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View Full Version : Do you prefer PSO or PSU?

Feb 26, 2008, 05:19 PM
So what does everyone think is better, PSO or PSU?

Notice: This topic was originally part of Who here has actually played PSO? (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?forum=20&topic=170192)

Feb 26, 2008, 05:22 PM
this WILL start a huge argument before we even get to the second page http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Feb 26, 2008, 05:23 PM
Yeah.....most likely. I liked PSO for certain reasons, and I like PSU for others.

Fox Makenshi

Feb 26, 2008, 05:35 PM
I really do like both. I've played PSO since day on on the DC so I'm quite partial to it. Now, if there was a PSO with updated graphics I'd be all over it!

Feb 26, 2008, 05:46 PM
Yay! This is a first! ¬_¬

Feb 26, 2008, 05:49 PM

Feb 26, 2008, 05:54 PM
I'm a fan of both for different reasons.. PSO does seem "old" to me nowadays, but I will occassionally get the urge to play it and do a Tower Run or something http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

But for now, I prefer PSU. I just have so many more reasons to play that over PSO these days <3

Feb 26, 2008, 05:57 PM
I like both , but PSO i like more http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Feb 26, 2008, 06:01 PM
I prefer PSU. Character customization is more in-depth, and movement and combo timing don't feel so cludgy. That, and CASTs can use techs (though they suck with them, since ST didn't allow us to have oddball stats for a given race to go with oddball classes for said race).

PSO does have it's advantages, though - a weapon-independent TP gauge which allowed techers to keep weapons equipped even when using techs, as well as a heavy attack for both melee and guns. Also, PSO's one permitted "oddball" race/class combination, HUnewearls (which were included to keep PS Classic fans from getting too angry about ST changing Newmans from stronger and faster, but less tech-proficient than Humans to weaker, still faster, and more tech-proficient) had specialized oddball stats for their race so they wouldn't be all-around weak.

Feb 26, 2008, 06:12 PM
Being I only played one, PSU.

Feb 26, 2008, 06:15 PM
PSO For me.

On 2008-02-26 14:22, pikachief wrote:
this WILL start a huge argument before we even get to the second page http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

To me a 2nd page only shows at 100 posts... Lets see if this topic lives that long...Which I think it will. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: XtremeStarfox on 2008-02-26 15:16 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2008, 06:30 PM
I like and play both. Play each one for different reasons.

Feb 26, 2008, 06:32 PM

Feb 26, 2008, 06:33 PM
Like em both.. but my heart will always stay closer to PSO.

Feb 26, 2008, 06:35 PM

Feb 26, 2008, 06:36 PM
*facepalm* x2

Feb 26, 2008, 06:42 PM
for those of you who prefer pso, i have a question for you.
why do you even bother playing psu and visiting psu message boards? shouldnt you be playing pso instead?

pso was my fav game ever, all the way up to the moment i played the first psu beta. after that, i couldnt even enjoy pso anymore b/ it just felt like shit. i ended up quitting pso months before psu even came out, b/c i simply couldnt play it anymore after getting a taste of psu.

Feb 26, 2008, 06:43 PM

Feb 26, 2008, 06:50 PM
I enjoyed PSO greatly at the time. But after playing PSU, it was just too slow for me to stand.


Feb 26, 2008, 06:54 PM
From what I've heard, PSU's more sophisticated, so I'd rather play it in that regard. But maybe PSO's the better of the of the two when you take into account when its prime was. I'll probably never know for myself.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kylie on 2008-02-26 16:08 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2008, 07:04 PM
On 2008-02-26 15:42, Inazuma wrote:
for those of you who prefer pso, i have a question for you.
why do you even bother playing psu and visiting psu message boards? shouldnt you be playing pso instead?

Because we enjoy both, but prefer one better.

I prefer PSO.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:19 PM
I like them both, but for different reasons.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:32 PM
Why do people keep doing this when they know the end result?

Some people will reply "PSO", some people reply "PSU", some people will make really long winded walls of text and argue why PSO/PSU sucks compared to PSU/PSO and the following replies will be reprisals to that long winded wall-o-text with the occasional "PSO." or "PSU." added in the middle of the chaos.

As for me?


Feb 26, 2008, 07:39 PM
In terms of nostalgia, PSO will always be special. Several of the people I met playing, I'm still in daily contact with seven years later. No other online game I've played was I able to form such lasting bonds. Because of that, it's fairly easy to gloss over many of the things about PSO that sucked. Oftentimes it seems not only I, but the community as a whole can forget about those things, and as a result PSU occasionally gets an unfair wrap.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Danger_Girl on 2008-02-26 19:25 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2008, 07:41 PM
On 2008-02-26 16:32, RemiusTA wrote:
Why do people keep doing this when they know the end result?

Some people will reply "PSO", some people reply "PSU", some people will make really long winded walls of text and argue why PSO/PSU sucks compared to PSU/PSO and the following replies will be reprisals to that long winded wall-o-text with the occasional "PSO." or "PSU." added in the middle of the chaos.

As for me?


This. The two have separate boards for a reason, you know.

With that said...I greatly prefer PSU. Which makes sense, since I'm, y'know, posting in the PSU section.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:41 PM
I just wish PSU wasn't so Anime. I wonder why they made it that way? :/

That is the biggest diference between PSO and PSU. PSU is like a cartoon but the reason I liked PSO was because it looked more serious and realistic (even though it's fiction). That is why i have a feeling that i will continue pretty much only playing during events. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Feb 26, 2008, 07:58 PM
I really don't see how I can even think of playing PSO again. It's archaeic and severely dated. The only thing keeping it a topic of conversation is nostalgia.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:58 PM

Feb 26, 2008, 08:11 PM
Begone! And let us reminisce in peace!!! *finds a corner to sit in*

Feb 26, 2008, 08:13 PM
They aren't the same.

PSO <- I love and still play
PSU <- is meh, but VERY addicting so I still play

PSU's system > PSO
PSO's Story > PSU

If PSO had the system PSU did, the graphics too. I'd play PSO over PSU

Feb 26, 2008, 08:16 PM
PSO for hax.
PSU for not so hacky hax.

Feb 26, 2008, 08:17 PM
As far as gameplay the two have their similarities, but are still quite a bit different, I don't really consider one a substitute for the other.

Feb 26, 2008, 08:22 PM
Oh my god, my bad guys, I just meant to hit post reply, not new topic. Sorry if I made anyone mad.

Feb 26, 2008, 08:25 PM
Actually, a mod just split your post from an already made topic you were posting in and. . . for some reason god only knows, decided to make it a new topic.

gg mods.

Feb 26, 2008, 08:27 PM
Oh wierd, haha.

Feb 26, 2008, 08:43 PM
What will start first, PSU/PSO war, or "CONSOLE WAR!" ? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Feb 26, 2008, 09:04 PM
I love both.


Feb 26, 2008, 09:20 PM
at first I thought pso was better, then when I went back and got bored super quick and reverted back to psu, I learned teh truth.

Feb 26, 2008, 10:18 PM
TRIFLUIDS FTW!!!! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 26, 2008, 10:20 PM
I prefer both

Feb 26, 2008, 10:21 PM
I prefer PSU. PSO was far to slow moving in terms of gameplay.

Also, inb4lolchuck.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_Norris on 2008-02-26 19:23 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2008, 10:56 PM
PSO for just a few reasons (GC/Xbox, the only ones I played).

First of all was it's maneuverability. You could shift from console to console and play with friends even if they didn't have an online account. It also felt like much more of a team-based game. Today it seems that if you have a healer (or are one) you can get through missions without troubles - presenting little incentive to meet new people. The last reason is for the rares and their drop rates. It seemed that everyone had something different that looked unique. Everything in PSU looks the same, almost bland.

That isn't to say PSU didn't do some things right. The photon energy for the weapons (even though killing the PSO "special" moves some weapons had) keeps things balanced, not to mention the Photon Arts themselves, which added another element of gameplay. The community aspect isn't that bad either. It is easy to jump in and out of parties, but with the population being not the biggest in the world, that can occasionally be an issue.

All in all I believe PSO to be more fun, if not for the nostalgic factor alone.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:27 AM
I like both, but I like PSO a tiny bit more.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:36 AM
Psu FTW=/

Feb 27, 2008, 02:37 AM
I love them both http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Feb 27, 2008, 02:48 AM
On 2008-02-26 17:13, Leahcim wrote:
PSO's Story > PSU
PSO had a story?

But yeah, PSU is pretty much superior to PSO in every way. But that's not to denigrate PSO, because it was excellent in its own time, but it's over 7 years old, and it shows.

I loved PSOBB a lot, and I relish the memories from the game, but I cannot bring myself to play PSO for over ten minutes now without falling asleep, or just laughing at how shitty it is compared to PSU.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:54 AM
On 2008-02-26 23:48, Ffuzzy-Logik wrote:

On 2008-02-26 17:13, Leahcim wrote:
PSO's Story > PSU
PSO had a story?

But yeah, PSU is pretty much superior to PSO in every way. But that's not to denigrate PSO, because it was excellent in its own time, but it's over 7 years old, and it shows.

I loved PSOBB a lot, and I relish the memories from the game, but I cannot bring myself to play PSO for over ten minutes now without falling asleep, or just laughing at how shitty it is compared to PSU.

Exactly. And the people who say they prefer PSO are most likely nostalgiafags.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:56 AM
And the hax?

Feb 27, 2008, 02:56 AM
The only thing good about PSOBB was the DORAMA.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:57 AM
97% of all the DORAMA was caused by hax.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:59 AM
:/ what about the teams? And the events?

Feb 27, 2008, 02:59 AM
The other 3% was IRC/team DORAMA mirit?

Feb 27, 2008, 08:38 AM
PSO....particularly the GC version... is one of my favorite games of all time. However, I cannot deny that PSU's faster pace of action and slightly better customization is superior. For me, the perfect version of a Phantasy Star would be a mixture of PSO and PSU, with a much deeper level of character creation. It would be the greatest action RPG ever created, by a longshot.

Feb 27, 2008, 12:59 PM
On 2008-02-27 05:38, XCOPY wrote:
For me, the perfect version of a Phantasy Star would be a mixture of PSO and PSU, with a much deeper level of character creation. It would be the greatest action RPG ever created, by a longshot.

So true. Each has their pros and cons.
But PSO will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. Yes, it's nostalgia, but it also has the better play mechanics/designs that "I" find to be more fun.

And we all seem to neglect one thing.
PSO > PSU cause PSO had Yuji Naka + old Sega Team before the Sammy merge! Well, IMO anyways.
When Yuji Naka left Sega, 10 other members from ST left with him. And you can TELL how Sega changed after the merge with their line of releases of today and the games they released from DC and Saturn days.
Yuji Naka, come back!

PSU has a lot of technical improvements with customization from your character to items. But lacks the heart 'n soul of what a fun Online Action RPG is.
*cough* Word Select *cough*
Though with every update of PSU, it's getting better. But IMO, PSU wouldn't have taken a HUGE step backwards (on day one) if Yuji Naka was at the helm.

All I can hope is to wait for PSU to keep evolving for the better.

Feb 27, 2008, 01:02 PM
I played both and I find PSU to be simular in a lot of different ways but better. So I would have to go with...


Feb 27, 2008, 01:21 PM
I played PSO starting at version 1 on the Dreamcast. For its time PSO was unbelievable. It took a little bit of adjustment with PSU because I was expecting it to be more like PSU. I personally prefer PSU though due to the fact that I have to worry about my items less. In PSO you would drop your money and equipped weapon when you died. This would lead some people to attempt player kills on their teammates to get their stuff. It became hard to meet new people after a while cause you just didn't trust people you didn't know. Also now you can set how stuff is divided up instead of having people raid boxes while the rest of the party fights. I just wish PSU kept some of the positive things found in PSO.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:10 PM
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

Feb 27, 2008, 02:40 PM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif I started on the DC version of PSO and loved it, but seeing how i didnt have internet back then i only played offline, (never beat it tho, each mission took me longer to beat, till it waz up to about 3 hours a mish, THAT i loved, too bad PSU doesnt have missions like that http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif

Feb 27, 2008, 02:52 PM
Exactly. And the people who say they prefer PSO are most likely nostalgiafags.

No, we think PSO is better.

Feb 27, 2008, 03:01 PM
I have to say I'm really impressed this thread has lasted this long... But hey. I can't say either or. I love both. Equally? NO maybe not... but I'm not letting you know which I prefer. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 27, 2008, 03:25 PM
On 2008-02-27 11:52, cApNhOwDy wrote:

Exactly. And the people who say they prefer PSO are most likely nostalgiafags.

No, we think PSO is better.

My point still stands.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zael on 2008-02-27 12:25 ]</font>

Feb 27, 2008, 03:29 PM
Prefer PSU, basically more variety and customization, but do miss one aspect of PSO that hasn't been mentioned - the auto-translation/text stringing and ability to switch language settings and type in JP. That really made the game feel international, and I met a few really cool JP players. Sadly PSU has nothing like that.

Feb 27, 2008, 03:31 PM
On 2008-02-27 12:25, Zael wrote:

On 2008-02-27 11:52, cApNhOwDy wrote:

Exactly. And the people who say they prefer PSO are most likely nostalgiafags.

No, we think PSO is better.

My point still stands.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zael on 2008-02-27 12:25 ]</font>

No, because I dont only like it for the nostalgia, I like it mostly because I think it's better.

Feb 27, 2008, 03:37 PM
PSO. Yeah it's more stiff, but playing PSU directly afterward is like everybody is skating on ice. It's all slippery; at least PSO felt solid. I just restarted PSOX online too and I'm having a bit more fun there.

Feb 27, 2008, 03:50 PM
On 2008-02-27 12:31, cApNhOwDy wrote:

On 2008-02-27 12:25, Zael wrote:

On 2008-02-27 11:52, cApNhOwDy wrote:

Exactly. And the people who say they prefer PSO are most likely nostalgiafags.

No, we think PSO is better.

My point still stands.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zael on 2008-02-27 12:25 ]</font>

No, because I dont only like it for the nostalgia, I like it mostly because I think it's better.

Okay, so you're 1/8 the nostalgiafag some of the others are. Point stands :|

Feb 27, 2008, 04:14 PM
On 2008-02-27 12:50, Zael wrote:
Okay, so you're 1/8 the nostalgiafag some of the others are. Point stands :|

I don't play PSO for the nostalgia. I play it because I think it's fun. That is all.

Feb 27, 2008, 04:15 PM
On 2008-02-27 11:10, Chuck_Norris wrote:
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

Music? O.o

Feb 27, 2008, 04:22 PM
On 2008-02-27 13:14, Yusaku_Kudou wrote:

On 2008-02-27 12:50, Zael wrote:
Okay, so you're 1/8 the nostalgiafag some of the others are. Point stands :|

I don't play PSO for the nostalgia. I play it because I think it's fun. That is all.

Exactly. If I really wanted nostalgia, I'd play on DC, but I play Blue Burst because it's "new". Regardless of what system or version I play, I play it because I think it's better than PSU.

Feb 27, 2008, 04:26 PM
I personally don't like one over the other, they each have something different to bring to the table. I love the in-depth customization options of PSU, as well as being able to pick it up and play for a short while while still feeling that I got something out of it, like Meseta, and I also prefer the faster pace of combat in PSU. I love the atmosphere of PSO, and I also like some of the game mechanics, like MAGs, photon blasts, and the vast variety of different rare weapons, and the fact that you can play Offline for a full experience. I wish I could play more PSO nowadays, but I only have the GC version and my GC won't read the disc anymore.

Feb 27, 2008, 04:32 PM
On 2008-02-27 13:15, Yusaku_Kudou wrote:

On 2008-02-27 11:10, Chuck_Norris wrote:
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

Music? O.o

Bah, the music in both games suck equally if you ask me.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_Norris on 2008-02-27 13:33 ]</font>

Feb 27, 2008, 04:35 PM
On 2008-02-27 11:10, Chuck_Norris wrote:
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

You...do realize that the PSU spectrum chart has every color there is, right?

Feb 27, 2008, 04:36 PM
I kind of like them both. I do like movement and the way combat flows in PSU better. Though PSO has some rather nice stuff, too, and a greater variety in boss combat. For a while, most of the weapons didn't seem as cool as PSO ones, but they're getting better. I'm starting to dig the look of a lot of newer S-rank melee, techer, and heavy weapons.

So I guess I can say, we're seeing some late revision variety of looks like we saw in PSO late revision work. I'm eagerly anticipating what this will look like by the time we get to a revision of tools likely to make the PSP version. (It's my thought that the PSP version will probably contain much of what we'll see in by a certain update of PSU we haven't seen yet)

Feb 27, 2008, 04:38 PM
On 2008-02-27 13:35, RemiusTA wrote:

On 2008-02-27 11:10, Chuck_Norris wrote:
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

You...do realize that the PSU spectrum chart has every color there is, right?

No, it does not. try making hair like the NPC's. You will never find the shade of pink Lou has.

Feb 27, 2008, 05:36 PM
I like and play both. Play each
one for different reasons.

Feb 27, 2008, 05:40 PM
On 2008-02-27 13:38, Chuck_Norris wrote:

On 2008-02-27 13:35, RemiusTA wrote:

On 2008-02-27 11:10, Chuck_Norris wrote:
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

You...do realize that the PSU spectrum chart has every color there is, right?

No, it does not. try making hair like the NPC's. You will never find the shade of pink Lou has.

..Yes you can. And if you cant, find a shade under or above.

PSO's music and stage variety blows PSU away, and PSU blows PSO away in pretty much everything else.

Feb 27, 2008, 05:51 PM
On 2008-02-27 14:40, RemiusTA wrote:
..Yes you can.

Pics, or it didn't happen.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_Norris on 2008-02-27 14:52 ]</font>

Feb 27, 2008, 05:56 PM
- Lets you have pink hair (Lou haxed it)
- Better music
- More weapons/items
- Better overall story

- Great customization and variety
- MUCH better graphics
- Grows with you?
- idunno

Feb 27, 2008, 06:14 PM
Nostalgia Is for fags now? Wow.
I'm sorry if I have mostly enjoyable memories then lol.

Feb 27, 2008, 06:18 PM
Tynselle has pink hair and the pics are on the website in my sig, but I never really tried for Lou's exact shade. It just wouldn't look right. I never verified if the exact shade is omitted, but that's due to a lack of need to experiment, so far.

Feb 27, 2008, 06:18 PM
On 2008-02-27 15:14, Leahcim wrote:
Nostalgia Is for fags now? Wow.
I'm sorry if I have mostly enjoyable memories then lol.

I agree, it is a little harsh to call them fags. Lord knows i've got plenty of nostalgia for FF10.

Although, some of them tend to let the nostalgia blind them from seeing how good PSU is.

I believe he is calling the ones who can't see how good a game is because of that, a "Nostalgiafag".

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_Norris on 2008-02-27 15:19 ]</font>

Feb 27, 2008, 06:21 PM
On 2008-02-27 15:18, Akaimizu's sig wrote:

That's more dark red than pink. Go ahead and try lou's hair. It's impossible to do so without hacking.

Feb 27, 2008, 06:50 PM
I must be in the minority that enjoyed the PSU soundtrack. I didn't like it much at first, but it did grow on me after awhile...even after I stopped playing(*and actually, I can't play now since my 360 died...because that's what those stupid systems do best, of course.). Now, I listen to those songs on a fairly regular basis--- the intro(it's so upbeat and exciting...I haven't heard a memorable game intro theme like that in quite awhile. Just hearing it almost makes me want to start playing again! ..and we can do miracles so take my hand, we need to save this world!" Ear-Delicious. ), "For a Brighter Day"(which feels quite uplifting in a similar way to gospel music), and "With You"(the 1st ending theme for the story chapters), which has such a wonderfully romantic tone and overall feel. Musically, there is actually more going on in the PSU soundtrack as opposed to the more simplistic, "elevator/on hold music" styled PSO tracks. That's not a bash though...I enjoy a lot of the PSO music as well.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: XCOPY on 2008-02-27 15:56 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: XCOPY on 2008-02-27 15:56 ]</font>

Feb 27, 2008, 06:52 PM
I love PSO, and probably will for a while.

That said, I prefer PSU. It's not the same, in many ways, but it's still a fun game, and I'd pick it up over PSO any day.

Feb 27, 2008, 07:03 PM
On 2008-02-27 15:18, Chuck_Norris wrote:

On 2008-02-27 15:14, Leahcim wrote:
Nostalgia Is for fags now? Wow.
I'm sorry if I have mostly enjoyable memories then lol.

I agree, it is a little harsh to call them fags. Lord knows i've got plenty of nostalgia for FF10.

Although, some of them tend to let the nostalgia blind them from seeing how good PSU is.

I believe he is calling the ones who can't see how good a game is because of that, a "Nostalgiafag".

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_Norris on 2008-02-27 15:19 ]</font>

Nah, In my case he's just calling people who prefer PSO nostaligiafags because they dont prefer PSU.

Feb 27, 2008, 07:36 PM
Exactly. But the people who can't see how good a game is because of that's an even worse nostalgiafag.

Feb 27, 2008, 07:41 PM
This whole "PSU/PSO is better than PSO/PSU in every way" shit is older than and more stupid than is really needed. It is an opinionated thing said pretty much ONLY by elitists who believe that anything they say is fact and anything opposed to their mindset is said by retards. Effectively a noob statement.

That being said, I only play PSO. Not for nostalgia. Hell, I never really played PSU long enough to get nostalgic for PSO. No. I play PSO because I prefer it to PSU. I tried PSU. I did not like it. Does that mean I go around spouting "PSU sux! PSO is win!"? No. For I know some people prefer PSU and I am not one to impose my viewpoint as superior to theirs. I respect their opinion and leave it be.

Now that my piece has been said, I shall return to someplace less hostile towards something I like.

Feb 27, 2008, 07:43 PM
Elitism is more fun than both games. :>

Feb 27, 2008, 07:54 PM
On 2008-02-27 16:36, Zael wrote:
Exactly. But the people who can't see how good a game is because of that's an even worse nostalgiafag.

So far, noone has said PSU isnt a good game.

Feb 27, 2008, 08:00 PM

Feb 27, 2008, 09:20 PM
I used think PSO was one of the best games ever. Then I played PSU. To me it is everything PSO was and better. I tried to play PSO again. After 15 minutes I was back on PSU. I love how the combat is faster paced, I love the class/race system way better and I have yet to see a game that can compare to PSU's character customization. To me PSU>PSO and it always will be.

The only thing I hate is that they replaced the RGB sliders with the color pallete. You CANNOT get every color that was available through the RGB sliders. I would know, I am now unable to get that awesome shade of yellow/orange hair. When I say yellow I do not mean blonde, I mean YELLOW and orange (color like the fruit) is impossible to get. You just get brown instead. I feel for the person who can't get the pink hair.

Feb 27, 2008, 09:59 PM
The reasons i enjoyed pso was mainly the hunting for rare items and the easy of game play yet the difficulty. I gameplay was simple to master yet the game could still be hard till you were an extremely high level. (for those who dispute this go run ultimate seabed with a sub lvl 150 solo and you will get my point) Psu lacks a few things imo. Good weapons hunting and balanced gameplay. I think the level cap is to high and psu is generally to easy. There also isn't really any good weapons to hunt outside of the p-wand or agito repca. I wish there was more stuff to hunt and I wish the mobs were MUCH MUCH Larger. That is my other complaint with psu, the mobs are way to small and i have my suspicions why but I don't want to bring those up and start another flame war. Other than that I do love the game or else I wouldn't be paying 10 bucks a month for it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Topcover on 2008-02-27 19:01 ]</font>

Feb 27, 2008, 10:49 PM
Hm, I loved PSO, but I like PSU. PSO I played a bit more often, PSU a bit less, but if I take a week or so off from PSU, I miss it. I agree basically what the other poster said about games before the SAMMY merger...
Its a bit unfair to compare the games SEGA is making now to that period of brilliance. *sniffle*

As for the "nostalgiafag" person, just seems like an uninspired attempt to bait/troll/ ~whatever the term is~ Really uncouth *yawwwwwn*
It seems a bit silly to say that to people that liked PSO, most of PSUs fanbase played PSO for years.

Feb 27, 2008, 11:04 PM
On 2008-02-27 14:40, RemiusTA wrote:

On 2008-02-27 13:38, Chuck_Norris wrote:

On 2008-02-27 13:35, RemiusTA wrote:

On 2008-02-27 11:10, Chuck_Norris wrote:
As i said in an earlier post, i like PSU's gameplay more, but there is 2 things PSO did better.

1)They used the 3 color bars for hair colors, you could make basicly any color you wanted. PSU does not :/
2)Teams, 'nuff said.

Otherwise i find PSU beter in every way.

You...do realize that the PSU spectrum chart has every color there is, right?

No, it does not. try making hair like the NPC's. You will never find the shade of pink Lou has.

..Yes you can. And if you cant, find a shade under or above.

PSO's music and stage variety blows PSU away, and PSU blows PSO away in pretty much everything else.

Try finding a shade of bright orange (or any orange other than brown, for that matter) - and I mean fiery orange.

Brown aside, I've yet to find a single shade of orange in PSU's hair color selector. Really irritates me, because my red-haired character, who's supposed to have a natural shade of red hair (fiery orange-ish), but ended up having to use a shade of red which looks more like blood.

Feb 28, 2008, 12:08 AM
i like pso a lot more since its very easy to get a pt.

one of the things i dislike about psu is that swords are weak, got no stopping power.

Feb 28, 2008, 12:26 AM
At this point, I prefer PSU, a while ago I would have said PSO, but PSU has grown on me. That said, I wish PSU's hair palette was the same as PSO's. *flees*

Feb 28, 2008, 02:45 AM
I played PSO from dreamcast version 2 - gamecube(up to release of PSU)
That game just kept me coming back, maybe it was because it was my first time playing a online mmo/rpg thingy. or maybe the music, the enviroment, the gameplay, the fun the game had to offer kept me coming back to it, 6hours a day+, every day for over 5years!

I've played PSU from (UK) day 1, till the release of AOI, and i've either just got boried of RPG's or it's PSU. I think PSU is a great game, so much content, but it is lacking charm. Fair play AOI seems to improve on everything!
in terrms of fun personally, i found less and less of it as time has gone by on PSU, it feels too grindy, lol and i like grinding games!

I will some point. one day return to PSU, but after many years i'm taking a break =)

Feb 28, 2008, 05:04 AM
*looks at sig* Yeah. PSO.

And before anyone gives me the usual 'Go back to pso then' line... Too fucking late. I already did. Haven't play PSU in a week and a half. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Having too much fun with, yeah, PSO.

I've been playing PSU for a year. And I just don't care about it anymore.

Feb 28, 2008, 05:14 AM

Feb 28, 2008, 06:48 AM
PSO will alwyas have a special place. Like many others on this forum, I had my first on-line experience with PSO, and because of that, it will invariably resonate with great memories. That being said, PSU has come a long way, and I really like the game.

The only areas where PSU is inferior to PSO are:

musical atmosphere: if only PSU had two in-mission themes to install a more mysterious, or darker atmosphere in some areas. The nest in PSU is pretty much runined because of the music, even though the design of the environment is really good. The same places with music comparable to the runins in PSO would project an entirely different atmosphere.

The storyline: the story was more integrated into the game in PSO (because there was no "story mode" per se), but most importantly, it was somewhat darker and mysterious. The PSU storyline, although it is getting better now, does not have the same dark tone to it, and the in-game missions (outside of the story mode obviously) fail to somehow connect to it, if only as a distant backdrop.

On the gameplay side, I only miss the cumulated MAG super attacks which really provided a cool in mission multi-player climax. The challenge mode is also missed, and to a lesser extent off-line multi-play (which is an excellent way to introduce someone to the game).

Besides these three points, I think PSU is now better than PSO in every other way.

mais... ça va ou bien?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CAVAOUBIEN on 2008-02-28 04:01 ]</font>

Feb 28, 2008, 07:23 AM
I have yet to see a game that can compare to PSU's character customizationI don't know about that....I think Sega/ST may just be weak when it comes to character creation...either weak or just not willing to let the players have as much freedom with their basic character design foundations(*most of which look goofy and just a touch "fruity", imo.) Just about any wrestling game...even one from the PSX era(!) beats Phantasy Star's character creation by a considerable margin. Even on the old WWF Warzone on psx, I was able to create just about anyone that came to mind, be it original characters or pop culture and even religious references(e.g.--I had "Killer O.J. Simpson", The Corpse of Walt Disney, Jesus Christ, Rev. T.D. Jakes, Marshall Applewhite of the Heaven's Gate cult, etc. etc.) You could make crackhead-skinny characters....or people who look morbidly obese. I'm sure there's an incredible amount of range with today's wrestling games. ST probably doesn't want the players to stray too far from the core design ideas in Beast, Humans, CASTs and Newmans....but it just feels too restricting to me. One silly example of a limitation is baldness. What is their problem with bald characters? Every player character MUST have hair in the entire Phantasy Star universe? So if an old Thundercats fan like me wanted to make a "Panthro" one day(Beast, of course. He would've been awesome), we're just out of luck on that? Come on, Sonic Team.

Feb 28, 2008, 09:11 AM
Psu has my respect, but pso will always have my heart........and yea I'd play pso for nostalgic reasons.......so yea I guess
I' am a "nostalgiafag" because I'd gladly bend over backwards if it meant getting that wonderful addiction feeling you once had back when you played pso with friends.

Feb 28, 2008, 09:14 AM
On 2008-02-27 15:21, Chuck_Norris wrote:

On 2008-02-27 15:18, Akaimizu's sig wrote:

That's more dark red than pink. Go ahead and try lou's hair. It's impossible to do so without hacking.

That's part in due to lighting. In more light it's like this:


As for character customization. I kind of like it in this game. You can do a lot with the face itself, even do a little facial structure adjustment within the limitations of the art style. I was able to craft a near perfect rendition of a sort-of anime-styled Billy Dee Williams. One of my first PSU creations, actually.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Akaimizu on 2008-02-28 06:17 ]</font>

Feb 28, 2008, 12:03 PM
Problem is, most people can't make respectable looking characters. Either the player is too young to understand aesthetically pleasing details or it's another gorram loli!! I'm sick of lolis.

Feb 28, 2008, 04:21 PM
I prefer PSU. It's easy to pick up and play. Theirs a couple of things to learn but the game isn't too hard to drive away people.

Feb 28, 2008, 09:19 PM
pso i would have to say. sheerly for the fact that.....ya know what never mind it will just piss people off.

Feb 28, 2008, 11:39 PM
....its better more fun has better music atmosphere blah blah tl;wr

Feb 28, 2008, 11:51 PM

Feb 29, 2008, 11:17 AM
I'd go with PSU. Although I have many a fond memory from my PSO days on the Dreamcast, I defintaly like PSU better in terms of gameplay. An actual fleshed out story mode that didn't just make me want to play online, improved fighting system and detailed character customizations, which are always a big plus for me being as I'm an altaholic:)

Feb 29, 2008, 06:17 PM
People tend to forget the problems that PSO had, in light of fond memory.

1) Techers were useless except as restawhores and buffers in the Ultimate stages - unless they were a newearl or newman, had a (duped) Pwand with a proper set of Merges, were level 160 or higher, and their Ra-technics were 25-30. That's a helluva long string of qualifications there. It's a sad thing when the only way a FOmarl could stay competitive was to melee.

2) Three-quarters of the weapons you found were useless at best and looking for the good ones were a grind harder than any to be found in PSU - especially if you wanted, say, Hit % on them. The whole Club of Laconium/Dragon Slayer/DB's Saber/Diska of Braveman/etcetera...

3) The Section ID system was crappy - there were only 2 good ones, 3 OK ones, and 5 that were best left alone. Redria and Purplenum were the best; Whitill, Skyly, and Viridia were good for hard-to-get rares; Yellowboze was borderline; Greenil, Blueful, Pinkal, and Oran were trash. Fighting to get a character name to fit one of the IDs you need was a nightmare before the ID calculators and a pain in the ass afterwards - I had to name one of my characters something ridiculous like AtMA_W3ap0N with a space in order to get Skyly instead of other, useless IDs. What kind of game is it that prevents you from naming your bloody character what you WANT to name it?

4) NOTHING was Server-side - it was all client-side. Fun for offline, yes, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to stop cheating in any significant way. Their first attempt, the double-save, only made things worse because all it did was double the chances of corrupting your character. Blue Burst was an attempt to fix it... and how well did THAT work out?

5) Most of the weapons were useless. I loved my Asuka, but Twin Swords were suck and blow at the same time. Ditto daggers, unless you had something ridiculous like the Lavis kind - and even then, you should just morph it to a Double Cannon. Wands? Who the hell used them except for the Moon one that boosted all the Gi-technics?

Don't get me wrong, I loved PSO. But PSU is its superior in every way (except that until recently finding ANY s-rank was a grind comparable to finding a Guld or Milla!). PSU is just plain fun to play; if you get tired of one given weapon or photon art or whatever you can switch to another without making your teammates go, "What the hell are you using THAT one for?" instead of being stuck with the Double Saber/Longsword/Partisan.

If you want to play a techer you aren't limited to restawhorage and jellen/zalure. If you want to play a ranger you can be static or mobile or DPS or whatever you want, instead of being stuck with Bringer's Rifle/Spread Needle/ or w/e else.

What I'd like to see is the variety in looks that PSO had, and the weapon system of PSU; and it seems as though we're finally achieving that state. Even if we don't get big variety in looks, we have huge variety in PAs.

I'd also love to see Challenge Mode; that's the one thing I authentically miss from PSO.

Don't let the sweet mists of nostalgia blind you, please. PSO was fun, but it's 9 years old now, rooted in a time when Diablo was the main competition. It was deeply flawed, and while PSU has its flaws they are not as deep.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: imfanboy on 2008-02-29 15:18 ]</font>

Feb 29, 2008, 07:03 PM
its so disappointing seeing everyone compare PSO with PSU because then the ones who like PSU try to pick at PSO and thats just disappointing and you guys are full of it.

its like being an Indian watching someone throw an empty soda can out onto the street.

PSO was good, personally PSU does not deliver and is a really big mess with how everything is put up, like earth element dragons shooting zonde and its all bullshit.

Unlike PSO where everything was put in its rightful place at the right time (some of you may not agree with some good points but PSU is just so terribly put together, im sorry but it is and that is my honest thought as a video game player and not a PSO fan).

There is so much i could say about how badly PSU is but the whole thought of it having the PS name prevents me from abandoning this game easily even if this game in a sence desecrates the PSU name. Imo its not worth having this name but whatever, its just a matter of too little too late. PS2 is last gen meaning its garbage so yeah.

Feb 29, 2008, 07:26 PM
On 2008-02-29 16:03, superdood22 wrote:
its just a matter of too little too late. PS2 is last gen meaning its garbage so yeah.

Whohoh. Because it's old it's garbage? Guess i better go throw Grandpa out then.

Feb 29, 2008, 08:00 PM
On 2008-02-29 16:03, superdood22 wrote:
its just a matter of too little too late. PS2 is last gen meaning its garbage so yeah.

Whoops. Didn't you just shoot yourself in the foot?


I mean, PSO is two generations old - technically the Dreamcast is of the PS2/GC/Xbox generation but it died real quick.

Sheesh. I've got nothing against nostalgia - most of my favorite games are from the SNES era. But don't make yourself look foolish while exercising your nostalgia.

Feb 29, 2008, 08:10 PM
If the game hadn't been released for PS2, I wouldn't be playing it at all. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Feb 29, 2008, 08:10 PM
On 2008-02-29 16:03, superdood22 wrote:
There is so much i could say about how badly PSU is but the whole thought of it having the PS name prevents me from abandoning this game easily even if this game in a sence desecrates the PSU name.

you both immediately jump to attack my post, its all good cause like dummies you missed the part I cut from my post above.

you insisted to attack without full analyzation, im not gonna respond to your negativity like im offended cause i cant be (its the internet and all). i dont want to argue (and i wont lol) but if you guys dont intend on keeping things accurate then i wont waste my time discussing this with you lol, get it together.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: superdood22 on 2008-02-29 17:10 ]</font>

Feb 29, 2008, 08:18 PM
I prefer PSO much more then PSU. Sure, PSU has some good things (i.e. photon arts, better graphics although still sub par, casino). I just can't help but feel PSU could of been so much better and the game itself seems to really cater to the Japanese much more so then PSO was. With its exclusive content and over the top anime influences (especially the maid fetish). PSO had richer music, better storyline, engaging atmosphere, and there was just something unique about it that I can't put my finger on. However PSO was made by a different team by a different Sega a long time ago. I think after the Dreamcast went out the window Sega as a company just lost their touch.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jinto117 on 2008-02-29 17:25 ]</font>

Feb 29, 2008, 08:20 PM
On 2008-02-29 16:26, Chuck_Norris wrote:

On 2008-02-29 16:03, superdood22 wrote:
its just a matter of too little too late. PS2 is last gen meaning its garbage so yeah.

Whohoh. Because it's old it's garbage? Guess i better go throw Grandpa out then.

dang, do you only look for the part where its your chance to say something asshole-like?

you argue like your disabled and need everything explained to you when you know exactly what the deal is so im not even gonna go there lol, unless you just dont know what a metaphor is.

hey throw your grandaddy out, not my problem.

but anyway lemme add some speculation, what I meant was ps2 sucks and it just sucks and SEGA needs to get with the in-crowd. GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: superdood22 on 2008-02-29 17:21 ]</font>

Feb 29, 2008, 08:23 PM
Except this game was originally intended for the PS2, but they delayed the hell out of it then ported it to PC and 360.

Feb 29, 2008, 08:27 PM
On 2008-02-29 17:23, Ronin_Cooper wrote:
Except this game was originally intended for the PS2, but they delayed the hell out of it then ported it to PC and 360.

Exactly, a cheap port just to make an extra cheap profit. I wished they would have waited and developed it for the PS3 or 360. With the extra power from those systems can you imagine not just graphics wise but content wise they could of done?

Feb 29, 2008, 09:11 PM
I wouldn't care because I can't afford those systems.

Also we would be able to have downloadable content had Sony not cut HDD support and discontinued their production to make a smaller PS2. ;(

Feb 29, 2008, 09:31 PM
When I first popped PSO into my Dreamcast, I was in awe. For the time it was really groundbreaking. MAybe I have expectations too high, but when a game relies on "CUSTOMIZATION"..."decorating rooms" "clothing" to be unique, it better look good.

360 games dont have AA and look at Halo 3, people complain about the jaggies. These jaggies have nothing on PSU! Halo 3 looks great to me. PSU is an eyesore on a 50 inch LCD TV even with HDMI enabled.
If it cant perform well, it doesnt belong on a next gen system.

I feel for the PS2 players. I love my ps2, and will always keep it to play my favorites...but this is a game were paying a monthly fee for, and its on PC and 360. Kick it up a notch already...

Feb 29, 2008, 11:36 PM
Me think the thread should be closed before it degenerates further into a nasty flamebait.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Finalzone on 2008-02-29 20:36 ]</font>

Mar 1, 2008, 01:48 AM
On 2008-02-29 17:20, superdood22 wrote:
you argue like your disabled and need everything explained to you when you know exactly what the deal is so im not even gonna go there lol,

I'm sorry, but i try to make it a point to make fun of people who over use big words to try and make themself look smart.

You leave a statement, then insult someone, then try to "adultly" leave, yet you end up making yourself look childish. "Your toy is dumb, and i'm leaving!"

On 2008-02-29 17:20, superdood22 wrote:
but anyway lemme add some speculation, what I meant was ps2 sucks and it just sucks and SEGA needs to get with the in-crowd. GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.

Right, that's why it had the longest life span of the last-gen consoles, the most power out of all of them, and a better overall game selection.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chuck_Norris on 2008-02-29 22:49 ]</font>

Mar 1, 2008, 02:06 AM
On 2008-02-29 22:48, Chuck_Norris wrote:
Right, that's why it had the longest life span of the last-gen consoles, the most power out of all of them, and a better overall game selection.The PS2 was actually the weakest console of its generation (discounting the dreamcast), Gamecube and Xbox were both more powerful.

Mar 1, 2008, 02:09 AM
On 2008-02-29 23:06, Ronin_Cooper wrote:

On 2008-02-29 22:48, Chuck_Norris wrote:
Right, that's why it had the longest life span of the last-gen consoles, the most power out of all of them, and a better overall game selection.The PS2 was actually the weakest console of its generation (discounting the dreamcast), Gamecube and Xbox were both more powerful.

Sorry Chuck, I generally agree with you, but you got pwned right here. I even think the Dreamcast was more powerful than it, but the DVD player won the market.

Just goes to show that victory doesn't always go to the strongest.

Mar 1, 2008, 02:13 AM
ok the way i break it down is like this. PSU what i was promised it did not deliver on. When they were orginally marketing the game they made it out to be like a mmo with giant worlds and ya had to travel to places by vehicle and they didnt deliver on that....but thats not really what grinds my gears about psu....it the servers they are sooooo unstable having roll back restarts is inexcusable and poor excuses of events ttrying to despartly to keep people playing it. The crafting system was a nice start with wepons but when i get i weapon i want to use it not wait 18 hours and HOPE it gets made....The character designs are dull at best. And the music did not change when u began to fight monsters like in pso...it doesnt sound like much however that music changing kept tension in the game and made it that much more entertaing. Sega has the potenital and the talent to do so much more and yet they don't. Sorry when i was playing psu after all the roll backs i felt like wow they are ripping me off and can't even handle their own hardware. I look at where my 10 a month is going and honestly it is not giving a 6th of a games content a month. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I really wanted to enjoy the game but i cant.

Mar 1, 2008, 02:20 AM
The lack of dynamic music was a small disappointment but not too major since PSU tends to keep enemies in your face at all times. Also the stages are less explorative and more mad rush to kill everything and be on our way.

Mar 1, 2008, 02:23 AM
On 2008-02-29 23:06, Ronin_Cooper wrote:

On 2008-02-29 22:48, Chuck_Norris wrote:
Right, that's why it had the longest life span of the last-gen consoles, the most power out of all of them, and a better overall game selection.The PS2 was actually the weakest console of its generation (discounting the dreamcast), Gamecube and Xbox were both more powerful.

I was sbout to say the same thing to Chuck lol.

Chuck - Why wont you accept my buffs? D:

Mar 1, 2008, 02:36 AM
Let's see... I prefer the art of PSO, meaning the music, atmosphere, and story, while I prefer the gameplay and mechanics of PSU. I love being able to use any weapon I want without a noticeable difference, and that I can look however I want. However, I wish the music fit better with the stage, and that areas were more ambient.
Also, I prefer how PSO's stages are set up more. If I go from stage to stage in PSU, instead of grinding a single one, then it's not so bad. But it's going to be hard to beat PSO's formula of going through multiple mazes and ending at a boss fight. I can sort of memorize where to go and what to do in any PSU stage, but you're always lost in a PSO stage (unless you're in forest or CCA).

Until PSU gets hunter missions (God I loved those), PSO will have a slight edge. But it's getting closer and closer each update. Of course, there are things from PSO that I'll miss, but there are many things PSU adds that I can't live without.

Mar 1, 2008, 02:40 AM
My thoughts exactly, I rather like PSU's combat engine, but there's just some things PSO did better, if only they could take the best aspects of both and put them together, we'd have a potentially epic game on our hands.

Mar 1, 2008, 06:50 AM
I really enjoyed the times on PSO while they lasted...I ended up being one of the last Dav10 folks to jump-ship (no pun intended). Then I got PSU on the PC, then on the 360. My biggest qualm starting out was the weapon/item palette; I REALLY wanted the quick-menu back when I first played, but eventually I got used to it and started to get into the game. I dig the new combat system, PAs & their swappability (James Lipton taught me that one), and the more extensive chara creation. It seems that great focus was put on making "dress-up dolls" for the players to have fun with, complete with "doll-houses" to decorate.

I am disappointed that I can't get bright-ass ORANGE hair on my doll, tho.

The visuals are definitely an improvement over PSO and rightfully so. But damn them jaggies! The 360 could've stood for a graphical clean-up...

PSO missions were a greater challenge than PSU (all you who dare the PW4 know this) and the myriad of different challenges were excellent to play. This last statement was for the ones who played cleanly with no hax. Speaking of challenge....mode? Much fun to be had there.

I did play PSO for a short while offline after playing PSU for a long while...and then my eyes hurt after. The killer for me: FRAMERATE. I did not realize how low it was compared the the smoothness of PSU until then.

The music in PSU is fitting to the futuristic look of the game, but I keep it off for most of the time. Some room music is good ("Neudaiz" sounds like something from The King & I), but I think the situational music from PSO was more enjoyable.

The lobby tune from PSO will be mine when available (forever call it "Day Dawns", not "Days Down", SEGA).

My final preference: PSU :^D

Mar 1, 2008, 07:02 AM
Neither. I enjoy them both.

Mar 1, 2008, 09:06 AM
Exactly, a cheap port just to make an extra cheap profit. I wished they would have waited and developed it for the PS3 or 360. With the extra power from those systems can you imagine not just graphics wise but content wise they could of done?This is yet another annoyance with PSU for me. When it was announced, I had the idea it was going to be a "next gen" game. My first taste of disappointment with this game was when I found out it was a Ps2 game, and not actually being developed specifically for 360/PS3...a "last-gen" game ported to a next/current-gen system. Some of the huge potential is held back by the simple fact that it is what we now consider a "last-gen" game, functioning under "last-gen" limitations. I'd bet money we'd have much deeper customization if it were developed for today's systems. Characters could have hair that is more than about 10 polygons....absolute full color control, clothing that moves more realistically with the character's body, no blocky edges, etc. etc.

Even with the extra capabilities of the current generation hardware, I suspect ST would still have an unfortunately limited set of customization options. heh, maybe it would be better if the Phantasy Star games were developed by someone else for a change....someone with absolutely no ties to ST/Sega. I know there's no way that could happen since it's their IP, but it would be nice to see what other developers could do with this franchise.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: XCOPY on 2008-03-01 06:08 ]</font>

Mar 1, 2008, 09:25 AM
On 2008-02-26 14:22, pikachief wrote:
this WILL start a huge argument before we even get to the second page http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

You can thank Dhylec for that. *wink*

Mar 1, 2008, 12:29 PM
On 2008-02-28 13:21, Noblewine wrote:
I prefer PSU. It's easy to pick up and play. Theirs a couple of things to learn but the game isn't too hard to drive away people.

Ya, that's the other thing about PSU. I almost forgot about the slight learning curve of the fighting with the 1...2...3 attacks. Oh and I'm also in wholehearted agreement with the fellow mentioning the freedom the photon arts give. It is nice to change up a weapon in mid-battle and not get slammed or feel gibbed because it's not the one you're "supposed" to use.

Mar 1, 2008, 12:29 PM
Maybe if more japan game companies would come down off their arrogant pedestals and license a proven game engine instead of trying to develop their own for every little thing...I guess Im just frustrated at the wasted potential overall. PSO was acceptable back then because it was more than anyone expected at the time. It was a shock and many peoples first experience in style and presentaion. PC players had been doin stuff like this for a while (diablo, everquest, ultima) but this was the ease of a console with a sci fi theme no one up to that point had tried... It was so original and I LOVED phantasy Star so that was HUGE. Now...years later, the bar for this genre is raised so high. Sure there are obvious things that could make PSU better but with all the competition out there I dont think it could ever be good enough anyway. I have fun on PSU and I dont dwell to much on the old. If I want to play PSO Ill boot up PSO just like all the other old PS games I have. Its just a different world now than it was then.

Mar 2, 2008, 01:51 PM
On 2008-02-29 23:13, kohelhunter wrote:
ok the way i break it down is like this. PSU what i was promised it did not deliver on. When they were orginally marketing the game they made it out to be like a mmo with giant worlds and ya had to travel to places by vehicle and they didnt deliver on that....but thats not really what grinds my gears about psu....it the servers they are sooooo unstable having roll back restarts is inexcusable and poor excuses of events ttrying to despartly to keep people playing it. The crafting system was a nice start with wepons but when i get i weapon i want to use it not wait 18 hours and HOPE it gets made....The character designs are dull at best. And the music did not change when u began to fight monsters like in pso...it doesnt sound like much however that music changing kept tension in the game and made it that much more entertaing. Sega has the potenital and the talent to do so much more and yet they don't. Sorry when i was playing psu after all the roll backs i felt like wow they are ripping me off and can't even handle their own hardware. I look at where my 10 a month is going and honestly it is not giving a 6th of a games content a month. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I really wanted to enjoy the game but i cant.

I generally tend to disagree with anyone who dont use commas, but damn dude, you hit the nail on the head, I could not have said it better myself.

And another thing that sucks is that when PSU was being developed, there really wasnt a good console to put it on except PS2. It's still the most popular console in Japan at the moment, since most people have one and it was just the best for PSU at the time since people who played Phantasy Star games online were just used to playing them on a console first. Had they just waited and made it a PS3 game, there wouldnt have been as big of an audience, but at the same time the game wouldnt have been so handicapped. I was completely expecting an MMO with PSO-style gameplay, that's exactly what popped into my mind when they mentioned vehicles, but the vehicle sections are so minimal that they might as well not have mentioned them.

Dont get me wrong, I like PSU. But it's just a substitute for PSO, since it's the closest game out there in terms of gameplay that actually has a population and new content rolling in. But I do play PSO private servers, and they add some cool content to that occasionally (recently added a casino in PSO, pretty coo).

Mar 3, 2008, 12:05 AM
On 2008-03-02 10:51, cApNhOwDy wrote:

On 2008-02-29 23:13, kohelhunter wrote:
ok the way i break it down is like this. PSU what i was promised it did not deliver on. When they were orginally marketing the game they made it out to be like a mmo with giant worlds and ya had to travel to places by vehicle and they didnt deliver on that....but thats not really what grinds my gears about psu....it the servers they are sooooo unstable having roll back restarts is inexcusable and poor excuses of events ttrying to despartly to keep people playing it. The crafting system was a nice start with wepons but when i get i weapon i want to use it not wait 18 hours and HOPE it gets made....The character designs are dull at best. And the music did not change when u began to fight monsters like in pso...it doesnt sound like much however that music changing kept tension in the game and made it that much more entertaing. Sega has the potenital and the talent to do so much more and yet they don't. Sorry when i was playing psu after all the roll backs i felt like wow they are ripping me off and can't even handle their own hardware. I look at where my 10 a month is going and honestly it is not giving a 6th of a games content a month. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif I really wanted to enjoy the game but i cant.

I generally tend to disagree with anyone who dont use commas, but damn dude, you hit the nail on the head, I could not have said it better myself.

And another thing that sucks is that when PSU was being developed, there really wasnt a good console to put it on except PS2. It's still the most popular console in Japan at the moment, since most people have one and it was just the best for PSU at the time since people who played Phantasy Star games online were just used to playing them on a console first. Had they just waited and made it a PS3 game, there wouldnt have been as big of an audience, but at the same time the game wouldnt have been so handicapped. I was completely expecting an MMO with PSO-style gameplay, that's exactly what popped into my mind when they mentioned vehicles, but the vehicle sections are so minimal that they might as well not have mentioned them.

Dont get me wrong, I like PSU. But it's just a substitute for PSO, since it's the closest game out there in terms of gameplay that actually has a population and new content rolling in. But I do play PSO private servers, and they add some cool content to that occasionally (recently added a casino in PSO, pretty coo).

commas are against my religon as well as spelling lol
I forgot to mention the community was better as well.

Mar 3, 2008, 12:26 AM
Anyone who likes PSU better than PSO was a poor PSO player and also probably sucked at challenge and battle mode.

Mar 3, 2008, 01:28 AM
On 2008-03-02 21:26, Kamica wrote:
Anyone who likes PSU better than PSO was a poor PSO player and also probably sucked at challenge and battle mode.

Battle Mode in PSO sucked to begin with.

Mar 3, 2008, 02:14 AM
On 2008-03-02 21:26, Kamica wrote:
Anyone who likes PSU better than PSO was a poor PSO player and also probably sucked at challenge and battle mode.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Mar 3, 2008, 03:30 AM
No more ridiculous than saying that everyone who likes PSO more than PSU is blinded by nostalgia.

Because, you know, nobody at all currently plays PSO, and we're all just looking back fondly on the events of thousands of years ago and remembering the 'good old days' as being better than they were. No, can't possibly be that some of us currently play PSO, indeed, sometimes even on the same day as PSU, sometimes even one right after the other, and still look at the two and say 'You know, I really do have more fun playing PSO, and PSU pretty much just pisses me off'. Nah, can't possibly be like that. Just nostalgia.

No, I haven't forgotten PSO's problems. They remain fresh in my mind. However they don't actively piss me off or break the game for me. PSU's problems do.

Hence, I prefer PSO. No nostalgia blindness here. No rose-coloured glasses. Yeah, BB still looks like shit next to the GC version. That stupid item loss glitch that ate the first S-rank Twin I got on BB probably still exists. Caves is still boring. FOmars still do fuck-all damage with techs in Ult(And still do reasonably good melee damage, just like they were designed to do). I don't use my GC chars online because I'd rather not deal with the old annoyances of back-up duping. EpIV has failed to impress me any more than the original Beta version of it did.

Ruins is still gloriously creepy. The battle system is still fun. The character, level and costume designs are still great. The story still moves me. Tower is still fun. FOmars still have my favourite playstyle of any game I've played. Symbol chat still has some gems. Mags are still awesome.

Nothing at all has changed. Still the same fuckeries, still the same joys, all of which I've been fully aware of all these years. I went back to playing PSO fully expecting to have the nostalgia broken, to take a quick little trip and remind myself that yeah, OK, it wasn't as great as I remembered it.

It wasn't. It's better. Listening to bitching about the problems and not playing it to have the fun recalled vividly with each Lily that meets its well-deserved doom made it diminish in my mind. Going back brought it all back. The good as well as the bad.

I love PSO. I don't love PSU. I don't, honestly, even really like PSU that much, because it keeps failing to meet that one little criteria: It's not PSO. Close enough to make it all the more painful when it falls short. But not PSO.

So pardon me if I snicker at kamica's comment, and don't think it's any sillier than the 'it's just nostalgia' arguement.

Mar 3, 2008, 03:59 AM
I think many of us started PSU with the thought that it would be just like PSO. Well, it sure wasn't, but we still liked what we saw and we stuck with it. We didn't get the PSO 2 we were hoping for, but we got a brand new game called PSU. Can I go back to PSO? Hell, why not. Do I want to? Not really. PSO is PSO and PSU is PSU. It's your life so you can play whatever the hell you want. Don't find the game enjoyable? Think it's a piece of shit? Then quit the game and move on or go back to PSO like Ian-KunX.

As for me, I still find this game fun and enjoyable so will continue to play it until I lose interest. Isn't that pretty much how things work anyways?

Mar 3, 2008, 05:29 AM
Pretty much.

Mar 3, 2008, 10:38 AM
On 2008-03-02 22:28, Kanju wrote:
Battle Mode in PSO sucked to begin with.

If you had ever fought an expert battle moder, you would have not have thought so. And by expert battle moder, I mean a person that is good at a stage other than BA1. There is a lot of time and energy to be put in battle mode to be truly good at it. But too many people assumed things and ignored what was (and still is) a truly skilled mode.

Mar 3, 2008, 11:28 AM
On 2008-03-03 00:30, Ian-KunX wrote:
No more ridiculous than saying that everyone who likes PSO more than PSU is blinded by nostalgia.

Because, you know, nobody at all currently plays PSO, and we're all just looking back fondly on the events of thousands of years ago and remembering the 'good old days' as being better than they were. No, can't possibly be that some of us currently play PSO, indeed, sometimes even on the same day as PSU, sometimes even one right after the other, and still look at the two and say 'You know, I really do have more fun playing PSO, and PSU pretty much just pisses me off'. Nah, can't possibly be like that. Just nostalgia.

No, I haven't forgotten PSO's problems. They remain fresh in my mind. However they don't actively piss me off or break the game for me. PSU's problems do.

Hence, I prefer PSO. No nostalgia blindness here. No rose-coloured glasses. Yeah, BB still looks like shit next to the GC version. That stupid item loss glitch that ate the first S-rank Twin I got on BB probably still exists. Caves is still boring. FOmars still do fuck-all damage with techs in Ult(And still do reasonably good melee damage, just like they were designed to do). I don't use my GC chars online because I'd rather not deal with the old annoyances of back-up duping. EpIV has failed to impress me any more than the original Beta version of it did.

Ruins is still gloriously creepy. The battle system is still fun. The character, level and costume designs are still great. The story still moves me. Tower is still fun. FOmars still have my favourite playstyle of any game I've played. Symbol chat still has some gems. Mags are still awesome.

Nothing at all has changed. Still the same fuckeries, still the same joys, all of which I've been fully aware of all these years. I went back to playing PSO fully expecting to have the nostalgia broken, to take a quick little trip and remind myself that yeah, OK, it wasn't as great as I remembered it.

It wasn't. It's better. Listening to bitching about the problems and not playing it to have the fun recalled vividly with each Lily that meets its well-deserved doom made it diminish in my mind. Going back brought it all back. The good as well as the bad.

I love PSO. I don't love PSU. I don't, honestly, even really like PSU that much, because it keeps failing to meet that one little criteria: It's not PSO. Close enough to make it all the more painful when it falls short. But not PSO.

So pardon me if I snicker at kamica's comment, and don't think it's any sillier than the 'it's just nostalgia' arguement.

So incredibly true =)

Mar 3, 2008, 11:35 AM
I think many of us started PSU with the thought that it would be just like PSO. Well, it sure wasn't, but we still liked what we saw and we stuck with it. We didn't get the PSO 2 we were hoping for, but we got a brand new game called PSU. Can I go back to PSO? Hell, why not. Do I want to? Not really. PSO is PSO and PSU is PSU. It's your life so you can play whatever the hell you want. Don't find the game enjoyable? Think it's a piece of shit? Then quit the game and move on or go back to PSO like Ian-KunX.

As for me, I still find this game fun and enjoyable so will continue to play it until I lose interest. Isn't that pretty much how things work anyways?

Still, there's no excuse why PSO BB has way more content than PSU. TO me that's the ultimate reason why PSO is still better, it had way more flavor, options and sophistication.

However, I believe that PSU has more potential, but until they start to implement more features/options/weapons from the classic series that worked great, the game is going to undergo many adjustments until it meshes well again. WHO KNOWS HOW LONG THAT WILL TAKE. STICK WITH WHAT WORKS, THEN EXPAND!!! Although I see that they're currently trying to implement classic ideas in this new world.

Overall I like PSU. I just think ST did a dumb move by trying to reinvent the wheel. The game could have been stacked full of content by now, but instead of worrying about that they have had to re-balance everything again. I still have faith; I just wish the game would’ve hit the ground running instead of undergoing a huge evolutionary phase that we’re in right now.

Mar 3, 2008, 12:23 PM
On 2008-03-03 08:35, Andy1423 wrote:

I think many of us started PSU with the thought that it would be just like PSO. Well, it sure wasn't, but we still liked what we saw and we stuck with it. We didn't get the PSO 2 we were hoping for, but we got a brand new game called PSU. Can I go back to PSO? Hell, why not. Do I want to? Not really. PSO is PSO and PSU is PSU. It's your life so you can play whatever the hell you want. Don't find the game enjoyable? Think it's a piece of shit? Then quit the game and move on or go back to PSO like Ian-KunX.

As for me, I still find this game fun and enjoyable so will continue to play it until I lose interest. Isn't that pretty much how things work anyways?

Still, there's no excuse why PSO BB has way more content than PSU. TO me that's the ultimate reason why PSO is still better, it had way more flavor, options and sophistication.

However, I believe that PSU has more potential, but until they start to implement more features/options/weapons from the classic series that worked great, the game is going to undergo many adjustments until it meshes well again. WHO KNOWS HOW LONG THAT WILL TAKE. STICK WITH WHAT WORKS, THEN EXPAND!!! Although I see that they're currently trying to implement classic ideas in this new world.

Overall I like PSU. I just think ST did a dumb move by trying to reinvent the wheel. The game could have been stacked full of content by now, but instead of worrying about that they have had to re-balance everything again. I still have faith; I just wish the game would’ve hit the ground running instead of undergoing a huge evolutionary phase that we’re in right now.

Well, PSO BB consists of fully released content from 3 different games so no doubt it has more content. PSU has 2 games worth of content not fully released.

Either ways, was PSO better? Probably, since it left such a big impact on everyone, including me. But, I lost interest in that game so that's why I play PSU. It feels great to turn on my GC once in a while to play PSO, but in the end I always go back to the newer and expandable game. Final Fantasy XII wasn't (arguably) as good as the past games, but that didn't prompt me to go back to playing the older ones.

Who knows? 5 years later, we might have this same thread going on with PSU vs Phantasy Star Dimensions(? what's bigger than a universe?).

Mar 3, 2008, 12:26 PM
I really loved PSO to death. In the beginning I just hated PSU. But now that I have AoI I actually am starting to like it a lot more. Mostly because I get to wear a beanie.

Mar 3, 2008, 10:04 PM
I just dont like the idea of paying for a full expansion and having sonic team say "nope you dont gett all the content YOU PAYED FOR untill we say so" it to me is a bullshit excuse to force people into keep playing the damn game. no other online game pulls bullshit like that and if ya ask me i am suprised they arnt sued for it yet by some guy get frusterated.

Mar 4, 2008, 12:28 AM
lol I bought this game thinking it'd be like an MMO. Boy was a I wrong, but oh well.

Mar 4, 2008, 01:53 AM
I'm not sure why I'm contributing to a topic filled with a bunch of fanboy "arguments," but I just finished playing a random run of PSO ult caves for no reason. It felt awesome.

The level took some thought to go through, as opposed to the mechanical process I'm so used to of just going from point A to B. This one random run felt like an EP3 story mission, in other words. Even better, in fact, since I didn't have to be bothered with killing all the monsters. The music wasn't in my face, and contributed to the gameplay rather than distracted from it. The combat felt pretty stale, but it at least resembled combat. I dodged attacks and threw counter attacks. This is as opposed to PSU's static "Attack first" mentality, where it doesn't really matter if you dodge an attack or not.
Even the boss was a joy. He moved around so much, that I had to switch around my strategy based on what he was doing. I had to weave through his attacks and hit him while he was recovering, rather than spam triangle. Even despite him being outside melee range, no particular class would have had a huge advantage over him like they would in almost all PSU bosses. A hunter can pull a slicer and sword, a ranger can use a shotgun and rifle, and a force can use Rafoie or Gizonde.
The gameplay was more involving and fun than anything I can get from PSU.

It's kind of strange, actually. PSU improved on a huge number of things that PSO was lacking in. The character customization is incredibly customizable, the large number of lobbies allows for more social gatherings, and the balance between weapons and classes is evened out. Anything I can find wrong with PSO, I can see fixed in PSU. However, many of the things that made PSO great are missing in PSU. The combat is dullened, the strategy during combat is almost gone (replaced with strategy before combat, really), the atmosphere is cheapened...

PSO was better at being a game, but PSU is more playable and has less glaring flaws. PSU isn't as fun to play, and leaves an artistic want, but it's easier to get deep into it.

Mar 4, 2008, 02:05 AM
On 2008-03-03 22:53, Zorafim wrote:
PSO was better at being a game, PSU isn't as fun to play.

Im not gonna mention any names of games here, but I MUCH more enjoy the one where ALL the rare weapons are unique for reasons other than a few numbers and the occasional color change. Aside from S ranks, which occasionally have a visual effect, every weapon in the game is the same damned thing aside from having slightly more damage output. PSO was great because all the cool weapons actually did something. I dont know how to put it, because although I think that Photon Arts are a cool feature, I really think it effectively killed the joy in the game, and I think that weapons should have their own effect, not one that you add. Imagine how boring PSO wouldve been if every single weapon in that game was just like the S Weapons that were awarded from C mode, and you could just add whatever status effect you wanted. Yawn. /fanboyrant

Mar 4, 2008, 02:11 AM
The most pathetic thing about PSU is that there's gamebreaking amounts of slowdown in the ps2 version. It was built with the ps2 solely in mind for crissakes.

Mar 4, 2008, 02:27 AM
Yeah, that's another thing that's killing my enjoyment. I can't seem to be able to play the game at the speed it's meant to be played at. I always tend to either skip around or go into matrix mode. This probably skews my enjoyability results greatly.

Mar 4, 2008, 04:42 AM
lol Just like before PSU came lol. Every body was bitching about PSO...

Mar 4, 2008, 05:06 AM
On 2008-03-03 22:53, Zorafim wrote:
I'm not sure why I'm contributing to a topic filled with a bunch of fanboy "arguments," but I just finished playing a random run of PSO ult caves for no reason. It felt awesome.

The level took some thought to go through, as opposed to the mechanical process I'm so used to of just going from point A to B. This one random run felt like an EP3 story mission, in other words. Even better, in fact, since I didn't have to be bothered with killing all the monsters. The music wasn't in my face, and contributed to the gameplay rather than distracted from it. The combat felt pretty stale, but it at least resembled combat. I dodged attacks and threw counter attacks. This is as opposed to PSU's static "Attack first" mentality, where it doesn't really matter if you dodge an attack or not.
Even the boss was a joy. He moved around so much, that I had to switch around my strategy based on what he was doing. I had to weave through his attacks and hit him while he was recovering, rather than spam triangle. Even despite him being outside melee range, no particular class would have had a huge advantage over him like they would in almost all PSU bosses. A hunter can pull a slicer and sword, a ranger can use a shotgun and rifle, and a force can use Rafoie or Gizonde.
The gameplay was more involving and fun than anything I can get from PSU.

It's kind of strange, actually. PSU improved on a huge number of things that PSO was lacking in. The character customization is incredibly customizable, the large number of lobbies allows for more social gatherings, and the balance between weapons and classes is evened out. Anything I can find wrong with PSO, I can see fixed in PSU. However, many of the things that made PSO great are missing in PSU. The combat is dullened, the strategy during combat is almost gone (replaced with strategy before combat, really), the atmosphere is cheapened...

PSO was better at being a game, but PSU is more playable and has less glaring flaws. PSU isn't as fun to play, and leaves an artistic want, but it's easier to get deep into it.

Was gonna post till i read this. Now i dont need to cause its been said. Thanks Zora.

Mar 4, 2008, 08:10 AM
On 2008-03-03 23:27, Zorafim wrote:
Yeah, that's another thing that's killing my enjoyment. I can't seem to be able to play the game at the speed it's meant to be played at. I always tend to either skip around or go into matrix mode. This probably skews my enjoyability results greatly.My favorite is the random omission of visual effects and unloading of weapon styles, I sure do love having a vanda's fire breath turn invisible. "WTF? What's hurting me?" *sees a vanda, mouth agape* >_>

It's also fun when a boss like Ohnma or De Rol Le finally comes into melee range and guess what? You can't attack! By the time your weapon reloads, you can get maybe one hit in before they fly off again. ;_;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ronin_Cooper on 2008-03-04 06:04 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2008, 10:30 AM
On 2008-03-03 22:53, Zorafim wrote:
I'm not sure why I'm contributing to a topic filled with a bunch of fanboy "arguments," but I just finished playing a random run of PSO ult caves for no reason. It felt awesome.

The level took some thought to go through, as opposed to the mechanical process I'm so used to of just going from point A to B. This one random run felt like an EP3 story mission, in other words. Even better, in fact, since I didn't have to be bothered with killing all the monsters. The music wasn't in my face, and contributed to the gameplay rather than distracted from it. The combat felt pretty stale, but it at least resembled combat. I dodged attacks and threw counter attacks. This is as opposed to PSU's static "Attack first" mentality, where it doesn't really matter if you dodge an attack or not.
Even the boss was a joy. He moved around so much, that I had to switch around my strategy based on what he was doing. I had to weave through his attacks and hit him while he was recovering, rather than spam triangle. Even despite him being outside melee range, no particular class would have had a huge advantage over him like they would in almost all PSU bosses. A hunter can pull a slicer and sword, a ranger can use a shotgun and rifle, and a force can use Rafoie or Gizonde.
The gameplay was more involving and fun than anything I can get from PSU.

It's kind of strange, actually. PSU improved on a huge number of things that PSO was lacking in. The character customization is incredibly customizable, the large number of lobbies allows for more social gatherings, and the balance between weapons and classes is evened out. Anything I can find wrong with PSO, I can see fixed in PSU. However, many of the things that made PSO great are missing in PSU. The combat is dullened, the strategy during combat is almost gone (replaced with strategy before combat, really), the atmosphere is cheapened...

PSO was better at being a game, but PSU is more playable and has less glaring flaws. PSU isn't as fun to play, and leaves an artistic want, but it's easier to get deep into it.

honestly i think the game play issues you mentioned are mostly due to you not needing to do most those things in psu because you are overleveled, the same is true with pso. Play pso with your level 160 level charachters and no strategy is needed. You dont need to dodge and attack, you ll block or take 0 damage, or just get up and heal the damage. you can infact try to play psu similarly but unless your low level enough that being hit is a minus, there is no reason to. just like in pso, where solo or at low level using weak strong strong may be suicide, and in a party at high levels, not using it is inefficient and a waste. you really can avoid most attacks even in psu by knowing how the enemy reacts and dodging and counter attacking, or knowing when to wait and when to attack first, however like i said, there is only need for this when your low level. pso is the same
As far as the levels taking thought, uhhhhh honestly its the same with psu, 1stly you dont need s rank on every mission, figuring what you can skip and what you cant also exists in psu. Levels are actually designed with greater variation, you may have your kill everything you see in your path plains overlord, but you also have you figure out which way to go to get to the end like in some hive missions, or moatoob runs. the reason why you feel like the maps take more thought is because you havent run them 1000 times recently, like you probably have in psu.

I wont say psu is perfect but i honestly think the biggest thing about it is, without challenge mode, you have no reason to learn how to fight well, you have no reason to learn enemy patterns, short ways through levels, how to dodge, how to avoid boss attacks. all you do is take the hit and heal it, this is exactly the same as pso. how many people are going to figure out how to avoid dimolgogus magics when they can just take the hit and use a trimate, and in a party he will die in 2 seconds. how many people will figure how to avoid sil dragon ice when you can just get iced for a few seconds pop a trimate and he will die as soon as he comes up for air.

See i played psu first offline, and i realized they put in a lot of the level planning, and weapon planning, etc. but when you take it online you lose all that. PSO forced you to play through offline for the bonus of picking which level, that meant that most people either had to or will have to see the game as its meant to be seen first, in order, and at a time when it is probably some what challenging, also alone as well. Psu online doesnt have this requirement, and thus people have less connection to what is going on and in what order it went on or its progression. Online nothing tells you that hive is any deeper or later in the time frame than fight for food. Pso is the same, except they forced you to see whats going on, because offline gives a you a couple of exclusive weapons, and access to zones faster.

Mar 4, 2008, 11:01 AM
Actually, on the "taking the hit" note, I wouldn't really do that unless I was playing my beast due to his high HP. My strategy usually involves me avoiding the hit. I just run around back or lead my party through the group and let them take the hit since they just pop back up if they die.

Mar 4, 2008, 11:44 AM
It's kind of strange, actually. PSU improved on a huge number of things that PSO was lacking in. The character customization is incredibly customizable, the large number of lobbies allows for more social gatherings, and the balance between weapons and classes is evened out. Anything I can find wrong with PSO, I can see fixed in PSU. However, many of the things that made PSO great are missing in PSU. The combat is dullened, the strategy during combat is almost gone (replaced with strategy before combat, really), the atmosphere is cheapened...

PSO was better at being a game, but PSU is more playable and has less glaring flaws. PSU isn't as fun to play, and leaves an artistic want, but it's easier to get deep into it.

EXACTLY. I think you hit the nail on the head!

PSU has a dull rhythm where PSO didn’t at all (except maybe long walking periods between rooms---characters walked a little slow, but still) The combat pace of dodging attacking hard/light/light was awesome.

And Yeah, PSU expanded on a lot of the interaction of players and customization compared to PSO, but THEY LEFT OUT ALL THE GOOD PARTS FROM PSO!!!!!


THe Art director for PSU should have played PSO, because obviously he didn’t. They totally missed the artistic direction and feel of the futuristic bounty hunter world. (it’s getting better slowly and slowly, but why…….it should’ve been right the first time.)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Andy1423 on 2008-03-04 08:47 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2008, 12:12 PM
i actually loved pso but since i dont have my gamecube anymore but psu is my new love

Mar 4, 2008, 12:14 PM
On 2008-03-04 02:06, D1ABOLIK wrote:

On 2008-03-03 22:53, Zorafim wrote:
I'm not sure why I'm contributing to a topic filled with a bunch of fanboy "arguments," but I just finished playing a random run of PSO ult caves for no reason. It felt awesome.

The level took some thought to go through, as opposed to the mechanical process I'm so used to of just going from point A to B. This one random run felt like an EP3 story mission, in other words. Even better, in fact, since I didn't have to be bothered with killing all the monsters. The music wasn't in my face, and contributed to the gameplay rather than distracted from it. The combat felt pretty stale, but it at least resembled combat. I dodged attacks and threw counter attacks. This is as opposed to PSU's static "Attack first" mentality, where it doesn't really matter if you dodge an attack or not.
Even the boss was a joy. He moved around so much, that I had to switch around my strategy based on what he was doing. I had to weave through his attacks and hit him while he was recovering, rather than spam triangle. Even despite him being outside melee range, no particular class would have had a huge advantage over him like they would in almost all PSU bosses. A hunter can pull a slicer and sword, a ranger can use a shotgun and rifle, and a force can use Rafoie or Gizonde.
The gameplay was more involving and fun than anything I can get from PSU.

It's kind of strange, actually. PSU improved on a huge number of things that PSO was lacking in. The character customization is incredibly customizable, the large number of lobbies allows for more social gatherings, and the balance between weapons and classes is evened out. Anything I can find wrong with PSO, I can see fixed in PSU. However, many of the things that made PSO great are missing in PSU. The combat is dullened, the strategy during combat is almost gone (replaced with strategy before combat, really), the atmosphere is cheapened...

PSO was better at being a game, but PSU is more playable and has less glaring flaws. PSU isn't as fun to play, and leaves an artistic want, but it's easier to get deep into it.

Was gonna post till i read this. Now i dont need to cause its been said. Thanks Zora.

Secounded, everything that needs putting on the topic is in that post, nice work =)

Mar 4, 2008, 02:55 PM
PSO's awful to play... going back to it - I play splitscreen GC all the time with my kids - the only thing that stands out about it now is how regular movement is like you're trying to run in the shallow end of a pool ... every time you get near something dangerous, like a bomb about to go off, your character slows to a crawl ... then if you bump into an obstacle or monster your character halts and can't even turn in place. This makes children cry. Fighting? Stationary while firing at ranged targets, or doing this microscopic "hit hit hit step back" dance against melee enemies that can run like ten times faster than your character (and still can't hit you if you move slightly between their wind-up and attack).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: panzer_unit on 2008-03-04 11:59 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2008, 03:21 PM
That is, the bombs slow you to a crawl unless you hit the ol' Start Button or something. Ahh yes, I remember the old trick of using that menu trick to keep moving at a steady pace through bombs. Allowed people to run through halls of them without getting touched. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Though anyway, the slow movement of PSO is definitely not something great about it. It was good, for the time, when dungeon crawlers did tend to have slow movement; but PSU definitely stepped things up into something more like a speed you'd actually run at.

Still, there are things I enjoy even today about PSO. Something about how weapons worked, in the game. Things felt a bit more meaty, in a way that's hard to describe.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Akaimizu on 2008-03-04 12:24 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2008, 03:39 PM

Mar 4, 2008, 06:42 PM
I wonder if anyone agrees with me on this. When Sega first showed the trailer for PSU back in 2004 at E3 I was estaticed to say the least. I thought to myself, "Finally! A new Phantasy Star for the upcoming next-gen console(s)." "Of course it was going to be online and it will be just like PSO but better!" This trailer is what got my heart racing with excitement.


Tell me you PSO veterans watch that trailer and don't see a completely different game then what we got? Even the people at the booth are excited about the game after the trailer. That trailer felt more in touch with PSO. From the music to the enviornments and characters it felt very PSO for a moment.

Mar 4, 2008, 07:26 PM
The concept art of PSU often feels better than what we got, yes. PSU somehow got generalized into a typical anime style seen almost everywhere. I really hope they didn't scrap that cast female, too.

Mar 4, 2008, 09:44 PM
On 2008-03-04 15:42, Jinto117 wrote:
I wonder if anyone agrees with me on this. When Sega first showed the trailer for PSU back in 2004 at E3 I was estaticed to say the least. I thought to myself, "Finally! A new Phantasy Star for the upcoming next-gen console(s)." "Of course it was going to be online and it will be just like PSO but better!" This trailer is what got my heart racing with excitement.


Tell me you PSO veterans watch that trailer and don't see a completely different game then what we got? Even the people at the booth are excited about the game after the trailer. That trailer felt more in touch with PSO. From the music to the enviornments and characters it felt very PSO for a moment.

It's been forever since I've seen that.
And I still said to myself, "My, Sega seems to think it's Square.".

All games eventually change over development, although it seems the final product seems to have nothing to do with that video, excluding characters.

I like both games. PSO holds a deep part of my heart, and I nearly squealed in delight when I saw Rappies in PSU. I have terrible luck, and I saw them only one other time. Seeing Boomas again was awesome as well.

I still play PSU, and have a good time with it. PSO is more of a nostaligic memory now, left only to when I plug in my DC.

Mar 5, 2008, 02:46 AM
On 2008-03-03 08:35, Andy1423 wrote:
Still, there's no excuse why PSO BB has way more content than PSU. TO me that's the ultimate reason why PSO is still better, it had way more flavor, options and sophistication.

PSO BB is a compilation of PSO v1/v2, GC/XBox plus exclusive Episode 4. That is a very bad comparison to begin with. A fair test should be PSO version of Gamecube/Xbox and PSU:AotT.

However, I believe that PSU has more potential, but until they start to implement more features/options/weapons from the classic series that worked great, the game is going to undergo many adjustments until it meshes well again. WHO KNOWS HOW LONG THAT WILL TAKE. STICK WITH WHAT WORKS, THEN EXPAND!!! Although I see that they're currently trying to implement classic ideas in this new world.

Sounds like a nostalgic statement. Frankly, I don't have any complain about the mechanic especially with the fixed collision issues on Ambition of the Illuminous. Given the variety of classes (I started to appreciate Protranser job), the combat system is fine.

Mar 5, 2008, 03:30 PM
I like both but PSO is dead.The Future is now <(o.0<)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Soda on 2008-03-05 12:31 ]</font>

Mar 5, 2008, 03:38 PM
wtf? ...and now we inflict unspeakable pain on whomever changed the art direction. Son. Of. A. Bitch.

And AoI isn't compared to PSO Ep 1&2. Are you really that young? AoI's the equivalent of PSO Version 2.

Mar 5, 2008, 03:39 PM

11.) PSO is not dead, dispite what many people believe. As long as there are people playing the game, it won't die off. Granted, many of these people are playing on the private servers, but they are still playing the game. PSU may be the new thing, but there are still many of us who ONLY play PSO. So enough of that who "PSO is dead/dying/any combination of the two". Because it is wholly untrue.

Mar 5, 2008, 04:13 PM
On 2008-03-05 12:38, Psycho_Sonic wrote:
And AoI isn't compared to PSO Ep 1&2. Are you really that young? AoI's the equivalent of PSO Version 2.

I intentionally made that mistake as some people haven't played the Dreamcast version, You are right though. The point was to show how the comparison between PSO:BB and PSU was unfair. For FFXI fans, it is an equivalent of Rize of Zilart expansion.

Mar 5, 2008, 04:45 PM
I miss the section ID's where only certain rares would drop for you. It made those rares you find that much sweeter because not everybody has access to them. I also think that the shop feature is a little bit too much. I would like to see the weapons, armors, units, and boards taken out of shops. Its too easy to gain a ton of meseta and buy every item that you want. I hate the fact that if im hunting an item and im having a rough time finding it, i can just go search for a shop and buy the item instead. It takes all the fun out of hunts, which to me, made PSO a great game because you could hunt an item for months and when you finally find it, you feel a great deal of achievement. Anyways, thats my 2 cents.

Mar 5, 2008, 04:48 PM
Actually, I still have that aspect of hunting for months to finally find it. In fact, there's still a lot of stuff I'd like to get for which I need 5-6 times the money I ever had to get.

If there's one thing in PSO not missing for me in PSU, that's it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Akaimizu on 2008-03-05 13:48 ]</font>

Mar 5, 2008, 09:45 PM
at time of release scaled well with other free to play online RPG's
items where more diverse and frequently dropped, however sheer amount kept you coming back
styling was alot better
storyline was engaging
at time of released scaled incredibly badely with other Pay to Play online RPG's and even some free ones
items are alot harder to obtain increasing tedious grind just for a single item
styling was like they had stepped back in time not forward
storyline was anoying at best all the characters where made out of carboard.

over all simply for the main reason of "how good is the game compared to other games released at its time" aka what people rate games on. PSO wins

Mar 6, 2008, 03:19 PM
On 2008-03-04 15:42, Jinto117 wrote:
I wonder if anyone agrees with me on this. When Sega first showed the trailer for PSU back in 2004 at E3 I was estaticed to say the least. I thought to myself, "Finally! A new Phantasy Star for the upcoming next-gen console(s)." "Of course it was going to be online and it will be just like PSO but better!" This trailer is what got my heart racing with excitement.


Tell me you PSO veterans watch that trailer and don't see a completely different game then what we got? Even the people at the booth are excited about the game after the trailer. That trailer felt more in touch with PSO. From the music to the enviornments and characters it felt very PSO for a moment.

*teary eyed*
OMG. So THIS is what PSU feels like when properly mixed with PSO.
PSU has better technical/detailed game mechanics (for better or for worse), but still lacks the heart and soul of what PSO brought to the table.
PSU feels very dry to me. And I can't quite put my finger on exactly why. Though music, environments and art design plays a huge part of it as well.

*goes off to play trailer again....*

Mar 6, 2008, 05:33 PM
i like both PSO and PSU, but PSU is not a finished product yet like PSO. Once PSU have level 200 cap, ultimate mode (a chance that monsters made look different and also the area), and a few more cool looking bosses (not a clone please, >_>;), then PSU have a better potential of surpassing PSO much much more, IMO.