View Full Version : AotI-XBox 360: glitch in the 360 my room??

Mar 4, 2008, 01:46 PM
Hey guys, kinda new to the whole PSU area so please excuse me if I sound stupid. The other day I was going back and forth from different player stores and my room buying and selling. Well the one time I went to leave another players store to go back to my room, I hit the guide button while it was loading to see who was on, and I ended up in someone completely different's room. It was one that I had visited earlier, but definately not mine. Has anyone else experienced this at all before? Thanks

Mar 5, 2008, 04:15 AM
Did you use join session to log on? The person probably just entered the room servers, and it took you to their room.

Mar 5, 2008, 12:08 PM
No, I had been on for maybe 2-3 hours at that point. The room that I ended up in was a room that I had visited their store earlier. They were already in their room when I went to use their store, but they weren't there when the game teleported me there. I don't even know the person who's room it was, but it was kinda unique so I remembered it.