View Full Version : Blu-Ray madness..

Jan 14, 2008, 09:48 AM
Alright.. every 5-10 years or so someone comes out with a higher quality this.. better picture that..

What I'm wondering is.. How high can it actually go before everyone gets like.. okay.. I can't even tell the difference anymore..

I mean.. sure one day.. they'll come out with Super Blu-Ray.. or what-ever-the-heck-is-next. But will the human eye even be able to recognize the advancing picture quality?

Maybe the quality will be better than our eyes could actually differentiate.

To be honest.. Does that much picture quality even matter if you don't have 20/20? I guess people with glasses or contacts see things just as clearly as someone with 20/20..

IDK.. I own a Xbox 360, and regular televisions are good enough for me.. I can tell the difference between that and hi-def.. But hell.. Even with my regular old fashion television set.. it looks beter than last gen.. so its good enough for me..

Jan 14, 2008, 01:53 PM
i heard there is a limit to all of this, i don't know if thats a technical limit or just a limit to how much our eyes can tell the difference, so it's probably the latter.

it's all just business, they need to make new products so people keep buying their stuff, i don't have much knowlege on this but i bet they could make the highest possible resolution now, but they dont because once everyone has one their business is gone. So every few years or whatever the new 'best improvement ever' comes out and it is forced down our throats until we believe it.

your right hi-def is an improvement, but i dont see the need for much improvement now either. unless some decent 3d stuff comes out that is...

Jan 14, 2008, 02:05 PM
Yeah, that's why I don't care about such stuff until it's reasonably priced.

The human eye can only tell so much difference between two images. Looking in my college intro Psych notes, the limit is a difference of about 1/60th of our field of vision (about 1.67% - should be right, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Considering this doesn't just account for the TV image, but also everything else currently in your field of vision, such as the TV itself, whatever it's sitting on, and more still if you are a distance away from it, that's actually a lot bigger of a difference required to notice than one might think.

Aside from that, it all boils down to how small they can get the pixels...

Jan 14, 2008, 02:28 PM
They probably have better but we haven't seen it yet (either that or it's too expensive). Moore's law is something I seem to relate to all the time and always seems to be proven true. I do understand your argument about what is better but that's how the businesses compete. I feel like we are going to hit that point where it's not going to matter anymore, but I think businesses are trying to keep inching just to keep your interest in buying.

Jan 14, 2008, 02:36 PM
What? You mean something like this? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


Jan 14, 2008, 04:41 PM
lol, so their already trying to move on.