View Full Version : I'm tired of saying goodbye

Dec 1, 2007, 01:27 AM
I've moved over a dozen times in my life. In each place, I've had better friends than in the last.

In my the time I've been alive, very dear and close friends have died.

Animals that knew if something was wrong, pets that would come to you if you needed something to hold have perished as well.

Close relatives, relatives that actually meant something have died too.

I can't take to be in a relationship with a living thing, only to watch it suffer and die, or myself leave them.

I'm sick of having to say goodbye, knowing full well I won't see, hear, or touch them again.

I know this is how life works and it's inevitable; but I hate it, and it's one of the few things that make me weep.

Dec 1, 2007, 01:42 AM
Consciousness, the greatest gift of mankind - also his greatest weakness.

It is inevitable, but life goes on, you have other opportunities, and you continue life's journey. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 1, 2007, 03:12 PM
Moving totally sucks, but I've never had to do that many times. Sorry.

Dec 3, 2007, 10:39 AM
im sorry to hear that its hard when someone you care about passes away and you can never see then again but that just a nartual proccess we all will have to go threw someday. as are loved ones leave us we have to learn to live day by day and move on but at times we will look back at those that we lost every once in awhile and shed a tear for those that we were so close to. think of it this way their are in a better place their no longer suffering from pain or anything that caused their deaths. as long as any of us lives it will never be easy for us to say good bye to are loved ones that we lost but at the same time we have to live for them and remember what those people that we cared about taught us before they passed and make use of what we were taught by them. again im sorry for your lost but i know that you will make it threw this hang in there =)