View Full Version : PSO-GC: hlap in pso gc stages

Feb 7, 2008, 05:20 PM
i am new in pso episode 1 and 2 of gc

and i want to know wat is the next stage and how can i go there some one help me plzSmall text: i am a hucast

Feb 7, 2008, 05:22 PM
..........................*looks at forum index*

Feb 7, 2008, 05:27 PM

Try that one man.

Feb 7, 2008, 05:31 PM
ty i am new in this

i put anothe in pso general ty

Feb 8, 2008, 12:54 AM
If you first started PSO in Episode 1 the only area you can get in is Forrest.
To go to the next area (Caves) you have go through Forrest an kill the Drageon, after you have to see the principal.
(If you are going from the store/bank area on Pioneer 2 to the transporter you will notice on your left a transporter this will bring you to the principal, there you only have to talk to the one man with the verry different clothes)

To unlock the mines you have to complete the caves kill the worm and then again you have to talk to the principal.

For ruins you have to activate 3 brown big pillars one in forrest 2 one in caves 2 and one in mines two.
they are pretty obvious.

Then after you defeated vol opt you going through the teleporter and find your self in a lenght room, on the opposit end you will see a door, this one you have to use.

To go on to the next difficulty you have to kill dark falz which you will find at the end of ruins.