View Full Version : Untraceble

Jan 27, 2008, 09:22 AM
It's a pretty good movie. It definatly won't be the best movie of the year but it's 100x better than cloverfield. It's not a scary movie, it's more of a mystery thriller. I can't really say that the movie earns its R rating, there is practically no cursing, no nudity, nothing besides some graphic images of the victums, but even then the images are quick and you barely see it. Overall it's worth the money to go see, the whole concept of the movie is interesting.

Jan 27, 2008, 12:13 PM
I'd imagine the concept of what is happening in the movie, (with the graphic images of the victims.) Is what is going to give it an R-rating.

Simularly, i remember when GiTS had an episode with a slaughter-er person, it was given TV-MA just for that one episode, and you didn't see much either

Jan 27, 2008, 01:11 PM
On 2008-01-27 06:22, jayster wrote:

Overall it's worth the money to go see, the whole concept of the movie is interesting.

They lost my money to see it when I realized that the entire concept of the movie is impossible to the point where the premise of the movie literally could not happen.

Jan 27, 2008, 01:33 PM
From the looks of it, Untraceable fits more snugly into the Awesomely Bad category than the Awesome one. Rottentomatoes puts it at 14% with 12 good reviews and 74 bad ones--not exactly worth bragging about. As for 100x better than Cloverfield... ha, well, to each his own. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jan 27, 2008, 02:43 PM
R, TV-MA, and M ratings are just way too overused anymore. Hell, you can't even portray the slightest amount of blood - any at all, even a just a papercut - in a videogame anymore without ESRB slapping an automatic M-rating on it.

Hell, even the Zelda games - which Nintendo has always done as much as possible to keep E-rated - can't hold that rating without being of the Wind Waker vein anymore.

Jan 29, 2008, 06:25 PM
On 2008-01-27 10:11, Allos wrote:
They lost my money to see it when I realized that the entire concept of the movie is impossible to the point where the premise of the movie literally could not happen.

That was my kinda reaction. When I saw the trailer before Cloverfield, I was all "Man, so much for suspending disbelief!"

Jan 29, 2008, 08:09 PM
When a movie is set up as a crime-thriller occurring in the real world, my suspension of disbelief assumes all the laws of the real world.