View Full Version : AotI: Whips, extremely fun or misunderstood?

Dec 3, 2007, 02:28 PM
When I first synthed my Vish, I tried it out and thought it was horrible. It barely did any damage and was difficult to Just Attack. After I got the hang of it, I realised just how strong and FUN whips can be! So, let's discuss those newly designed fun machines known as whips. To start,...

Do you use whips?

What kind of design do you think interesting S-rank whips may take?

Dec 3, 2007, 02:55 PM
I plan to use a whip, after I transfer to AoI and switch my class to Force.

Edit: I also plan to use the Viva Danga PA.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Thanubis on 2007-12-03 12:06 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2007, 03:04 PM
Whips are great. There's nothing like getting in the middle of a dangerous group and having them bow down before they can do anything. Apparently, we even have the "Bad" PA right now.

Dec 3, 2007, 03:11 PM
On 2007-12-03 12:04, Zorafim wrote:
Whips are great. There's nothing like getting in the middle of a dangerous group and having them bow down before they can do anything. Apparently, we even have the "Bad" PA right now.

If this is the "bad" one, I can't wait to see the "good ones... I actually enjoy seeing those wind scars all over the place and enemies get knocked around without knowing what's going on.

Dec 3, 2007, 03:19 PM
From the videos that I've seen, it has a similar speed and usage, but it has 20% more atp. It's a simple, overall boost.

Dec 3, 2007, 03:33 PM
The second whip PA has 20% more total ATP on the first move and applies that power over an extra hit and the second move has the same modifier as the first move of Spinning Strike, but applied over 3 hits to 6 targets. All that and it's only 4% less ATA and 4 less PP.

Dec 3, 2007, 04:37 PM
It's very, very useful at a higher level. I admit to thinking it was weak when I first got it, but it got a lot better as it leveled. Though the damage steal doesn't balance out with majarra and other super hax skills, it's fun to use, and the SE is beneficial. Cannot wait to get the second skill. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 3, 2007, 06:06 PM
I use my whip way more for utility than damage in a full party. Keeping the enemies flinching and stunned is very useful. Basically, I avoid using the second part of the whip PA so as to keep the monsters within a general area. If I'm soloing, that's a different matter altogether.

Dec 3, 2007, 06:14 PM
I personally like the AoE KB the whips have, it speads apart what is essentially spell spamming mobs, while keeping them flinched and SE'd

Dec 3, 2007, 06:37 PM
Actually, if they're spell spamming mobs, I'd think that you don't want to knock them back, because now they're spread out and spamming techs from different directions. Hence why I just use regular attacks and the first part of the PA... that keeps them in one spot so you can continue keeping them stun-locked.

Dec 3, 2007, 06:44 PM
Well it's maybe a difference in play style, I only use the whip for the initial AoE KB, switch in a dagger and start taking em off and keeping them down since our PA speed is just stupid fast and locking them down is pretty easy to do as a AT. Since I'm using a dagger, the KB range is rather limited and I have to be pretty up close to make it very effective.

I find the proc rate decent on the adac so I don't really make it a habit of relying on it.

Dec 3, 2007, 06:49 PM
Ah jeez server are super slow today D:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shadow_Wing on 2007-12-03 16:00 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2007, 06:53 PM
Ah jeez server are super slow today D:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shadow_Wing on 2007-12-03 16:01 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2007, 07:31 PM
I put away my Lighting Howrod and put a Pegita w/ Gizonde OR Razonde + Zodeel for quick ATA Down & SHOCK 3 speed and a Lightning Whip Shock 4 as my BOX OPENER and Crowd Control.

On AT mode whip is great. On FT mode its almost like a "BOX OPENER" to me. I have horrendous ATP and it barely does over 80 damage but i use it for the SHOCK 4 or SILENCE 4 - something an FT has a tough time with STA 3 TECH or slow unreliable Diga.

FORGET the LIGHT SLEEP 2 or the HP LOW = High Power Whips - those are suicide for an FT. Well just dont keep your HP low and hope the whip does super damage cause on FT mode it doesn't. SHOCK and SILENCE FTW. And Burn 2 Freeze 2 - uhh there are Tech that do better than that faster and more reliable.

PLUS the level 10 Melee CAP prevents me from doing the deliciously evil 21+ hit 2nd part of the PA.

And dont get me started on speed. I only do the first hit maybe the 2nd because i can't afford to wait for the last 2 slaps before using the PA. Hell i spam the PA since the PA Start up is faster and may do the SHOCK 4.

Dec 3, 2007, 07:41 PM
Best weapon to use when there are 4+ enemies in range. Pairing it up with a good shadoog is icing on the cake.
As for S-ranks, I'd like to see a chain, with part of the chain wrapped around the wrist, e.g. Birdie from SF Alpha.

Dec 3, 2007, 07:52 PM
I'm rather addicted to whips. They're easily my favorite weapon.

Dec 3, 2007, 08:13 PM
On 2007-12-03 16:41, ShineOnline wrote:
Best weapon to use when there are 4+ enemies in range. Pairing it up with a good shadoog is icing on the cake.
As for S-ranks, I'd like to see a chain, with part of the chain wrapped around the wrist, e.g. Birdie from SF Alpha.OMFG, I was assuming that a whip was a two handed weapon. I whip+TCSM combo is going to kick serious ass.

As for the chain idea, how about one of Ivy's weapons from the Soul Calibur series?

Dec 3, 2007, 08:18 PM
I use the whip to stun then give a healthy gi-diga/gi-foi for good measure.

Dec 3, 2007, 09:12 PM
Love the whip. Makes me feel like a wild tornado of death.

Dec 3, 2007, 09:42 PM
Whips have become my favorite weapon offline ^_^ Its PAs level extremely fast, perhaps the fastest leveling PA in the game in missions with lots of targets (Holy Grounds in particular, can you say Lv1 to Lv15 in a single mission?) and seem to have PP that regenerates faster than you can use it up. Best weapon to open containers with as well, that of course and it inflicts status effects.

I submitted some pics and data entries for Vivi Danga and Vissha Grudda for the PSOW Offline item database, hopefully they will be able to make use of them http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif For those who are curious how fun whip PAs can be:

Vissha Grudda:

Vivi Danga

Vissha Grudda's second hit is hilarious, your character starts walking around while twirling the whip and smacking everything that gets in your way. Viva Danga's finisher on the other hand has a very impressive surround knock back with insane range and can hit up to five targets with S-Rank whips like in the picture above. Only bad thing about whips really is the overall weak attack power on single target enemies and the Just Attacks that are hard to time in the heat of battle because it's hard to visually keep an eye on the whip. I'm very happy that Force's can S-Rank it offline as well -- although I still make it my main habit to Nosdiga everything that moves when whips don't cut it. ^_^

Dec 4, 2007, 12:03 AM
i use whips for aoe damage. to me the status effects are just an added bonus. both whip pa's are available offline if you want to try the other one out. i intend to use whips on my beast WT.

Dec 4, 2007, 04:16 AM
Great AoE weapons for my WT. A few regular attacks followed by a JA'd Visshi Grudda kills or nearly kills most small/medium monsters, up to 6 at the same time. Great weapons to use on dragons (http://www.xs4all.nl/~punisher/raganwhip.jpg) as well. Just awesome.

Dec 4, 2007, 12:58 PM
My stance on whips as I mentioned before are: they're border unbalance/broken. I'd have to agree with everyone though it's a great weapon. Even my FT makes them useful. When it levels to the second part of the combo it's crazy strong.

Dec 4, 2007, 01:42 PM
Whips aren't broken because of the class limitations. Only fT, AT, and WT can use them. So the strongest class that can use them is the weakest of the four hunter classes. I still write off whips as the one redeeming factor to WT's horrid stats and PA limitations. The would be broken if the higher damage classes could use them. And, given that they gave fF slicers, I'm half-surprised Sonic Team didn't consider fF with whips balanced.

Long story short, a whip is the only weapon at a WT's disposal that has a hope of competing with Anga Jabroga anything.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Pillan on 2007-12-04 10:43 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2007, 02:47 PM
Whips are pretty nice, and Danga is going to be even better, but I am getting really irritated with ATs that won't heal/buff because they're too busy using spamming their whip.

Dec 4, 2007, 02:48 PM
I like my whip on my wartecher. I iked it so much that my fortegunner is probably going to stay a wartecher, until people complain that I don't heal enough or something, since my resta's only level 6 or so, and my buffs are level 4.

And for S rank whips, I think as like a joke whip, something like a piece of cloth (if possible), or for a real one, maybe a whip that looks like one of the tentacle things that the de rol le (whatever he was called, the big worm guy.) That'd be pretty cool-looking. Either that, or maybe one that looks like the chainsawd's blades on the edge of it were ripped off and swung around.

Dec 4, 2007, 02:57 PM
Those would be more than awesome, but I don't think PSU is going to give us solid weapons anytime soon. No, whips will be stuck as little yohmei handgun looking things that disgorge a glowing strand.

Dec 4, 2007, 03:01 PM
I find using a whip on my WT extremely fun. Its fun to not only whip a group of enemies, but give them a shock SE on top of it! I originally bought one cheapy whip to try out, and found it so fun (especially when soloing) that I'm going to be looking into getting some more for my WT.

Seriously, does this look fun or what?

Oh yeah, I also have one additional use for the whip:


Dec 4, 2007, 07:56 PM
I LOVE whips! creates instant crowd control b4 a mob can overpower a player.
Suggest using a combo Ra-Tech/Any long reaching Tech on numerous smaller mobs then move in to whip em for hunters giving knock-out punch!

Dec 5, 2007, 10:42 PM
There's nothing like completely disabling a mob of buffed Vahra's attacks and then slowly killing them while they try to run away from you. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 6, 2007, 12:25 AM
They aren't overpowered if you think about it, I can pull the same damage from my single dagger + buten. I still stick by my opinion that they aren't about damage but about SE. Sure you do tons of damage, but it's relative now that everything you use does a ton of damage, also. I found myself hitting 8000 with the last part of hishou vs a kamatoze and was pleasantly surprised.

Dec 6, 2007, 12:41 AM
I love whips! I wouldn't care if they were completely the worst weapon in the game no matter how you looked at it simply because I have a very fun time using them. They are currently my second favorite weapon in the game, beat only by the rifle because of the rifles "sniping" abilities.