View Full Version : Argh... Did I screw up somewhere?

Jan 1, 2008, 11:16 PM
So my question is this... did I screw up somewhere? Currently I'm playing as a Lvl 42 Human Wartecher (Lvl 1) And I can't seem to kill anything. Is it natural for something that is a -5 to be able to take 10 or 15 hits before it goes down? Or is it normal for my Attack Techs to do less damage than my normal attacks? And should I be losing money doing most missions?

Jan 2, 2008, 12:26 AM
Wartecher is a fair sight less powerful than Hunter and Force by themselves, but you're getting the best of these particularly worlds. Just get your class level up, focus on your Just Attacks, and take full advantage of Daggers, twin and single.

30-70 is rough business, I'd say. You're gonna make it through, champion.

Jan 2, 2008, 12:35 AM
You didn't screw up with class or race. You may have screwed up with equipment though. Are you still using C ranks? Upgraded armor at all? Have slot units? With the way money drops you should be making cash hand over fist per mission.

Jan 2, 2008, 12:43 AM
I'm using Top B Ranks for all weapons. (An A Sword simply because well, I like swords.....) My Armor is... Well my Armor could be better, but I'm too broke to get anything good, and I have decent Slot units.

EDIT: Oh, and Daggers, Got it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kurai_Inago on 2008-01-01 21:44 ]</font>

Jan 2, 2008, 01:15 AM
So, 6* B rank weapons? Which ones? That could factor into why you need to hit things so much to kill them. What armor are you using? I'm assuming your slot units are store bought, which isn't bad, I'm just curious as to what they are. I'm asking about your armor, because slot units are very helpful. So when you do buy armor make sure the armor has the slots you need. When you have enough money buy a Yamata-senba, cheap(ish), low req, good stats, and good slot units. I find them very helpful.

Also, are you playing parties or solo? This game was not made for soloing, (which is sad because that's how I play). If you need money, just play solo in C ranking missions, easy and you can get a good amount of money. OR play in popular missions, highest rank you can get into. I think you can get into White Beast A, so get to it!

(Another way to make money is to open a shop and sell extra materials, old weapons ect.)

Jan 2, 2008, 01:37 AM
Well lets see...

As for Armor I have a Zeetline with Car/Guard and Mega/Knight

As for Weapons, I have a 7* Yohmei Sword, 6* Tenora Knuckles, 6* Yohmei Spear, 5* Tenora Daggers, 4* GRM Sabers (Both single and Dual) A 6* Yohmei Wand, and A Varista.

Admittedly, I almost never party, simply because I dont' know anybody in the community, and I feel akward joining somebody else's party mid Mission.

Jan 2, 2008, 01:50 AM
Um, hmm. I'd most definately get new armor, I think Te-senba, Rabol Tero, Rabol Danga would be more in your price range. All with Head, Arm, and Body Slots. I would get a Gi / Magic for head, Tero-Hit for arm, and Tero / Guard for your body.

Weapons could be improved but that would cost a lot, so when you get the money change them. Don't forget to level Photon Arts.

I don't know the community either, which is why I ussually don't join groups. That or I solo because I'm hunting for rares. But when it comes to leveling and saving money join parties, its fun and effective. If the mission is unlocked, just join. You'll get used to it. =) OR leave your mission unlocked in a popular area.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rytoca on 2008-01-01 22:54 ]</font>

Jan 2, 2008, 02:05 AM
Methinks I'll do that. Thanks alot for the Advice everyone. *Thumbs Up*

Jan 2, 2008, 08:31 AM

I would personally drop all your weapons 'cept for the sword and spear, and buy a single dagger if you can. Twin daggers are good but they fail in comparision to both swords and spears(with either Dus Rabado or Dus Majarra equipped). Also, what spells and photon arts you usin' perhaps i can help you out on that

Jan 2, 2008, 12:04 PM
On 2008-01-02 05:31, Heinan wrote:

I would personally drop all your weapons 'cept for the sword and spear, and buy a single dagger if you can. Twin daggers are good but they fail in comparision to both swords and spears(with either Dus Rabado or Dus Majarra equipped). Also, what spells and photon arts you usin' perhaps i can help you out on that

He cannot get majarra (no s rank missions yet).

I would guess the issue is using Just Attack - are you able to perform timed hits reliably? Also, your WT level is a bit low for level 42. Can I suggest some missions with higher MP rewards? (you may have to find a party for some of them).

Weapons wise, all the knuckle PAs got a boost in damage, but right now, Bogga Danga is the only one worth using for a WT (zubba is pretty slow, and the other 2 require PA frags). Rising Strike is a great, heavy damaging PA, and Buten (the single dagger PA), is good for dealing a lot of general damage.

Don't ignore techs! especially fire techs which can reduce the amount of time you are fighting enemies. Along that line of thinking, if you cna save up for a fire whip (don't worry about the %), you can hit many enemies and inflict burn on them.

Humans are powerful wartechers, in a little while, you will be very impressed with your own power.

Jan 2, 2008, 12:24 PM
WT gets a nice ATP boost at ClassLv.10, probably should focus on getting WT10 first which means randoms parties for the fastest leveling. Also, while a mostly dead mission he can do Unsafe Passage S if want a PA Frags or in 3 more levels Mad Creatures S but I would focus on the class level more personally.

Jan 2, 2008, 12:36 PM
there is always crimson beast http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 2, 2008, 09:41 PM
lol crimson beast is great but unless you have nice friends it's insanely dead, at least on the pc/ps2 side, even though we don't run it anymore, people still say it's boring.

Jan 2, 2008, 09:48 PM
Military Subway can pump up the class levels like crazy.

Jan 3, 2008, 08:04 AM
I find Sakura blast to be best place to grind dam and gi techs. The experience is good too and the MP is okay. Military Subway is great too for MP like Chaos said but its 5 block long and can be hard to solo. Try browsing player shops for better weapons. Some people sell A ranks nowadays for pretty cheap.