42, Kismet wrote:
There's supposed to be a shielding tech coming (encircles a barrier around you). But I have no idea when/if that's coming.

There are 2, dizas which is for physical and rentis which is for tech/magic damage. I personally am not that excited for these, as they are not here in this PSU and we are doing fine. I also dont wanna be a dispenser of the tech like most FT are with buffs/resta.

Well then too bad, because that's all that's comming. XD No joke, JUST those and that's IT.

Nov 8, 2007, 11:39 AM
On 2007-11-05 17:46, gryphonvii wrote:
I'm waiting for damzondeThat would be the most freaking awesome spell EVER.

Nov 8, 2007, 12:03 PM
On 2007-11-08 08:39, Remedy wrote:

On 2007-11-05 17:46, gryphonvii wrote:
I'm waiting for damzondeThat would be the most freaking awesome spell EVER.

Maybe too awesome?...

a man can dream...

Nov 8, 2007, 12:38 PM
Yeah, that's probably why it doesn't exist. Our PCs/PS2s/360s would explode from sheer awesome.

Nov 8, 2007, 01:37 PM
Hey, I'm still wanting the Grants bubble thing that some light enemies shoot :T