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View Full Version : PM Synth Levels and such.

Feb 2, 2008, 01:12 AM
There's a few questions about the PM that I have and couldn't seem to clear up through the various guides.. So!
First off, what is the true benefit of having a "Pure" PM? Basically.. I'm making a PM for Striking weapon synthing only! And I heard it gives bonuses to synthing when it evolves. So therefore wouldn't I only need to reach 80 in striking to be the best synthing ability possible? Or is there another bonus for actually reaching 100?
Secondly, at some point I accidently got a Tech point onto my PM. Will that potentially make me losing any percent towards Strike synth's when I level it up? Or does it -just- give percent increases to the dominate stat and not ration them out according to the point ratio?

And finally! I heard once there's no real point in raising an Armor PM because it doesn't get Synth % Increases to making Line shields and such. True?

Thanks http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Feb 2, 2008, 01:15 AM
100 will provide more than 80, in any stat.

You'll lose 1 point worth of striking synthing increase for having that 1 TECH, yes. But it's hardly a big deal.

No, Armor synthesis points help with line shields.