View Full Version : Thinking Of Playing! Advice Needed!

Nov 10, 2007, 01:15 PM
Hello everyone!

Recently my Boyfriend bought a Xbox 360(For Halo 3)
now don't get me wrong I had nothing against the 360 but I was happy playin Final Fantasy XII on the PS2 Until 2-3 days ago(This was my Bf's forum acc apprently he was gonna play PSU but never did so he gimmie his acc) I came across PSU.

Now when I saw it in the shop I knew I wanted it but before I decided if I will buy it or not I have afew questions!

1) If I buy a Pre-Owned one can I still play it online? Or do I need a Brand New version?

2) Silly question but is there a Magic type in the Game? I love anything Magical and Staff like hehe.

3) Other then the 360 Package is there anything else I'll need? Keyboard etc?

4) How much is it to play per month?

5) Other then chattin to ppl playin on the same level mission as you is there anyway other way to chat and make friends?

6) Is it one of these games where ya meet somone on a mission then never see them again?

Also any other info would be GREAT!

Thank you!

Nov 10, 2007, 01:27 PM
1. No. You can play it pre-used.
2. Yes they are called Force and the more advance are Wartechers or Fortetechers.
3. Depends. I'm not familiar with the 360
4. 9.99
5. Yes you can chat in the lobbies and pass partner cards to others.
6. No that's not possible as long as you have their partner card.

Nov 10, 2007, 01:30 PM
1: Any disc will work. There's no unique code needed for certain disks like some other games have.
2: Forces are the "magic" users. So yeah, there's spells.
3: You don't NEED a keyboard since there's voice chat, but it does help with things like the ingame messaging system.
4: $9 a month, I think.
5: You can chat with people in your immediate area or people in your party, but there's nothing like WoW's general chat or stuff like that.
6: It's pretty easy to get together with people. Just exchange cards with people you like playing with. It's easy to see when they're online and send them a message to see if they want to do anything.

Nov 10, 2007, 01:34 PM
I just started out with PSU, and having a USB keyboard (I think any USB keyboard will work with the 360) is definitely nice. The rest has been covered. Enjoy.

Nov 10, 2007, 01:37 PM
Hello, i can try to answer some of those Questions for you.

I also played 11 but it was on the 360, and still have a accout paid for if i can remember the password. But i Think PSU is a better action RPG than FF-11, in my opoion of course. As for RPG's for the 360 online this is really in my idea the only real option there is. Even considereing that i play WoW on top of it all. But to your questions.

1.No you can buy a used copy and it will play the same, i would be careful cause most of the used copies that are turned in are like mine and my gf's copy with over a 1000hrs on 1 character. This tends to make the disk very mad at you and will freeze, or not load some areas. So it might be better to buy a new one so you have the warrenty on it as well if something should happen as well as the security that it will work.

2.Yes there is a magic class called Forces, which can mix with other class to make one of the 10 current classes to choose from if you meet the class requierments. Personaly i play a fortetecher which is the advance magic user you could say and the power and abilites to heal are nice, the tageting is alittle to get use to. But would keep it over any other class.

3. no, your mic will work if you can connect to those in your party to chat with them. I keep a keyboard so if i need to say somthing to alot more than what your team of 6 is. Also it will play in if you break a headset which is often with the 360.

4.To play per month is $10

5. There are many forums and other ways to communicate on this game, in player run shops, lobbies, forum, etc... Guilds are a option and just hanging in the universes that are full work as well to which ever fits you. I made some great people and meet my gf on PSU, scary????? But that will be your descion on what communications that you choose to use.

6. Yes, sadly some times you see them for a run and then they never meet again, up side is you can give out your character card and you can recvie as well to to make a list of friends, can't tell the max, never made that many to keep. But you will meet people and find people to stay away from to.

I hope this helped you out to make a descion that you would like. And sorry my spelling dose suck.

Nov 10, 2007, 01:57 PM

I will deff get a copy of the game now!
Thing is my Local store charges £39.99 new or £9.99 pre-owned lol

Whats the fortecher thing? I been told by a friend that ya can only be 1 set job

Nov 10, 2007, 02:11 PM
On 2007-11-10 10:57, Galaxia wrote:

I will deff get a copy of the game now!
Thing is my Local store charges £39.99 new or £9.99 pre-owned lol

Whats the fortecher thing? I been told by a friend that ya can only be 1 set job

yea can have any type of job, u canswitch to any type of job whenever u want if u meet the requirements.

Foreces are the beggining magic types. and fortetechers are the expert magic types. Both of them have magic as their main focus.

Nov 10, 2007, 02:35 PM
I deff wanna be a Magic type tho.
So whats types of Magic is there? other then force and fortechers.
and what do they do?

Nov 10, 2007, 02:42 PM
There is wartecher that uses stuff like daggers, swords, spears, and magic.

Then there are guntechers.... i wouldnt be those if u want a magic class though, mostly guns and have liek the worst magic in the game.

In the expansion taht comes out in abotu a week tehre will be acrotechers.

Acrotechers are the second strongest magic class but cast very quickly and are very very good for support.

Fortetechers are more for offensive spells.

Nov 10, 2007, 02:45 PM
They all sound so good!
I take it I will be Basic Force for awhile?
Where do I buy the expansion? I checked GAMEs website and they haven't got it listed(I'm from UK btw)

I guess it's deff I'm gonna play lol my Bf is fitting the new Ethernet cable now ^.^

Nov 10, 2007, 03:09 PM
Also it will play in if you break a headset which is often with the 360.
I think i hold the record on that one XD 7 mics so far and i type w/ the onscreen keyboard with super mad skills lol so everyone thinks i have a keyboard...

Nov 10, 2007, 03:11 PM
On 2007-11-10 11:45, Galaxia wrote:
They all sound so good!
I take it I will be Basic Force for awhile?
Where do I buy the expansion? I checked GAMEs website and they haven't got it listed(I'm from UK btw)

I guess it's deff I'm gonna play lol my Bf is fitting the new Ethernet cable now ^.^

The 360 version is downloadable on the marketplace for $20 on november 20th. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I would love to play with some new people when u get the game and when i get my new game disc XD lol send me a message when u get the game set up so we can play sometime http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif (getting tired of all the high levels righting over rares >.> )

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: pikachief on 2007-11-10 12:12 ]</font>

Nov 10, 2007, 03:18 PM
Hmm need some advice!
I got the cable all sorted and it connects to Xbox Live on main screen but my partners just tried to play Perfect Dark Zero and when he selects the Xbox live mode it says "Unable to connect to netowrked games on this profile" or somthing like that,
Any advice? this gonna affect PSU?

Nov 10, 2007, 03:19 PM
it may.... do u guys have the xbox live account? and is it connected to that profile that he is playing on?

Nov 10, 2007, 03:23 PM
Hmm yea he has a Xbox live account it's the Silver one.
We bought PDZ second hand from CeX

All it says when he trys to connect is
"Your profile does not allow you to connect to networked game modes"

Help heh

Nov 10, 2007, 03:25 PM
You either need to subscribe to Xbox Live which is £40 a year or you'll need to buy a Gold account which allows you to play any game online. Although PSU only needs a Silver account to be played.

Nov 10, 2007, 03:25 PM
Ummm do you have a gold account? PDZ needs a gold account while PSU doesnt, it just needs silver so check that

Nov 10, 2007, 03:27 PM
Ah thats why!
He has silver lol
So I just need silver and I'm good for PSU?

Thanks! hehe so glad I found this game cause on FF11 everyone was out for themselfs and you lot have been so nice to show a lil nooblin the way!

Nov 10, 2007, 03:31 PM
On 2007-11-10 12:27, Galaxia wrote:
Ah thats why!
He has silver lol
So I just need silver and I'm good for PSU?

Thanks! hehe so glad I found this game cause on FF11 everyone was out for themselfs and you lot have been so nice to show a lil nooblin the way!

FFXI = The worst example of a role-playing game in existence.

Nov 10, 2007, 03:32 PM
most games and i could be wrong but PSU is included you will need a gold account which is the $50 a year deal to play games online

Nov 10, 2007, 03:35 PM
most games and i could be wrong but PSU is included you will need a gold account which is the $50 a year deal to play games online
NO!!! IT NEED SILVER!!! lol got that out there hopefully

Nov 10, 2007, 03:38 PM
PSU isn't included in that, as it has its own monthly sub. All other games need a Gold account, which over here costs £40 a year.

Welcome to the community anyway, Galaxia!

Nov 10, 2007, 03:40 PM
Yea I checked it's Silver needed http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif
So I just download the expansion from the Market place?
I assume it will still be there in december to download? Or will they be removing it?

Nov 10, 2007, 03:41 PM
On 2007-11-10 11:45, Galaxia wrote:
They all sound so good!
I take it I will be Basic Force for awhile?
Where do I buy the expansion? I checked GAMEs website and they haven't got it listed(I'm from UK btw)

I guess it's deff I'm gonna play lol my Bf is fitting the new Ethernet cable now ^.^

well your in Great Luck...on Nov 20th Worldwide the expantion will be 1600ms points on the Ms marketplace..it will be a 1.75 gb DLC... so have you harddrive ready.

Nov 10, 2007, 03:43 PM
But I might not have the game then it depends when I go to town, Will it only be on the market place for a limited time?
How long will I have to get it??

Also can I not pay by credit card instead of the points?

Nov 10, 2007, 03:47 PM
you buy the points with your credit card http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif that the great part its only $20 as well

Nov 10, 2007, 03:52 PM
Sounds cool.
What about the other thing tho?
Is there gonna be a limited time for this expansion?
Will it still be on in december?

Nov 10, 2007, 03:58 PM
yes it will always be there

Nov 10, 2007, 03:59 PM
Guess I shall get PSU as soon as pos then!

Nov 10, 2007, 04:00 PM
FFXI was a great game if you didn't mind throwing your life away and grinding instead of having fun.

Besides, what other game has mithra paladins?

Nov 10, 2007, 04:03 PM
Hume Summoner here hehe first to get Diabolos

Nov 10, 2007, 05:50 PM
Heres a good question.. if you only have silver, would you even be able to download the expansion, or don't you need a gold account in order to download premium content on xbl? Catch 22 I say...

Nov 10, 2007, 07:43 PM
Just remember you need the orginal disc for the expansion, and the expansion MUST be downloaded Via Xbox Live for about 20$ Points worth. You cant buy it off the shelf.

Nov 10, 2007, 08:27 PM
On 2007-11-10 14:50, ThEoRy wrote:
Heres a good question.. if you only have silver, would you even be able to download the expansion, or don't you need a gold account in order to download premium content on xbl? Catch 22 I say...

No you don't need Gold for Premium content. Ocasionally there is content (normally associated with limited time offers or E3 events) that are Gold exclusive. Microsoft is happy to take your money regardless if you give them 50$ a year already.

Nov 10, 2007, 08:34 PM
On 2007-11-10 12:31, Sylpheed wrote:

On 2007-11-10 12:27, Galaxia wrote:
Ah thats why!
He has silver lol
So I just need silver and I'm good for PSU?

Thanks! hehe so glad I found this game cause on FF11 everyone was out for themselfs and you lot have been so nice to show a lil nooblin the way!

FFXI = The worst example of a role-playing game in existence.

If you can get over the grind fest, and the fact that you absolutely need other people/need to make friends to play, it's a great game. No other game has the kind of community FFXI has, every server is like a family. People don't just pop in a party then decide half way in they have to go, and the difficulty level weeds out the retards and 12 year olds. Unlike other games. PSU for example. When you do something epic in FFXI you feel accomplished. But in the long run, It stops being fun after your fifth day playing 15 hours straight with little to nothing accomplished in game.