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View Full Version : Do You Acrotech For Support?

Jan 26, 2008, 01:44 PM
Hey There Everyone
I was a little curious to knowing something so i wanted to start a poll or something to figure this out.

lately when i join a party and an acrotecher is in that party i rarely see them supporting but very often using melee weapons, or if they use techniques its only attack techs. honestly i was looking forward to acrotecher, cause you can tell apart a attack force from a support one depending if there AT or FT. Yet, lately most the acrotechers i run into arnt really support at all :/

So basically im asking, if your an acrotecher, do you do it cause you like and/or want to support or do you do it for any reason?

Jan 26, 2008, 01:45 PM
I'm betting it's just people switching classes to say they have them all capped and won't really bother to level their buffs.

Jan 26, 2008, 01:45 PM
I hate playing support >.< I did AT for kicks and not support. I prefer WT and FT for their attack style playings

Jan 26, 2008, 01:51 PM
Did you just make acrotecher into a verb? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif I love it. Anyway, I guess it depends on the person, but... I'd guess the people that use attack mostly on AT want a class that can use 11+ whip skills, s rank whips, and a class that has high enough TP to do attack TECHs that are stronger than the other option's (WT). Personally, I find it a waste for someone not to do support on AT, but I understand why.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lorelei on 2008-01-26 10:54 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 02:02 PM
Yeah, people do AT for the reason of good attack techs and fun melee. It just sucks that you can't ever count on anyone for support. Sure, if you see a WT or a FT you might believe they're more offensive; or a GT who just wants S rank twins and crossbows, but it would be really nice to know that picking up an AT meant you would get healed.

It's like years ago when I was playing Dark Age of Camelot, I told a friend, who played on another realm (with a different selection of classes), "your Healers are awesome, they have a specialization that gives them every crowd control option in the game, that's so great". His reply was shot and sweet, "No, it sucks. Now we don't have anyone who wants to be healers."

Jan 26, 2008, 02:04 PM
My highest alt is AT, she's AT mainly for support http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif (lvl 31+ buffs and giresta, lvl 25+ resta and reverser), and for fast attack techs (with har/quick and madoogs). I also use whips, but only on big monsters (kog nadd, SEED-vitace) http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Jan 26, 2008, 02:04 PM
I'll do support, regardless of which techer type I choose. I'm just wary of other techers in the party and check if they have higher buffs. I haven't gotten the chance to really level mine up, but I do what I can with what I got. I've started to really favor the support/healing classes in the past few years; I've done it in other games as priests, clerics, and other support types. My primary reasoning might be because it's nice to help people out. Not only that, the support classes I played before have a higher survivability rate because of healing and buffs that can be used on oneself, and techers here have even more advantages of adding melee or gun focus.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Alizarin on 2008-01-26 11:06 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 02:19 PM
Everyone who plays AT knows it's much too much trouble to cast buffs once every 5 minutes or cast a single Giresta once every couple spawns while letting the ticks of autorecovery do the rest of the work for you. In that same amount of time, you could easily have killed a single enemy, which greatly outweighs the extra 7% output each of the Fortefighters would have gained...

So, no, Acrotechers should not waste their time on support techs, obviously.

Jan 26, 2008, 02:31 PM
I"m mainly a Fortetecher and even when there is an AcroTecher in the team I still play support. I just play like I always have as a fT, I don't enter a party with an AT expecting them to properly support, seeing as so few even do. And I still tag every enemy despite the fact that my casting is slower than an AT. Even when I switch over to GT I use the advantage of lv30 Support TECHs for the good of the team, and since my main weapon tends to be a Shotgun I'm usually right there in the middle of the battle giving me the chance to support.

Jan 26, 2008, 02:52 PM
I went AT cause i maxed out FT and i needed to power level a few straggling lvl 21+ techs to lvl 30.

Also nothing wrong with calling for a Team Buff between Every block, room, or mob. "BUFFS GET YOUR BUFFS" and the team should run to you when its safe.

Also with the TECH Speed up - AT better be helping to throw a few extra spells here and there. Also an FT which is much slower should just attack more - so the team AT should also be helping to buff, heal and revive the team.

So a sign of a Good AT is variety. I let my team FT do the damage with his lvl 35+ megid =3 while i heal the team, Giresta the dead guy without scapes, whip a few small monsters, then lob a lot of RaDiga at things till it hits lvl 30.

Once everything is to 30 i can go back to FT and get them to 31+.

Jan 26, 2008, 02:57 PM
A good AT doesn’t need variety. All a good AT needs is to buff when people are unbuffed and heal when people have low HP. Between those two actions, no one cares what the AT was doing. Use melee, use techs, use ranged, or just stand there. It really doesn’t matter. Personally, I say do the one that does the most damage in the situation.

Jan 26, 2008, 03:41 PM
I primarily support as an aT. I can keep myself busy keeping everyone "clean" of SE's, top health, etc.

Situations aren't always that action packed, so when things aren't I'll throw in some attack techs and a small bit of melee, usually just to knock up or stunlock certain enemies.

Jan 26, 2008, 03:47 PM
I haven't tried AT yet but I probably will eventually. I know when I do though I will use support techs.

Jan 26, 2008, 03:51 PM
I rarely buff except before bosses and such unless the party really needs it. Generally it's easy enough to mow through monsters as is. I did get them to 11+ as soon as I became AT/FT though.

Resta and Reverser, though, are on ALL of my Wand/Mag or Rod combos. I tend to almost over-cast them, if only because I want to level them off of everyone else's misfortune. XD

Jan 26, 2008, 03:54 PM
Often when i play GT, and there is a FT or WT in the same party.
They rarely support.

They mostly self-support or heal only somestimes during tough battles..which i think is idiotic.
So i have to dedicate spam healing until the very tough enemies is beaten.
Not that i have something against it..but why only me.:/

Say..sometimes i feel like kicking those people but i think i´m a little too nice so i don´t. :S

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: darkante on 2008-01-26 12:55 ]</font>

Jan 26, 2008, 03:57 PM
The one thing I don't like about teching, however, is that sometimes the moment I join a party, people completely forget how to heal themselves. They might be carrying 20 Trimates, but the second I join the party they'll wait until they're in the 1% hp range before even considering using one, instead rushing over to me and shouting 'HEAL!' as I blast something. I do heal them, of course, but still.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:01 PM
I have a FT but I seem to support more than any AT I've seen anyways. Most AT's I see really only spam their whips and occasionally heal or buff (when they need it). When you are the only force in the party, it should be given you need to support to some degree whether you are FT or AT (GT, WT can do w/e they want).

Jan 26, 2008, 04:11 PM
I first started AT not exactly to cast and melee, but to have better survival while casting. FT looked unappealing because of the squishiness that goes with being a FT (I'd rather be able to take a hit or two than be looked or sneezed at by a boss and find myself "moon atomizer, anyone?"). Being a newer player, though, I was picking up from veteran players on how to really be effective.

Heck, I'm still trying to see first-hand how whips are a key element to ATs. Maybe its because I need access to more whips before I can learn them... but when I see veteran ATs toting 5 whips... *self explanatory*.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:31 PM
No. I acrotech because it's my anti-drug.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:35 PM
I FORCE to support. Acrotecher is the class where I can melee with worthwile ATP and ATA stats.

IMO, your Force type shows how much you should be spending on what.

-Guntecher is pure support. Slap on the SE, and heal/buff otherwise.
-Wartecher is mostly melee. Still, most of the time, I support anyway.
-Fortetecher is mostly attack teching. Support is all right, I suppose, but when you're casting Gi/Resta, it's usually on yourself.
-Acrotecher is melee, and great support. You're not knocked eight ways to Sunday every two seconds, and 99% of the time, every icon on your pallette has something involving techs, so you should have easy access to Resta.

As far as whips go, whips are really mediocre-if you're trying to main them, stop. Now. Go back to support.

But seriously, I find too few Forces support these days. So, I support because one of us has to, right?

Jan 26, 2008, 04:48 PM
On 2008-01-26 12:54, darkante wrote:
Often when i play GT, and there is a FT or WT in the same party.
They rarely support.

They mostly self-support or heal only somestimes during tough battles..which i think is idiotic.
So i have to dedicate spam healing until the very tough enemies is beaten.
Not that i have something against it..but why only me.:/

Say..sometimes i feel like kicking those people but i think i´m a little too nice so i don´t. :S

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: darkante on 2008-01-26 12:55 ]</font>

yea but GT, WT, were made mostly for self support. a GT and a FT can still be effective supporters but AT was actually made for support. i still rely slightly on FT to support. but a GT and WT i dont really expect them to support anyone but them selves.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:49 PM
I don't know where you guys are finding these ATs that don't even heal. I'm an AT, my pallette is set up:

vish adan/ coni (giresta & reverser)
some single handed dagger/ dori (giresta & reverser)
some A rank wand/ pegita with the 4 buffs across the board
a wand/ tech mag combo with 2 attack techs on the wand and giresta/reverser on the mag
the last 2 slots are diga/giresta wands with r mags (1 freezing, 1 burning)

I always heal if I'm close enough, reverser if I've got a tech mag equipped (otherwise I use a sol- which ANYONE ELSE in the party could do...), and I'll buff if I think about it, but I've never been in a party with another techer where there wasn't a LOT of double healing going on... A lot of these posts make ATs sound like they go in and just spam the whip pa and wave goodbye to their teammates when they are near death... I will say once or twice someone has died because they got low and instead of switching to my tech mag and using giresta (which I keep on the yellow button) the game read it as trying to PA the whip again, and they were dead by the time it was done. Luckily both times it was my husband who died, so I got to yell at him that he could have healed himself instead of just watching his health go down...

Anyway it seems like a lot of you either have REALLY bad luck forming parties with ATs or you just keep playing with the same people over and over. IDK...

Jan 26, 2008, 04:54 PM
I'm a WT at heart, and I support with my level 20buffs. However, I do enjoy playing the support role as an AT when I know my party needs it. If my buffs were 31+ then I'd probably be all over AT when I'm not soloing or duoing.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:56 PM
My buffs are like- 11 for shifta/deband, and 9 for the other 2. I figure if anyone says anything about it, they don't need to get buffed by me. No one has ever complained at all though, so I got all stressed out wondering if I should switch to AT with such low levels or not for nothing. I don't think I'll ever have an inclination to buff party, so that's that.

Jan 26, 2008, 04:59 PM
Yeah, I definitely switched to Acrotecher for support.

My pallette consist of:
Vish Adan/Coni - (Resta/Reverser)
Vish Adac/Coni - (Resta/Reverser)
Vish Adac/Coni - (Resta/Reverser)
Uransara/Coni - (Shifta/Deband/Zodial/Retier)
Uransara/Coni - (Jellen/Zalure/Zoldeel)
Uransara/Coni - (Resta/Reverser/Giresta/Retier)

I took the time to learn every support TECH and level them all to 31+

Jan 26, 2008, 05:07 PM
Ugh, I wouldn't be able to just sit there with a whip or waiting for other people to kill the monsters. I gotta get in there with my diga and help out.

Jan 26, 2008, 05:30 PM
i play AT only for support as thats what the class is intended to do. they are the only class in the game that has lv 40 support techs. now i dont care if u use techs or mele or bullets to do dmg but your main task is supporting.
all u need to do is to tag the enemy and let the party do the rest while U heal/buff/remove SE.
and get thouse buffs to 31, they are alot stronger than 30 and lasts alot longer.

Jan 26, 2008, 05:44 PM
yea i forgot to vote myself lol

i went acro to support, but im doing Ft cause i have all the support techs and there at 31, and i almost have all the attack techs at 31 just a few more to go

my AT pallet is
vish adac/ ranpegi (giresta/ reverser)
majimra/ ranpegi (shifta/deband/zodial/retier)
majimra/ ranpegi (jellen/ zalure/ zoldeel/megiverser)
uransara/shato (any tech/ any tech/ resta/ reverser)
uransara/shato (any tech/ any tech/ giresta/ reverser)
uransara/shato (any tech/ any tech/ resta/ reverser)

i like all techs so i switch it up depending on situation

Jan 26, 2008, 06:01 PM
well, my AT pallete http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
Light Vish Adac / Pegi (Noszonde/Gizonde)
Magical Wand (Resta/Reverser) / Dori (Dambarta/Gibarta)
Dark Vish Adan / Pegi (Dammegid/Ramegid (megiverse when I get the frags for it http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif))
Magical Wand (Resta/Reverser) / Dori (Foie/Rafoie)
Magical Wand (Giresta/Reverser) / Dori (Diga/Nosdiga)
Cometarac (Shifta/Deband) / Pegi (Zodial/Retier)

Jan 26, 2008, 06:09 PM
I guess I'll put the pallet I used as an AT up:

Vish Tien Dark/Pegi(Giresta/Reverser)
Magical Wand(Foie/Diga)/Ranpegi(Ramegid/Gizonde)
Majimra(Rabarta/Dambarta)/Kikami with ice Bullets
Ryo-Bimtore with Earth Bullets
Dark Katsuno-zashi.

Though I mostly just stuck to the Magical Wand/Ranpegi since I was still primarily Attack TECHing while the buffs were still active.

Jan 26, 2008, 06:12 PM
Acrotecher means faster techs, meaning faster Resta. And despite some shortcomings (like people being halfway across the map due to desyncs and stuff), I love my Giresta.

Also, being able to Jellen/Zalure and easily get back to my Dagger is fun. I wanted to go Wartecher when the game came out but it was bad; Acrotecher is Wartecher done right.

Jan 26, 2008, 11:34 PM
On 2008-01-26 12:51, Retniwreven wrote:
I rarely buff except before bosses and such

Resta and Reverser, though, are on ALL of my Wand/Mag or Rod combos.Interesting to see such fail combined with actual support-mindedness.

Jan 27, 2008, 04:24 AM
urgh I hate non-supporting acrotechers, when the wartecher is the one having to buff while the lazy ass acrotecher just stands there you know something is wrong

seriously if a wartecher (the worst class at support) can be bothered to buff (and all at 11+ higher then quite a few acrotechers I've seen) surely the actual support class can pull their finger out and do the same.

(I've even seen one without resta)

Jan 27, 2008, 04:24 AM
On 2008-01-26 15:12, Kanore wrote:
Acrotecher is Wartecher done right.

Acrotecher is Wartecher with improved stats in every area, except a minor difference in ATP and HP, and lacking bow. That's the same for both acro classes though, sega kinda went to town with their base stats considering their roles/weapon selection etc. Anyone notice how an acrofighter has more TP than a wartecher? >.>

Powder Keg
Jan 27, 2008, 04:53 AM
I'm not normally an Acrotecher...my buffs are currently in the mid 20's. I don't use debuffs...for one, I don't really have the space because I prefer using attack techs mostly without horrble-ass defense, and debuffs doin't have the same impact they did in PSO.

Jan 27, 2008, 04:56 AM
On 2008-01-26 13:59, ShiroMittsu wrote:
Yeah, I definitely switched to Acrotecher for support.

My pallette consist of:
Vish Adan/Coni - (Resta/Reverser)
Vish Adac/Coni - (Resta/Reverser)
Vish Adac/Coni - (Resta/Reverser)
Uransara/Coni - (Shifta/Deband/Zodial/Retier)
Uransara/Coni - (Jellen/Zalure/Zoldeel)
Uransara/Coni - (Resta/Reverser/Giresta/Retier)

I took the time to learn every support TECH and level them all to 31+

We have a winner!!!!!

I wish all techers took the time to level their buffs. Not only you took the time to level Shifta, Deband, Zodeel and Retier, you took the time to level the rest of the support techs. What platform are you in?

Jan 27, 2008, 06:40 AM
As an acrotecher I can support just fine and still use melee. usually a party gets buffed, then i'll defense debuff enemies, and depending on the situation, start slinging spells or trying to SE with a whip

Jan 27, 2008, 06:45 AM
Yes, I did go Acrotecher to support. I support as Guntecher as well.

Jan 27, 2008, 09:53 AM
hell ya I suport buffs at 36 ATM debuff (defence only) at 35 not enough time for the other two and resta and reversa at 32 also I cast super quick and got my gizonde from 1 to 30 in just a few days while also using megid and nosmegid iv had the game since feb/march and I think I'm one of the beter at out there. I think all force classes must suport there team mates to the best they can. If they want to use wips use buffs and resta aswell

Jan 27, 2008, 11:18 AM
I go acrotecher to buff and heal.

If your buffs start going away i will buff u even in the middle of battle, cuz isnt that when u need it most? lol

I'll hit everything with my whip really quick then buff everyone, then keep attacking.

I make sure my party is buffed with at least attack most of the mission. (cuz its the only one i got at 31 lol)

Jan 27, 2008, 12:53 PM
my buddy went acrotech for full out support...but just because you see Acrotecher doesn't mean they'll heal/buff you...unfortunately ><

Jan 27, 2008, 12:55 PM
On 2008-01-26 14:30, EMPYREAN wrote:
i play AT only for support as thats what the class is intended to do. they are the only class in the game that has lv 40 support techs. now i dont care if u use techs or mele or bullets to do dmg but your main task is supporting.
all u need to do is to tag the enemy and let the party do the rest while U heal/buff/remove SE.
and get thouse buffs to 31, they are alot stronger than 30 and lasts alot longer.

Well, I prefer to level evenly with the people I play with. There is such a difference between kill exp and tag exp, I can't keep up if I just tag. Therefore I like to get an even number of kills.

Anyway if all they're supposed to do is sit back and watch the party fight, what's the difference between an AT and an NPC? If I party with Lumia or Maya and my pm, they'll keep me buffed and healed, and do very little else.

Since I've always played some form of force on my main, and I've been playing my main on 360 for about a year now, got her to level 77 today and my shifta is still just 11 (Idk- maybe 12 now?) I'm going to go ahead and give my opinion that people who don't devote their entire lives to PSU won't max their buffs. (I play maybe an hour or 2 a day, not EVERY day though- and about 1/2 of that is synthing stuff and messing around with my shop or buying clothes). Then again, I'll never hit the level cap, either. My giresta, on the other hand, that I've had less than 10 hours of actual PLAY time is already nearly level 15. So while I have no doubt I'll eventually max giresta, I'm really not stressed about the buffs.

So why do I play acrotecher?

#1, speed. Of course casting is faster than a FT, but also soloing a level takes much less time and I'm finding myself falling asleep while playing a LOT less.

#2, resiliency. An AT can take more hits and bounce back. I had to buy a sleep/resist because asking someone in a PuG to use a sol atomizer is aparently asking too much. Now that I have one, I never die soloing.

#3, meleeing. There are some tech resistant monsters that would be ridiculously time consuming. Switch to my dark straal and they're gone in no time at all. Saves me pp and photon charges from ineffective offensive techs as well as constant healing.

That's it. That is why I stay AT rather than switch back to FT. I would never become a job JUST to support.... Do I USE support techs? Yes. Because I can. Which should be why WT, GT, FT, and plain old forces use them as well. Every thread about ATs turns into an epic whine fest. Regardless of what people thing ATs SHOULD do, ATs pull their own weight even if they just buff before a boss and giresta a couple of times in a fight and melee the rest of the time- as long as they keep themselves healed. Because as long as you aren't a burden on the party, you're pulling your own weight. Since AT is one of the most self sufficient classes out there, it's ridiculous to call it purely a support class.

Jan 27, 2008, 12:56 PM
On 2008-01-27 09:55, Raine_Loire wrote:
Do I USE support techs? Yes. Because it's my job's responsibility.
Fixed that for you.

Jan 27, 2008, 12:58 PM
On 2008-01-27 09:56, Aethiopica wrote:

On 2008-01-27 09:55, Raine_Loire wrote:
Do I USE support techs? Yes. Because it's my job's responsibility.
Fixed that for myself and other job elitists who like to tell other people how to play.

Jan 27, 2008, 01:12 PM
"We have a winner!!!!!

I wish all techers took the time to level their buffs. Not only you took the time to level Shifta, Deband, Zodeel and Retier, you took the time to level the rest of the support techs. What platform are you in? "

Sorry, don't know how to quote properly and don't care to learn, but I play on the Xbox 360. Yeah, I took the time to level all the support TECHs to 31+, even Megistar.... I still don't know why I did it either.

Jan 27, 2008, 01:21 PM
On 2008-01-27 09:55, Raine_Loire wrote:

On 2008-01-26 14:30, EMPYREAN wrote:
i play AT only for support as thats what the class is intended to do. they are the only class in the game that has lv 40 support techs. now i dont care if u use techs or mele or bullets to do dmg but your main task is supporting.
all u need to do is to tag the enemy and let the party do the rest while U heal/buff/remove SE.
and get thouse buffs to 31, they are alot stronger than 30 and lasts alot longer.

Well, I prefer to level evenly with the people I play with. There is such a difference between kill exp and tag exp, I can't keep up if I just tag. Therefore I like to get an even number of kills.

Anyway if all they're supposed to do is sit back and watch the party fight, what's the difference between an AT and an NPC? If I party with Lumia or Maya and my pm, they'll keep me buffed and healed, and do very little else.

Since I've always played some form of force on my main, and I've been playing my main on 360 for about a year now, got her to level 77 today and my shifta is still just 11 (Idk- maybe 12 now?) I'm going to go ahead and give my opinion that people who don't devote their entire lives to PSU won't max their buffs. (I play maybe an hour or 2 a day, not EVERY day though- and about 1/2 of that is synthing stuff and messing around with my shop or buying clothes). Then again, I'll never hit the level cap, either. My giresta, on the other hand, that I've had less than 10 hours of actual PLAY time is already nearly level 15. So while I have no doubt I'll eventually max giresta, I'm really not stressed about the buffs.

So why do I play acrotecher?

#1, speed. Of course casting is faster than a FT, but also soloing a level takes much less time and I'm finding myself falling asleep while playing a LOT less.

#2, resiliency. An AT can take more hits and bounce back. I had to buy a sleep/resist because asking someone in a PuG to use a sol atomizer is aparently asking too much. Now that I have one, I never die soloing.

#3, meleeing. There are some tech resistant monsters that would be ridiculously time consuming. Switch to my dark straal and they're gone in no time at all. Saves me pp and photon charges from ineffective offensive techs as well as constant healing.

That's it. That is why I stay AT rather than switch back to FT. I would never become a job JUST to support.... Do I USE support techs? Yes. Because I can. Which should be why WT, GT, FT, and plain old forces use them as well. Every thread about ATs turns into an epic whine fest. Regardless of what people thing ATs SHOULD do, ATs pull their own weight even if they just buff before a boss and giresta a couple of times in a fight and melee the rest of the time- as long as they keep themselves healed. Because as long as you aren't a burden on the party, you're pulling your own weight. Since AT is one of the most self sufficient classes out there, it's ridiculous to call it purely a support class.

in that case why not just go wartecher, buy a har quick and do some actual damage with melee lol http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

if youre not going to use the acrotechers main strength theres no point even being one

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Iduno on 2008-01-27 10:23 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2008, 01:27 PM
As much as I hate telling people how to play, I do believe that a person who's going to be melee and tech, and not use support too much would be better off going Wartecher since its stronger. Acrotecher does have the speed though, which Wartecher doesn't, but Wartecher can use Har / Quick for magic at least.

Jan 27, 2008, 02:21 PM
When I play any class that can buff and heal, I buff and heal as well as that class can. Of course, this doesn't guarantee that others will do it for me when I'm not a nurse class, but I still do it.

Jan 27, 2008, 03:37 PM
I'm an AT and I play it for support. It's designed as a support class, utilize it. People that fail to do this is like a retard trying to use a screwdriver as if it were a hammer.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mikura on 2008-01-27 12:42 ]</font>

Jan 27, 2008, 03:45 PM
The mix of melee and technic casting is definitely what draws me to towards AT. I like to support the team as best I can while still dishing out some damage. I haven't received any complaints about my supporting yet. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I should really get around to leveling my debuffs though. Their level is really starting to bothering me.

Jan 27, 2008, 04:13 PM
On 2008-01-27 10:21, Iduno wrote:

in that case why not just go wartecher, buy a har quick and do some actual damage with melee lol http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

if youre not going to use the acrotechers main strength theres no point even being one

On 2008-01-27 10:27, Shiroryuu wrote:
As much as I hate telling people how to play, I do believe that a person who's going to be melee and tech, and not use support too much would be better off going Wartecher since its stronger. Acrotecher does have the speed though, which Wartecher doesn't, but Wartecher can use Har / Quick for magic at least.

Can't be more of a fucking truth than these.

Jan 27, 2008, 04:27 PM
Some people just can't be pleased. And some are more than happy for the support I do as AT. I spam resta/giresta, buffs, reverser. With the wand/madoog combo, if you have resta/reverser set on one side there's no reason not to heal. And between mobs, there's no reason not to buff, it helps you and everybody else.

I've had compliments from random parties I join, and complaints also. Usually the complaints come from the guy/gal that refuses to stay with the pack and wonders off to get frozen/stunned/sleep, or just die because they refuse to heal themselves. Resta does have limited range, even at 31+, if you're into the next room, have some sense and heal yourself. Or better yet, be a team player and stay with the group.

Point is, if you run into a good support AT, let them know. It gives me warm fuzzy's when someone says after the boss they never had to use a diamate the whole run http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif And if they are no good, or you don't like the way they play, don't run with them.

Jan 27, 2008, 05:03 PM
On 2008-01-27 13:27, SYDNEE wrote:
Some people just can't be pleased. And some are more than happy for the support I do as AT. I spam resta/giresta, buffs, reverser. With the wand/madoog combo, if you have resta/reverser set on one side there's no reason not to heal. And between mobs, there's no reason not to buff, it helps you and everybody else.

I've had compliments from random parties I join, and complaints also. Usually the complaints come from the guy/gal that refuses to stay with the pack and wonders off to get frozen/stunned/sleep, or just die because they refuse to heal themselves. Resta does have limited range, even at 31+, if you're into the next room, have some sense and heal yourself. Or better yet, be a team player and stay with the group.

Point is, if you run into a good support AT, let them know. It gives me warm fuzzy's when someone says after the boss they never had to use a diamate the whole run http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif And if they are no good, or you don't like the way they play, don't run with them.

I guess that works for some people. Not that I don't enjoy compliments but it becomes a bit redundant sometimes when people say "ty" after every single buff. But I rather they be nice than assholes so I don't complain.

Jan 27, 2008, 05:12 PM
Absolutely. Support first, ask questions later.

Jan 27, 2008, 05:26 PM
Absolutely. Support first, ask questions later.

Feb 7, 2008, 01:29 PM
On 2008-01-27 10:21, Iduno wrote:

in that case why not just go wartecher, buy a har quick and do some actual damage with melee lol http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

if youre not going to use the acrotechers main strength theres no point even being one

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Iduno on 2008-01-27 10:23 ]</font>

I know this is old, but I haven't been on much because I decided after 4 days of the winter event that I wanted to take a break until the event was over. Which, since I'm on 360 is actually longer than I expected ^_^. But I actually have an answer to this question... I hate wartecher. Leveling the job is like leveling acrotecher AFTER you hit level 10. Slow and painful. I don't play a lot, so quicker is better. Also, I use a har quick as an acrotecher so even a wartecher with a har quick would be a slowdown for me- besides which you sacrifice TP for speed, and I use offensive techs a lot so I need it. For comparison's sake, here are the base stats:

Newman Female (Acrotecher 11) - Online
70 1462 504 347 1250 140 538 505 12
75 1534 536 369 1300 147 570 529 12
80 1603 563 390 1351 154 604 555 12

Newman Female (Wartecher 2) - Online
70 1384 434 156 799 121 418 251 12
75 1451 461 166 831 126 443 263 12
80 1518 485 175 864 132 469 276 12

I do play in the occasional party, but I mostly solo. After a bunch of S rank missions back when HSM was a big one, and watching my job level barely move, I decided I wasn't war techer material, and went back to FT. AT is the perfect job if you're a techer who likes to solo, because you can run through things quickly, and with a good melee weapon, you can do decent damage- while the attack techs are still awesome. Buffs are a perk, but they're just one part of the job. Plus, considering giresta is support magic, I would say I use the ATs "main strength" more than most techers, even when I solo, because I'm CONSTANLY having to heal myself and raising my pm! ^_^

OK, that's all I had to say o_O

Feb 7, 2008, 02:08 PM
Throwing digas with an AT is cruise control for cool.

Feb 7, 2008, 02:19 PM
I only gone Acrother just to level support techs, I am a Fortetecher at heart and cannot leave my rods.

Acro is good for solong hard to do missions for FTs.

Besides, anyone who goes AT only for melee and no support needs to stop playing and think about being a WT. WTs can dish out some pretty good damage and use whips and Attack techs as well as good support techs

I should try WT once more to cap it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MayLee on 2008-02-07 11:24 ]</font>

Feb 7, 2008, 03:14 PM
One rant:

If there is a force in your party that's working their butt off to keep you buffed/healed/SE-free, please have the decency to use a sol atomizer if he or she is frozen/sleeped/stunned. It's extremely frustrating if a party member just stands there next to you while you are being pummeled in suspended form and eventually die. Stuff like this makes techers think "why the hell am I working so hard for people who won't even bother to pop a sol?"

Feb 7, 2008, 03:45 PM
On 2008-02-07 12:14, ilovetypemoon wrote:
One rant:

If there is a force in your party that's working their butt off to keep you buffed/healed/SE-free, please have the decency to use a sol atomizer if he or she is frozen/sleeped/stunned. It's extremely frustrating if a party member just stands there next to you while you are being pummeled in suspended form and eventually die. Stuff like this makes techers think "why the hell am I working so hard for people who won't even bother to pop a sol?"

Happened a couple of times for me as a FT.
I usually yell when i get frequently hit without anyone helping.. "Use a sol atomizer sometimes on me plz..can´t cure everthing!"

And then their brain usually starts to work and then everything is A..O..K..lol.

Otherwise i usually leaves if they don´t do anything later on.

Feb 7, 2008, 04:03 PM

Feb 7, 2008, 04:17 PM
On 2008-02-07 10:29, Raine_Loire wrote:

On 2008-01-27 10:21, Iduno wrote:

in that case why not just go wartecher, buy a har quick and do some actual damage with melee lol http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

if youre not going to use the acrotechers main strength theres no point even being one

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Iduno on 2008-01-27 10:23 ]</font>

I know this is old, but I haven't been on much because I decided after 4 days of the winter event that I wanted to take a break until the event was over. Which, since I'm on 360 is actually longer than I expected ^_^. But I actually have an answer to this question... I hate wartecher. Leveling the job is like leveling acrotecher AFTER you hit level 10. Slow and painful. I don't play a lot, so quicker is better. Also, I use a har quick as an acrotecher so even a wartecher with a har quick would be a slowdown for me- besides which you sacrifice TP for speed, and I use offensive techs a lot so I need it. For comparison's sake, here are the base stats:

Newman Female (Acrotecher 11) - Online
70 1462 504 347 1250 140 538 505 12
75 1534 536 369 1300 147 570 529 12
80 1603 563 390 1351 154 604 555 12

Newman Female (Wartecher 2) - Online
70 1384 434 156 799 121 418 251 12
75 1451 461 166 831 126 443 263 12
80 1518 485 175 864 132 469 276 12

I do play in the occasional party, but I mostly solo. After a bunch of S rank missions back when HSM was a big one, and watching my job level barely move, I decided I wasn't war techer material, and went back to FT. AT is the perfect job if you're a techer who likes to solo, because you can run through things quickly, and with a good melee weapon, you can do decent damage- while the attack techs are still awesome. Buffs are a perk, but they're just one part of the job. Plus, considering giresta is support magic, I would say I use the ATs "main strength" more than most techers, even when I solo, because I'm CONSTANLY having to heal myself and raising my pm! ^_^

OK, that's all I had to say o_O

A) The stat table there is made of fail since there is a 9 level differce between the classes.

B)Dunno if this is because I've been playing since last january but wartecher seemed level to quite fast after AOI came out.

C) Without buffs you are NOT using the acrotechers main strength and you could easily be replaced by a stack of trimates and some scapes/moons and most other classes that do melee or techs (apart from GT) outclass you in offense you have no place in a party over anyone else.

Feb 7, 2008, 04:55 PM
Yeah, sorry, Raine, but if I ever played with you, you would be the first person I've ever booted. Because no, you wouldn't be pulling your weight. You'd be doing miserable damage and contributing nothing of value. Without a proper techer I have no trouble at all using 'rides and mates. You would be taking up valuable party space that could be filled by someone much more useful - A FF, a GT, a FI, a different AT - And you would act as a potential discouragement to a *real* AT. If I'm looking at a game and it's got three Fighgunners in it already, I'll probably go find a different game since, shit, what the hell am I gonna bring that they don't already have? If I'm an AT and I see another AT in a game, I tend to look elsewhere. So no, you wouldn't be pulling your weight and if we were full or even close to it I'd boot your ass to the lobby. I would rather have a party of five Fortefighters and one Fighgunner(me) than a party of four FFs, one FI and a useless AT. The FF would actually pull their weight via doing damage and getting things killed that much quicker, leading to less chances for everyone to die or even take damage.

No, I'm not happy to have a bad force, and it's not better than no force at all. I'd much rather the bad force were replaced by a *non*-force who can kick ass and chew gum and doesn't give me excuses as to why they fail so much. Guess what, I don't play that much either. I don't even have all the skills I use frequently at 40 yet. Majarra? Had it for centuries. Only L39. Rising Crush? Not even 30 yet, don't use it often enough. And yet I've managed to take the time to AFK-level my buffs to 21+, and will eventually go for 31+. Yes, AFK-level. I didn't even have to be there! I slept the entire time!

I don't even get people like this. In and of themselves, AT's stats, especially its ATP, aren't even that great. You pretty much need those buffs to even reach mediocre compared to... Oh, just about anything else that can melee and gets L20 skills or higher. Why the hell do people shoot *themselves* in the foot, and then claim that they're helping whatever party has the misfortune of getting stuck with them as a member?

Shit, I'm a Beast Fighgunner, and even *I* find at least an Agtaride to be vital to the success of my endeavours. The extra damage from a little bit of self-buffing that way is important to me because it means stuff dies that much faster, meaning I get hit less, using less mates as a direct result, and I finish that much quicker.

Since I don't yet have my buffs to 31+, I only FO for friends, and only when we feel we need a Force for something but nobody else wants to FO. Usually, I do AT or GT. (On my newman, not my beast.) I buff, all of them, and Giresta, and keep things going as much as possible. Sometimes I get bitchy and don't buff people who run off when I'm buffing, but usually I chase them. I keep Resta or Giresta on everything, and have Reverser on everything too. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Usually AT consists of a couple of Blackhearts, a Vish Adac for stuff that could use being stunned and a wand with attack techs, all paired with heal madoogs, with a buff wand/madoog pair and a Twin Ruby Bullet for flying shit. GT consists of three crossbows and an attack wand paired with heal Madoogs, buff set and a Twin Ruby Bullet. As either of those I am so *not* a primary damage dealer, so I do my job as a FO, which is to be a freaking support character. I support. It's what I'm good for and what I'm *there* for.

I prefer GT though, easier to tag with if I'm lagging and my buffs aren't behind the class' potential. XP

Feb 7, 2008, 05:42 PM
Acrotechers should DEFINITELY be used for support; they're the only class with lv40 support techs. Not supporting would be a huge waste of one of the class's major strengths imo. =/

Here's how I currently set up my AT pallete:

1- Uransara (Resta/X) + Coni (Reverser/X)
2- Uransara (Resta/X) + Dori (Reverser/X)
3- Magical Wand (Resta/X) + Dori (Reverser/X)
4- Cometerac (Jellen/Zalure) + Pegic (Zoldeel/Giresta)
5- Cometerac (Shifta/Deband) + Pegic (Zodial/Retier)
6- Vish Adac + Viper

X is whatever technic I feel needs to be used for the mission I'm doing, but I usually stick with Diga, Foie, or Megid, as I find them easy to spam with a Har/Quick on. I also find it easier to split Resta and Reverser across both the wand and madoog instead of putting them both on the same weapon, as this balances out the PP consumption for both weapons. I used to end up with my attack tech weapon running out of PP while my support tech weapon would almost always be full, and I found this method allows you to squeeze more attacks out of your weapons; spam one until it's nearly empty (save a little bit for your support tech), and then spam the other one, allowing the first to recharge. Then, when they're both fully exhausted, just switch to another slot and start over. Often times I found myself never having to recharge my weapons in battle using this method. Then, I have my debuffs slot, with Giresta thrown in, since it seems to fit for me, lol... and my buffs slot. And finally, I have my whip and handgun, which I usually reserve for breaking boxes, or hitting aerial enemies, etc.

But yeah... I know it's wrong to tell other people how to play their classes, but some decisions are just logical. If you're a FG or FT, you're probably not going to use all melee weapons. If you're a FF, you're not going to kill things with handguns unless it's an aerial enemy. If you're a PT, you'd be foolish to not invest in EX traps. Likewise, if you're AT, you should take the time to level your support techs and use them for the benefit of the party.

And one last little pet peeve of mine: if there are multiple techers in the party, let the one with the strongest buffs buff the party please. Strong buffs don't need to be overwritten by weaker ones; it's just that simple. =/

Feb 7, 2008, 05:58 PM
I wanted to be a AT for the support.
I like to buff and heal my party members. I have fun doing it. It gets hard sometimes if everybody things "well, we got a AT! everybody spread out in different direction and dont watch out for your health" lol. But even than I still have fun playing AT XD <_< But I hate those people. lol.

Anyway, I tried to level my buffs right away too and they are at lv 21 now. I'm kind of afraid of lv 31 at the moment...because my fingers hurted so much after those hours of leveling...because I have no idea if it's possible to level afk with a ps2 lol.

As I see it, if you play a class that states it focuses on support...and you arent supporting...something just ain't right. easy as that. lol. Than don't play the class. And everything is not omg whips! yes, they are fun...but they are not the ultimate damage weapon.

sorry if i wrote nonsense I'm tired and going to sleep now XD

Feb 7, 2008, 06:52 PM
It's not rocket science people. If you aren't playing AT for support, you're wasting time playing it.

Feb 7, 2008, 11:48 PM
I choose AT being I don't have to level techs beyond 30 except for support stuff. Also it is kind of fun to pull out those dual pistols. Lately, since I leveled the buffs to 34, and see any FT join, I don't need to look to know who has better buffs.

Feb 8, 2008, 12:47 AM

It's also a team game. Using an aT without taking advantage of one of its main strengths is like playing a fF and going pew pew with your handgun all day because YOU DON'T LIEK TO MELEE. Hey, you can do what you want, but don't expect to make a lot of friends if you play without being considerate about your teammates and friends.

The aT's resiliency as a FO and its all around great stats, crackspeed, and overly powerful support is what attracted the class to me. It's not as BEEFY as a Wartecher, which now is more or less like a Red Mage/Warlock sort of deal, and a freakin' walking tank, but its high EVP lets me dodge things that could kill me, and decent HP and DFP can let me take hits better than the nice and squishy fT (that and a certain trannie elitist turned me off to fTs).

I would pick option 1 and 3 however. I support if it's a FO class, and I take advantage of what that class has to its maximum potential to assist my team (sans a few things, i.e. I don't use bows on GTs because I prefer rifles), because I would be dead weight if I just sat there and pretended that this game is a solo game with 5 "real life" NPCs.

But hey, that's just the way I like playing. In every game I played I always tried to play the support guy that could take hits... if I played that unnamable mmorpg called WoW, I would definitely be playing a Paladin.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BahnKnakyu on 2008-02-07 21:49 ]</font>

Feb 8, 2008, 02:19 AM
I switched to FT when I capped AT, I'll play support regardless, even as a fortegunner, I'll stop firing and run up and use moons and sols on people (no stars though, you want heals, catch me on my techer, well, if I run out of trimates and have to resort to stars, I do tend to run toward other people before healing to try to catch them in it, otherwise it feels like I'm wasting it).

Feb 8, 2008, 02:40 AM
On 2008-01-26 11:19, Pillan wrote:
Everyone who plays AT knows it's much too much trouble to cast buffs once every 5 minutes or cast a single Giresta once every couple spawns while letting the ticks of autorecovery do the rest of the work for you. In that same amount of time, you could easily have killed a single enemy, which greatly outweighs the extra 7% output each of the Fortefighters would have gained...

So, no, Acrotechers should not waste their time on support techs, obviously.

I lol'd.

As any kind of techer I do my best to support, but if someone is being simply stupid I'll let them die once and warn them >.>

Feb 8, 2008, 02:52 AM
I just do my best to support, haven't run into any problem parties, save for people that won't stop for buffs, though that may partly be due to my macro ("Unless you have Mylla and Youlla, gather 'round."), put straight, if I'm not having fun, I'm out.

Feb 8, 2008, 08:30 AM
No, not really. I went AT due to the nice balance of healing and melee. I buff when I think about it and before bosses. Oh, and if anyone wants to try and tell me to play a different job or play the way they think AT should be played, eat a bowl of dicks.

Feb 8, 2008, 10:12 AM
I used to be a Wartecher, but after Acrotecher came out, I took a good look at how I played as a WT. I, well.. I basically used.. daggers, whips, mags and wands. And sabers sometimes. After AoI, I was nuts for whips and Mags (sorry, I can't get out of the habit of calling Madoogs mags for short x.x)

Anyway, I realized I wasn't making use of any of the great heavy weapons that are available to WT, and as much as I absolutely love the bow, I gave AT a try. I love it. It has all the melee I use and the support and attack tech levels are amazing. I immediately set out to level all my buffs and heals to 31. It was a long and boring process, but they're all up there (4 buffs, Resta, and Giresta) and I'm main support and healer for my group of friends. I always buff and heal, as well as debuffing enemies on occasion, while adding my own quite decent melee damage to the fray.

AT is a great class, as it does indeed give you the chance to do very decent melee, and tech damage, while still supporting yourself and your group. People may argue about it having a lower ATP but when you think about how high stats get with level 31+ buffs.. I think it balances out nicely. I never once thought I'd wind up as support, I used to love my WT melee. But now I can support and have my fun.

Now, if only AT could have my beloved S rank twin daggers, I think I would have found my dream class. ;-;

Feb 8, 2008, 10:53 AM
On 2008-02-08 05:30, JarinKail wrote:
No, not really. I went AT due to the nice balance of healing and melee. I buff when I think about it and before bosses. Oh, and if anyone wants to try and tell me to play a different job or play the way they think AT should be played, eat a bowl of dicks.

lol. refreshing.

As I said, I mostly solo- although thankfully, most people in parties aren't like the "psu nazis" that post in these kind of threads.

My point has been throughout the thread that I didn't go AT to support others I went AT so I can solo more quickly- and harder runs- and still heal. Also, I wouldn't be in anyone's party, no offense, but there are too many horror stories of booting for loot and mic abusers etc etc, so I only party when my husband is playing and one of us is always party leader. It's really pretty immature to kick people over their playing style... It may be a team game (for some people) but the key word there is GAME. You're a player, not ACTUALLY a guardian. And I've never run into ANY player, no matter what the job is that I thought "Oh, that is THE WAY you play that job!" Seriously... it's silly. That's like saying hunters should never use daggers, because their attack is lower than if they use a saber. Or booting someone whose stats are high enough to use an S rank weapon but they only use A weapons, because they are taking up space that someone with a maxed out palette could use.

I didn't say I never use my buffs, I said the opposite, I buff quite frequently- when the party is fighting a big group, or before a boss, or if someone is getting their a$$ handed to them. But I have never felt that it was something I HAD to do- nor will I spend MORE time on the game just trying to level buffs. It's something I CAN do, so I do when I think about it. I've had people request NOT to get buffed because it slows their connection down and they can't use the mic and have buffs at the same time. I completely understand. I have had to leave parties in the past because someone had on a puyoment aura or rappy suit or any other visible extra unit, and it made my game like I was underwater.

And to the guy who said that giresta and reverser doesn't equal an AT pulling their own weight because they can use mates/scapes/and atomizers- #1: not everyone carries more than 1 scape, #2: there are items you can use to buff yourself as well, make em, the boards drop eh-heh-heh-verywhere and #3: If you CAN do something and you don't (like heal and buff yourself) you aren't carrying your own weight either. To me, carrying my own weight means not being a burden on someone else. Apparently for you it means letting everyone else be a burden on you?

Oh yeah, and I know the stat table is messed up because of the level gap- those are my stats for each job. I've done a lot of runs as WT and it just never leveled up. It pissed me off so I quit. Then I started AT and I had it to 10 in no time, so it's a no brainer for me. At this point it would be too big of a stat hit for me to even think about changing. That was my point- why I play AT not WT, not why EVERYONE should.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Raine_Loire on 2008-02-08 07:58 ]</font>

Feb 8, 2008, 11:22 AM
I am an AT, and I didn't choose it for support. Since I started PSU, since the very first day, I was only interested by three playstyles : melee+guns, melee+offensive magic, guns+offensive magic. (yeah, I am an hybride lover)

It took me a whole year to finally have the ability to merge melee and magic, thanks to the madoogs, and the best job for that, imo, happen to be AT. Indeedly, ATP and melee level sucks, but in the other hand, I got a s-rank selection according to my playstyle, a nice and fun melee boost, and better tp than a Wartecher for my attack techs.
This doesn't mean that I never support : I tend to always keep buffs running by recasting them whenever they are over, and I even do that mid-battle because I know that stopping each couple of minutes to get buffed by the AT is annoying, and I even spam giresta and reverser while facing bosses and mid-bosses, but I sure didn't choose to be an AT for support.

Now, I am slightly annoyed by peoples saying that AT like me need to be kicked and booted. I never had any problem online about it since I only play with friends, but coming to the boards and seeing peoples saying stuff like "AT should focus on support or get shot", "AT playing this way waste valuable spot in the party, spot that should be reserved to someone worth it." just make me sick.

All I wanted to say.

Feb 8, 2008, 11:32 AM
One of the characters I play is an AT. I play that character for support. I have a fF character when I want to melee. The only thing about my AT is that her buffs are at a low level due to not ever being in a buff party. My debuffs are also pretty low, but I use them when I can. I plan to try to level both up this weekend.