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Jan 26, 2008, 10:02 AM
My favorite custom made PSU avatar is my catlike beast girl, Beiuna. She has long hair and a catlike appearance and has big thighs and bust and is somewhat plump and muscular and is quite tall. She carries a huge sword and also fights with a blaster and other weapons and she is a high level hunter. In her beast form (red), she tears through the battlefield like a hot knife through butter.

My reasons for playing her is that she a tough girl who kicks major butt.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Geo-quan on 2008-01-27 23:57 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Geo-quan on 2008-01-28 00:33 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 10:06 AM
A tiny red-headed beast girl who uses giant weapons to fight. Only reason I made the character. <3 Getiksnata.

Jan 26, 2008, 11:39 AM
Prof. Microburst, the science loving Protranser with a history of failed experiments (hence the horns).

Jan 26, 2008, 11:47 AM
Etherelda, because I love female CASTs.

This is the most recent picture of her. I was fooling around by the psowcam on Universe 1 early this morning with AC9Breaker. He's the Newman in the blue behind me. XD[/spoiler-box]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Midicronica on 2008-01-26 08:54 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 12:56 PM
I love my Tatiana, the freckle faced newman! But I <3 Alexander, my smexy human dude too ^_^

Jan 26, 2008, 12:59 PM
Tough choice. There'll always be love for my main 'cos she's the most like me, and beast is def. my favorite race. B) But I'm also very happy with my other characters.

Jan 26, 2008, 01:05 PM
I love my CAST. They have a nice, 'solid' feel to them, and calling down an SUV always makes me grin. However, I much prefer clothes to parts, and some weapons just don't feel right with the bulky, deliberate nature of a CAST. For daggers, claws, whips, and even spears I'd rather have a beast or my old, sadly deleted, human. RIP buddy.... *sniff*

Jan 26, 2008, 01:07 PM
My favorite is Samus Aran, my thin female cast on teh JP servers....

lol http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Jan 26, 2008, 03:54 PM
Levia (http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b77/Zorafin/PSU%20junk/psu20071130_161023_007.jpg) is, by far, my favorite character. I tried getting her face to be as sad and mature as possible, then added the aquatic theme after that. I'm fairly proud of how she came out.
As well as the human look she has, I also gave her a fish look (http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b77/Zorafin/PSU%20junk/psu20071208_221242_001.jpg). Many people say that she looks creepy like this, but I enjoy the look.

Compared to Levia, I don't have much pride in my other characters. That makes sense too, since I only made them as PM mules. I wish it was possible to have pure PMs without wasting character slots...
Here are my other characters, in case anyone's interested. Zolafim has gone through some changes, but I think the overall look she has is the same.

Zolafim is my current "alt." I'm planning on leveling the two acro classes on her, but the PA leveling has gotten to be a pain. Hopefully, the PA leveling speed update PSUjp is getting will help with that.
Kraken seems to have promise. An anti-Levia, perhaps?
Behemoth is just hopeless, though. I can't think of any way to get him to look good.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:04 PM
Zato, who looks very, very similar to my gf's Small Beast Kato, pictured below:

Why I like him? Maybe because he's a small beast that uses mostly heavy weapons as a Protranser, or the fact that he becomes 3-5x bigger during a Nanoblast. Or maybe it's the Sonic-like personality I've given him as Shortcuts.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Laranas on 2008-01-26 13:09 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 04:09 PM
I would say..Silent Sinner - Female Cast.

Robot have a certain uniqueness to me in the game.
And i do love to use guns and magic.

Although wonīt say my newman is not unique either.
He looks like a fricking barbarien.(its true lol)
And is a mage, so thatīs a awesome and wierd combo. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 26, 2008, 04:17 PM
I have 2 favorite Characters, though I play one more than the other. They are my Newmen, Kayla and Noland. They are basically the recreations of my old PSO Characters, but with not so geeky names. Kayla is my all-around TECHer, while Noland is my gimped Newman, specializing as a Fighgunner and Acrofighter. My CAST and Beast are really just there for when I want a change in pace, and feel like using a racial ability.
Kayla and Noland as they currently are.

Noland next to his spiritual predecessor Anduril(pic Taken from PSO: Ep.III, seeing as my GC won't read my original PSO disc).

Kayla and the Pre-Kayla Arwen.[/spoiler-box]

Jan 26, 2008, 04:36 PM
Mm, hard to say. Playstyle-wise I like Mireille. She's short, beasty, and hurts things with pointy sticks.

Purely looks-wise though I'd have to go with Lycoris, my CAST.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Retniwreven on 2008-01-26 13:42 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 04:48 PM
Mine would probably be the Cast character I made that carries this name. Says very little. But then I never been one to chat much in a game anyway. Character design was based on a pen and paper RPG character that was given this name. A physical powerhouse that could stand and trade blows with anything. Truthfully all my characters are based from pen and paper RPG characters I've made in the past. Though I've yet to find a set of clothes that really work for my male beast and female newman.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:54 PM
On 2008-01-26 13:36, Retniwreven wrote:
Purely looks-wise though I'd have to go with Lycoris, my CAST.
Hmm I've seen you around the 5F a few days ago. Had I known it was a PSOW user, I would've said something.

Jan 26, 2008, 05:17 PM
On 2008-01-26 13:54, Laranas wrote:
Hmm I've seen you around the 5F a few days ago. Had I known it was a PSOW user, I would've said something.

I should be on tonight, but more likely on Mirei than Lyco. Feel free to throw things at me if you see me.

...Preferrably food. I'm hungry.

Jan 26, 2008, 05:25 PM
For me, It'd be my character. *See sig below* He's a flagship of me in the PSU world. He acts how I would, except for the whole work thing. As if I was him for real, I'd be online all the time, helping out newbies and working my butt off. But since I am doing that for real (in real life) I don't play PSU no near where as much as I want to.

As for my other characters, they're just place holders. I tend to delete them on a normal basics because I get bored of them. Unless I get strong with one of them. *Strong = higher than lv 30*

Jan 26, 2008, 06:15 PM
My main Noblewine because I spent a lot of time with him the most.

Jan 26, 2008, 06:52 PM
My main, Adryk, looks like a gay emo guy. >_> I love it.

Sha Sha
Jan 27, 2008, 12:44 AM
Marron my Fomar Turned Beast, His name was gunna be Shagami however PSo censor on named stoped that becuz iof "Shag" So i chose Marron outta a baby name book. Ahh Good day in PSo and greater days on PSu =D

Jan 27, 2008, 01:32 AM

Shiina, my main. Her current hair and face style just struck me as a keeper. The hairstyle is also the closest to how I wanted it, even though the bangs are a bit long and there's the two points sticking to the side.

Jan 27, 2008, 01:42 AM
The afro bearing, red eye glaring, human raised on moatoob. Dedicated protranser, wise and challenge loving, king of hearts, will lay down everything for his fam. He just reminds me of me XD

Jan 27, 2008, 01:47 AM
The afro bearing, red eye glaring, human raised on moatoob. Dedicated protranser, wise and challenge loving, king of hearts, will lay down everything for his fam. He just reminds me of me XD

Jan 27, 2008, 01:50 AM
The afro bearing, red eye glaring, human raised on moatoob. Dedicated protranser, wise and challenge loving, king of hearts, will lay down everything for his fam. He just reminds me of me XD

Jan 27, 2008, 02:30 AM
My male fortegunner CAST, whose name I'm not allowed to disclose to you. I love not only looking cool and REALISTIC (since that matters to some people), but being able to use guns that have cool special effects that work together to destroy enemies the fastest. No, I'm not talking about garbage like Dark Shot.

Jan 27, 2008, 03:03 AM
Avatar Blastoise, my CAST FF.
I don't join random parties very often, but it's hilarious when, upon entry, someone makes a Pokemon reference. This despite the fact that color and name aside, Blastoise otherwise bears little resemblance to the Pokemon he's named after. (Really, he's named after my primary machine, and I've grown attached to the name so much that I can't really come up with anything suitable to replace it.)

He's a shameless spear/Majarra junkie (I think this began as some really goofy reference to Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss but I'm not sure anymore) and has long since overtaken my WT as my main both in level and being fun to play. During this event, he's gained... um... a bucketload of levels (I forgot what level he started at but it was in the 80s) and finally finished off his collection of S-rank spears thanks to all that Kog Nadd wranglin'.

I'm a terrible RPer (though I actually have a big ol' story prepared involving him and other "Avatar"-series CASTs that others in my guild made), but Blastoise is also notorious for being very silly. Huge airplane "wings" and sudden outbreaks of circle-running, to name a couple.

Jan 27, 2008, 04:11 AM
My personal favorite is Johan Bryant ( http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m287/Seizui/close-johan.jpg ) , as if the name wasn't enough. He pretty much struck me as a PSU character that interested me a lot. He's my main Human Fortegunner. The name was random, but he is also my RP character.

Taken from a place I RP him at:

================================================== ============================
Name: Johan Bryant
Gender: Male
Source: Phantasy Star Universe (OC)
Faction: Interplanar Peacekeeping Agency
Group: None
Function: GUARDIANS Intelligence Section Member
Quote: "Hrm, we are in agreement that this little rendezvous has undergone retroactive continuity, yes?"
Profile: Living his life in a professional manner, Johan Bryant is a young man who is stuck in a tiny boy's body, in a sense. Calm and collected, Johan always looks at things from an analytical and professional standpoint that remains aligned with the ideals of the GUARDIANS before acting upon his decision. Although he is quite polite, his stoic nature puts him off as a dispassionate and cold individual. Not only that, but his perfectionist life-style gives him off as an sometimes gives himself off as an arrogant brat. He has a seething prejudice against CASTS and other sentient machines, but he hides it well to where it's hard to tell. His personal life is an enigma to even those vaguely close to him, although many would wager that he had never had a childhood. As an Intel member, Johan has a lot of knowledge on retrieving and reconfiguring lost data as well as connections throughout Gurhal that remain disclosed. Not only that, but he is valued for his keen eyes in his marksmanship with small firearms and his ability to wield heavy artillery.
Skills: The GUARDIAN's Personal Alia, Eternal Poker Face, Secretive, Has More Connections Than A Mafia Don, Loan Shark, Shorter Than Edward Elric, /Hates/ Being Reminded That He's Short, Everyone's Big Little Brother, Tiny Lil' Rambo, Carries The Big Even Bigger Than Him, Master Of The Death Eye, Intermediate Trapper, Advanced Artillery User, Systems Navigation, Datajacking, Gun-Fu, Survival, Surveillance, Prejudice Against Sentient Machines
================================================== ============================

Jan 27, 2008, 04:22 AM
It depends if I want to play a male or female character at the time.

For male, my favorite is Nougami. Tall, super skinny, bizarre Nougami, who likes to abuse his partner machine Yako (who, coincidentally, tries to shoot him all the time).
Nougami's skinny ass also likes to show up to GM run events in his underwear and swim trunks.

Nougami will try almost anything once.

His hobby is growing carnivorous plants, and then showing them to visitors.

Uhhhmmm, what is he doing with that whip?!

My favorite female character is my beast lady, Roar. She's not as interesting as Nougami though. She's nice to her partner machine and she scowls all the time.
She's borrrrinnng, I tell you! Nothing to see here, nope, she's not planning to take over the planet or anything.
See, boring, nothing evil going on here! (Note: I play Roar when my spouse is on PSU, because Nougami just creeps him the hell out).

Jan 27, 2008, 04:23 AM
From a character standpoint, I'd say NM-3084 (in my sig, to the right) is my favorite. She has the more intriguing backstory, and it's fun to play a villainous character once in a while for a break from all the upbeat "save this world" nonsense.

The basic idea behind her is that the Numan project was rejuvenated and refined due to their highly adaptive nature and intelligence, so that they could explore the stars to re-establish contact with the lost colonies. Gurhal was one of the first candidates for exploration due to the presence of humans and a child race that looked very much like the Numans the biolabs were creating. She was to infuiltrate their society and report back on culture, history, politics, etc, before first contact was made - but communications were cut off shortly after the SEED invasion, which she had signed up to the Guardians to help quell (Ep I). As time went on, she found herself having intense and frightening nightmares of a past that did not belong to her. (This is because of the distrubed photons due to the SEED's presence. These photons, disturbed by the SEED, awakened genetic memories within her unknown to have existed) Memories of her past sister's torment (Nei, not Neifirst), broken promises of those they once cared for, and the true purpose of the Numan project. The nightmares eventually drove her insane, and she fled to the ruins of Old Mellvore City where she lived true to her nature like an wild animal for several months - scarring the biosystems symbol into her cheek.

She continued on like this until she met a man who could pull her back from the brink, Hauzer - who had returned to the scene of the crime with a cadre of Illuminus and Endrum agents to investigate the A-Photon reactor ruins for research into their bomb. She attacked them in a blind rage, killing many, but was eventually subdued. She would have been killed, but Hauzer saw something special in her and had her returned to the Illuminus facitilities on Moatoob. There he eventually convinced her that they were after the same goal - and that he needed her help, that she would be placed high in his confidence. She agreed, and now occupies a station within the Illuminus similar to that of an Arkguard like Olson Waber. Her past involvement in the Guardians (from which she's gone missing, but was not confirmed dead) gave her knowladge and an ability to wreak havok from within the organization.

Lately, however, things have changed for her. Hauzer's attention is focused more and more on his new project - Helga, and NM-3084 is prone to fits of jelous rage at her apparent dismissal. It's yet to be seen whether she will be a factor in the Illuminus's, and Hauzer's, downfall - whether her own plans for total destruction will conflict or compliment that of Hauzer's.

And then there's Neika - her "sister" who was sent out to resume Reya's station and search for her. Neika is also finding herself prone to the same nightmares which brought Reya to mental collapse. The two are opposites now, resuming an ancient battle.

There's also the idea that - since both characters have Nei-claws - having the true purpose of the Numan 3000 series being not one of exploration, but of prevention. That a far distant future incarnation of Lutz foresaw the disaster in Gurhal and the revival of the darkness which Algol had thought defeated - and that the Espers had a hand in the Numan project's revival to prevent Algol's legacy from spreading further throughout the galaxy. The claws they have are Nei weapons that are capable of defeating the darkness, but have yet to have their potential unlocked. But this is a lie as well. The claws are useless, as Neika and NM-3084 themselves are the Nei weapons of legend.

So yeah... compaired to NM-3084, Neika's own story is a bit shallow. But then again... that's what PSU Ep II & III are for.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2008-01-27 01:31 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2008, 06:49 AM
My namesake :3

Mewn Robinson! Just a free-wheeling, ass-kicking beast girl >:3 I guess she's a Guardian, more for the thrill of it, than any sense of justice :3


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mewnie on 2008-01-27 04:22 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2008, 07:24 AM
Oh, hell. One more. I love this look she's giving too ;3


Jan 27, 2008, 07:50 AM
If youve played with me, then you know why.
Its a easy as that.

Jan 27, 2008, 08:14 AM
My Newman Figh/Acrofighter is probably my favourite character I've made. I guess it's because she's based on the PSO character I hit Lv200 with (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/jordison197666/TeikaLv200GetIllGill241006.jpg). I kinda tried to make her as similar as possible to her PSO likeness, but borrowing from an artwork Jey did of her too (see my profile for the pic of that).

To me, she has the most personality of all of my characters. She's meant to be an experiment, which has messed with her mind to the point of questioning her existence. Doesn't matter how many times people tell me I'm gimped as a melee newman, she remains fun to play- maybe because of the shaky backstory I have for her.

I like my other characters too, but I think Teika is probably my favourite of them.

My Cast PT in PSU (Neith) is meant to be a distorted rebuild of my PSO HUcaseal too (obviously, name taken from both mythology and somewhat from Zone of the Enders).

My other two characters (Human F GT called Shiori and Beast F fF called Uriko) are actually new characters for PSU. I did have a HUnewearl on PSO GC called Uriko, but they're not intended to be the same character. In fact, the only reason I made an Uriko on PSU was so my friends could find me easily when we all started playing. Although she's my main, I don't enjoy playing her as much as Teika.

Shiori is a totally new character for me (apparently there's a Shiori in Inuyasha- that wasn't my intention, nor have I even seen Inuyasha).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: UrikoBB3 on 2008-01-27 17:30 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2008, 12:34 PM
With out a doubt my cast Protranser, AC9Breaker.


Jan 27, 2008, 12:50 PM

Tierra, because she:
-Makes most other characters around her look bad by comparison
-Her pretty face hides her badass demeanor
-Is not a loli, like 99% of other female newmans
-Doesnt have a weeaboo name like so so many others
-I've been rockin with her since the Blue Burst days, technically the gamecube days

Jan 27, 2008, 02:00 PM
obviously Dave

look at all that manliness


Jan 27, 2008, 02:15 PM
My favorite is my 2nd - my Human Guntecher / Figunner / ForteGunner Hinamori Momo. Yes she's named after that clueless bubbly yet loyal Lieutenant of 5th squad from Bleach. But i made this Momo as my own ^__^

Isn't she so huggable?

She's also DEADLY with any type of weapon i choose to give her.

And she knows how to have fun

Jan 27, 2008, 03:33 PM
LegendAim: Fortefighter
A cast created from the old battle records of demonslayer (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/lordaim/PSO/ds02.png). His true powers remains unlocked. Having only one goal in mind which is to supass the legendary demonslayer, legendaim begins his journey.

RadiantAim: ForteGunner
It was once said that a great ranger (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/lordaim/PSO/savi.png) once lived on pioneer 2. His skill unrivaled by any ranger of the time later lead to his retirement. Radiant created in a new generation years after this great ranger knows a true ranger never quits at his prime. PSU will definitely see a Radiance like never before.

Jan 27, 2008, 04:06 PM
I don't have any pics to put up, but mine is definitely Gatz. A human fortegunner descended from a line of rangers going back as far as the the colonization of Neudaiz, at least. He lives with an optiomistic, laid-back, but not care-free outlook on life. Being a human ForteGunner, he enjoys the challenge of competing with CAST rangers of similar level, usually getting himself into the fray while other gunners stay back and take shots.

Jan 27, 2008, 06:43 PM
Man, now I gotta pick? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Potemkin rocks b/c he's the one char I've stuck with since launch. I can still pick out a good time to nano (beast ftw), and I've liked him even more when I decided to try FF (and saw my first HUGE NAMBERS). Taking a break from him now for now; any gender beast FF is broken as hell.

My cast alt, Caboose, is pretty nice, too. Yeah, RvB fans, he's named after that Caboose (-1). After I got bored with my old alt (Prometheus, also cast but an FF), I remade him as Caboose. I alternate between Fortegunner and Fighgunner with him; for some reaon I find double sabers cooler on casts. Personality-wise, I act like an outgoing me as Caboose: I'm more prone to randomness and sarcasm as him for some reason. I blame the cast-supremacy movement.

Interestingly, I have a backstory for Caboose, but not Potem. Caboose used to be a testbed for experimental GRM weaponry, but quit to become a guardian when the SEED made their first appearances. As he's familiar with most of GRM's weapons, he's comfortable shooting from afar and slicing and dicing up front. Now he hopes for the days of peace when he can work with his fellow scientists again...

Potem doesn't have a backstory because...well...I'll get back to you on that. >_>

Jan 27, 2008, 09:11 PM
If you're on the PC/PS2, you've probably ran across Officer P.Ramirez III at some point. Abusing people, issuing stripsearches and handcuffs are fun.

Jan 28, 2008, 05:45 AM
A female Cast called Destruction.

Back in the days of PSO Ep. 1+2 my main character was a Hucaseal named Destruction. I decided to make my main character in PSU a female Cast in order to honor my PSO days ( there is more to it than that, I prefer Cast Stat's to everyone elses and I am happier with the females' appearance the with the male Casts, I can never get them to look right. I supose not much has changed from the PSO days ).

Jan 28, 2008, 10:31 AM
Overall, my favorite character is definitely my main, Xtian. I'm really happy with how he came out, and have enjoyed how he seems to have changed, look-wise, through my stages with PSU. I instantly knew I wanted him to sport the mohawk, as I was rocking a semi-hawk in the real life at the time. I also wasn't too sure with him being a Newman at first, but have come to love the look of the 'hawk with the Newman ears. His outfit, particularly the Boaboa Vest, definitely took on a life of it's own and is how I came to view him as a Guardian who is also a rockstar! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I also am REALLY happy with my other characters, especially Small Wonder, my tiny female Cast, who is just too cute for her own good! I based her name and color scheme off the old 80s show of the same name - and I've even run across another tiny female cast also inspired by the show, Vickie the robot! Kudos to her, too! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Ari, my female girl, is fun because I originally imagined her as slightly insane, with a sweet demeanor & a psychotic mind, but... she's slowly evovled into a silly character who is my nice little Librarian - her room is full of artifacts & crap. lol.

Then there is my smexy male Beast, Madus, who I made just so he could rock the shirtless look and a skully. RAWR!! Everyone seems to love him! XD

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Xtian913 on 2008-01-28 07:32 ]</font>

Jan 28, 2008, 11:24 AM
I'd have to say my favorite character is my main, Nisshoku. He's been a staple of all my PSO and PSU incarnations, and through that time, he's been fairly known with the title 'The Crimson Demon'. I've always had a fascination with robots even as a child, so playing one was pretty much obvious. He's his own celeb within the PSOW circuit, at last I think so. Not to mention that he's quite the powerhouse, at least in my own opinion.

Then there's Shenryu, my male Beast. Although he's notsomuch on the on-line side, he was my first high-levelled character off-line, and based off of a beast of the same name that I had played in a d20 Phantasy Star RPG. That, and he's pretty much what I imagine to be a skilled brawler.

Jan 28, 2008, 01:33 PM
It really depends on my mood. But atm, my favorite is Troubadour: male human pretty boy.
I tried to make him andrygenous with a slim body frame, feminine face, eyes, and long hair with matching andryenous outfit.
I guess I miss my old FOmar.
He's my omage

Jan 28, 2008, 01:37 PM
On 2008-01-28 10:33, chibiLegolas wrote:
It really depends on my mood. But atm, my favorite is Troubadour: male human pretty boy.
I tried to make him andrygenous with a slim body frame, feminine face, eyes, and long hair with matching andryenous outfit.
I guess I miss my old FOmar.

Jan 29, 2008, 02:54 PM
I suppose my beast and my newman, who are more or less different versions of the same character, down to having the same name, Nai Calus. Newman's name is in katakana and beasts is in engrish characters.

Nai's half human. His father, Ephram Calus, was a human who objected to the treatment humans get at the hands of casts and all the other races. He was sympathetic to the fact that humans had treated them badly in the past, but was of the opinion that punishing people for what their ancestors had done was foolish and illogical, which he often pointed out to casts who treated him badly. He was something of an activist and was always pushing for better treatment for humans, though he tried to teach Nai from an early age to never acknowledge his human half, believing that Nai would be better off if his human ancestory wasn't commonly known. Nai generally would have none of this and instead learned his father's passion for equality and friendship between all of the races. Ephram disappeared when Nai was eleven years old, and Nai joined the Guardians the moment he turned 14, hoping that in the course of his travels as a Guardian he would be able to find clues as to his father's fate. The SEED invasion has both hindered and helped his search attempts. While new avenues to explore have opened up, he's also now busy most of the time fighting the SEED. He's fairly reserved, but he has a few close friends - Lukas, a human, Vol Opt, a cast and Elly, a newman. He's also close to his Partner Machine, as his desire for equality between all races extends even to 'lesser' artificial intelligences. Perhaps because of this treatment, his PM seems to, indeed, be more advanced than the PMs of others, showing more independence than is normal for a PM.

Not much of a backstory, and not that fleshed out, but PSU and its world haven't captured my imagination nearly the way PSO did.

Indeed, most of my preference for the Nais comes from their origin - As a tribute to my most well-developed character in PSO, Nai Alisdair Calus, AKA Ian-Kun X. About the only similarity in their backgrounds is that PSO Nai was raised by his uncle, Dr. Ephram James Calus III(Yes, he's supposed to be the Dr. Calus mentioned in Knowing One's Heart), and that PSO Nai is also looking for clues as to what happened to Ephram. PSO Nai's got a whole shitload of background and present and such. I may never finish the damned fanfic I've been trying to write since 2003, but god knows the entire freaking thing is floating around in my brain.

So yeah, nostalgia has my favourite PSU characters as pale ghosts of my favourite PSO character. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

The FOmar and HUmar versions of the original:

The new Nais:
