View Full Version : OLGA FLOW!!!

Jan 22, 2008, 09:08 PM
Somebody seriously give me help on how to beat olga flow. I can do the first part easy. how do I kill the standing up form. He has a monster attack that kills me anytime he does it. PLEASE HELP!!!

Jan 23, 2008, 10:18 AM
when he charges the beams, run
when the litle pets apear near you, kill them.
about other attacks, have a good amount of health to survive.
others will give a better advice.

Jan 23, 2008, 11:45 AM
Bring scapes? lol

Keep a good distance. Most of his attacks are killer and his divine punishment is basically asking for a one hit kill when you're close.

Kill off his mags first... they'll be temporarily stunned. Move away from those before they revive and work on Olga Flow. Also try to avoid standing anywhere in front of him in his view since he uses that special of his...

You can whip out a pair of 50% hit charge mechs as well to do some decent damage at a medium range and kill his mags quick.

Jan 23, 2008, 02:56 PM
by the way i'm only a level 33 HUcast on normal. So it's kinda a knix on the 50% charge mechs.

Jan 23, 2008, 03:38 PM
Replace Mechgun with a Strong Handgun. Flow is no pushover so you're likely to still have a bit of problems even if I give you advice. On normal he can kill characters over 100+ if they get too close.

Use your handgun. Work the Mags first. From there you can try to keep a distance and whittle his HP down slow, or try to be brave and take him head on lol. Attack him from his side or behind.

Jan 23, 2008, 09:25 PM
well thanks guys. I beat him. I used a Lords Railgun. Didn't really need the Lord part but, still it worked.

The problem was before I quit I played for a while longer. Then when I had to leave, I just turned off my GC before Quiting. So now I have to do it all over again. wait, no i don't. Maybe? i don't know. I'll check it later. On to hard mode!

Jan 23, 2008, 09:32 PM
knock out gael and giel quickly, hit Flow from side or back with a strong handgun, mechgun or single hit blade if you're feeling lucky. When you see the tell tale sign of the nasty light atk (God's Punishment) run far far away and pray you don't get hit. bring scapes, a full pack of healing items, and some sort of hp filling wep to keep you alive since you're a cast and lack techs like resta.

Jan 23, 2008, 09:40 PM
If you beat Dark Falz on Normal and had it saved then you'll get to do Hard mode for both episodes. As long as you beat One of the two bosses on the difficulty you'll get bumped up to the next difficulty after saving.

Jan 24, 2008, 07:16 PM
yeah i know. I just am doing both episodes before I move to the next difficulty. That way I can get a few more levels and die less when i get to Hard mode.

Jan 25, 2008, 12:19 AM
olga flow on easy is relatively easy to beat, but on the other levels, he has a move that takes your soul like dark falz, but this one lasts forever and it turns you into flowen. the only thing i found that works on him in that form is your techniques, you have to quickly use all of em to see which one works, then hammer him until he reverts back to his normal form.