View Full Version : special for black king bar

Jan 11, 2008, 04:34 PM
what is it. havnt been able to figure it out cos it always misses. all i know is it throws up a cool little triangle pic but thats about all

Jan 11, 2008, 04:45 PM


Jan 11, 2008, 04:54 PM
yeah. as i was getting back on to check and see if anyone had answered, it occured to me...hey check out the area you use to find out eveything else about weapons. duh. thanks though

Jan 11, 2008, 05:52 PM
Heh, np http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Jan 12, 2008, 04:46 AM
It's not just Devil...it's unreduced Devil.

Be wary of the item database here...half of them are wrong on some info.

Jan 12, 2008, 12:52 PM
not sure what you mean by unreduced

Jan 12, 2008, 09:15 PM
You know how there are weapons that can attack multiple times or multiple enemies in one attack? The special that it uses will be a "reduced" effect, in other words, be weaker than the actual special when it is used.

Let's use Sword as an example. Because it strikes multiple enemies, any special placed on it will have its effect reduced by 1/2. Let's use Devil as the special. Devil reduces the monster's HP by 50% for its effect. But because it is on a Sword, its effect is reduced by 1/2. Thus the Devil will only reduce half of 50%, or just 25%, per hit.

When the special is "unreduced", that means that regardless of the weapon and how much it hits per attack, the special will still have the same effect as a single-target, single-hit weapon. So, taking back our Sword example, if the special becomes "unreduced", then for each special hit, the HP will be reduced by 50% like normal.

Jan 12, 2008, 09:22 PM
On 2008-01-12 01:46, Splash wrote:
It's not just Devil...it's unreduced Devil.

Be wary of the item database here...half of them are wrong on some info.If you see anything wrong, please report it in Site Related. I'll edit the BKB bar to say unreduced now.

Jan 13, 2008, 03:17 AM
On 2008-01-12 18:22, Ketchup345 wrote:
If you see anything wrong, please report it in Site Related. I'll edit the BKB bar to say unreduced now.

Ehh, it's too much effort than it is worth. But sure.

Jan 13, 2008, 03:05 PM
Discussion on the other forums seems to indicate that the special is indeed reduced. You might want to hold off on that edit, it might be correct as it is.

Splash do you have a BKB I could borrow? I could test it on a Lily.

I just asked Sage about it and he's telling me that it's unreduced Devils. Sage is a pretty reliable source so I'll take his word on it. Sounds like the change might be a good idea after all.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cranberry on 2008-01-13 12:11 ]</font>

Jan 23, 2008, 02:03 AM
sorry for bumping an old topic, but what about on a droid? idk the exact numbers but i'd think that it gets their reduction. never really saw an answer on the thread about it >>

Jan 28, 2008, 06:31 AM
Yes, it gets the droid reduction. That's something that no weapon can get rid of.

Devil's/Demon's have a 50% activation rate, assuming your ATA beats the enemy's EVP. If ATA doesn't beat EVP, then you'll see a "miss".

If ATA beats EVP and you fail to activate, you'll hear a "hit" sound effect, but still see a "miss".

If ATA beats EVP and it activates, you'll see the "little triangle thingie", and get the effect.

What it does depends on which special you're using (Devil's or Demon's), what weapon you're using it on (Say...BKB vs Devil's Ripper) and whether you're a droid or a non-droid.

Devil's on a non-droid (meaning Human or Newman) takes off 50% of the enemy's current HP. If you're using the "reduced" version, divide the % taken off of enemy HP by 3 (if it's a mechgun, Shot or Slicer), or by 2 (if it's a Sword, Partisan, Dagger, Double Saber, Twin Sword or Launcher).

Demon's on a non-droid (meaning Human or Newman) takes off 75% of the enemy's current HP. If you're using the "reduced" version, divide the % taken off of enemy HP by 3 (if it's a Mechgun, Shot or Slicer), or by 2 (if it's a Sword, Partisan, Dagger, Double Saber, Twin Sword or Launcher).

Devil's on a droid takes off 25% of the enemy's current HP. If you're using the "reduced" version, divide the % taken off of enemy HP by 3 (if it's a mechgun, Shot or Slicer), or by 2 (if it's a Sword, Partisan, Dagger, Double Saber, Twin Sword or Launcher).

Demon's on a droid takes off 50% of the enemy's current HP. If you're using the "reduced" version, divide the % taken off of enemy HP by 3 (if it's a mechgun, Shot or Slicer), or by 2 (if it's a Sword, Partisan, Dagger, Double Saber, Twin Sword or Launcher).

Specials on S-Rank weapons (such as S-Rank mechs) are always "unreduced". This is what makes Demon's S-Rank Mechs worth using on fleshies.

Specials on certain other weapons are unreduced also, such as Twin Brand. The best thing to do would be to test BKB vs Twin Brand, and see how many hits it takes to kill with each, using only the special.