View Full Version : I'd like to be able to play again soon, please.

Nov 29, 2007, 03:17 PM
Billing error 192 has kept me from playing online for almost two weeks now. Now, when the expansion has just been released. I'm forced to play AotI offline, creating look-alikes of my online characters just to try and replicate the same feeling. But I know that the moment that I'll have access to online mode again, I will leave offline and never look back. It just feels so pointless playing it right now.

Like many other gamers, I have certain "periods/seasons" when I preferr to play certain games. And RIGHT NOW is the maximum prime of the PSU period, and my credit card is being rejected.
Not a day goes by without my silent wishing that I'll finally be able to go online again after a gruellingly boring day of dread school.

Warhammer, DOOM 1 and 2, Halo 3 and various studies of ancient weapons does an admirable job of keeping my busy for the time being, but by the Heavens, the evenings are rushing by with only the thought of playing online with my friends skimming through my mind.

I was SO hyped for playing AotI. I even buffed my PC up to the point of a graphical workhorse, intent of giving PSU a true run for it's money. Now, two weeks ago I first fell victim for the issue they had with their billing site, and left my account at PENDING CANCEL for that weekend. To add insult to injury I had just synthed a Crimson and a Shigga Desta that Friday but, due to being late for an appointment with friends, I had to leave for the night without trying them out. I get home on Saturday and woosh, billing site issue. With patience I waited for my subscription to cancel, which happened on the following Monday. Relieved and overjoyed, I try to re-subscribe. Error 192. With every card I tried. Even the one that I've used for the entire past year.
Now, a week later, I have contacted SEGA support and recieved some rudimentary response, though the method they advised me to take did not work. Now, they're investigating the matter, but I doubt they'll have any solution for it until after this weekend. Why can't they work weekends?!


Atleast I'm not being charged any money when I tried to subscribe. It sure looked like it when the money was set to PENDING, but luckily they automatically refunded in the course of 10 days.

I'm probably overreacting over this whole matter, but it has really made me frustrated. I'm not an easily bored guy, but I find myself going to bed no less than 1-2 hours earlier than usual each night, just because I feel so...well, frustrated.

Oh and now with the 1up bonuses coming along, it's even worse. Why do I just have that feeling that I'll miss out on it completely? Yes, why oh why?

Please SEGA, work something out quickly.

Edit: A closing -.-

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mwabwetumba on 2007-11-29 12:18 ]</font>

Dec 2, 2007, 03:24 PM
Update: Error 192 failed to thwart me this time, and I'm back online! I missed the preliminary run of the expansion release, but by God I'll make this a busy week!


Dec 2, 2007, 11:09 PM
A rant with a happy ending and a problem solved. Good show.

I'd like to see more of these than crazy outburst wells of I H8 diz GAEM.

Have twice as much fun to make up for your missed time!

Dec 2, 2007, 11:45 PM
good for you mwab. they fixed your 192. at least sega support didn't do what they did to me and forgot about me for 28 days until i hassled them again