View Full Version : Xbox 360 owners "Attention Mods" please lock or delete troll

Jan 1, 2008, 02:45 AM
To make a long story short i sent in my 360 on nov 1st, for repair do to the RODissue. i havent really missed it much because i currently play WOW & PS3. However i wanted to start the new year off right so i decided to drop MS a call about my system.

First the rep started off very helpful but, after about the 3rd 15 minute hold while i check my resources crap. i asked is their a problem she replied yes apparently we have no record of you ever sending in a 360 console unit to us.

I then tried to explain to her that,that i had spoken to someone and they confirmed that they recieved my unit,and that ispoke with someone who confirmed that they recieved my console she then,attempted to blow me off with a well sir unfortunatly i am unable to assist with your situation.

If you come up with something that we cant then please feel free to call us back,and by the grace of god just before she got around to the smartass remarks i found my reference & tracking number.

She started to back pedal however i then informed her that i appreciated her assistance,however i would prefer to speak with a supervisor regarding my unit.

So yea my 360 is currently missing and i wont hear anything until, i recieve a call back within 24-48 hours.

My point is that if you have to send your x360 in

please keep track of your reference & tracking number or you might get shafted.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: eXo on 2008-01-01 11:38 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2008, 02:50 AM
Why the hell would'nt someone keep track of their reference/tracking number? Hello? Your situation is the reason they give them out. Thats why they tell you to write it down.

Common sense goes a long way. Glad you found your tracking number, but if you hadn't and you'd of gotten shafted I'd of said well, thats how it goes.

It's in place so they are held accountable on their end, and so they don't have every idiot calling in and asking about their supposed 360 that was sent in for repairs. Cuts down on alot of fraudulant claims.

No tracking/reference number, no 360.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ABDUR101 on 2007-12-31 23:50 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2008, 11:22 AM
Yea this time regardless of what you may believe your logic is flawed much like their system is,this time around.

Example: My house burned down

Hello yes i was calling in regarding, the repair status of my xbox360 console that i sent in,my tracking and reference number, oh no you see my house burned down shortly after thanksgiving and im temporaryly at my cousins so i no longer have that information.

However I spoke to one of your represenitives and she ackowledged that you guys in fact did recieve my system. And the Max answering system says that i currently have an open repair ticket for my console.
Thats right yes he does WTF do you think i did, sent in a control for repair?

The bottomline is that at time forum members,display this uncanny ability to read one thing and comprehend it, in a toally different light.In this case however i simply can not see how anyone can, try and pass off ncompetence, as an corporate security measure. Feel free to call it what you want but it's overall bullshit.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: eXo on 2008-01-01 08:39 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2008, 12:50 PM
...I think if my house burnt down, my 360 would be, by and large, the least of my concerns. Prioritise much?

Jan 1, 2008, 01:20 PM
Also, when the forum doesn't go, clicking Submit over and over doesn't generally fix it.

Jan 1, 2008, 02:37 PM
Actually statistics show that for the majority of home owners, who loose their homes once they establish an residence to second thing on their list of prioritise is the recovery of lost property therefore 30's plus before attempting to recover a 360 would be considered prioritising. especially since chances are that it would be the only thing that they would have for memories.

And i appreciated your concern however unless you have moderation previlieges please refrain from attempting to moderate, my post thank you it would be greatly appreciated.

And in closing this thread has has went completly south of it's original intentions therefore i would like to request a lock or deletions before more usless jabber or flame begins

Jan 1, 2008, 02:45 PM
No, I'm pretty sure if your house burns down, you're going to worry about where you and your family will live. And there are far more important posessions to replace than a gaming console.

As far as flaming/trolling, hardly; but oh well. Lock away, someone disagreed and had an opinion!

Jan 1, 2008, 03:35 PM
What part of establish an residence excludes finding a place to stay *Boggle* i could have sworn thats what a residence was, but then again maybe i was wrong take a look.


I took the 360 as an example because i know first hand that alot of major home owner insurance companies, atleast in california exclude items such as gaming consoles from their coverage. i know this first hand because a navy buddy of mines left him nintendo wii over a friends house while on deployment the guys house burnt down in the san diego wildfires and the system was not covered.

As far as opinions are concerned they are always welcome, however i prefer to avoid debates.

Your first post represented your opinion


everything after that is considered a debate


Their is a very thin line between the two which is often much like in this case crossed unknowingly by the posters.

example of an opinion:
Me: should i buy cookies?
You: No becuase cookies make you FAT!

Example of an debate
Me: should i buy cookies?
You: no because cookies make you FAT
Me: Hmmm well i guess if thats how you see it
you: Cookies do make you im pretty sure that cookies make,gain more body fat then rice cakes.

You see one response is considered an opinion multiple responses could easily be considered a debate, because youre now trying to justify your reasoning and unfortunatly we have crossed the thin line and i highly recommend that we chop this post up as an lost and go are seperate ways =).

Jan 1, 2008, 04:01 PM
Locked per OP request.