View Full Version : Help - Repeat function on ASCII Keyboard?

Jan 17, 2003, 08:53 AM
I was wondering if there was a way to scroll through previous text messages in PSOW on the ASCII keyboard and diplay them again. Like in IRC to name an example.

Here's an exemple:

- A new player join us down on ragol. I greet him: "Welcome to our team. Enjoy yourself".

- Then I tell my frieds: "I'm heading to the shops, I'll be right back."

- On my way to the shop, a new player joins the game. I want to greet him with the same message I used earlier. Is there a way I can display the first message without retyping it again?

On irc I would simply press the "UP" key twice to scroll to it and press "enter". I know i could assing the greeting sentence to a shortcut on my controller but I already assinged my shortcut keys to more usefull messages.

Anyone know if there is a way?

Thanks for reading,