View Full Version : GC: Keyboard Adapter on the way!!!

Jan 13, 2003, 08:13 PM
Just got the following email...won't be long now...

************************************************** ***

Greetings all,

First off, I want to thank all of you on behalf of the two of us for your
amazing response. In just about 48 hours, we have received over 140 emails
about the project. We knew that word would travel quickly, but it's still
amazing that so many people from around the world play PSO and have the same
problem we did.

Because a lot of you asked specific questions, mostly about pricing and
availability, I will be doing a huge update to the FAQ on our webpage. I am
also planning on implementing a news page so that people can see both
progress on the project and when major page updates occur. This should
happen by late Weds. or early Thurs. of this week. That will save me some of
the trouble of trying to keep up with the swelling email list, and also make
info more quickly available to you. Those of you who have expressed interest
in building kits, doing web work, etc. will be contacted directly to discuss

I know the big questions are when and how much? Right now, we have about a
dozen units shipping to testers around the country that should be arriving
late this week. After the testers run them through the gauntlet, we will
enter the kit assembly phase. At this point, it seems likely that we will
have some sort of ordering plan in place by the end of the month, hopefully
(but no promises) sooner. We're looking at about $25 US maximum per kit,
with shipping via USPS priority mail for $6 US; this will cover shipping
within the United States. Orders outside of the US will be dealt with on a
case by case basis to determine the most cost-effective way to get the
product to you. Our plan is to accept payment through PayPal once the
THE KITS ARE AVAILABLE! It will *not* guarantee you an adapter and will give
us a giant, giant headache. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif We need to get our ordering and distribution
lined up before anything else gets going. Trust me, we want to get this to
you as soon as we can.

The kit does require basic soldering skills, screwdriving skills http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif and the
ability to strip the insulation off of wires. It will also help you a great
deal to if you can read English. It should take the average person about 2.5
hours at the most to build one. We cannot sell a completely assembled unit
because frankly, we don't have the time to make them. Eric is a full-time
student at Virginia Tech, and I work full-time and have a family. Luckily, a
good number of people have stepped up to offer their services for assembly.
We will likely allow anyone who wants to sell an assembled kit to do so, as
we will only be offering the kit. Hopefully, this will allow people to get
the kit in the form they want it.

You guys have really reminded us why we started this project, and any work
we can do to further support for the PSO community is worthwhile to us. I
will send an announcement to this list when the new FAQ and news page are
ready. Again, we humbly thank you for your enthusiasm and look forward to
providing a solution to you to help you further enjoy your PSO experience.

-Adam Cook
************************************************** ***

Jan 13, 2003, 08:17 PM
That's good news. I suppose the only concern I have is that I might blow a port if I set up the wires incorrectly. Then again, I suppose the process won't be too complicated.

Jan 13, 2003, 08:19 PM
This has already been posted on the front page. And all keyboard info goes in the keyboard thread, not posted in it's own thread. =

Thank you though.
