View Full Version : Psow, I need your insight

Feb 20, 2008, 07:56 PM
I come to you all with a question.

But first let me explain my situation.

So for the past 2 months I have been under error 192. What caused it, I'm not sure, but it's probably the same thing as everyone else who got it around January or early February. My friend tried paying for my account but because of that it might have triggered the 192 error. So he mails Sega about it and supposedly my account is banned. But he never mentioned my account name, partner car number, or anything relating to me. I mailed Sega as well and supposedly I'm banned. I still didn't mention any of my account info fyi.

Anyways, I got my own card to pay with. Last time I tried to reactivate(pay) with my friend's card was about 3 weeks ago. So I'm putting in my info, being hopeful that it would work. But no, still 192'd even under my new card.

So I mailed Sega 2 days ago, inquiring if they could get to solving my problem. So I get a mail today and look at this:

As past email correspondence with us indicated, your account has been removed for past cheating/abuse reasons, and you will be unable to reactivate your account.

SEGA Support

Now, my first guess is that they're being lazy and only looking into my past inquiries. I mailed them with the same email account so that COULD be it.

But still, this is some utter BS. If I am in fact banned, shouldn't I be getting an error that says I'm banned whenever I try to log into PSU? I only get error 65 which just says my account needs to be repayed.

What makes me sad though is that I have always backed Sega up, even when they fucked up our updates or did something lame. I have told friends about this game and even got them to buy the game. I have met lots of awsome people through PSU. Basically, I love this game.

I was quite angry earlier but I have (thankfully) calmed down now.

But is this the kind of thanks I get from Sega? They didn't even bother giving me a specific allocation of how/when I supposedly hacked. I'm at a loss because I have never hacked or exploited this game and don't intend to ever do so.

I just can't let go of all the hard work I have put into my characters. It's like seeing you works of art, your pieces of music, your tuned up car, all taken away from you. I might be quitting if I am in fact banned for reasons which are beyond me...
Enough of that rant though, my real question is this.

Has anyone had this issue with Sega, getting falsely accused of hacking/exploitation, but having the problem resolved?

If worse comes to worse, I guess I could also get people to vouch for me or something. <_<

Maybe I'm being too optimistic here, but I just can't start over lol.

Oh and mods, please don't move this topic >.>

Feb 20, 2008, 08:02 PM
What makes me sad though is that I have always backed Sega up, even when they fucked up our updates or did something lame.

That'll teach you.

As for Error 192, I believe a friend of mine was having that problem a while back which he got cleared up with Sega. Unfortunely, he's since quit and I don't know how to get ahold of him.


Feb 20, 2008, 08:02 PM
On topic, I have never had this kind of problem before... even though, on PC, version I have an error 65, and can't resubscribe.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Poncho_Jr on 2008-02-20 17:03 ]</font>

Feb 20, 2008, 08:04 PM
See the problem with this is that I get error 65 when I try to log in. That error just means my license is expired. But if you're banned you get a different error that tells you you're banned.

Or so I think.

Feb 20, 2008, 08:06 PM
Depends on which error takes precedence I guess.. technically it isn't being paid for, right?

But good luck with Sega's terrible customer service D:

Feb 20, 2008, 08:10 PM
On 2008-02-20 17:04, SylviaEspada wrote:
See the problem with this is that I get error 65 when I try to log in. That error just means my license is expired. But if you're banned you get a different error that tells you you're banned.

Or so I think.

I've never heard of an error 65, but an error 056 is what you get when you've been removed for hacking.

It is possible to get an account back from being banned. But you have to talk to them maturely and find out why exactly you were banned. Basically, I'd ask them what accounts of hacking you are accused of.


Powder Keg
Feb 20, 2008, 08:11 PM
Sounds like you blew it.

Feb 20, 2008, 08:14 PM
Yeah I updated my question on the Sega support site (is that a good way to get a reply? lol)

I just asked them to look beyond the emails and to actually look into the matter. I just really hope its some sort of screw up. I don't think I can handle restarting lol.

Feb 20, 2008, 08:24 PM
well i had the 192 error once and one of my good friends gave me a program that fixed it.The thing is i'm not home and I deleted the program plus its hard to get a hold of him.Also, if it's a problem thats caused by ST, then there's nothing I can do for you...try making a new account with a different card and email?i dunno...sorry...

Feb 20, 2008, 08:28 PM
You wouldn't get to the "You are banned" error if your account isn't paid for. It won't try to connect you to the server (and subsequently tell you you're banned) if it sees your account is unpaid.

Mail them again?

Feb 20, 2008, 08:54 PM
Sorry to hear Sylvia, I would suggest trying your hardest to get that account back up, but don't restart. If ST doesn't care enough to look into this matter, they don't deserve your money anymore. I don't know about you, but I would have that constant feeling of "I could have been so much better right now" looming over my head, if you know what I mean. I don't like wasting/having time wasted. Besides, who's to say it won't happen again?

If it doesn't work out, just move on and forget it. We all have to quit sometime. I really do hope you get it sorted out, though.

Feb 20, 2008, 10:25 PM
So I tried making a new account for the lulz (wasn't planning on keeping it) and guess what?

It got 192'd. wtf Sega lol

Feb 20, 2008, 10:43 PM
Oh great, now it's moved after I asked for it not to be. Guess this topic is as good as dead =/

Feb 20, 2008, 11:44 PM
Well, you shouldn't expect topics to stay where they shouldn't be for the sake of garnering attention.

Feb 21, 2008, 12:12 AM
Well, the only reason I made it was in hope of someone who has gone through a similar situation to maybe post their own experience. Not really a HAY LOOK AT ME OLOLOLOLO type of thread.

Feb 21, 2008, 12:35 AM
Yes My sister had the same problem last spring. It took me 2 months or more to get it fixed. I had to get the Federal consumer Protection as well the the same agency from my state. If you have the patience and are willing to not take no for a answer then yes you can win. But be prepared for long fight. Someone said she made unappropriate comments and they banned her. They have not played since that happened. It is up to you to decide if you want to fight it that long and hard. Oh and btw they kept taking money out of her account the whole time she was banned. Good luck and I know what your feeling.

Feb 26, 2008, 11:50 PM
Man this sucks. You were nice enough to give me 500k when I first started playing, yet I've never even had the chance to party with you.

I'm deeply saddened about this...

Feb 27, 2008, 07:38 AM
Similar situation with me, although as yet I have had 0 response from sega via their ticketing system. Been around 6 weeks now, and the only thing I've got back is the automated email sent back for every "ask a question".

I payed for a friends account so we could play together, then got the 192 error when my 30 days was over, and was unable to resubscribe. I assume my friends account is iin the same state, but he was only playing with me during the holidays so it's not an issue for him.

I can't remember if you were in this thread, but it has some info from the support team, a response from edward to a question I asked about error 192 and cybersource.
Anyways, the gist of it is that if you want to create a new account while you wait for your original to be fixed, you must avoid using ANY of your previous information; name, billing address, phone number, credit card, etc.

In other words, you have to create a new online identity with cybersource/playsega that is entirely unrelated to your old one.

For anyone who has had the 192 problem and managed to get it resolved, what information did the support team require from you? I want to include the information they need to resolve the problem in my support question, but since they never respond to my emails I have no idea what they need!

Feb 28, 2008, 05:05 AM
Update: Resubmitted again a few days ago, and got a message back from edward today (first human response yet! how exciting.) Apparently, although I login/subscribe/am directed to playsega US for support, my billing information is in the hands of sega europe? I'm glad for the human intervention, although I'm not sure this will expediate things much.

Anyways, seems like edward is working away busily, so if you haven't resubmitted in a while, give it another go now.

Feb 28, 2008, 07:06 PM
Finally, after haggling and providing all forms of information (the situations, etc.), I have finally been given my account back. It took getting an actual GM to fix the situation.

After 2 months, I really can't believe my account is mine again.

Tips to anyone who ever has this problem in the future:
Try to assess your situation and how you think it happened to you. I had to point out the email thing about me being banned but no information being provided. Stick it out, but don't be overbearing on the person trying to help you. If you got a friend who payed for you, make sure you get the address they used and the email account to their own PSU account. Keep track of your billing history too because you'll need it.

Feb 28, 2008, 10:00 PM
Welcome back to PSU Sylvia XD