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View Full Version : ITT we discuss semi-legitimate rumors of what AoI would brin

Feb 20, 2008, 11:05 PM
No stupid ultra obviously madeup rumors please! Just the ones that could have been real and stuff like that.

Enemy AI upgrade - What happened to this? I mean... they did fix our hit boxes somewhat but the enemies still mostly run around pretty dumbly. Some of the newer enemies aren't so bad but some is a far cry from all old and new~

Old missions would be rebalanced to new standards - Unsafe Passage A still has L30 enemies which is crazily low compared to new and even most old missions on A. B through S2 missions still have very little definition to what exactly levels they encompass and I was really hoping that'd change.

Common Box storage boost - Okay they give us delivery option without adding more storage space to where the items being sent? Its kinda lame!

Feb 20, 2008, 11:16 PM
More ppl to the PS2/PC servers...

Feb 20, 2008, 11:26 PM
On 2008-02-20 20:16, pionear wrote:
More ppl to the PS2/PC servers...

Ya that's true and I was so hyped for that to! We never re-achieved a full 5 star universe much less more! ;_;

Feb 20, 2008, 11:49 PM
The adjusted enemy AI would probably be a lot more noticeable if they still didn't flinch from every single hit. I'm still a little surprised they did that to keep their promise of giving every gun the ability to flinch enemies.