View Full Version : A couple video and audio problems with PSU. PC version.

Feb 8, 2008, 01:38 PM
So first off, here's my PC specs. Let me also say though, that I've played many of the current leading MMO's out there, and I can play them all on max graphics, not experiencing even a touch of framerate lag, or sound problems, so I'm not really sure what the deal is with PSU right now, but anyway...

Comp Type: HP Pavillion 061
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz (2CPU's)
Memory: 2046MB RAM
Video Card: NVidia GeForce 7600 GT; 256MB; Drivers are from 12/5/07
Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio rear output; just updated drivers, but it's still saying they're from 6/14/07. The Sound Hardware Accelleration is set to full accelleration by default.

Okay so that should sum up that, now here's the problems I"m having.

1. When playing PSU in both windowed mode and full screen mode. I get occasional screentears. Sometimes the actual graphics will tear, and spread across the screen, and sometimes there will just be textures missing, and black lines or squares will pop up. This hasn't happen too much lately, and I may've fixed it by messing with settings, so don't regard this as too high of a problem, but if there's any known fixes to it, I would like to know, incase it does come up again. It's just been a day or so since I've seen them.

2. This is a minor problem, but when playing in Windowed Mode, there's little graphical errors that keep occuring. For instance, down at the bottom right hand of the screen, where your current weapon and PP charge is, that's surrounded by a thick black line. Also when I press the down or right arrow keys to attack, instead of a nice looking (green is it? I forget the normal color) circle popping out from the designated arrow key, it's a very ugly, very annoying black circle. And every time there's a npc chat box that pops up, there's a black square at the end of it. Like I said, minor problem, just kind of ugly and annoying, and if there's a known quick fix to it, I'd like to know.

3. This is a very annoying problem. When playing PSU in windowed mode, I often have PSOworld open in my internet browser in the backround, to look things up and browse the forums while I play. Well sometimes PSU doesn't like that, and doesn't like me going back and forth between my internet browser, and PSU, and it'll freeze my computer up. Normally PSU itself doesn't freeze, but after I get out of PSU my internet browser's frozen, and I can't do anyting on my actual desktop. If anybody know's what the deal is with this, it'd be very much appreciated. This doesn't happen too much, maybe once or twice a day, but it is very very annoying when it happens, I have to end up hard rebooting each time it does.

4. This is the most annoying problem so far, a sound problem. Half the time, in random missions, my sound will just almost compltely shut off, and it'll randomly kick back on. So I can't hear my bullets firing, I can't hear my melee swings, music normally stays, but battle sounds go and come as they please. I'd really like to be able to enjoy the sound in this game always, so if anybody knows what the deal is with this, please let me know. I talked with my buddy who started playing PSU with me recently, and he has the same problem, so I assume it's a pretty common problem, since we both have different hardware, and are getting the same problem.

Note: That's all I can think of now, I feel like I'm leaving something out but that's it. I'll reply back if anything hits my head. Anyway, just as an fyi, I've been messing with video and audio settings in the options menu before you start the game a lot, trying to figure it out myself, and like I said I think I may've permantly stopped the screentears, but I can't get the other problems to go away for the life of me. I am playing on "High" graphics, and the audio I change frequently, so can't really say about that.

Hope the post wasn't TOO long, and hopefully I get some word back soon. If there's anything else I can do to help explain the problems or anything, just let me know, and thanks in advance.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Furiden on 2008-02-08 10:55 ]</font>

Feb 8, 2008, 10:43 PM
1. If it's not enabled, enable vertical sync to solve tearing.

2 (and the second bit of 1). Firstly if you are forcing anti-alias turn that off. PSU doesn't like it and gives the black borders around alpha objects when you do it. Secondly, it can happen around things flying around the screen (such as insects) so it could simply be that.

3. Gameguard doesn't like programs coming to the foreground. It also doesn't like when programs try accessing memory in certain ways. It can crash all sorts of applications, especially if you are starting them when the game is already up.

4. Disable hardware sound. You do not have a hardware accelerated sound device and forcing it on can cause sound problems. If you want hardware accelerated sound look into some sort of card (generally Creative although there are other chipset manufacturers). Just note however that the Audigy SE, Audigy Live!, and X-Fi Extreme Audio are not hardware accelerated cards and use software to do processing with the CPU.