View Full Version : Mag cel problems

Jan 15, 2003, 10:42 PM
Ok, I apologize many many times if this has already been posted, but I've never seen anything about it, so here goes.

I recently got my grubby little hands on a Heart of Angel, and I was overjoyed because I was finally going to get rid of my nasty, "here, have some low level shifta and deband" Rukmin.

When I went to feed it, however, I couldn't give it the Heart of Angel. I couldn't use the Heart of Angel on the items screen. I couldn't do anything with it. BTW, my Rukmin is on level 195 or so, with stats roughly 20/50/50/75.

I've never seen anything about not being able to give GC mags cels, so I'm kinda confused here...Am I doomed to have Rukmin leering over my shoulder until I can train another mag? I hope not, Cuz he drools alot and kinda smells bad.

Any help at all would be very much appreciated.

Jan 15, 2003, 10:56 PM
You can't use it on your Rukmin because it is a rare mag. It can't change no matter what you do. Once you get one of the new ep. 1&2 mags your stuck with them.

I suggest you just start a new mag then feed it to that mag once it gets over level 100.

Jan 15, 2003, 11:00 PM
GAAAHHH! I hate Rukmin.

Thanks for your reply. I'm going to stop whining now and start training a new mag.

Jan 15, 2003, 11:16 PM
Don't say that! You make my Rukmin cry. I love my Rukmin to death as if it was my own little cute buddy.

You can't change a rare mag into anything else so pretty much start over a new mag and make sure your stats are not in the right formula for your section ID.