View Full Version : PSO-GC: is a rare mag worth raising?

Jan 1, 2008, 06:44 PM
whats the advantage to having a rare mag? does it do anything cool? or does it just look cooler? i havnt made a mag in almost four years and was thinking about taking the time to do it.

Jan 1, 2008, 06:50 PM
The looks, abilities, and the fact that it will never change are all reasons to consider a rare Mag.

Jan 1, 2008, 07:00 PM
you say abilities like it does something that a regular mag wont. does it?

Jan 1, 2008, 07:23 PM
yes and it is worth raising because i made a hole bunch of mags but not the ones with mag cells

Jan 1, 2008, 07:27 PM
ok. so it has abiities. what are they? what does it do that makes it better than a regular mag

Jan 1, 2008, 07:34 PM
The abilities it may do comes from the same possibilities regular mags have (invincibility, Shifta&Deband, Resta, resurrection). Its just that rare Mags provide an easy way to make sure you get the ability set you want (assuming the set matches one that the special Mags give).

The only true advantage a rare Mag has over a normal one is that it will never change.

Jan 1, 2008, 07:45 PM
and rare mags look cooler, and the stats are usually very well rounded.

looks+skills=awesome =D

Jan 1, 2008, 10:04 PM
they do definatly look cool, maybe its something i will work on. although honestly, rounded stats arnt what im going for. at all. i usually go for beasting out one stat. but just for the novelty of it i make raise one or two

Jan 2, 2008, 09:27 PM
Just having one great stat isn't gonna help you that much. If you aren't in ult yet, you'll find that out. It's much more useful with well rounded stats.
say you're going for power. With a 180 pow, 20 def mag, you'd have:
Dex:0 (this is the stat that hunters need a lot of as well, for the sake of actually hitting. Can't hit hard if you don't hit at all)
mind: 0

Then look at this:20 def, 120 pow, 40 dex, 20 mind
def-20 (most enemies won't hurt you till mines-ruins)
pow-240 (this is still great power, if you're a hunter, you already have a bunch.)
dex-20 ( again, if you can't hit, you're screwed.)
mind-20 (if you aren't a cast, this is great if you like using resta or shifta/deband. not needed though.)

hope that helps

Jan 3, 2008, 10:38 AM
i see what your saying. you do have a problem with your calculation though. 40 dex will only give you 10 ata. you only get .5 per point. but i have been in ult since level 65 ( im 118 now) and it seems to be working out fine so far http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
i get my ata from my god arms, and my mst seems to work out at what ever it is ( not sitting in front of it now so i dont know exactly what it is) i nly use it for the occasional resta, shifta/deband, and of course opening boxes cos im lazy.
im thinking of going for a rare mag, and if i remember correctly, one of the equations is pow+mind=dex+def. which is what i will prolly use as 100+0=50+50. or something similar. at the moment i only have 3 lvl200 mags that i sometimes pass around between my charactors, so this is kinda needed anyways.

Jan 3, 2008, 12:47 PM
I try to balance out the stats as best as possible. It is difficult, but the guides help. I think the rare mags are worth it for an alternate challenge. You know, like finding Soul Eater or Akiko's Frying Pan, you are working to get the rare mag.

That's my view, anyway.

Jan 3, 2008, 12:54 PM
On 2008-01-03 07:38, ix3u69 wrote:
you do have a problem with your calculation though. 40 dex will only give you 10 ata. you only get .5 per point.

your contradicting yourself here. saying that each point on dex = .5, so 2 dex = 1 ata. 40 dex =/= 10 ata, 40 dex = 20 ata like he said >_>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rob19 on 2008-01-03 09:54 ]</font>

Jan 3, 2008, 02:19 PM
On 2008-01-03 07:38, ix3u69 wrote:
im thinking of going for a rare mag, and if i remember correctly, one of the equations is pow+mind=dex+def. which is what i will prolly use as 100+0=50+50. or something similar. at the moment i only have 3 lvl200 mags that i sometimes pass around between my charactors, so this is kinda needed anyways.

Just for point of note, you can make the MAG at level 100, so you'd only need, say, 50 + 0 = 40 + 10, or whatever ratio. The last 100 levels could then be spent on whatever you want.

Once a MAG becomes a rare, you can't change it back OUT by stat alteration, it is that rare MAG. I believe the only way to shift to another after that is by MAG Cell, if those even work on rare MAGs.

Jan 3, 2008, 02:43 PM
i got a diwari and its far from well rounded

its sumthin like 138 power
40 dex
22 def

Jan 4, 2008, 03:33 AM
I'm raising a Nidra for my force. It'll end up with 5 def, 45 dex(for use of specials), 150 mind and will have invincibility on everything, plus the possibility to revive me sometimes if I die. Looks like a scorpion thingy. Pretty cool. Got it all perfectly calculated. I'm pretty happy with that. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 8, 2008, 12:39 PM
I'm training a Pushan due to the boss-S&D + full PB boost. Boost is better on non-S&D characters in my opinion.

Jan 8, 2008, 03:31 PM
what meant to say earlier is .25 per point added to dex. not .5

Jan 8, 2008, 10:41 PM
You get 0.5ATA per point of DEX.

Jan 10, 2008, 02:49 PM
i dont want to talk about it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gifP. now i feel stupid. every one else was right . i was checking the stats against two different mags and it just so happened that the calculation was .25 and i wasnt paying close enuf attetion to it. anyways....