View Full Version : messed up my gamertag.

Dec 3, 2007, 12:07 PM
Im really confused, because i tried connecting to live but it said i couldn't. However on the same console i can connect with another profile.

I tried recovering my gamertag but it says i need to be connected to live to do so, im effectively stuck.

i deleated the profile, but not the saves so if i can recover my gamertag it should be alright, but i have no idea how i can do it now ?

Dec 3, 2007, 06:57 PM
http://forums.xbox.com/12304554/ShowPost.aspx - i found this thread, i get the same error number, it has been happening since may and there is no way to recover so far.

Am i screwed? i dont care about achievements as much as i care about spending 400 hours on psu for ms to mess it up for me.