View Full Version : Am I the only FOmar Melee'ing in Ultimate???

Jan 10, 2003, 08:38 PM
O.o wow...., I feel like an endangered species or something, U know to broaden it up, are there any FOmarls that do it too??? i've only seen one so far o.o()

Jan 10, 2003, 08:50 PM
I will be one day. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Just got to get those levels...


Jan 10, 2003, 09:21 PM
I just have to level up my FOmar enough to get to Ultimate. I'm still daudling in Normal with him. X_X

My HUcast is my main character, but one day I hope to get my FOmar up there. Just takes so much time hehe

Jan 10, 2003, 10:47 PM
Whenever my FOmar runs dangerously low on TP, he whips out his Elysion and starts thrustin' it repeatedly into monsters' eye sockets. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/whip.gif It does between 100-300 damage per hit (depending on weak or strong, of course) in Ultimate, so it's definitely a nice alternative to techs when I get low.
Otherwise, if I have TP? I don't need no stinking weapons.

Jan 11, 2003, 08:07 AM
yeah i melee, offline. red sabers are great to hunt rares offline using tp only to cast jellen and zalure. my fomar is only 108 and it seems only level 80-90 hunters want to play ultimate with him. i get to go support heavy when that happens. if i were the lowly fomar in ultimate, i would melee.

Jan 11, 2003, 12:00 PM
still stuck in v-hard but when i get leveled im outta there

Jan 11, 2003, 02:21 PM
I just got to ult the other day with my FOmar. (I can barely survive in offline!) I've found that using shifta/deband and using a weapon is MUCH more efficient than using techs. At lvl 73 I'm totally weak, but when I fight hand to hand I can at least live for a few more seconds!

Jan 11, 2003, 04:12 PM
I got into Ult around lvl 74 or so with my FOmar. I don't really do much techs except shifta and deband. Running around with my grinded Kaladbolg. Hoping to find a red saber but need to find a Hildertor first. Spent an hr this morning trying to find one, no luck yet.

Jan 11, 2003, 04:47 PM
i have a lvl 81 fomar and my main melee weapon is g assassin blades, but in ulti he generally misses alot making them not usefull at all, so im forced to use magic in ultimate, but i use the elysion in ultimate which w0rks well or the hldebear cane...those fomar who use melee like us r inbdeed an endagered species...wt weapons do u use? i switch off between...
g assassin blades
soul eater
HB cane

Jan 11, 2003, 04:56 PM
Back in the day of V1 and V2, I used to use a HUnewearl. Now I use a FOmar... who thinks he is a HUnewearl. I melee when I can, and use techniques when I can't. In ultimate mode, I only melee to borrow TP... I wish I could melee, but at level 72, its pretty hard!

Jan 11, 2003, 07:17 PM
FOmars low base ATA makes it tough to melee well in the more difficult stages without the right weapons. So you won't see FOmars melee intill they max out there ata and atp, and even then you'll need weapons like Red Saber and Bringers rifle which have the ata to actually connect in stages like seabed and central control area.

Jan 11, 2003, 07:31 PM
not nessiarliy... To connect and meele in seabed, you need to have at least 203. That's the equivalent to getting a Fomar to max class ata limit, and giving them a soul eater. You're ata will be 203. That's enough to hit if you use L L H combos. I use justice mechs, Holy ray, and the soul banish, and i pretty much can handle any stage on ultimage. Red sabers are nice if you can find them but i find them useful honestly for only certain enemies. If you want massive Net damage, go for the mechs. If you want crowd control, us the banish, and if you want out right accuracy and or range, use the holy ray, that +60 ata it gives is NIIIICCCEE for a FOmar...

Jan 11, 2003, 07:37 PM
A few weeks ago I made it into Ultimate with my level 70 FOmarl (which she is now level 76). I pretty much only melee, but I totally get owned in Ultimate. >_< So, I'm just taking a break from Ultimate. I got to Ultimate in Episode 1. Since I didn't touch Episode 2, I'm now working my way to Ultimate in Episode 2, well... unlocking the levels in each difficulty. I think after that I may try to go tame those evil creatures in Forest on Ultimate.

Jan 11, 2003, 08:10 PM
I was refering to normal, hard, hard connecting with a Fomar. Although even with 200 ATA misses will still occur with n,n,h combos, just not that often, but thats still lost damage when a miss occurs. Most FOmars prefer tech casting because it usually more effective to cast techs in the tougher stages.

Jan 11, 2003, 08:52 PM
I can see it going either way. and it depends on the enemy, and to be frank, what sets the diffrence in meleeing with a fomar, and a Huwearl and any other HU meleeing, is the fact that the FOmar can get Jallen, and Zalure at level 30...and its effects are A LOT more dreastic... Making the FOmar's lack of ata not as bad since zalure is lowering their evade by level 25 and higher.., Also, that's what ra-bara is for. Freezing enemies also significantly lowers an enemies evade, making it easy pickings for a FOmar with Mech guns ready. or pretty much anybody. There are ways to work around their low ata by using their asst techs and certain other techs due to their sheer level. Taking all these into account, allows you to melee quite easily at higher difficulties but i wouldn't suggest being a FOmar trying to do seabed until 120 at least anyways. Hp is like boarder line surviving, and as soon as an enmy attacks you out of Jallen range, you're most likely dead.

Jan 12, 2003, 09:49 AM
i melee offline.. online i may if the stuff is hitting the fan..

most FO weps dont do jack for damage..

Jan 12, 2003, 10:12 AM
As mentioned before, even if the weapon sucks, Lvl 30 Shifta/Deband/Jellen/Zalure more than makes up for that.

Jan 12, 2003, 10:17 AM
yeah right..

ok a HUmar friends ATP is 2300+ !!!!

mine at its best is nowhere near that.. like 1000 less as a matter of fact..

so why should i waste my time swinging??

yeah if im soloing sure.. miss hit hit hit miss hit

but other than that.. bah S/D J/Z and resta is my job with the occasional rabarta or 50 LOL

now if i had 3 god powers and a god battle let me at um HEEEYA!!

who has a god battle they dont need?

Jan 12, 2003, 02:20 PM
I can melee with my FOmar till Ultimates Caves cuz those stages are practically easy with the Reb Saber but in Mines and Ruins it wold take much more work to do meeleing than using Magic, with Magic is so much easier IMO

Jan 12, 2003, 03:17 PM
uhhh i would but my Fomarl whould die.... ill do it when its leveled up more...

Jan 12, 2003, 05:09 PM
With a Power mag of 152 power, and my soul banish, when i use shifta my atp without a weapon becomes well into the 1300's. Do the math to see what my atp would be with other weapons equipped..., its not a weakness in power there at all with damage. Just don't get a freakin' Kaldabog and run in thinkin' ur going to do soemthing, cus you're not...common sense says get better weapons...O.o