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View Full Version : Trying too figure out something, happy for any replies!

Jan 16, 2008, 08:09 PM
Well...firstly i just ordered this game, cause i was a huge fan of PSO.
And i read some stuff here and there, mostly on PSU`s homepage. And the game seems pretty much the same which i was hoping it was http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif.

Although i start reading reviews and player comments on sites like IGN, gamespot or whatever.
And i cant find anything but negativity and bad ratings http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif.
That noone play the game, u cant find teams and that the whole thing is broken.
I really hate this with modern games as expextations are ofent ruined by thesee things...but its nothing i can do anyfrigging thing about either =P
Now im just tore between exitment and demise for just ordeing something i might get really dissapointed with.

Now my Question(s) too you (and i put my final trust in you cause well...ur the real players) is as follows:

1.) how broken is this game for real?
2.) is teamplay overall a burden?
3.) is it the "same" as PSO in terms of feel and playability? Im thinking mostly how things work gameplaywise, like the item system ect.ect.
4.) with the expansion comming soon, how many of the possible broken elements will improve? cause if it will it really doesnt metter =P.
5.) Lastly, how is the community?

Now im a player that gives a crap about graphics,complaints,payment and minor faults. As long as i get gameplay and feel im tons happy. So im pretty sure i will like this game...after all i still like Anarchy Online lol.

AND please...PLEASE tell me the first boss is a huge-ugly-flamespewing-roaring-bigass-flying-dragon!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-16 17:13 ]</font>

Jan 16, 2008, 08:15 PM
You will Love this game.

Jan 16, 2008, 08:18 PM
It's not a DRAGON. It's a DE RAGON. GET IT STRAIGHT. lol

Jan 16, 2008, 08:23 PM
Well it looks like a dragon too me >_>


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-16 17:24 ]</font>

Jan 16, 2008, 08:25 PM
1) A few skills here and there are obviously overpowered, but if you team up with the right people you'll avoid them. If you're looking for completely balanced classes (think of a game with a good PVP system) this isn't it.

2) Teamplay could be better, but if SEGA makes the game difficult again, I think some of the finer points of teamplay will come back.

3) Will edit later

4) The expansion's out. All my comments reflect it.

5) Personally, I'm never thrilled with online communities. For the most part, PSU seems to have an older audience than most games of its type. That's a good thing. You'll occassionally run into a jerk, but not that often. The community is a bit small, though.

Jan 16, 2008, 08:26 PM
On 2008-01-16 17:09, Glantzer wrote:
1.) how broken is this game for real?
2.) is teamplay overall a burden?
3.) is it the "same" as PSO in terms of feel and playability? Im thinking mostly how things work gameplaywise, like the item system ect.ect.
4.) with the expansion comming soon, how many of the possible broken elements will improve? cause if it will it really doesnt metter =P.
5.) Lastly, how is the community?

AND please...PLEASE tell me the first boss is a huge-ugly-flamespewing-roaring-bigass-flying-dragon!

1) Melee is pretty broken currently, ST went a little overboard with the damage. Still, generally, it's ok.

2) Unless you're with a terrible team, no. Teamplay makes things much easier / enjoyable most of the time.

3) Don't expect PSO, seriously. Although they're both Phantasy Star games, they feel nothing like each other. Although that disappointed some people, it distinguishes the games from each other. PSU isn't meant to be another port of PSO, after all.

4) Expansion is out in most places now, only the European release date remains, as far as I know. The expansion made the original game a million times better, in loads of different ways, but there are still evident flaws. Look past the flaws, and you have a relatively solid game, I guess.

5) Like any other online game. You have really cool people who are fun to play with, and you have undesirables too. Generally, if you want a game (at least on PC/PS2 online), go to Universe 2. If you want to get a taste of spam-central, go to Universe 2. >_>

And yes, the 'first' boss (though there's no real order to do places in) is a large red fire-breathing Dragon, called 'De Ragan'. Yeah, great name. (De Ragan, not De Ragon. >_>)

PSU is a decent game (I wouldn't be playing it otherwise), but a lot of people here will idolise it, and say it's the best thing since, well, PSO. It's a decent game, as was PSO. In some areas (like the combat system) it beats PSO. One thing I've always thought about PSU though is that it has no 'soul'. It just feels like an empty shell of a game sometimes.

Jan 16, 2008, 08:27 PM
its a good game, youll like it. and on the bad review note, most of them are just stuck up jerks that write a bad review for the hell of it

Jan 16, 2008, 08:51 PM
The reviews were mostly also written when the game had no content. Though, getting a party together for some of that new content can be hard due to some missions (Fulkis, and some AOI missions) give 30-40X the MP/s you can get anywhere else.

And yes, it lacks the "soul" that PSO had. other then that it's a great game.

I mostly love the, loggin, 1 min later = on feild killing stuff, just like PSO. No waiting for partys or anything stupid like that for the most part is great when you have limited time to play.

Jan 16, 2008, 08:58 PM
I totally see your point on the reviews Jasam, kinda relized it just now. But what do u mean about the content? Isnt AOI mishes IS new content? Am i wrong?

Well...so far it seems this is the game for me.
By all means i wasnt expecting PSO litterally! I just wanted too know if the base idea is the same.
If i still wanted PSO id play PSO easilly...and i did until the end =P But the freeservers kinda clenched the life out of it i guess. One of the bigger likes from PSO for me was the rarity system...i just had too get all thoose 15 star goodies! Even though the spread needler and its godmode popped a few of my ballons.
Thanking god if they didnt port it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif

As for the teaming part it seems ok at worst, which is waaaaaay better then Anarchy Online lol.

And well im in Norway so its expansion time the 25th!

Also, if some skills+classes are a little overpowering compared too the others that doesnt mean no fun. Id be happy too live with that as this aint a PvP game at all. (i hope lol) Always hated PvP in MMOMMORPG anyways. The game is pretty static aswell as if im not totally wrong, so flaws like that really doesnt add up for me as long as its not ruining anything for the other players http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Thanks for the quick replies btw! "points up crooked thumb"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-16 17:58 ]</font>

Jan 16, 2008, 09:00 PM
1) The game is about as broken as generally most online games that require balancing are. This is of course barring people who use glitches and sploits in the game such as Machine Gun Glitch or Dammegid stacking or whatever that thing was. Compared to when the game was first released, things are a whole lot easier to do in general. But you can still find a missions that can be somewhat challenging if you look.

2) Team play is a quite an ambiguous concept here. There isn't much teamwork required in this game unless you mean you step on one switch while someone else steps on another so you can kill more guys. If thats the kind of Team work you want them you'll love PSU. Don't expect anything like PSO's C-mode, except for maybe Bruce's Mission which is the closest to C-mode we've gotten, but the community didn't seem to like it much so I'm doubtful we'll see more missions like that.

3) Thats quite the subjective question. I've been playing PSO since version 1.0 for the Dreamcast. I've met quite a few like minded people and when we all finally got PSU a lot of those people where unsatisfied with PSU and stopped playing. The Tech casting system is very different, you're spells don't lock on, you have to aim them. Yes even the Gi, and Ra, spells. Personally I was never big into techers and everything to me seems like a step up from PSO. Things are much faster pace and overall have a much more enjoyable feel to perform then PSO. The Just attack system provides a semblance of PSO's three hit melee combo system which you can choose to be either a weak hit, Hard hit, Special hit. The difference is that instead of weak hit, hard hit, special hit, there is normal attack then Photon Art attack. The Normal attacks require no PP, while the photon arts ( you're main damage attack) require PP to perform. Successful normal attacks regain PP while Just attack normal attacks regain your PP faster. Doing a just attack Photon art provides for Massive damage since Just attacks make all of your Attacks critical hits. The drawback though is the timing. On the nimble weapons such as Daggers, Claws or Sabres this is no problem since the attack animation is short. But for the Slower weapons like Axe or Sword, you're left very open for attack since you have to wait for the very last possible frame before you initiated your next attack for a Just attack.

4) A lot of the broken elements where fixed with a patches before the expansion. Character stats, Shop search function, Lobby Transportation, Death Penalties, etc. Several people feel that its made the game too easy and I agree with it. Before all of the updates, PSU felt like PSO version 2.0 Ultimate. Now the game feels like PSO Episode 1 and 2 for Gamecube, PC, Sexbox, and whatever platform they released the game for.

5) Another subjective question. Overall I find the community to be pleasant. Of course you always have your bad apples but thats with every game. There are certainly some very unique and flamboyant characters who play this game, and all the drama that occurs provides for some very enjoyable lulz. 360 Population is "OLOL XBOX IS HUEG" especially when compared to PC/PS2 servers which is almost as thin as the new Macbook. (http://www.apple.com/macbookair/) Hackers, poor service from Sega, and various other circumstance have caused the population to dwindle. While PC/and PS2 servers are connected, the amount of people that play it are very low.

Finally I'll end with this. While this game is part of the Phantasy Star Series, and will incorporate some content from PSO, remember this. PSU and PSO are two different games. Don't expect to be playing PSO when you start, expect to play PSU and yes, the first boss is a dragon.

Jan 16, 2008, 09:09 PM
On 2008-01-16 17:26, UrikoBB3 wrote:

3) Don't expect PSO, seriously. Although they're both Phantasy Star games, they feel nothing like each other...

You think they feel nothing like each other?!?!!?! I think you're being a bit misleading here.

Gameplay-wise, this game feels very similar to PSO.

Jan 16, 2008, 09:23 PM
AC9breaker you indulge me too much http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Hearing ppl use glitches is always sad, but you cant do without it, even in the fabled WoW i hear so much about. I usually just petition if possible and leave. Although it says a little about SEGAs prestique in this. The lack of a form of C-mode is also a loss. But does the game future difficulty settings?

Teamplay like PSO is for me atleast purely social http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

The attack systems seems refreshing somewhat with the same kind of layout also at the same time. Cant wait too try it out.

Its also saddening too hear that the community is in the state it is ofcourse. But im taking the account the game doesnt really need massive multiplay either, so its bearable i hope, but i will just have too see and judge for myself. Although it seems from the forums there are atleast a few hundred regulars lol.
Does anyone know the avrage online count btw?

And are there any form of clans among the players?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-16 18:32 ]</font>

Jan 16, 2008, 09:46 PM
There is no official in-game support for clans/guilds, but that doesn't stop you from having a group of regulars to play with, or a "guild" if you feel the need.

Jan 17, 2008, 09:47 AM
thats what i thought, thanks http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jan 17, 2008, 10:53 AM
It's deffinately worth the buy. The thing I really like about this game is that you can be a casual player and still fair well. Of coarse, you will never be as good as those goones who play all day, but you will be able to hold your own.

Jan 17, 2008, 12:22 PM
Its definately worth it. Just ask anyone how many hours they have been playing it. Im around 130 hours on the online alone. I dont think I've ever played a game that long before.

1.) Not that broken, I havent had any issues for a long time. Except the damn robots on 360.
2.) Teamplay seems quite good to me. Kind of neccessary really. Otherwise you may as well play offline.
3.) I see it as bigger, better PSO. I really don't understand how people see PSU as different.
4.) Seems fixed to me. The expansion makes the game what it should have been on release day.
5.) Community is good, seen plenty of generousity. Went to the winter event with my second character (LVL1 at the time), asked anyone for a C run and some kind fellow (LVL40 something) offered to take me through a few runs. Also when I was with my main character, someone walked into my room, asked if I was poor, then gave me 60k meseta. Which was nice.

If your on the 360, feel free to search for a shop called Stumpy when it arrives. If I'm there I'll help out. I dont have a mic, just a keyboard. Just remind me who you are!

Jan 17, 2008, 12:28 PM
Um, try playing AoI's offline mode before jumping online, if you don't know what to expect. From what I've seen, it plays fairly similar. Some things are just as broken offline (Dus Majarra is even better offline, and the 10* lance doesn't run out of PP), the gameplay is almost exactly the same, and you get to see much of the content.

Jan 17, 2008, 12:39 PM
To really tell you how the community and some of the game play is it would depend on if you're on the xbox 360 server or the pc/ps2 sever because there is a good amount of diffences in the amount of people and the cheating towards the game play

Jan 17, 2008, 04:27 PM
Im on PC...i could get the ps2 version on my Ps3, BUT i never was a fan of thesee games for consoles. For no reason really, just preferance.
I understand there are more hackers on 360...and more players lol

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-17 13:50 ]</font>

Jan 17, 2008, 04:55 PM
On 2008-01-17 13:27, Glantzer wrote:
Im on PC...i could get the ps2 version on my Ps3, BUT i never was a fan of thesee games for consoles. For no reason really, just preferance.
I understand there are more hackers on 360...and more players lol

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-17 13:50 ]</font>

Uhh, I think you have your information mixed up a bit. PC/PS2 tends to have more hackers/cheaters cropping up. I believe the 360 servers are more secure.

Just get the game on PC if that's what you prefer. Doesn't matter if you get it for PC or PS2/PS3, the two servers are connected with each other so you'll get the same game and population online regardless of which platform you choose.

Jan 17, 2008, 07:32 PM
Ah, k, you're on pc. Do NOT get it on Ps2 (even tho you have ps3), it has HORRENDOUS lag, and the game takes friggin forever to render the other characters you see.

Anyway, the hacker issue's always been blown way out of proportion. There's only been hackers on ps2/pc server, but there's only ever been like 4 or 5. Ever. And they're always taken care of within a few weeks, so you really don't have to worry about that. The pc/ps2 economy's pretty damn inflated, but it's getting better thanks to the condition-shop-search function. And yes, there is a difficulty system, just with a different skin. Instead of being called Normal, Hard, and etc, it's just called C, B, A, S, S2 etc, with the higher the number S being the hardest. The level requirement for difficulty varies depending on the mission, and the highest current difficulty is S2 (S2 hasn't been released for all missions yet though). They'll eventually release higher difficulties as they raise the level cap (which is currently 120).

This isn't pso, and due to 2 reasons.

1. The music. For a while people couldn't put their fingers on it, but it was realized: PSO's music had two tracks per block you were in. One for when you were safe and one that took over when you were fighting. It made the game feel a whole lot more alive, it made it feel better. In contrast, psu's levels only have one song per area. And not only per block, it's the same music during the entire level. However, PSU's levels are a lot shorter than pso's (but there's a hell of a lot more of them). PSU's music was only ok at first, but the newer AoI levels are getting some pretty kickass pso-reminiscent tracks. Give it a chance.

2. a.The pacing of the levels. The first part of that is that all levels are timed. At first you don't really care, since there isn't really anything worth finding on C and B. But once you get to S you're always trying to beat the clock to get the rewards at the end. This is also releated to the second part of this reason, which has to do with the monster placement.

2.b. In pso, you "explored" a little, running through the level for maybe a minute (2 max), and you had to also make sure you found the right path. After that minute or two of exploration, you would fight a few waves of baddies, then repeat. In psu, you don't explore since there's only one set path, but you wouldn't take the dead-end paths even if they existed, since you're trying to beat the aforementioned clock. There's also maybe 20-second moments of monster-less running. Basically, the levels are a lot more action based. It's nice at first, but sometimes you miss that exploration aspect.

Everyone else pretty much got everything. This is a great game now that the expansion's come out. The reviews for version one were actually kinda on the ball. The first one blew hard chunks, and it's especially obvious now that we have the expansion. Don't rate it till you play the expansion.

OH!! Also, the story sucks BAD at first. Episode 1 (which is only offline in version 1) is horrible, and the VA's are... pretty bad. Click here (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/review/R114444.html) to read a review that's spot on about Episode 1. Episode 2 was released online in chapters during version 1 also (and it's the offline story in AoI). The writing still sucked hard, but the story-line itself actually got pretty decent in the last 3 chapters. Now we're on Episode 3 (chapter 1's the only one out right now), and the story AND writing seem to be getting pretty good. It's improving.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Psycho_Sonic on 2008-01-17 16:40 ]</font>

Jan 17, 2008, 07:40 PM
Just know this, alot of people on here dont give a fuck about your feelings sooo... yeah. The severe douchebaggery in Pso-world revolves around all the high levels that isolate themselves from everyone else into their own little group in the game and just dummies.

Jan 17, 2008, 07:43 PM
PSU has many problems, but its the very best game ever made imo.

Jan 17, 2008, 08:33 PM
On top of that, teamplay is knowhere close to the spectacular-ness-ness-ness that the above posts address as it is to be. The missions are short, rendering you to just stay mute, you get no time to know anyone and everyone is an asshole to boot.

Jan 17, 2008, 08:45 PM
Some things about psu you should know http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
Weapons and armors have star rarity like pso, now it goes from 1* to 15*, but now we mostly have 10*/11* weapons and armors, the highest rarity one is a 13* dagger. They also have ranks:
C rank = 1* - 3*
B rank = 4* - 6*
A rank = 7* - 9*
S rank = 10* - 15*

On pso the only skills were spells, and to lvl them you would get the higher level disks. On psu, there are photon arts, skills for hunter melee weapons, bullets for ranger weapons, and technics for force weapons. To get them, you get the disk on the shop and to lvl your photon arts, you have to use them, the more you use them, the more they lvl up (right now they go up to lvl 40, depending on the class).

About classes, on psu there are basic classes and advanced classes. At the start you have hunter, ranger and force, the basic classes. The classes also have a level, you can get the basic classes up to lvl 10, the advanced classes up to lvl 15.
The advanced classes, they have requirements (the basic classes are the requirements), and each one have their speciality.

Class name
Skills: max lvl of the hunter melee photon arts
Bullets: max lvl of the ranger photon arts
Attack TECHNICs: max lvl of the offensive force photon arts
Support TECHNICs: max lvl of the support force photon arts (buffs, resta)
Traps: Traps the class can use, ranger classes can use standard traps and G traps, protranser can use standard traps, G traps and EX traps
* C-ranks: this class can use this type of weapons up to C rank
* B-ranks: this class can use this type of weapons up to B rank
* A-ranks: this class can use this type of weapons up to A rank
* S-ranks: this class can use this type of weapons up to S rank

Basic classes:

Skills: LV20
Bullets: LV10
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
Traps: --
* B-ranks: swords, knuckles, spears, twin sabers, twin daggers, sabers, daggers, claws, handguns, shadoogs (ranged mags)
* C-ranks: machineguns

Skills: LV10
Bullets: LV20
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
G Traps: Damage, Burn, Freeze, Poison
* B-ranks: sabers, rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, twin handguns, handguns, machineguns, shadoogs
* C-ranks: spears, daggers

Skills: LV10
Bullets: LV10
Attack TECHNICs: LV20
Support TECHNICs: LV20
Traps: --
* B-ranks: twin daggers, sabers, daggers, longbows, handguns, shadoogs, wands, rods, madoogs (tech mags)
* C-ranks: spears, machineguns

Advanced Classes:

Requirement: Hunter lvl 5, Ranger lvl 3
Skills: LV40
Bullets: LV30
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
G Traps: Damage, Burn, Freeze, Poison, Confuse, Sleep
* S-ranks: double sabers, twin sabers, twin daggers, sabers, daggers
* A-ranks: swords, knuckles, spears, twin claws, claws, slicers, twin handguns, handguns, crossbows, machineguns, shadoogs

Requirement: Ranger lvl 5, Force lvl 3
Skills: LV10
Bullets: LV40
Attack TECHNICs: LV20
Support TECHNICs: LV30
G Traps: Damage, Burn, Freeze, Poison, Confuse, Sleep
* S-ranks: longbows, twin handguns, handguns, crossbows, machineguns, shadoogs
* A-ranks: sabers, daggers, rifles, shotguns, laser cannons, cards, wands, madoogs

Requirement: Force lvl 5, Hunter lvl 3
Skills: LV30
Bullets: LV20
Attack TECHNICs: LV30
Support TECHNICs: LV20
Traps: --
* S-ranks: knuckles, twin daggers, twin claws, daggers, wands
* A-ranks: swords, spears, twin sabers, sabers, claws, whips, longbows, handguns, cards, shadoogs, madoogs

Requirement: Hunter lvl 10
Skills: LV40
Bullets: LV20
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
Traps: --
* S-ranks: swords, knuckles, spears, axes, twin sabers, twin claws, sabers, claws
* A-ranks: twin daggers, daggers, slicers, handguns

Requirement: Ranger lvl 10
Skills: LV20
Bullets: LV40
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
G Traps: Damage, Burn, Freeze, Poison, Confuse, Sleep, Virus, Shock, Silence
* S-ranks: rifles, shotguns, grenades, laser cannons, handguns
* A-ranks: spears, sabers, daggers, twin handguns, crossbows, machineguns, shadoogs

Requirement: Force lvl 10
Skills: LV10
Bullets: LV30
Attack TECHNICs: LV40
Support TECHNICs: LV30
Traps: --
* S-ranks: longbows, cards, rods, wands
* A-ranks: spears, twin daggers, sabers, daggers, whips, handguns, madoogs

Requirement: Hunter lvl 5, Ranger lvl 5, Force lvl 5
Skills: LV30
Bullets: LV40
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
G Traps: Damage, Burn, Freeze, Poison, Confuse, Sleep, Virus, Shock, Silence
EX Traps: Burn, Freeze, Stun
* S-ranks: swords, knuckles, spears, axes, sabers, shotguns, longbows, grenade launchers, laser cannons, handguns

Requirements: Ranger lvl 5, Hunter lvl 3
Skills: LV40
Bullets: LV30
Attack TECHNICs: --
Support TECHNICs: --
G Traps: Damage, Burn, Poison, Virus
S-rank weapons: sabers, daggers, claws, slicers, handguns, shadoogs
A-rank weapons: knuckles, twin sabers, twin daggers, twin claws, twin handguns, cards

Requirements: Force lvl 5, Ranger lvl 3
Skills: LV20
Bullets: LV20
Attack TECHNICs: LV30
Support TECHNICs: LV40
G Traps: Damage, Freeze, Confuse, Sleep, Shock, Silence
S-rank weapons: sabers, daggers, whips, handguns, cards, wands, madoogs
A-rank weapons: twin daggers, twin handguns, machineguns, shadoogs

Jan 17, 2008, 08:48 PM
On 2008-01-16 18:09, JAFO22000 wrote:

You think they feel nothing like each other?!?!!?! I think you're being a bit misleading here.

Gameplay-wise, this game feels very similar to PSO.

I wouldn't have said it otherwise. You can add in all the PSO throwbacks you want. It still doesn't feel like PSO, at all. It'll vary per person I guess, but if I wanted something like PSO, I'd play PSO, not this. PSU to me feels very, very different.

Jan 18, 2008, 02:15 AM
If you liked PSO very much.. ( like you played it to the end... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif, ) You should give this game a chance.. I did .. Loved it , placed it on my shelf for 1 year .. ya because of FFXI.. But now FFXI is on my shelf and PSU rocking time.. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif,

Its not PSO, but still a good game. More casual then other MMO's

Jan 18, 2008, 02:26 AM
On 2008-01-17 16:40, superdood22 wrote:
severe douchebaggery

someone needs a hug...

yeah, PC/PS2 is fine. I never seem to find a lack of people, and I've got a nice network of friends and freaks to hang out with :3

After a bit, everyone knows everyone in these parts ;3

What's the name of your toon? If I'm not busy, I can show you around :3

Jan 18, 2008, 02:34 AM
and the VA's are... pretty bad.

Come on. I'm one of PSU's harshest critics here - but the voices were not THAT bad. They didn't lack talent, they lacked direction. Sonic Team basically just handed them a script, a short character bio, and told them to have at it. That, actually, can be confirmed by Brian Sommer. So if many of the voices sound disjointed or out-of place in their portrayal - it's because the actors didn't really know what they were supposed to be doing.

Regardless, many of the voices were quite good or at least very passable. Magashi, Hiru Vol, Dr. Tomrain, Lou, Hyuga, Tyler, etc. The ones who ruin it are, by and large, the characters with the most face time. Notably Ethan, Maya, Tonnio, Karen, etc. But even that's not really the fault of the Voice Actors. The VA quality goes up 100 fold once you get to the end of a chapter you've already completed and hear the "comedy" bits they do. The actors are much more loose and confident. That's likely because they weren't trying to really "act" a scene with a specific mood - they were just having fun in a light atmosphere.

Especially when compaired to a game with REALLY horrible voice acting (Star Ocean 3, I'm looking at you) PSU's VA work is not half bad.

Jan 18, 2008, 02:44 AM
Yeah, I believe that pretty easily. I couldn't really judge the characters since the directing was obviously the most flawed factor. And... wow. That's amazing, the fact that SoA actually did that. Jeez, I joke that they do, but I know they actually did...

Anyway, online mode's still cool with the expansion.

Jan 18, 2008, 02:53 AM
On 2008-01-17 16:32, Psycho_Sonic wrote:
2. a.The pacing of the levels. The first part of that is that all levels are timed. At first you don't really care, since there isn't really anything worth finding on C and B. But once you get to S you're always trying to beat the clock to get the rewards at the end. This is also releated to the second part of this reason, which has to do with the monster placement.

2.b. In pso, you "explored" a little, running through the level for maybe a minute (2 max), and you had to also make sure you found the right path. After that minute or two of exploration, you would fight a few waves of baddies, then repeat. In psu, you don't explore since there's only one set path, but you wouldn't take the dead-end paths even if they existed, since you're trying to beat the aforementioned clock. There's also maybe 20-second moments of monster-less running. Basically, the levels are a lot more action based. It's nice at first, but sometimes you miss that exploration aspect.

Don't tell this fool that every mission is a time attack.


Thank you.

Jan 18, 2008, 03:00 AM
i used to play 16 hrs a day( during work >> ).

the game is fun

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shishi-O on 2008-01-18 00:02 ]</font>

Jan 18, 2008, 11:18 AM
I saw some trailers and totally agree on the acting part =P. And the thing about SO3 is sooooo true u dont even know it rofl...but it still was a utterly, insanely well made game.

And thanks for the infor Psycho_Sonic and Ezodagrom, the items and difficulty insight especially scratched my curiosity http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif.


On 2008-01-17 23:53, Legendria wrote:

Don't tell this fool that every mission is a time attack.

By "this" i hope ur reffering too urself... >_>


Dont anwser that btw...=P


P.S: Mewnie: I dont have the game yet...still awaiting it in the mail. Got a mail today from the post office and im like YES...thats friggin fast mail man. But too my demise it was an invite for a general convetion, which was about voting a new chairman for a stock marked company. The letter was slowliii burned...

Anyways looking aways from random speak, IF i can choose my own gamertag name its either: Pesmerga, Pesmarga, Yuber or Iceringer http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif thanks in advance man.

Jan 18, 2008, 11:29 AM

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-18 16:39 ]</font>

Jan 18, 2008, 12:54 PM
PSU is so far from "best game ever". Truthfully it's on the lower end of that spectrum. It's still fun to play though. I guess because it's only one of two MMO's for the 360 is why I still play. Give it a try and see how you like it.

Jan 18, 2008, 07:05 PM
On 2008-01-16 17:09, Glantzer wrote:

1.) how broken is this game for real?
2.) is teamplay overall a burden?
3.) is it the "same" as PSO in terms of feel and playability? Im thinking mostly how things work gameplaywise, like the item system ect.ect.
4.) with the expansion comming soon, how many of the possible broken elements will improve? cause if it will it really doesnt metter =P.
5.) Lastly, how is the community?

1) Its just as broken as any other MMO. Not NEARLY NEARLY N E A R L Y as broken as PSO, though. You wont notice it unless someone says something, really.

2) No.

3) Yes, and no, although the "yes" is only in the weapons and names. While it plays ENTIRELY different than PSO, you can obviously feel the similarities that this was based off PSO. This game is far more action packed than pso was.

4)AoI added ALOT of fun to this game, and i do mean ALOT. The next expansion, if as big or bigger than AoI, will be amazing. Only problem is that sega releases content way too slow -- 10 levels a month isnt enough.

5) Best MMO community ive ever played in. And i damn sure mean that, seriously.

Edit: by the way, make sure your first battle with the dragon is with players YOUR LEVEL. First time i fought the dragon online i was blown away at how fun and challenging he was. Hes entire letter grades over the garbage dragons that PSO had.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RemiusTA on 2008-01-18 16:08 ]</font>

Jan 18, 2008, 07:41 PM
Awsome http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 18, 2008, 08:34 PM
I would say the largest issue in terms of brokenness is something that I have yet to see a single RPG anywhere get correct: special abilities and their effect on the enemy's listed "level" and subsequent EXP rewards (which, as usual, is nil) - which is to say, you get just about as much EXP from enemies rapid-firing powerful techniques as you do from anything else of comparable size and equal level.

Because of this, the game will coast along like "ez mode" in areas where enemies aren't tech-proficient, then spontaneously kick your ass up, down, forward, backward, right, and left all at once when you enter an area at the same level, with equal level enemies, where they are proficient with techs - especially friggin' Foie, Barta, GiBarta, and Diga (basically, an earth-type Foie).

But, as I said, that's normal for all RPGs, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.

EDIT: Heh, can't believe I forgot Megid. Suppose it's just because death spells are always expected to cause trouble (as they're basically impossible to correctly balance).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rogue_robot on 2008-01-18 17:37 ]</font>

Jan 18, 2008, 09:06 PM
Well, I'm offline only, but I'll try and help as best I can. I'm going to base this on AotI, because it's independant of the original, and is pretty much better in every way when it comes to offline.

The level design in this game is worse then PSO's, but it makes up for it with the much improved combat and movement(strafing, circling, all in all, just much faster in general, which is good, considering that PSO was a tad slow).

The story is... well(basing this on AotI, I skipped the story mode and cheated my way to extra on the original because Ethan pissed me off... alot)... crap. Where as PSO's was not given to you on a silver platter, it had alot of depth there if you did care to look, and was very interesting. That's not the case here. Conversation is long and annoying, and you can't skip it at all(except for the opening movie that plays at the beginning of every chapter...), and the story missions themselves are just way too easy, as most enemies are only half your level. You'll probably only die when you get unlucky and are blasted by a bunch of foies/digas all at once, which very rarely happens. The story will only last you about 10-15 hours.
However, outside of that, there are plenty of extra missions to keep you busy, and they have much more balanced difficulty levels then the main story. Many of them have bosses at the end, but most of them are pretty simple, and not nearly as fun or cool as the bosses of PSO.

Overall, however, it's a pretty solid choice. The game has its share of flaws, but most of them are pretty passable. The only real glaring one this time around would be the main story, mostly because of those terrible, terrible cutscenes. I'd recommend it.

Jan 18, 2008, 09:41 PM
Bullets move too slow in this game. It makes it very difficult to lead your target.

Jan 18, 2008, 10:13 PM
On 2008-01-18 16:05, RemiusTA wrote:

On 2008-01-16 17:09, Glantzer wrote:

1.) how broken is this game for real?
2.) is teamplay overall a burden?
3.) is it the "same" as PSO in terms of feel and playability? Im thinking mostly how things work gameplaywise, like the item system ect.ect.
4.) with the expansion comming soon, how many of the possible broken elements will improve? cause if it will it really doesnt metter =P.
5.) Lastly, how is the community?

1) Its just as broken as any other MMO. Not NEARLY NEARLY N E A R L Y as broken as PSO, though. You wont notice it unless someone says something, really.

2) No.

3) Yes, and no, although the "yes" is only in the weapons and names. While it plays ENTIRELY different than PSO, you can obviously feel the similarities that this was based off PSO. This game is far more action packed than pso was.

4)AoI added ALOT of fun to this game, and i do mean ALOT. The next expansion, if as big or bigger than AoI, will be amazing. Only problem is that sega releases content way too slow -- 10 levels a month isnt enough.

5) Best MMO community ive ever played in. And i damn sure mean that, seriously.

Edit: by the way, make sure your first battle with the dragon is with players YOUR LEVEL. First time i fought the dragon online i was blown away at how fun and challenging he was. Hes entire letter grades over the garbage dragons that PSO had.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RemiusTA on 2008-01-18 16:08 ]</font>
WOW!! Number 1 is definitely not true, you could never hit over 9000 (lol) in PSO. And dont try to exagerate this broken bullshit that you claim about PSO (or any game for that matter).

Jan 18, 2008, 10:23 PM
On 2008-01-18 16:05, RemiusTA wrote:

On 2008-01-16 17:09, Glantzer wrote:

1.) how broken is this game for real?
2.) is teamplay overall a burden?
3.) is it the "same" as PSO in terms of feel and playability? Im thinking mostly how things work gameplaywise, like the item system ect.ect.
4.) with the expansion comming soon, how many of the possible broken elements will improve? cause if it will it really doesnt metter =P.
5.) Lastly, how is the community?

1) Its just as broken as any other MMO. Not NEARLY NEARLY N E A R L Y as broken as PSO, though. You wont notice it unless someone says something, really.

2) No.

3) Yes, and no, although the "yes" is only in the weapons and names. While it plays ENTIRELY different than PSO, you can obviously feel the similarities that this was based off PSO. This game is far more action packed than pso was.

4)AoI added ALOT of fun to this game, and i do mean ALOT. The next expansion, if as big or bigger than AoI, will be amazing. Only problem is that sega releases content way too slow -- 10 levels a month isnt enough.

5) Best MMO community ive ever played in. And i damn sure mean that, seriously.

Edit: by the way, make sure your first battle with the dragon is with players YOUR LEVEL. First time i fought the dragon online i was blown away at how fun and challenging he was. Hes entire letter grades over the garbage dragons that PSO had.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RemiusTA on 2008-01-18 16:08 ]</font>
This douche is really trying to down PSO like it was bad (only if you maxedyour stats). Where do you get the balls to have such false optimism for this mess. PSU does NOT deliver, however is an okay game.
ALOT more fun... what the hell are you talking about? AotI only fixed shit that shouldnt have been an issue off the bat, it will add some fun overtime however (PVP, racing, PSO stages/weapons). What your saying is bullshit, its just inaccurate. Your not posting what it is but what you feel, and making it seem like they're true facts, your just not an honest person. To Remius or w/e, lots of changes I think should be made, like evening out damage and atp that will add up with player/enemy hp, 5k damage with only 2k hp is outrageous, makes the missions to short, teamwork is just not needed. Char/enemy stats are not correct.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: superdood22 on 2008-01-18 19:35 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: superdood22 on 2008-01-18 19:46 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: superdood22 on 2008-01-18 19:50 ]</font>

Jan 18, 2008, 10:53 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif olo serious business

Jan 18, 2008, 11:00 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gifolo, serious business

Jan 19, 2008, 03:49 AM
the first boss is a dragon (de ragan)
and the second (zoal goug)
and the third (de ragnus)
and the fourth (alterazgoug)
pretty much 1/4 of the bosses in the game right now are dragons http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif lol

Jan 19, 2008, 04:24 AM
Idk about this "mature, older" gaming community, but all I run into is children who talk far too loud on their mics... although this may just be a 360 Problem.

The game is much less of a grind than before.

Try it for a month online and see what you think, then decide... no one says you have to keep playing.

Jan 19, 2008, 11:30 AM
On 2008-01-18 19:23, superdood22 wrote:

This douche is really trying to down PSO like it was bad (only if you maxedyour stats). Where do you get the balls to have such false optimism for this mess. PSU does NOT deliver, however is an okay game.
ALOT more fun... what the hell are you talking about? AotI only fixed shit that shouldnt have been an issue off the bat, it will add some fun overtime however (PVP, racing, PSO stages/weapons). What your saying is bullshit, its just inaccurate. Your not posting what it is but what you feel, and making it seem like they're true facts, your just not an honest person. To Remius or w/e, lots of changes I think should be made, like evening out damage and atp that will add up with player/enemy hp, 5k damage with only 2k hp is outrageous, makes the missions to short, teamwork is just not needed. Char/enemy stats are not correct.

Man, youre talking like there is an anwser...i feel sorry for that state of mind of yours =P

Played the game somewhat now...and it feels much the same. But its too early for me too judge it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Are the planets lvl restricted?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Glantzer on 2008-01-19 08:31 ]</font>