View Full Version : Can't find a mag eqaution for....

Jan 15, 2003, 03:12 PM
I'm driving my self up the wall with my farming!!! Not actually with raising mags. It's the guides this web site has for them. I don't have any other graphs to follow but from here... and I can't find the mag someone ordered from me so I can make it right. Bheema.......

I know the darn thing exists 'cause my now angel wings were once, way back at like lv 65, a Bheema. But I can't remember what it's stats where when it evolved. And I can't for the life of me find it anywhere in the mag guides. Can anyone tell me that the stat equation is for a Bheema and what Photon Blast it would learn is. I'd need to know class and sec ids as well since that effects mags. OR even which one of the mags on this site IS the Bheema but it's name hasn't been corrected from the Jap translation yet. That would be tremendous help!!

Jan 15, 2003, 03:29 PM
Greetings. Can I adventure with you for a quest? My name is Percival and I am a chivalrous Hucast. I aspire to find myslef a pair of angel wings. I think they'll look very good on me. I'd like to see yours. I won't ask for you to give 'em to me of course, that would be rude. I'll try and find a pair of my own. What do you say? If you don't mind me escorting you down on Ragol for a short while, please private message me.

Trying hard to earn his wings,

Jan 15, 2003, 03:41 PM
AH!!! I think I might have found it. Peema... I could have sworn I had a Bheema once. Oh well. Looks like what my client wanted is damned near impossible if Peema is the real Bheema. I'll talk to him but anyone who could provide me with true confromation on Bheemas... I'd still be sooooo appricative.

OH! Anyone know where I can find like a player's guide to PSO? Would Barnes and Noble like have one? Would save me so much time in the long run raising mags http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 15, 2003, 03:54 PM
I found some data on a french site on how to raise a bheema... they call it Bhima... Maybe it is a typo. Is it the right mag?


here is a rough translation:


- Mag must be level 100 or more
- It will change form when the mag level reach a multiple of 5 (100, 105, 110...)
- Once he'll change form he won't be able to evolve awnymore
- IQ and Synchro don't affect the evolution.

Only these characters can obtain it:

* * * Condition: DEF + MIND = POW + DEX * * *

* * * Condition: DEF + POW = DEX + MIND * * *


PB Max: Shifta&Deband
HP 1/10: Invincible
Versus boss: Invincible
Death: Nothing

Feeding a Bhima:

Monomate -3 +9 -3 -4 -1 +1
Dimate - +11 - -10 +2 -
Trimate +4 +14 - -15 +2 -
Monofluid -3 -4 -3 +9 -1 +1
Difluid - -10 - +11 +2 -
Trifluid -4 -15 - +14 +2 -
Antidote - +6 +9 -15 +2 -1
Antiparalysis - -15 +9 +6 -2 +3
Sol Atomizer +10 -20 -5 +17 +3 -1
Moon Atomizer -3 +17 +6 -20 - +2
Star Atomizer - +10 - +10 +3 +2

Hope this helps.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Percival on 2003-01-15 12:55 ]</font>

Jan 15, 2003, 03:57 PM
You're right, on PSO World it's called a Peema.

So: Bheema, Peema, Bhima... it's all the same.

Jan 15, 2003, 04:12 PM
ah, but isn't that Bhima one of the GC lv100 fourth evolves? That's different than a bheema... you can't use cells on the rare evolves. And if you can, I don't know why I'm raising a new mag to use my cells on. >_<

... and, if you raised that mag with your HUnewhirl (assuming the information in your profile is correct) ,you could not have had any mag starting with a B except a Bana. Bluefulls can only get a kama, apsaras, garuda, yaksa, bana, or a soma. So, unless it is the rare evolve Bhima? But then you definently couldn't have had one, as your sect. ID and class would only yield a Savitri. *sigh* /me confused.

[edit: there doesn't seem to be any mags with a name similar to that which is not the rare evolve... /me confused still.]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Yurika on 2003-01-15 13:13 ]</font>

Jan 16, 2003, 10:53 AM
Ya I know based on my char, in my profile, and id I can't have alot of mags. But that's why I have scrap characters. I keep on slot open on my card just for mag raising. Raise the mag to the level before, hand it over to the new char with the right id, class, and sex, and vala five minutes later I have the mag I wanted. AND THANKS for everyones help. I did even more research and figured out how to make a Bheema/Peema/Bhima for this guy. But it means a week extention on my dead line cause I don't think I'll get it right the first time. But it isn't as impossible as it looked from the begaining.