View Full Version : communication problems

Jan 30, 2008, 04:23 PM
Ever since I have played psu for the xbox 360 I have had certain communication problems. I understand that if you can't hear someone or the mics are breaking up you should turn off your xbox and usually switching ethernet ports or turning the router off and on does the trick with most people. However when I party with certain people, who I party with on more occasion then one, we cannot hear eachother no matter what and everyone else starts breaking up as well. I thought that maybe it was a security issue. Maybe we both had high security and were not giving the other enough information to allow us to completely connect. However my xbox doesn't have any security settings and the settings for the interenet only apply to the home computer, not the router or modem to my knowledge. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they might know what the issue is. This problem has never gone away over the past month that it has started. Once me OR the other person who I can't hear leaves the party everyone else is fine. Is it a security problem, or perhaps my ethernet cord is damaged in some way?

Jan 30, 2008, 04:29 PM
Now that it's in the right forum I'll give you my standard gathered information answer:
I think this may just be a PSU specific problem. There seem to be lots of issues with Voice Chat in PSU, but not in any other games, from people not hearing other people, to some being disconnected. My guess is that is a problem caused by some bad coding when ST ported PSU from the PC to the 360.

So all I can say is that there may be nothing you can do as a permanent fix for the issue. I recommend sending ST a support ticket about it if it only happens with PSU. So make sure it's not with any other game, then send a support ticket if it is only PSU giving you problems.

Jan 30, 2008, 04:44 PM
I do not have xbox live gold anymore and therefore trying other games poses a problem. However I will try private chat without either of us loading the game to check. Thankyou for your help and superior pso-world forum organization skills. im a bit blind when it comes to noticing all the forums.

Feb 2, 2008, 11:19 AM
OKAY. so i have found out that this is a problem with my router. it happens to other people to. If you also have a problem with private chat or other games beside psu, it is more then likely your router. some have a NAT automatically set to moderate or strict. To my knowledge there really is no way of changing it other then buying a new router or hooking directly up to your modem. If anyone knows about this problem and found a way to fix it other then the ways I just said please let me know.