View Full Version : Seriously People I gota ask Something...

Nov 15, 2007, 07:15 PM
I duno why people get so damn touchy about their religions. Every time I ask questions about a religion I always get either a smart-aleck answer or the person gets real pissed off. Or whenever I make som crack about Jesus them religious bastards look like their gona take my head off. Whats their problem? Gawd its pissing me off. I especially cant stand religious people (MORMONS!) as you know from previous threads. But im not just targeting mormons, it just seems when i ask anybody about their religion they get all pissed off when I just ask about it. Seriously these people need to get a grip and not get an emotional breakdown about som freak up in heaven.

Nov 15, 2007, 07:30 PM
If you approach them with the same tone denoted in your post, I'm not surprised they'd be offended.

By just your post you sound like some snippy halfwit who doesn't know how to have a discussion on the matter, and you come across as rather offended by religions as is; your negativity then provokes those you are talking to, thus you get their negative reponse(verbal or by how they look at you in disgust).

Learn to portray yourself better.

Nov 15, 2007, 07:49 PM
Instead of questioning why people are getting upset about your negative religious views, you should question why you find religions to be something of an unworthy nature and would easily joke about it without thinking twice. To make it more easy for you to understand, the question here is not "whats their problem?", but rather "what is your negative problem towards religious people?". Before you try to insult people with a religious background, you should think of why it is necessary to do so, why would you enjoy doing so, and also what is the point of doing so. Otherwise, lots of people with religious beliefs and backgrounds will find themselves getting offended by you and will end up flaming you, which is what you have been experiencing, right? Now.. Just think about it, it is not fun to joke about religions and religious beliefs, regardless of its origin and whatsoever. Just think about it and you will eventually understand what the problem is and how religious people feel instead of getting all pumped up over something unnecessary and foolish.

On a side note, I am not very religious myself and I am in no way offended by you. Also to add that I am not trying to offend you, but instead trying to explain so that you would be more reasonable towards the religious believers.

Nov 15, 2007, 08:30 PM
Usually religious jokes are a bad idea unless you really know your audience (or they all know you, such as for stand-up comedians). If you have a question about religion, word it carefully, there are some people who take religion very strongly.

On 2007-11-15 16:49, mizukage wrote:
(Text removed to keep post small)Good point.

Nov 15, 2007, 08:34 PM
My Dad once told me if you ever want to argue with someone, one surefire way to do it is to bring up either politics or religion.

Nov 15, 2007, 08:40 PM
Some freak up in heaven, maybe thats why they get offended by you, im religious and i don't seem to get angered by those kinda of people trying o pull a fast one.

Nov 15, 2007, 10:04 PM
i personally choose not to be one in ANY religion, its a complete waste of time in my opinion. (not to sound like an a$$) But one thing ALL religions need to think IS IT REALLY TRUE? (acording to the bible cyclops, dragons and all that) seriously now do you REALLY THINK that actually was around? if they were I bet we would be seeing cyclops bones, heck even dragon scales in musuems.

Nov 15, 2007, 10:05 PM
I don't really care to carry labels, but you'd probably label me "religious." I am a student at a Bible college, after all, but I don't think I really fit most stereotypes. All the same, I don't expect you to hold to my standards. I'm not going to flip out if you make a Jesus joke (side note: you'd be surprised at how many such jokes Bible students make).

I wish I could add something useful to this, but I think anything I could say has been said. If this is the tone/voicing you use, I can see why people would be offended. I'm pretty calloused, so I just brush it off, but I'm not everyone.

Nov 15, 2007, 10:15 PM
On 2007-11-15 19:04, Meyfei wrote:
i personally choose not to be one in ANY religion, its a complete waste of time in my opinion. (not to sound like an a$$) But one thing ALL religions need to think IS IT REALLY TRUE? (acording to the bible cyclops, dragons and all that) seriously now do you REALLY THINK that actually was around? if they were I bet we would be seeing cyclops bones, heck even dragon scales in musuems.

Who cares if that crap is true? The point of religion is not to prove that dragons existed. It gives people hope and a guideline, so to speak, for a way to live their lives. I, for one, am not religious but I have no problem saying that it is a good thing for those who need it. Granted there are those who are way out of line or over the edge, but it really doesn't affect you. The point is to have tact when you're talking to others. You're not going to make a black joke when there's a random black guy around, especially if you're white, he may not know you're joking and get offended. Why should it be different for religion? It's part of who they are. Like I said, you need social finesse.

edit: lol grammar

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: EphekZ on 2007-11-15 19:17 ]</font>

Nov 15, 2007, 10:21 PM
You attack a person's core belief system and you expect them to sit back and go, "LOL DAT WUZ A GUD 1!"? Sorry, no, people don't work that way in the real world. There are people that hold their beliefs very strongly. And joking about something they consider a non-joking subject is very much an attack on them personally. You don't seem to be able to comprehend that and then get angry when they are forced on the defensive and lash out. In the end they should be commended for having a belief in something and sticking to it rather than abandoning it when it would be so easy to do so.

As for me, I avoid subjects on three subjects if at all possible: religion, politics, and sex/sexuality. As for you, OP, you sound like someone who brings up those type subjects just to instigate some sort of response out of people. And, based on your other rants on the subject I'd say my guess is pretty well-based.

Nov 15, 2007, 10:42 PM
What everyone else said. If you're going to approach people with hostile, childish behavior like that then that's the same kind of response you'll get from them. Grow up.

Nov 15, 2007, 11:41 PM
On 2007-11-15 16:15, VIRIDIA_HUNTER wrote:
I duno why people get so damn touchy about their religions. Every time I ask questions about a religion I always get either a smart-aleck answer or the person gets real pissed off. Or whenever I make som crack about Jesus them religious bastards look like their gona take my head off. Whats their problem? Gawd its pissing me off. I especially cant stand religious people (MORMONS!) as you know from previous threads. But im not just targeting mormons, it just seems when i ask anybody about their religion they get all pissed off when I just ask about it. Seriously these people need to get a grip and not get an emotional breakdown about som freak up in heaven.

Wanna know why? The answers is in your post. Be respectful of peoples beliefs. You get jumped on also because religios people are on edge. They are waiting for someone to insult thier religion - it happens all too often in society. Usually when asked what's thier religion or questions relating to it, the crap about EVOLUTIONZ MADE MAN DON'T BELIEVEZ IN FAKE GOD LOLZ usually follows.

Basically what I'm saying is, to avoid this, don't ask.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mystil on 2007-11-15 20:43 ]</font>

Nov 15, 2007, 11:42 PM
it is pretty much the same as if someone were to come up to you and bug you about your sexuality and then make a crack about it. Or just call you gay or just never drop it. It would make you mad in the same way they get mad.

Powder Keg
Nov 16, 2007, 06:13 AM
If it's one thing you do not question, it's Scientology!!!!

Nov 16, 2007, 06:59 AM
"Why are people getting angry when I attack them?? DDDDDDDDDDDD:"

Nov 16, 2007, 12:19 PM
On 2007-11-16 03:13, Artea wrote:
If it's one thing you do not question, it's Scientology!!!!

Actually, you do question science for it to improve to a further stage. The only reason why science is becoming very slightly more advanced, because scientists question it, experiment and observe, then improves it.

For hundreds of years, the theory of Evolution by Darwin was widely accepted, only until recently when the theory had become voided. In other words, various scientific theories and laws of physics are only accepted, because there are no better replacement for the time being.

Nov 16, 2007, 02:28 PM
On 2007-11-16 09:19, mizukage wrote:

On 2007-11-16 03:13, Artea wrote:
If it's one thing you do not question, it's Scientology!!!!Actually, you do question science for it to improve to a further stage. The only reason why science is becoming very slightly more advanced, because scientists question it, experiment and observe, then improves it.

For hundreds of years, the theory of Evolution by Darwin was widely accepted, only until recently when the theory had become voided. In other words, various scientific theories and laws of physics are only accepted, because there are no better replacement for the time being.Scientology is an actual religion. It is not based on actual science. It actually goes against some forms of science (such as psychiatry and psychology).

I believe Artea was making a reference to Scientology's use of lawsuits.

Nov 17, 2007, 12:07 AM
On 2007-11-15 19:15, EphekZ wrote:

On 2007-11-15 19:04, Meyfei wrote:
i personally choose not to be one in ANY religion, its a complete waste of time in my opinion. (not to sound like an a$$) But one thing ALL religions need to think IS IT REALLY TRUE? (acording to the bible cyclops, dragons and all that) seriously now do you REALLY THINK that actually was around? if they were I bet we would be seeing cyclops bones, heck even dragon scales in musuems.

Who cares if that crap is true? The point of religion is not to prove that dragons existed. It gives people hope and a guideline, so to speak, for a way to live their lives. I, for one, am not religious but I have no problem saying that it is a good thing for those who need it. Granted there are those who are way out of line or over the edge, but it really doesn't affect you. The point is to have tact when you're talking to others. You're not going to make a black joke when there's a random black guy around, especially if you're white, he may not know you're joking and get offended. Why should it be different for religion? It's part of who they are. Like I said, you need social finesse.

edit: lol grammar

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: EphekZ on 2007-11-15 19:17 ]</font>

Quoted for common sense. Side note: lulz wut, new avi? :3

On topic.

It appears that the OP already has a personal view about religion in general. As in "already has made up their mind". So one must wonder why do you even want to ask other people about their religion when essentially you truly don't care to begin with? Is it not a waste of your time and theirs as well? If you truly are "curious" you can always go to a library or internet and research the information yourself. I still feel you just want someone to say something that strikes you as funny just to chuck it up on your list of "reasons to dislike religions lulz".

Nov 17, 2007, 01:28 AM
all i have to say to virdira_hunter is if you dont have nothing nice to say just shut up!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: thunder-ray on 2007-11-16 22:29 ]</font>

Nov 17, 2007, 01:36 AM
If that rule was followed, PSO-World wouldn't exist.

Nov 17, 2007, 09:56 AM
On 2007-11-16 22:36, Nyreal wrote:
If that rule was followed, language/people/the internet wouldn't exist.

There, fixed it for you.

Nov 17, 2007, 01:26 PM
On 2007-11-16 22:28, thunder-ray wrote:
all i have to say to virdira_hunter is if you dont have nothing nice to say just shut up!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: thunder-ray on 2007-11-16 22:29 ]</font>

More like keep your opinions to yourself and don't say'em here, or else you'll get bombarded with other opinions that you might not like.

Nov 17, 2007, 06:05 PM
people don't talk about religion because it goes farther than a "belief," its a value they hold true to their life, and values are a topic that can get alot of people heated quickly. values are easily offensive when an opinion conflicts it, and sometimes people will just go against someones values to get them pissed.

i mean think about it. alot of religion is mostly trying to define a person's meaning in life. by some kid going up to someone who has believed in God for 30-40 years and suddenly telling them how they're an idiot, they are going to get mad for someone to try to make them question their own purpose on this earth. they've believed in the purpose for so long, why fuck with it?

i don't believe in religion, and that's just what i believe. if other people believe in god, i'm not going to take that away from them.

and as many opinions don't have any proof to them, it is naturally two people fighting for no reason except making the other person angry.
its better not to bring it up religion, and if you do, dont let it irritate you. it is an argument with no end. just say, "i believe this because i do," regardless of how stupid someone else feels it sounds.