View Full Version : Fortegunner or Fortetecher?

Nov 6, 2007, 05:01 PM
I've currently got a level 45 newman that I have been playing on. Around level 25 after I got a Me/quick I switched to fortegunner because I wasn't liking being a fortetecher. However, I was wondering if this is a viable option for a newman. Half the partys I have joined have had something to say about me being a newman and its quite annoying. I have a group of friends I play with and they don't really care but when I get in random groups(if I can get in a group, most people see I'm a newman fortegunner and don't invite me. Some even have the nerve to walk away from me while saying "LF2 more for <insert>")it gets kinda bad.

My technics aren't leveled up very high so It would be a chore to get them caught up and I don't even have the buffs yet(never did get around to buying them). My bullet arts are about the same but I was honestly enjoying the nade lauchner and laser cannon alot more than throwing diga/gidiga/resta around.

Basically, what I'm asking is, would it be viable later on in the game to still be a newman fortegunner or will I continue to be overlooked by the majority of people who seem to think that the only thing a newman should be is a techer. I tried guntecher but I hated it. I realize I won't do as much as a cast but honestly how bad will it be. I want to actually be useful to the people I play with.

BTW: Any recomendations on skills for fortetecher or fortegunner(depending on the one you think I should go). So far I've got as a techer: foie(duh), diga, radiga, gidiga, dambarta, resta, reverser. and as a gunner: frozen shot(getting burning after), dark shot gun shot, ice for dualies, ice for nade launcher, ice for laser cannon, and Light/Ice for mechgun.(Yea, I like to freeze things http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif).

Thanks in advance for your opinions.

Nov 6, 2007, 05:11 PM
In before Remedy >_>.

Nov 6, 2007, 05:24 PM
Well, Newmans arent that bad for being the lowest ATP race, and they are only just behind CASTs in terms of ATA. Also, their traps will be just as effective as anyone elses, since SEs dont care about your stats.

Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with a Newman fG. Yes, you wont do the same output of a CAST, but you wont have any deficiencies in SE application.

Of course, I have no experience using Newmans as gunners, except for bow work on bosses, which really isnt a whole lot.

Nov 6, 2007, 06:04 PM
I know Newmans make great GTs, so I don't see why they can't make great fGs. Also, how AoI is turning out and new quests *Fortetechers are becoming less and less needed*, while fGs, IMO, are always a pleasure.

* This is my fucking opinion, I don't wanna see any BAWWWWWWWWWing*

Nov 6, 2007, 06:38 PM
You’ll have to deal with having the lowest output of any ranger combination, but it’s also coupled with high ATA. So you land more SEs and deal more damage than humans and beasts against things like Svaltus and Deljaban, but your general damage is the lowest and SEs are often overrated. (Not to mention that the 2 SE 4 weapons have such high ATA that a Beast can make just about as much use of them as a Newman… Plus, as was stated before anyone can use a trap.)

Just don’t go with that “Gunners are all about SE” propaganda that Newman GTs like to spread because their ATP sucks and I won’t complain. The funny part is they usually are dealing a lot more damage opposite element than with burn anyway…

You don’t suck and there’s not as much of a deficiency as there is in the hunter case, but you still have less damage than everyone else against the average enemy.

Nov 6, 2007, 08:03 PM
I prefer fortegunner. I just love the weapons you can use, like Song For Death.

Nov 6, 2007, 08:12 PM
SE's greatly close race gap damage potential, and beast gunner ATP is very overrated.My Nova can kill them in damage, with using right stuff.

Rangers can cheat their base stats, so it doesn't really matter what you are. Between Ft and FoG usefulness, I'd say it's a tie. Choose what you like better.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sexy_Raine on 2007-11-06 17:13 ]</font>

Nov 6, 2007, 09:38 PM
The biggest problem you will run into is the low ATP like others have said. Unfortunately this will greatly affect your Shotgun, which is based in large part on character ATP. The Shotgun isn't the only part of the fGs arsenal by far, but it only gets more powerful as level caps go up and is absolutely crippling when used correctly. There are still ways to be effective as an Newman fG, but consider that you will almost always be outmatched by Cast fGs... :/

Nov 8, 2007, 06:38 PM
Thanks for the help. I went back to being a fortegunner . Only problem I really run into is the fact that its insanely hard to get a party x.x. Half the parties I get in I get kicked from once they find out I'm a newman fortegunner. Any advice on finding decent groups? BTW is the laser cannon any good at say 11 or 21+. I miss having the aoe ability of a fT and the buff/healing. I was really leaning towards going back to being a guntecher but My damage was really bad. Plus guntechers don't have the grenade launcher which is the only form of aoe I seem to have(Is this even useful? It does horrible damage like only 200 and I'm lvl 47 using a song of death.). What are your views for a newman fortegunner-v-guntecher. The way I see it guntecher is kinda useless but who knows maybe someone can convince me differently.

Nov 8, 2007, 07:28 PM
Laser cannon damage isn’t that great unless you’re lining up 3 or 4 mobs and the level 1 SE doesn’t help much either. However, the SE issue will go away with AoI. It’s a good weapon if you’re using it when it’s appropriate, but horrible otherwise (which is true for all guns).

How long have you leveled your bullets anyway? Most guns don’t get decent until 21 and only become powerful on the levels following that. And, if you don’t think you’re doing enough with your grenades, just buy Boma Duranga and abuse the 200-350% mod that gets.

Personally, I like playing GT more as my Caseal. The obvious flaw of GT is that they can’t use grenades when grenades would be most appropriate. Which means no De Ragan and Kog Nadd bashing. However, in every other situation they’re not that bad a choice. The main issue with GT right now is the level 10 support coupled with a TP mod that isn’t much higher than RA, but we know both of those are being fixed in AoI. Other than that, I pretty much just use it like an fG with buffs, debuffs, and healing.

Don't forget that GT has techs as its source of AoE. The Ra- and Gi- series, as well as Megiverse and Regrants all can hit multiple targets. It just won't be as impressive as fT damage nor grenade damage.

Main difference for Newman GT is you heal more while dealing less damage with guns. Note that it’s not a big difference. We’re talking like 100 extra damage per heal because of the ridiculously low TP mod and 50 damage per attack because of the low ATP mod. That and the damage techs are all but useless and in any situation you’d want to throw Diga, your crossbow can out damage it even with the range resistance taken into account. (Not sure if that’s true for Newman ranged damage but I know Caseal crossbow damage does more than Newman Diga damage against ranged resistant enemies.) But, once again, that issue should be fixed with the raised tech cap (20 damage) and raised TP.

I’d say just play all 3 since you seem to like fT and fG. Use fG when you want grenades and more power, fT when you want powerful techs, and GT when you want a bit of both.

Can’t help you find a team though. I’m guessing you’re on 360 because I don’t know anyone who cares that much. Or that could just be more of my luck never ending up with bad teams.